
Thief will not run at 1080p on the Xbox One?

Eurogamer writes: "Thuway, as you know the insider tied to rumor as the virtual helmet of Sony or the boost of 10% on X1 , did not make reference to the resolution of the counterparty for PlayStation 4, but has "confirmed" that the one for Microsoft's console will stop before the fateful Full HD."

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XiSasukeUchiha3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

So what is the resolution now i suppose!

Ezz20133782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

900p or 720p i guess

i think it's time we let this stupid console war end
Ps4 will always top xbox in gfx and framerate
so it would be much better if we all accept that FACT
and only look for games we like the most on whatever

Face Off sites will be much more pointless this time around thanks to ps4 being more powerful and easier to work with

admiralvic3782d ago

I would be happy if every rumor that the game doesn't hit 1080P didn't become a news article. These are early titles and it tends to take a while for games to really capitalize on the potential of the system. I assume most developers just want it to work and be stable and anything else is gravy.

morganfell3782d ago

Where were all of these "Let's just be gaming friends" people when the PS3 was attacked for years over Multiplatform ports?

This is next gen, the generation where the only video out port is an HDMI plug and people have a right to expect True HD.

Also there is this little thing known as comeuppance...

lolCHILLbro3782d ago

Didnt Thuway also say that Sony was unveiling the PS4 VR Headset aswell at CES? also if he is a legit insider, how come he has soooo much information on so many different subjects? maybe its media dribble for "breaking news" storys lol

LOGICWINS3782d ago

@Morganfell- Are you really holding a grudge...on the Internet...over multiplatform PS3 games being attacked?

Frankly, I'd be scared to see how you deal with real life problems if something like that bothers you, especially after several years.

pyramidshead3782d ago


"Where were all of these "Let's just be gaming friends" people when the PS3 was attacked for years over Multiplatform ports?"

Totally agree, if the other side can't take it they shouldn't have gave it out last gen!

MajorLazer3782d ago

It is sad how the gen has barely begun and already there are big gaps between the X1 and PS4. I think this gen will be a bigger gap, graphics wise, than the 360 and PS3

mediate-this3782d ago

I agree with you, one will always be a little more powerful then the other or more powerful, just play games, i have wii u, ps4 and xbone. Im currently playing xbone atm just cause of killer instinct.

But when the games roll ill play what is good on either aystem i have.

Ratty3782d ago

I agrew with Ezz2013 of course. I game on PS3, PS4 and PC and I hate the Xbox (any Xbox) but this needs to stop.


It wasn't any better back then but some people need to act like grownups in a world dominated by manchildren.

Game where you want to game and leave other people alone. It's not like you'll convince them their favorite console sucks by bashing it constantly.

PS fanboys, Xbox fanboys and PC master race are all really annoying people. Actually, the PC master race is especially getting on my nerves lately but that's just me.

ramiuk13782d ago

i have a ps4,really glad i chose it but im getting bored of hearing how amazing it is,i know its got alot more power.
lets just let either enjoy the games even though they look better on ps4 ,xboners will still enjoy them for what they are.

I just hope devs keep getting everything out of each console

ZombieKiller3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

They really should have stuck with the name xbox 720.

Just kidding. I couldn't help it.

As for all the PS fanboys saying lets just be friends....I have a PS4 and I am still saying that. We are all gamers, join us.

I was going to buy the xbox one but with the DRM, the policies, and now all these claims about 720P, I'm good. I fixed my Red Ring of Death yesterday so Titanfall is mine in March on 360...that's really all I want on the xbox.

darkesthour43782d ago

Couldnt have said it better myself.

OC_MurphysLaw3782d ago

I agree Ez... I have no issue with saying PS4 is a more graphically capable machine, nor do I have an issue saying that matters little to me as my games of choice are on a different system.


Not trying to troll or something but I am stating facts. If the xbone can't run a game with the aging old-gen Unreal Engine 3 at 1080p, then how it going to run games with the upcoming Unreal Engine 4 ? I see why the engine is taking too much time to be released because they had to adapt for the lowest common denominator which isnthe Xbone which means cutting more and more of its features. They began with cutting SVOGI, what's next ? Tbh this is very bad for next-gen gaming and it will affect (or better say infect) the other platforms which are the PS4 and the PC.

hellzsupernova3782d ago

Yeah, playstation 4 has the graphics race. No need to argue over it or make the xbots feel bad about it.

GribbleGrunger3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

I would hold off on believing this just yet, guys. Thuway hasn't verified anything. This site has just read his original tweet in which he is 'more or less' certain. Is it 'likely', probably. Is it 'certain', nope.

sinjonezp3782d ago

Bottom line is PS4 is the better solution for multi platform games. There is no denying it. Microsoft made a calculated mistake/risk going with ddr3 and esram for gfx memory. The esram takes up space on the chip and resulted in MS reducing the amount of gfx cores.Ddr3 memory is 90% less capable than gddr5.(link on.request) many people like to state that Microsoft gfx will get better over time, but with 50% less raw gfx power and a ram solution that cannot deliver the amount of data bandwidth, the conversation is irrelevant to compare. Microsoft needs to focus on.providing quality tools and.assets for game developers so they can get the most out of there box. There is no need to argue anymore, just focus on content. I do not dislike xbox, their first party content should be good, but when it comes to any 3rd party game, the choice is obvious, ps4.

mhunterjr3782d ago

People have accepted this as fact a long time ago. But with every game release we have to get another article like this one, that just gives the ps4 folks a reason to goat.

kreate3782d ago


'Are you really holding a grudge...on the Internet...over multiplatform PS3 games being attacked? '

Werent u one of those guys bashing the ps3 last gen? And ended up w 1 bubble for trolling so much?

UncleGermrod3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

I have to agree, I love my xbox one, and my ps4 is on the way as we speak (nabbed one from bestbuy online), but the fact is that we already know that the ps4 is more powerful. xbox one is not so far removed as something like the wiiU, but we already know the facts...so why is it such a huge talking point when we already know what to expect.

What I will say is that MS was touting 1080p and so they better find a way to help devs hit 1080 and quick, if it's even possible (I would think some of these early games maybe could have with some extra time).

Glad I have the choice of which platform to buy multiplats for, but for those of you who do not, please do not worry so much. My brother has ps4 and I have xbox one, and I really could not see a huge diff for BF4, ghosts etc. on our tv's (42inch and 50inch). The diff is there, but not enough to make you regret your purchase. I wish everyone would just relax with all this already!

nerdman673782d ago

Yeah, this is something that cannot be disputed.
X1 still has good games, its just weaker

dedicatedtogamers3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

Well, for starters, Mattrick (when he was still around) and Spencer and other Xbox representatives were at first claiming they'd be 1080p as well and that X1 hardware was just as powerful. Then it was "more powerful, once you add in the power of the cloud". Then it was "less powerful on paper, but we're the ones who invented DirectX". What's the current excuse? Something along the lines of "technically weaker, but we deliver the best **experience**". Goalposts continue to shift.

So, no, it's not just a matter of "teh console warzzz" and to dismiss it as such is simply an invitation for Microsoft to continue steamrolling its consumers. It is a matter of a company saying one thing and then reality hits and it's another thing entirely.

Microsoft just needs to stop talking. Whether it's talking abot "plans" for first-party games or talking about "investing" to be the #1 next-gen console or talking about how better digital prices are "on the agenda", they simply need to shut up. I understand why they're doing it - this is a classic case of "flood the airwaves with positive PR talk so that it dilutes all the horrible news about our product", but it's annoying.

silvacrest3782d ago

i have to agree, new game after new game is always coming out inferior on the one and superior on the PS4

i dont really believe it will get better for the one considering both next gen consoles are basically PC's so devs should have no problem using them to the fullest extent

NovasRevenge3782d ago

guess they should have called it the xbox 720, its way better suited to the name.

MightyNoX3782d ago

@dedicatedforgamers: I agree with you. As long as Microsoft keeps saying things like "The ONLY next Gen console" or "The TRUE Next Gen Console, Xbox One", these articles will always make headlines.

heisenberguk3782d ago

I agree but 360 fanboys gloated to ps3 fanboys last gen so they're getting their own back this gen!

-Foxtrot3782d ago

I hope people support the best version of all games because it sends a message to the developers which is thats what we as consumers look for...the best.

I hate the "Well my friends are getting this" excuse because at the end of the day you must be much of a gamer if you let your friends dictate what games you play. Your more of a sheep.

PeaSFor3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )


xbox lovers went apeshit with the "ps3 cant do grass" and others 20p difference from COD games etc, now that the table have turned.... "oh its ok since you see no difference between 1080p and 720p" ...double standards much? i remember a bunch of peoples trying to rub it into the ps3 owner faces with everything they could grasp.

DragonKnight3782d ago

The Xbox One version doesn't need to run at 1080p. It has Kinect...


MazzingerZ3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

Funny, last gen the differences were microscopic and despite of that it was worth full articles every single week but today when people pays more for a console that promises higher performance (even above PS4's!) thanks to "the cloud" and doesn't seems to be able to deliver that we don't want this info to be spread and let MSFT get away with their lies.

Personally, I do not think so. Everytime one of these article are published there are people finding this out for the first time so it helps them when making their purchase choice, it's not like same people reads these articles all the time

There are still people out there that wonders about the difference between DVD and BR...just saying...

starchild3782d ago

We've known the PS4 is more powerful for months.

On every videogame site I frequent there are only like 4 or 5 diehard Xbox fanboys that try to claim the XB1 is just as powerful.

Do those few Xbox fanboys bother you Sony fanboys so much that we have to have 10 articles for every multiplatform game that has lower performance or resolution on the XB1?
Do you really need to flood into each of those articles by the hundreds and bash the XB1 over it, even though 97% of us gamers already know and agree that the PS4 is more powerful?

The whole behavior makes no sense.

We all know the PC is the most powerful platform, the PS4 is the most powerful console, the XB1 is the next most powerful, and the Wii U is the weakest console. But that doesn't mean that there aren't great gaming experiences to be had on each and every one of those platforms.

Dehnus3781d ago

I can't see why you get agrees for this bullshit.

Engines have nothing to do with this. An Engine is mostly a middleware tool on which you can develop games on top of. Depending on what Art assets you load, the PS4 will also have trouble with UE3. Not because it can't run the Engine, but because it also has a maximum in what it can do.

morganfell3781d ago


I understand your core statement but it isn't necessarily true. An engine isn't just a middleware product. Middleware is successful because they talk to hardware and software manufacturers with whom they need their middleware to function. Many times engines are coded to run on certain platforms. Nvidia has a lot of monetary sway in this arena. This goes back a long way. 3D acceleration for Janes F15 was only available via Glide. Unreal ran better on 3DFX. U3 ran better on the 360 until Epic made engine improvements and better adapted it to the PS3.

As regards Unreal4 Epic has a longstanding relationship with MS that has likely come to an end. Mark Rein and Tim Sweeney have used over 90% of their praise for the PS4. That should tell you something.

showtimefolks3781d ago


true we don't need article after article stating facts that ps4 is indeed more powerful. A nd no matter how hard MS tries, there is a big difference between 720P and 1080P, with 30 or 60 FPS.

but than i say we had to hear it from xbox360 fanboys all last gen on how every 3rd party game looks better on xbox360 compared to ps3, so in a way what goes around comes around

indyman77773781d ago

Last gen people called the xbox360 RROD. If this keeps up people will call this one xbox361 instead of xbox one, or xbox 720P. I for one can't believe someone would design one of the newer consoles with 8 cores, and 8gig but not give it enough for most games to be 1080p.

Withdreday3781d ago


It'll never happen as Microsoft fans still need to justify their purchases.

Once that stops, the console war will end almost overnight.

SilentNegotiator3781d ago

"Where were all of these "Let's just be gaming friends" people when the PS3 was attacked for years over Multiplatform ports?"

PS fans have already gotten sick of bringing the point across and Xbox fans would rather lower the brim of their hats and pretend like they never cared about graphics comparisons.

That's why there's suddenly this mutual agreement.

shoddy3781d ago

It's pay back time

speedforce1313781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )


the current excuse is "Ryse looks better than every game" LMAO


"I still think Ryse is still the best looking game on any platform. Period. End of story,”

fanboybeatdown3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Yeah so I guess the biggest reason I am not getting a ps4 is simply because of the childish PS fanboys on n4g, that have, unbelievably, held a grudge from 2006 inflicted by n4g MS fanboys against PS n4g fanboys in 2006, carried over to 2014. Take a moment to think about that...

Today the 2014 PS fanboys carry the flag for the jilted 2006 PS fanboys that lost the glory of the ps2 days and were mired in the shame of the ps3 media attack.

And now, the PS fanboys are justifying their childish attack on other gamers and justifying their actions by referring to something that happened 8 years ago?

Is that a little bit sad and disturbing?
Yep. You betcha. It is wretched and sick.
It's bordering on religious fundamentalism. Problem is there is no actual religion - it's only corporations and gaming consoles!

I am guessing there are a lot of very lost and socially inept gamers out there that need the ps4 to give them reason to live... that would explain the religious fanaticism.

The sad truth is that N4g has collected the most insulated 'aspergers geeks' the world has ever seen as part of its core community. How else would you explain fanboys that camp out on pending n4g news stories to make sure their comments are seen at the top and rewarded with bubbles from the top heavy PS fanboys in this community?

Well done Ps4! Well Done N4g!
You have shown us a new low in the world of gaming.

Shame on you, PS fanboys, for continuing this farce and N4g admins for allowing this shite to happen.

N4g makes money off all the aspergers kids on here. Don't you guys realise that? You think you are winning, but you are being played.

Wake up fanboys.

snoopgg3781d ago

As Obi Wan once said "Use the cloud Luke" Ha ha the cloud will make the xboxone more powerful! Sarcasism included.

GuruMeditation3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

@fanboybeatdown socially inept? You mean like someone who would blacklist a console just because of the behaviour of one group of people in a comments section? And Aspergers fanboys? You disgust me. People with low-mid spectrum autism have just as much ability and right to communicate as others and, I dare say, you've come across at least a few intelligent people online who have a form of autism, you inconsiderate bigot.

Source: my son has autism and is still a great deal more intelligent than fanboybeatdown

nohopeinc3781d ago


"This is next gen, the generation where the only video out port is an HDMI plug and people have a right to expect True HD."

I think you not know the meaning of that word right. Intentionally worded all stupid like BTW. You remember how important res was back in the day when playing some of the classics. Like NES days, really good games but I was like nah dog I only play 540p True SD.

I agree XB1 is clearly under powered. I would hope nobody buys a console for the power.

morganfell3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Really fanboy?

People that live in glass houses...

Have you taken a moment to examine your own post history? Your very first comment (under that name) on this site was used to call PS4 supporters fanboys. Your writings are replete with teen angst over the rise of the PS4 as the dominant console this gen and you have the hypocrisy to brand those supporters in ill fashion while you yourself sling one poorly aimed defensive shot after another in failed attempts to protect the X1.

You refer to supporters in PS4 threads as trolls yet it is you that come into the threads of a console you hate (envy) and vainly endeavor to downplay the PS4 while insulting those there commenting on something they enjoy. Laughable.

All one need do is look at your post history. It is one bitter remark after another lacking even the slightest sign of something that others demonstrate regularly on this site - joy in their gaming hobby. In a way I feel sorry for you. In a way.

The undeniable fact is this generation will last for years and the domination of the PS4 will continue to grow. PlayStation Now will be huge and will only serve to widen the gap between the PS4 and it's competitors. These very early differences between the console versions are a harbinger of sorts and that message does not bear pleasant news for non PS4 fans that lived and breathed for the day when MS would really have the most powerful console.

fanboybeatdown3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

lol Morganfell

As expected, you attacked me, instead of reviewing your own history.
Hallmark of a fanboy.

the fact that you responded to the content of and replied to my comment shows that you are the exact type of PS fanboy that I wanted to point out.


Talk about walking into my trap, PS fanboy.
A perfect case in point PS fanboy you are.

PS. I feel sorry for you, PS fanboy. You are stuck in 2006!

morganfell3781d ago

Thanks for admitting your only purpose in this thread was to troll. That is just one of the many differences between you and I.

And it is you that do not look at history or else you would bear witness to the myriad of instances where I admit readily, no, proclaim loudly that I am a diehard Sony supporter.

You on the otherhand have only yourself fooled into believing you are anything but what your actions reveal you to be. And they have shown you here for you true nature. At least you are consistent in your trolling.

The only trap that has been sprung is the one you laid and then fell into yourself. If you could only see the public figure you have painted of yourself.

Yes it is 2006. The PS3 outsold the 360 worldwide from launch and here history repeats itself. The difference now being that Sony began ahead in total sales and will stay ahead while the X1 falls further and further behind.

Enjoy your imagined victory while I game away on my PS4, the most powerful console.

insomnium23781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )


"Yeah so I guess the biggest reason I am not getting a ps4 is simply because of the childish PS fanboys on n4g, that have, unbelievably, held a grudge from 2006 inflicted by n4g MS fanboys against PS n4g fanboys in 2006, carried over to 2014. Take a moment to think about that... "

Except it wasn't only the fanboys who got the PS3-people pissed it was the MEDIA. MS had the media backing them whenever it was doom on PS3 price, no gamez, BD is dead, etc.

I have personally never ever seen so much misplaced and biased rage towards a console as PS3 got from the media. Seeing that made me a PS3 fan for life. Seeing that and in addition to that reading all the MS spokespersons taking a jab at Sony whenever they had the chance made me pretty much hate MS for life.

The MS fanboys were nothing. It was pure comedy tearing their comments apart and seeing all their BS claims being shot down one by one. That has got to be the most bitter, juvenile, childish, insecure fanbase I have ever seen and it seems they haven't changed one bit. Mart atxboxkings (forgot how it's spelled since we called him mart) is the only big XB fanboy to turn around and redeem himself afaik.

andibandit3781d ago


Way to hold a grudge

Giul_Xainx3778d ago

2007..... lense of truth becomes popular. 2014 no one goes there anymore.... see the trend?

+ Show (49) more repliesLast reply 3778d ago
come_bom3782d ago

"Thief Doesn't Run At 1080p On Xbox One"

Not surprised...

vigilante_man3781d ago

Great sentiment from EZ above about let's just get on with gaming.

Did media and 360 fans bust PS3 and Sony because they had better looking multi-platform games - Yes!

Have Microsoft tried to lie to us all and try to convince us all the XB1 is as powerful as the PS4 - Yes!

I think if MS just concentrated on their strengths we could all get along just fine. Give PS4 fans their gloating time and lets all move on.

Great games are great games. Buy your console of choice and celebrate the amazing games we will all enjoy.

Just stop with the lies and BS about power and the cloud!

Unspoken3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

I think we should have more articles showing the difference between the PS4 and gaming PCs and title each one,

The PS4 won't run *insert game title* at 1440p and 120FPS!!!!

Then we can get all the PC fanboys together and claim how much faster their PC is with the excuse that PS4 kids are bragging how much better their system is over gaming PCs and how Sony lied to everyone claiming their PS4 is more powerful than PCs and how bad streaming games from PS Now is going to be because of the lag or compression.

This is all totally justified because how the PlayStation community is acting.

Or wait, does that all sound very very immature?

Arkardo3782d ago

Isn't the Xbox 1080 out yet?

imt5583782d ago


Quote :

Isn't the Xbox 1080 out yet?

Nice one!

speedforce1313781d ago

I don't think they can count that high. Given their order of naming conventions.

Virus2013781d ago

That rumor is false.


Thuway is wrong again.... but when has he ever been right?

morganfell3781d ago

Looks like you were wrong...

Felix3133781d ago

will it be native or upscaled 1080??

Edsword3781d ago

All we are saying is give peace a chance. Haha, I saw one post where someone was actually talking about sides! What in the world! Do you work for Sony or MS? Stop getting so invested in things my friends. Just enjoy what you have. If you have an xb1, enjoy it, it has some great games. If you have a PS4, enjoy it. PS fans, please rise above, even if you had to hear this all last gen.

GuruMeditation3781d ago

It's much too late for that. People ARE emotionally invested in gaming, just as some people are emotionally invested in sports. It's been a reality of gaming as far back as I can recall. I see no harm in it, just people supporting their platform in the most rabid way possible and, frankly, I find it all highly entertaining (just as I did at school when people were arguing the benefits of C64, Spectrum and CPC)

Edsword3781d ago

The harm is not from friendly jest. The harm comes in when people actually get depressed because their brand or team is not winning. I have a nephew who gets so emotionally involved in Nintendo that he has litterally been depressed for months. He is a little autistic, which obviously makes things a little worse, but there are individuals who just get too wrapped up in all of this. My post is for them.

tagan8tr3780d ago

I think some not all of this stems from days when consoles would tank 2yrs in "Dreamcast" The original Xbox barely lasted 4yrs so people want their system to stick around "Wii U". When people like something they defend it.

HomerJDog3781d ago

of course it maria again. this dude has trust issues that he has to keep trying to convince others to not buy a xbox one. I personally don't care I'm xbox all the way no matter what

Hyper_Tension1403781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Why? Whats wrong with playstation, cant hurt to have both right?
If the xbox one had the power of the wii u will you still buy it for $500?
(You said Im xbox no matter what so Im afraid you will.)

jgrigs093781d ago

@ Foxtrot, so now people who own Xbox One like myself, have to go out and buy a PS4 to get the better version? Sorry, buddy but I won't let 1 game dictate what console you should get. I know for a fact Thief and Watchdog will look better on the PS4. But what keeps me staying with the Xbox One, are the exclusives coming to the Xbox this year. The PS4 I'm not interested with the games. So whatever console you buy, YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE DAMN GAME. It's kind of hypocritical to say you you shouldn't buy the console because your friends have it. Yet, you say we should be supporting the better version(implying buy the ps4). News flash buddy, not all people who buy xbox/playstation have a hard on for specs. Some people actually buy the consoles to play with their friends who live in other states.

assdan3781d ago

My guess is that the ps4 will almost always have higher detail and 1080p vs 900p and there will be some cases where it's 720p.

3781d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3778d ago
HappyWithOneBubble3782d ago

Will there ever be a 1080p game on Xbone?

ZodTheRipper3782d ago

At least not with fluid 60 frames per second & good graphics I'd say ...maybe next year.

Unspoken3780d ago

I'd rather have 720p and 900p and keep the framrates at 60fps over 1080p.

By the way, there are quite a few games running at 1080p. Do some research before asking a question about something it seems you wouldn't know the difference about unless someone explained it to you.

LoL look how many people agreed with you, this site has too much ignorance.

ic3fir33782d ago

Need for speed, fifa14, forza 5, nba 2k, nba live,tomb raider DE,madden 25, max the curse of brotherhood etc.. its all 1080p on xbox one

Brianaro3782d ago

Tomb raider is not 1080p

Arkardo3782d ago

Games that don't push graphical boundaries at all, and don't say Forza, it's a racing game without night and day, no weather...

cyclindk3782d ago


It is 1080p, i just believe it has been rumored to only reach 30 fps as target as opposed to 60 on ps4, again rumors i believe not yet confirmed.

LexHazard793782d ago

Its not that its not possible but its seems as tho there is some bottleneck with the console. Does the Esram have anything to do with it? Also if so MS is in trouble. It seems like these games need more development time on Xbox One or something.

SaturdayNightBeaver3781d ago

what im wondering is , 1920x1080p or 1280x1080p like we had on GT5 ps3. :) no one knows.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3781d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

Yeah Tombraider, the new Aliens game, Project Cars and Dying light are 1080P.

EDIT: I don't people to get mislead the X1 can't do it. But it is troublesome its 50 50 at the moment and not constant.

The All in one vision was indeed a sacrifice of sorts.

TIER1xWOLFPACKx3782d ago

There's also a RUMOUR going around that dying light on xb1 isn't running at 1080p

mediate-this3782d ago

Yeah micro should have went with a more powerful approach

DigitalHope3782d ago

A few yes! Tomb Raider is 1080p on both systems, difference is 60 fps vs 30 fps.

The question is can X1 run 1080p at 60 fps? I don't think it's happened yet. I'm hoping they can achieve it and I'm sure it will happen down the road.

MS needs to clean up the OS and make it consume less resources and then I've sure X1 will hit that benchmark.

Hercules1893782d ago

We will just have to wait til their first party devs to take advantage of it. Halo is confirmed to be at 60 fps and I'm pretty sure they're aiming to go for graphics of the year again if Quantum Break doesnt do it. We shouldnt judge what a console is capable of from a 3rd party dev, they can put out amazing looking games but because they have to focus on all platforms they have a little trouble using the potential of all consoles

imt5583782d ago

Quote :

"The question is can X1 run 1080p at 60 fps? I don't think it's happened yet. I'm hoping they can achieve it and I'm sure it will happen down the road.

MS needs to clean up the OS and make it consume less resources and then I've sure X1 will hit that benchmark..."

In future memory footprint for OS will be shrinked. But OS is not the problem.

Problem is eSRAM---->DDR3, bigger problem is weak GPU - 16 ROP's vs. PS4's 32.

ROP's are the main reason for resolution. So, Xbone has 50% less. In Xbone's case, if you want to achive 1080p ( with a 30fps at least ), you must sacrifice AA, lightnings etc. In Forza 5, there was a massive downgrades to achieve 1080p/60 fps :


DigitalHope3782d ago

Thanks for the clarification imt

Hopefully they have a way to make it happen down the road, doesn't seem hopeful though does it.

Long live console gaming.

BX813781d ago

I agree, I think it's gonna take a little while longer before the devs get things going on the Xbox one. I think halo5 will be the first game to be 1080p and 60fps as far big games go.

SITH3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

It is clearly an optimization issue. Games that are optimized to run on Xbox one hardware like turn 10's Forza 5 proves the xbox one is capable of 1080p 60FPS. Forza 5 was made from day one for Xbox one hardware and that shows. The question is will developers invest in new software capable of running on Xbox one to utilize the hardware better. I am hoping games like the division will perform equally well as the PS4 version. The ps4 has consistently proven to be able to meet frame rate and resolution expectations proving it has a cohesive hardware software relationship.

MRMagoo1233781d ago


All forza proves is that to get a game running at 1080p with 60fps , they have to make A LOT of sacrifices. The xbone will be getting games at 720p with 30fps up to 60fps way more often than it gets any games at 1080p at 60fps, and I am guessing that the 1080p games will be last gen ports mostly as well.

Harra3781d ago

Lol the difference if you care to read. 1080p averaging 55fps on ps4, xboxone 1080p averaging 45 FPS. Don't spread fud. Now where is that 50% powahhhh again ?

Unspoken3780d ago

So true Harra. These kids are trying to justify their purchase because they were beaten so badly last gen, even though the PS3 sold well and had some great games, but they are acting like it was a piece of junk.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3780d ago
UncleGermrod3782d ago

Of course and there already is a good handful. Problem is that for xbox one to hit 1080, they seem to have to dial back the framrate, so games like ghosts etc. push for 720/900 instead.

I am willing to bet that multiplats will begin to hit 1080p for xb1, but that will be the exception and not the rule. 1st/2nd party games will absolutely hit 1080/60 but that is because they have only one console to work on and they can spend the extra time working with the eSRAM and such.

I am not computer scientist, but I am willing to bet it's not the gpu holding back xb1 (yet) and instead the ram configuration. Devs have an easier time hitting 1080p/60 on ps4 and then prob port to the xb1 and do not have the time/experience to get the full potential out of the eSRAM.

imt5583782d ago

Quote :

"xb1 and do not have the time/experience to get the full potential out of the eSRAM..."

DDR3 is the problem and it will always be.


mmj3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

DDR3/ESRAM is a problem but the GPU is the main bottleneck, your diagram should have the Xbone tap about 40% smaller.

AMD themselves agree that for 1080P you need 32 ROPS (which PS4 has), whereas Xbone has only 16.

Once developers start really pushing the graphics Xbone will have an even harder time reaching 1080P.

FGHFGHFGH3781d ago

I think the gpu is the problem. GPU = graphics processing unit. PS4 has something like 50% more graphics processing power. That is a big difference. The memory might be a problem too though.

awesomeisjayell3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

theres already games in 1080p 60fps Forza 5,Fifa 13, NBA 2k14 and Madden 14 so its more than possible devs will learn the architecture in due time.

jgrigs093781d ago

It seems like this year, there won't be. I don't think they have announced what quantum Break will be. But I think Halo 5 is set to be 1080p 60fps. It seems like multi-platform games are having issues, but hopefully after awhile that issue will be fixed.

3781d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3780d ago
Snookies123782d ago

1080p is um, kind of important... Sure it's not a deal breaker if a game doesn't run native 1080, but it's something that games need to strive for. Clarity is important after all.

bennissimo3782d ago

If 1080p doesn't improve gameplay, then it's not as important as people think it is.

I'd rather an uglier game that plays better than a prettier game that plays worse.

Snookies123782d ago

I said it's an important thing to strive for. Of course gameplay comes before anything else. I'm just saying, people shouldn't shrug it off as being something they don't care about.

ramiuk13782d ago

1080p is alot better imo,
the draw distance is clearer,more imersive due to it being finer detail all over.

easiest way to compare is on a pc where u can adjust the resolution and there is defo a noticable difference

FGHFGHFGH3781d ago

@ bennissimo

What about the same game? Having better graphics is not going to make the same game play worse.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3781d ago
Bolts-N-Rays11093782d ago

So f'n what?? The cheaper console can output a higher resolution than the more expensive one. That's f'n what.

yewles13782d ago

According to the rumor last year, X1 would be 720p while PS4 would be 900p. We'll see what happens...

DEEBO3782d ago

Not again ,well that settles it,every muliplatform will be on my ps4.Remote play and games just preform better.
I will just buy MS only games for my x1.voice commands can be done on both systems.

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The Epic Games Store Has Two Freebies for You This Week

From outer space to stealing in Europe, The Epic Games Store has two free games you might like.

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Thief - Taken From Us Too Soon

The Thief game series has had many ups-and-downs, and 2014's reboot showed a great deal of promise nearly a decade ago.

Notellin310d ago

This would be such a great franchise to reboot. A darker game than Dishonored, but focused around stealth and large scale heists from an oppressive monarchy.

That's probably my dream game. I love immersive sims and stealth!

Noskypeno310d ago

People say they hate forced stealth sections in games. But a game focused on stealth with good mechanics and level design feels refreshing from the guns blazing games which I also enjoy. I really enjoyed playing Splinter cell, a game that not many try to mimic today. Not too many games let you shoot lights out, or throw cans or bottles to distract guards. Sure there are games with stealth options like the new Wolfenstein but it doesn't feel necessary to play it that way. Hitman might be the only game that has that feeling, except for that Korean game that may or may not ever come out.

isarai309d ago

You should try the Sniper Elite games, so good, especially with coop

Notellin309d ago

Same here. I'm glad there are some other people who enjoy these types of games!

@isarai I tried Sniper Elite 5 and ended up really enjoying that one. Went back and played 4 as well!.

ModsDoBetter310d ago (Edited 310d ago )

The last one was a trainwreck and has been in the bargain bin since just after launch. If they bring it back, they need a massive change in direction.

Inverno310d ago

only direction they should take is putting it in reverse and going back to what the originals did. I couldn't finish this game, and I made a choice to never play it again. I watched a video about the og Thief and Deus Ex games and the current AAA standard will forever hold back these games. These 2 games alone had already solved so many problems with modern gaming that I don't think they'll get a chance at something great unless they're made by a dev that actually give a damn.

monkey602310d ago

Jesus the last installment sells at about 2 euro and even that is over paying for it. Absolutely diabolical game

SimpleSlave310d ago

Ups and Down? More like Up, UP, Pot Hole, Free Fall into the Abyss...

Rutaprkl309d ago

Thief Deadly Shadows remaster would be awesome.


Fanatical has four new bundles with 22 PC games to choose from on Steam

The online retailer Fanatical has not one but four new game bundles that should interest PC gamers.

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