
The Order: 1886 Gets Some Impressive New Screenshots

iGR: "2014 is a huge year for Ready at Dawn. They're poised to ship one of PS4's most anticipated titles with The Order: 1886. An inquisitive NeoGAF user poked around Sony Santa Monica's refreshed website (they're aiding in development) and found a couple brand new screenshots of the project."

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ATi_Elite3779d ago

Screenshots are cool but can we we get some gameplay video because I'm not 100% sure of the exact gameplay style.

can someone help me out!

is FPS or TPS or Cover or what?

PeaSFor3779d ago

already been said to be some sort of tps,

Xsilver3779d ago

they said its like Gears of war so TPS Cover based iguess

InFAMOUS13779d ago

TPS. No word on cover system that I remember reading.. Ride the hype train friend!!

SCW19823779d ago

In game informers special coverage on what they played they said there is a cover system in place similar to gears and uncharted.

Irishguy953779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

So what sets this apart besides the graphics?

Edit - Hmm, the setting does seem good. But I disagree about that setting it apart, many games have had unique settings, surprisingly the ones with the mo9st generic settings have been the most popular last gen. Anyhow, gameplay wise is it bringing anything to the table?

PeaSFor3779d ago


oh, you mean like Winback?

thekhurg3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

I still think it's just stupid that this is forced letter box format.

Will 100% cost them a sale and just be a rental from me because of it.

scott1823779d ago


It seems like it will be a very unique story and game setting. Not your typical game setting and story like so many other games use over and over. It looks like it actually has a cool style to it in the Victorian era, and very interesting protagonists. It looks a lot more interesting and unique to me than some of the most popular games people have obsessed over for the last 8 years.

GarrusVakarian3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )


The setting looks awesome, in my opinion. Very unique. I can't ever remember playing a game in 19th century London WITH supernatural elements.

We have very little to go on, but so far im definitely interested. The attention to detail on the character models, the setting, the graphics all have me wanting more. I'll remain optimistic.

Ron_Danger3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )


You must miss out on a lot of current tv and movies if adding the black bars above and below matter that much to you. It's not like it's 13 years ago and you're playing Resident Evil 4 on a tube tv. The only way it'll effect your view really is if you're remote playing on vita.

thekhurg3779d ago


I'm not going to financially support forced black bar video games. I want to game in full 16:9 screen format, not 2.35:1. It's stupid.

GarrusVakarian3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )


"I still think it's just stupid that this is forced letter box format.

Will 100% cost them a sale and just be a rental from me because of it."

It's not stupid, if the developers feel it's necessary in order to portray a certain feel or a certain atmosphere, then who are you to tell them otherwise?

Go ahead and rent it, lol. So petty. If you want full 16:9 then go and play every other game, no one is forcing you to play this.

ZodTheRipper3779d ago

Just stop the trolling will ya

Sure, go on "not financially supporting" it.

thekhurg3779d ago

@defense force above

There is no cinematic difference between 16:9 and 2.35:1 other than the omission of footage. You're limiting the field of view with 2.35:1

Imax looks better in 16:9 format, always has always will.

They're doing this for the sole purpose of reducing polygon count since they get to hide a portion of the screen with black to improve performance.

It's stupid - no reason to spend money on it.

yellowgerbil3779d ago

I think that first is gameplay without a HUD. Am I wrong? Reminds me of RE5 with the camera placement, like that point where you're in the alley fighting the chainsaw guy with all the crazies attacking.

scott1823779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )


Like what for instance, name a game that brought something completely unique to the table that no game ever had anything remotely similar to in any way shape or form...

Why even make that comment?

^^How is having a widescreen aspect ratio hiding anything or decreasing anything, where is the proof of that? If they wanted to cut polygons they could have easily done it by any number of tricks that even "next gen" games use.

I think they wanted to go with an epic, cinematic experience... imo

thekhurg3779d ago


Look at the screens. Imagine the game pulled back to fill in the black bars. When doing so, it had to render more - aka more performance impact.

It's visually rendering at 1920 x 800 resolution because of the missing lines.


NeoGAF thread on the matter as well. It's just a dumb idea for an aspect ratio.

scott1823779d ago

Interesting points made on the forum, I still like the cinematic feel.

starchild3778d ago

I have my eye on this one for sure. It looks great based on what little we have seen so far.

MRMagoo1233778d ago


"The setting looks awesome, in my opinion. Very unique. I can't ever remember playing a game in 19th century London WITH supernatural elements. " im pretty sure the only game that comes to mind for me with the same kind of setting is nightmare creatures on the ps1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... take a look at screen shots , its set in 1800s

abzdine3778d ago

only one of them is new and it's indeed looking promising. damn !!
Ready at Dawn i'm Ready from Now!

solidt123778d ago

there is a short gameplay video on youtube right now.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3778d ago
kingduqc3778d ago

Looks blurry more then fantastic to me..

DoesUs3778d ago

These are PS4 shots, if you want blurry shots play TR on the XB1, these show you you blurry in all its glory.

mo2413779d ago

FINALLY is excactly what struck my mind, but I expected more pictures atleast 4 or showing us more stuff than just gallahan or something and his team.
But it's better than nothing.

Atleast got some fap material.

o.o lol forget what I said

AngelicIceDiamond3778d ago

GOTY calling it now.

Game looks DAMN impressive.

Spinal3778d ago

GOTY? There hasnt been any gameplay. Screenshots dont mean sh1t.

I think people are hyping cause its a PS exclusive. I think Infamous second son is the best looking exclusive to come to the new console.

This game with no gameplay, gets nothing from me.

Rational3778d ago

http://sms.playstation.com/... here you go plenty more great screen shots from The Order in case you missed them.

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-Foxtrot3779d ago

I hope we get a story trailer before E3, I don't want to wait an entire year for new footage.

dedicatedtogamers3779d ago

Looks pretty grey, but R@D is a fantastic dev team, so this should turn out good.

MrDead3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

Not surprising it looks gray. London was filled with coal burning industry’s and homes in that time which covered everything in soot and filled the air with yummy smog.

Codey473779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

Haven't you heard....grey is the new brown.

Although, I'm hyped for this game. I don't find those screenshots as impressive as the title states.



Theory debunked and due to the fact they didn't have colour/color photograph taking iPhones back then.

Jesus christ, one negative point against Sony and the petty bastards click that disagree button like a Parkinson's sufferer.

I'm on the same camp...I apologise if I don't find those screenshots impressive...next time I'll lie just to make your purchase justifiable.

curtis923779d ago

Calm down man... disagree button means they disagree. It's not an "I hate you, you're dumb" button. Although I've used it like that in the past.

Kyur4ThePain3779d ago

You disagreed with the article and some people disagreed with you.
What are you crying about? Just looking for attention, aren't you?

MrDead3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )


Calm down young man...

I wouldn't call saying the game was grey a negative point against Sony more that the dev's have done there research on the time the game is set.

It looks like you need to read up on your history as London was famous for its smog in the 19th and 20th century which remained a danger until the Clean Air Act was introduced. If you ask your mummy, daddy or teacher to help you look online for any information on the Great London Smog you may find your comment needs revising.

scott1823779d ago

Maybe they hit disagree... because...... they disagree?

3779d ago
Codey473779d ago

@ MrDead
"An 1873 coal-smoke saturated fog, thicker and more persistent than natural fog, hovered over the city of days. As we now know from subsequent epidemiological findings, the fog caused 268 deaths from bronchitis. Another fog in 1879 lasted from November to March, four long months of sunshineless gloom."

Obviously, I'm not criticising the game for being historically correct.
It's quite obvious that Ready At Dawn used the smog plotline to enhance suspense...otherwise you'd see upir(s) or lycanthrope(s) coming a mile off...sort of defeats the object.
The images I posted above in my original post were allegedly from London in the year 1886.

The Great London Smog
"Not until the 1950s, when a four-day fog in 1952 killed roughly 4,000 Londoners was any real reform passed. Parliament enacted the Clean Air Act in 1956, effectively reducing the burning coal. It was the beginning of serious air-pollution reform in England."

I don't know if you've noticed, but I have a feeling the game is set in 1886 and therefore is not a number of sequels(If so, then I have to locate all the other 1885 games) ...I have no idea why you brought that into the mix..probably to flex your historical e-Muscles

If you really want to do your research the link below link you to every issue of the London Gazette in the year 1886(all links redirect to the London Gazzette's archives) Have a good read.

Oh, I'm 37.... next time people assume I'm burning incandescent with rage, on the other side of my keyboard, think again.... Just merely trying to point out the trivial nature of users on N4G.

ZeoN3779d ago

shut the f up dude you sound hurt inside

MrDead3778d ago


Just calm down, I like that the game is gray I agreed with the top comment. It gives the game a very imposing atmosphere, you never know what’s lurking in the gloom.

Nice research, you've earned a sticker. Just to let you know 1886 is in the 19th century hence I said "London was famous for its smog in the 19th and 20th century which remained a danger until the Clean Air Act was introduced". I live in London, I wasn’t flexing any muscle I just listened in history class.

MRMagoo1233778d ago

OOOOO cody got a beat down by MrDead lmao, then codey tries to pretend he is 37 lol, if you are really are 37 codey i feel sorry for any woman that may become romantically involved with you thinking you might act mature at nearly 40.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3778d ago
Ron_Danger3779d ago

Agreed Dedicated...

The thing people need to realize is that as games get more realistic visually, their color pallets need to also become more realistic. I love outside of Chicago, and apart from advertisements and company logos on buildings, it has a very dull color pallet. I hate to say it, (cause I'm just using it as an example) but when a game like Halo comes out and uses a pastel bright million different colors on screen approach, people will want all games like it to take thesaurus approach. That the problem with creating a fantasy world in a real world location.

Ron_Danger3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

Holy auto correct... Sorry for the typos (stupid iPhone 4S)

* I live outside Chicago

* take the same approach

pyramidshead3779d ago

We know it looks deliciously next gen....just give us gameplay now!

Duke193779d ago

Really like the art style, but not really wowed by either of those screenshots. Need to see it in action

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The Order: 1886 pushed visuals hard in 2015 - And still looks stunning today

Digital Foundry : Released in February 2015, The Order: 1886 was a stunning PlayStation 4 game at the cutting-edge of rendering technology, with visuals that still hold up today. The game's release pre-dated in-depth Digital Foundry coverage, something we're looking to address with this new video! Ready at Dawn's game never received a sequel and never received a PS4 Pro upgrade, but thanks to developments with exploited, older firmware PS5 consoles, we can now show you the game running locked at 60 frames per second.

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VenomUK298d ago

The gameplay was bland and extremely frustrating at times with unnecessary QTE combat at points. But the world and the lore and the characters and the story were fantastic. I’ve always wanted a sequel. I still hope Sony will surprise us one day.

shadowT298d ago

Sony missed the opportunity to acquire Ready at Dawn Studios.

Tacoboto298d ago

But... Sony didn't want Ready at Dawn. Clearly

mkis007298d ago

I'm guessing had 1886 turned out more positively they would have.

RaidenBlack298d ago

And let's not forget,
Ready At Dawn showcased The Order 1886 running on PC at 60fps at SIGGRAPH 2015

isarai298d ago

I still stand by my theory that this game just released at the wrong time. Almost every outlet spent a lot of time in their reviews ragging on the game for not being an online experience, everyone was in the Destiny hype train and at the time they wanted EVERY game to follow suit, bashing any game that didn't. If this were released after everyone realized how much that wasn't future, people would've appreciated it more. I loved it, and I'm always disappointed that we'll never get a sequel

Tacoboto298d ago

That doesn't seem to be true about outlets complaining on the lack of online. The review summaries on Metacritic are very consistent: Amazing graphics, but shallow gameplay and a very short length with little reason to return.

Here's an example of how *little* time IGN spent talking about multiplayer:

"With no multiplayer, and no reason to revisit the short and stunted single-player campaign once it’s been completed, there just isn’t a lot to it."

It's the final sentence. They don't even take the time to say "online multiplayer"

MrChow666298d ago (Edited 298d ago )

"Amazing graphics, but shallow gameplay and a very short length with little reason to return."
You are right, that's what everbody was saying at the time, never heard anything about it not being online.
I've been thinking about trying this game for years, I may get it now that it's dirt cheap, no big loss if it sucks

MrChow666298d ago

Oh, add to that bad enemy AI, I remember that from the reviews, I saw a video of a wherewolf boss fight with a very weak AI

thorstein298d ago

And there we glowing reviews for shorter games. It was one of the times where hating this game was "cool."

CrimsonWing69298d ago

Can you show me the reviews that rag on it for not having an online experience?

I’m not doubting you or anything. I’m just being lazy.

isarai298d ago

Sorry, not multiplayer, open world is what I meant.

Tacoboto298d ago

That's also fake news, isarai. Again, the game was consistently criticized for what it was (Pretty but extremely short, extremely linear, hand-holding, no replayability), not for what it wasn't (multiplayer/open-world)

isarai298d ago

Nope, every review uses the term "linear" several times as if it's some inherently bad attribute. Not fake news at all. Since then there's veen plenty of short and sweet single player linear games that get lots of praise, again after the reality of everything being open world set it and it wasn't as great as everyone thought. But at the launch of the last gen everyone had open world fever, and especially the first couple years "linear" was a con in many games reviewed

Tacoboto298d ago

That's your own contortion assuming criticism of its extremely linear design is suddenly a call for it to have been open world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 298d ago
zumlauf14298d ago

You totally made up a claim regarding an overall review consensus that isn't true. And, instead of just ignoring being called out for it, you respond with "oh actually i ment to say OPEN WORLD". Which literally isn't true either. You can't show us one review that bashed the game for "not being open world". And, somehow the other guy is getting downvoted. Over a bullshit liar.

isarai298d ago

Games were being criticized at that time for any game that wasn't open world or online. So yeah I got one mixed for the other, doesn't change my argument one bit that it would've been received better if it released later. People are agreeing because if you were not riding the "online and open world" hype train at that time, it was blatantly obvious there were biases in play for how games were criticized. Now after all that has happened since people want to say "oh wait these games were actually pretty good" cause they know better now

Rude-ro298d ago

The gameplay was very shallow and when one says repetitive, it is by the very definition for some fights. As in, completely identical but different setting.

The game has amazing potential.
The graphics, the lore, characters…
This could most definitely have been all corrected with a sequel and became a franchise hit…
Still would love to see an attempt.

Ie fantastic premise and moments that shine…
But it had its downfalls that deserved the negative marks.

thorstein298d ago

It was the "game to hate" when it launched. And right here, on this site, we saw people posting stories that were outright fabrications about the game. It was weird. The game launched, it was fun, a really cool game but the hate was too much. And so were the lies.

Minute Man 721298d ago

It was just too short....but I loved every minute of it....double dipped and grabbed the ultimate CE

babadivad298d ago

That isn't true. I remember people talking about how incredibly short it was and the somewhat janky gunplay.

KwietStorm_BLM298d ago

First I'm hearing of this. I don't know what multiplayer has to do with anything. The game was just dull. Amazing graphics, great narrative, great lore, boring gameplay sprinkled in pieces between cutscenes, and lackluster AI and controls.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 298d ago
anast298d ago

People cried this game was too short. No people are crying because games are too long.

isarai298d ago

Pretty sure everyone is complaining about bloated games lately but ok

anast298d ago

Thank you for the ok. I needed that.

RaidenBlack298d ago

Games like Ubisoft open worlds not enjoyable lengthy games like Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate III

anast298d ago

I get it, but people also complain about the main stories being too long or just games being too long in general because they are "adults".

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God Of War Ragnarok Devs Thought The Game Was "Not Good" Just Three Months Ago, Director Says

God of War Ragnarök is already being hailed as game of the year material, but it's creation was anything but easygoing. GQ talks to Sony Santa Monica's Cory Barlog and Eric Williams about the making of a PS4 & PS5 classic.

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Flawlessmic572d ago (Edited 572d ago )

Well those fears were misplaced.

I've put in about 8 and half hrs so far, finding every chest doing any side quests I come across.

The game plays amazing and looks amazing, Santa Monica have knocked it out of the park again!!!

Oh and yes the side quests are as good as the reviews have stated so far, have completed and honestly they may have ad well been main story quests.

Seems harder than gow 2018 aswell, so it's defs worth while trying to clear areas out before moving on.

Bathyj572d ago

It reminds me of ninja gaiden in the sense that even the lowest level enemy can kill you if you're not paying attention to what you're doing. He can't afford to straight around being cocky have to be on the ball

lucian229572d ago

On normal or easy mode? When I started the last game I started on hard. I was killed in one hit until later when I got stronger.

Made the valkyries a royal pain fighting for first time though lol.

Wondering if starting this on hard mode too is a Good idea

Crows90572d ago

Yes start on hard. From what I've heard lower difficulties start okay but then drop off to very easy. I usually play all my games on hard to accommodate that inevitable decline in difficulty as you get stronger and more experienced with the game.

Bathyj572d ago

I'm playing on hard, but not really hard.The one above normal. Seems like a good challenge. Died a bit in those 3 guys mini boss by the watch tower but doing well.

0hMyGandhi571d ago

I snapped my Ninja Gaiden (for the og xbox) disc in half literally 30 minutes in. Then went out a bought a new copy the next day, and then went on to beat it three times.
Good times.

Pyrofire95571d ago

Seriously, I was doing great once. Just in a flowstate. Then all of a sudden a single Nightmare kills me. smh.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 571d ago
ClayRules2012571d ago

That’s great to hear the dude quests are that good. Have a great time man!!

I cannot even fathom what it’ll be like when the wife and I boot it up for the first time…so anxious!

Jin_Sakai572d ago

Just started and I can already tell it’s going to be a masterpiece. SSM are an incredibly talented team.

Bathyj572d ago

It unlocked for me at 10.30 last night. I thought I'll just have a quick turn.

Well 2 and a half hours went in the blink of an eye and I got 4 hours sleep before work.

Crows90572d ago

What are you waiting for! Get back to work on that game!

Bathyj571d ago

I did. Got home and put about 7 hours in.

Gianoni33572d ago

Amazing game. Played for 2 hours and wow

ClayRules2012571d ago

Amazing and wow (for just 2 hours) I like the sound of that haha. Music to my ears!

Continue enjoying it! I’ll be playing later tonight, BUSY day ahead for me and the family, but we’re all itching to play😄

ClayRules2012571d ago

If I’m not mistaken (and memory serves me right) Naughty Dog thought the same thing with The Last of Us… And we all know how that was a special game back in 2013! So, knowing just 3 months ago they thought it was not good, yet their desire to hit “Perfect” much like their brothers (Naughty Dog) never has them take the easy route, still work so incredibly hard at their craft - being the veterans overall that this team is, along with I assume new fresh talent, this teams love, passion, care, fire and respect for this game and it’s characters etc. and their love for the fans (in wanting to deliver us a great game) really has, no surprise, paid off.

With hard work, the right mindset and loving what you do, respecting the art of games etc. you will get success. Sony’s first party studios continue to show this again and again. Simply unmatched talent.

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Sony Santa Monica Masterfully Teased God Of War Ragnarok

The trailer for God Of War Ragnarok was a masterclass example in trailer design, packed with plenty small details while still not revealing to much.

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darthv72625d ago

SSM/SMS/SSMS are doing 'god's' work... can't wait.

ClayRules2012625d ago

Haha, like what you did there with the “SSM/SMS/SSMS.”

I can’t wait either, SSM will amaze us all over again, and possibly break our gamer hearts😭😂ԅ 57;

ClayRules2012625d ago

It was a masterclass of a trailer, showcasing one of the most badass looking game trailers I think I’ve possibly ever seen! It didn’t give away too much, stunned us, hyped us up even more and showcased that this sequel could very well (I’m just saying, it’s possible, but I’m not saying it’s 💯set in stone) surpass the masterpiece that was 2018’s gem and masterpiece of a game, in storytelling and fantastic gameplay design etc.

The scope and scale of Ragnarok is reminding me of, based on this trailer, Uncharted 2 (not that Uncharted 2 left it’s linear scope and went wide linear, of course that was Uncharted 4) but in the fact that Uncharted 2 cranked up EVERYTHING from Drakes Fortune to Among Thieves to an 11 in its bombastic nature, gunplay, set piece moments, cutscenes, etc. and Ragnarok is bringing that here, in its own unique way, but with a more living, breathing world in certain aspects; which is so neat and welcome.

SSM has been silently polishing this game up and perfecting it to a level I can’t imagine, wizards, I tell ya.

I wanna see Sindri and Brok fight against evil😁

darkrider625d ago

One the best studios in the world. Only some that don't have a sony machine doubt in the quality of their work.

ToddlerBrain625d ago

The last one but better. 10/10

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