
Rumor: Kingdom Hearts 3 Wii Exclusive

There's a rumor flying around saying the next issue of Nintendo Power will announce Kingdom Hearts 3 as a Wii exclusive. There's no way to validate this rumor until the next issue arrives.

"Square Enix's blockbuster RPG debuts exclusively on Wii. KINGDOM HEARTS 3"

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Vojkan5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

GAMESBLOW said this like 8 months ago, when fanboys attacked him for saying it.

Breakfast5858d ago

lol...Gamesblow has a cult following. That just makes me, lol.

hate_ps3_until_ffvii5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

in truth that image is fake


devian art. it has 4 pins on keyblade. i like kingdom hearts

but it shud be on xbox/

SUP3R5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

Kingdom Hearts on Xbox??
Doesn't even sound good together. :\

I say give the Wii a spin-off and keep the main series on the Playstation like they do with Final Fantasy.


Ok I've done some research and call full on bullsh|t for this image.

The image from NeoGaf claiming it's the cover of the next Nintendo Power magazine has Sora in the background and the magazine name in the foreground.


However Nintendo Power always has their character images in the foreground and the magazine name in the background.



-EDIT 2-

And thanks to White-Sharingan for this find
^DeviantArt 2007

jadenkorri5858d ago

on wii i won't mind since i have one, thou i really want to play it on ps3, i don't think it should be exclusive to wii, but then it would have to be on 360 as well,thou i don;t blame square, 25 million wii's out there...i wonder why they chose wii

iceice1235858d ago

Why do you use this account now? Why don't you just continue to use gamesblow instead of this one? We know it is you.

znu5858d ago

If Kingdom Hearts goes to the Wii
i wouldn't want it

I have clocked so many hours in KH2 its not even funny,
hell, i'll go play it now.

ice_prophecy5858d ago

I like your research and Reasoning!

Bubbles for you! ^^

Richdad5858d ago

but this game would be much better on PS3, bringin it on Wii will kill the series.

gaffyh5857d ago

Obviously this is fake, but if it does debut exclusively on Wii, I can see why (due to more consoles sold, especially in Japan). But I hope it doesn't it should be PS3 exclusive as the previous iterations were on PS2. If it isn't exclusive to PS3, it should be Multi-plat for both Wii and PS3 (releasing on the 360 makes no sense because it is a JRPG and it looks like a kids game with the disney characters, and for these reasons typical 360 owners won't buy the game).

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5857d ago
LaChance5858d ago

a waste.Maybe they dont trust in the ps3.Sales are quite low in Japan.

Looks like Japan is Wii land.

Wonder if next gen is ever going to take off overthere ?

5858d ago
LaChance5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

so many disagrees.
What I meant is that they think that KH3 on wii sales would do a better job than on PS3.

White-Sharingan5858d ago

it is possible but why change your game to a completely different fanbase?

Nintendo fans have never tasted KH other than Chain of Memories for GBA so why change platforms?

although production cost would be more, they already are having the experience on making Ps3 games with Versus XII


either way whatever console KH arrives on, it wont be for a long time, since versus is taking all their attention for now and how long are they into that game? 6%?

Mystery_Person5858d ago

Kingdom Hearts will never be on the Wii. If you disagree, you're a fanboy and I will beat you with a disaproving picture of your father until you die.

badz1495858d ago

HELL NO!! please, not another MH3 case! I'm a huge fan of KH and please say that PS3 will be the home of KH3 as KH1&2 was on PS2!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5858d ago
ice_prophecy5858d ago

has jsut died inside me... But but... i want KH3 >.<!

shahinmaki-san5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

uhm i a relly big Kingdom Hearts fan and this not true?. now i not live in japan but will go back after i exam

but many japanese friend of mine have said how they hate it that nintendo took monster hunter

i not think nintendo will take this becuase it will make many fans angry

Monster hunter is online gamme and nitendo is not online console. this true very becuase people can only play friends in wii version.
It may very limit monster hunter.



JVIDICAN5858d ago

you need to march into square enix and start ripping on them
id help but sadly im on the other side of the world =[

JVIDICAN5858d ago

yeah im starting to think it is fake
im going to go ahead and call it photoshop( a easy one at that)

5858d ago
shahinmaki-san5858d ago

Image has wrong keychain going with it. it should be have mickey mouse key chain

Max Power5858d ago

it will never release on Xbox because its xbox, a huge japanese franchise and developer will not bring that game to an almost exclusive US console. keep dreaming and enjoy playing the games that you want, except this one.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5858d ago
Spartacus5858d ago (Edited 5858d ago )

I can't wait! I'm glad that my Wii's getting more hardcore titles, and I hope they use the Wiimote properly instead of tacking on waggle.

EDIT: NeoGaf confirmed it's fake. Darn!

Max Power5858d ago

but still Link, please. thanks

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