
The Best Games of 2013 That You Probably Didn’t Play

GamePointsNow takes a look through some of the games you may have missed from last year

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CelticGamer3769d ago

Played DMC for about 50 hours. Never got bored of it. Great story and combat. Would like a prettier version on next gen.

timmyp533769d ago

I sucked pretty bad in in it so I finally completed it 100percent at 60 hrs.

Lord_Sloth3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

I'll give you the combat is...interesting and a step up from Heavenly Sword but to claim the story is great is pushing it.

Edit: And yeah, as Trickman said, differenciate between DMC and DmC.

Edit 2@ ILive You've informed me of nothing.

ILive3769d ago

That's why everyone has an opinion. Yours just happens to be different from his. I hope we learned something here today.

Eyeco3769d ago

It's a nice game but I have my gripes, what happened to the option to pick your Styles ? I loved that in the original DMC games it added a ton of replay ability as well as gameplay variation why is it missing ?

Also the last 3rd of the game straight up sucks IMO, the game loses momentum and it just boils down to tedious arena battles, facing wave after wave of enemies, another thing is the Boss Battles aren't too hot either, they are tedious or frustrating some like the Mundus spawn are all the above, seriously the Mundus Spawn is probably the worst boss I've ever played in a game.

But overall it's a cool game, not as good as DMC 1,3,4 but better than 2.

il-JumperMT3769d ago

DMC and Metro are free on PS Plus...so everyone played it

Dragon's Crown and Injustice sales speak otherwise

trickman8883769d ago

1. It's DmC not "DMC". That difference isn't negligible or minor either

2. DmC is not one of the "best" games of 2013. Get some good taste

Summons753769d ago

Yeah it definitely wasn't but you can't take this guy seriously when he also put Ryse on the list too....that game was all sorts of awful with a major identity crisis.

christocolus3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

Its a matter of opinion, you dont have to agree with it,so if you have an issue with the authors choices then i suggest you come up with your own list instead of attacking the guy.

Imo devil may cry was a blast, i enjoyed it from start to finish and Ryse was actually quite good too.

Summons753769d ago


Cool you may have enjoyed them but that doesn't hide the fact that they are a mess of a game. DmC has horrible controls, a story written by a three year old, and is really buggy...it's like Ninja Theory ignored all basics of game design and spat on anyone who gave them criticism OHWAIT. Ryse is really good looking but the controls are a mess and it's just put together awfully, you can tell without knowing that it was suppose to be a Kinect game and that the game has an identity crisis.

So sure, YOU can have an opinion that they are good but you are lying to yourself if you say that they are really well developed and make for good games.

BlueCroup3769d ago

I really enjoyed Ryse and so have most people I know that played it :)

MadLad3769d ago

Last Light was one of the best shooters of the last few years and definitely my favorite FPS of last year.

r213769d ago

Im replaying it now on PS+, whilst buggy a bit, it is such a fantastic stealth game filled with great atmosphere.

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Ranking the Devil May Cry Series

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Upon finally finishing Devil May Cry 5 recently - after it spent several years on my “I’ll play that soon” list - I considered giving it a fittingly-named Late Look article. However, considering that this was indeed the final piece I was missing in the DMC puzzle, I decided to instead take this opportunity to take a look back at the entirety of this genre-defining series and rank the entries. What also made this a particularly tempting notion was that while most high-profile series have developed fairly evenly over time, with a few bumps on the road, the history of Devil May Cry has, at least in my eyes, been an absolute roller coaster, with everything from total disasters to action game gold."

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VersusDMC43d ago

First to last for me...3,4,5,1,2.

VersusDMC43d ago

Me leaving it out should be telling of my thoughts on it. Better than 2 as a DMC game.

Still a good game though.

Exvalos43d ago

What a weird name, it's essentially devil may cry, devil may cry lol

Cacabunga42d ago

Best to good for me: 3, reboot, 1, 5

2 and 4 are trash, didnt like any of them.
5 has very good gameplay variety but i hated the foes.. it is just insects the whole time. Reboot has the best foes for me

Friendlygamer43d ago

3,1,4,5 to me, never played 2. 5 gameplay is amazing but level design was really disappointing to me, just a bunch of plain arenas, the story felt like a worse written rehash of the 3rd and the charater models looked weird ( specially the ladies ). Another problem with 5 was that there was not enough content for 3 charaters so I could never really familiarize with any of them

monkey60243d ago (Edited 43d ago )


God DMC2 was an awful game.
And in case this isn't obvious it goes worst to best

Yui_Suzumiya43d ago

1 and DmC. The rest are unimportant.

DarXyde43d ago

Order changes depending on your focus. I tend to focus on gameplay/fun factor, so...

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

I really didn't like 4 but commend Dante's weapon diversity. The retreading of old ground was pretty unacceptable to me.

But even then... Still more enjoyable than 2 for me

SeTTriP43d ago

This right here is my order as I thought DMC 5 was amazing and obviously 3 comes after 4 was great and 1 for the nastilgic value it holds 2 was so terrible that my local GameStop gave full refunds to people who returned it.

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5 Years Later, Devil May Cry 5 Still Quenches My Hack-And-Slash Thirst Like No Other

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Devil May Cry 5, the latest iteration in the iconic DMC franchise by Capcom, still holds its own as a fantastic hack-and-slash in 2024."


Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest Highlight This Week's GeForce NOW Additions

NVIDIA continues to add games to GeForce NOW. This week, Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest lead the charge.

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