
Metal Gear Solid 2 versus Battlefield 4 Graphics - The 12 year difference

A look at the difference 12 years can make in terms of expectations of graphics and how far developers have come with what they can and can’t include within our beloved video games.

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sigfredod3792d ago

Really, a FPS compared to MGS??? lol

Hellsvacancy3792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

It's comparing graphics not gameplay

I would of thought of a couple of better games though. MGS2 didn't look that pretty 12 years ago

Killzone 1 vs Killzone SF

yellowgerbil3792d ago

what are you talking about, MGS 2 looked magnificent when it came out.

Hellsvacancy3792d ago

Compared to the HD collection (which he's playing in the video) it didn't

mochachino3792d ago

MGS 2 looked absolutely incredible when it came out. The rain on the coat alone was amazing.

Did you play MGS 2 several years after it came out?

MGS 2 was a huge leap in graphics. It was the welcome to the next-gen moment. Especially considering MGS1 graphics....

MysticStrummer3792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

"It's comparing graphics not gameplay"

Graphics are tied to gameplay in certain ways. It's easier to make a 3rd person stealth game with little destructibility look great than to make a FPS with large destructible levels and long line of sight look great.

"MGS2 didn't look that pretty 12 years ago"

You can't be serious.

EDIT - Ah I see that you mean he's playing the HD collection version, but that just makes the comparison even more meaningless.

ape0073792d ago

"MGS2 didn't look that pretty 12 years ago"

hahahahahah MGS 2 was mindbogglingly extraordinary when it came out

the moment when u first play that demo (that came with ZoE2) will never be forgotten

MrCrimson3792d ago

MGS2 holds up even today man.

Inception3792d ago

"MGS2 didn't look that pretty 12 years ago"

Lol, if you said that 12 years ago, i'm sure a lot of people will reccomend you to check your eyes to the doctor.

Hellsvacancy3792d ago

Wow, talk about misunderstood, 12 years we didn't have HDTVs, MGS2 didn't look as good then as it does now in HD, that's what I was pointing out

Triella3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


I could argue that it's easier to push good graphics in a FPS or any first person perspective game than it is with a third person perspective game because it doesn't require complex animations of your caracter, and there's no need to implement a manual or automated camera-control scheme.

Bdub20003791d ago

I remember MGS2, back when I didn't pay much attention to graphics and it was all about great game play and an original story. Miss those days a bit...

Eamon3791d ago

Hellsvacancy, I don't think you played MGS2 when it first came out 12 years ago.

The graphics were phenomenal and miles ahead of most of its competition.

I would even say it was better than some early 360/PS3 games.

mp12893791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

even twin snakes that came out three years later looked great, it advertised mgs2 graphics. I could argue mgs2 (2001) had the best graphics ever for its time.

EDIT: nvm, i don't wanna argue anything, but i was also highly impressed by:
-Resident Evil Remake (2002)
-Gears of War (2006)
-Uncharted (2007),Crysis (2007)
-MGS4 (2008)
-Uncharted 2 (2009), Killzone 2 a few months earlier
-Battlefield 3 (2011)
-Uncharted 4??? (2014/5?)
-Lets not forget ps1 and n64 had mgs1 and goldeneye

Deadpoolio3791d ago

It looked good back in the day....MGS 2 hasn't aged well at all, hell it doesn't even look that good in the HD collection

grimmweisse3791d ago

I take it you are 12 years old!

kevnb3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

the hd version is just rendered at higher res, its the same beautiful game. Ill admit the ps2 resolution was pretty damn low, but it was good for the time and the hardware.

Murad3791d ago

You must have been blind 12 years ago, and that's not being offensive, that's telling you the truth. MGS 2 and 3 were nominated for breaking the Ps2's graphical fidelity, same as GoW.

cell9893791d ago

obviously you didnt migrated from PS1 to PS2 or you would have been floored by MGS2 graphics at the time. noob

SilentNegotiator3791d ago

I'll take those MGS2 graphics any day. I hate those unnatural looking lens flare effects and the dirty lens effects; design for function, developers.

Hellsvacancy3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Wow, sooo many stupid replies, it's pointless trying to explain myself

I didn't say MGS2 looked bad, I said the standard def version (from 12 years ago) does compared to the HD version that was released a while ago

I played MGS2 in my bedroom on a portable 19' standard def tv, played MGSHD Collection on my 42'hdtv

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3791d ago
raWfodog3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Yeah, I would have thought that MGS2 and MGS Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain provided a far more relevant comparison.

Now I'll go read the article...

Edit: After watching I see that he was comparing the similar environments such as the interior of the ships and the underwater sequences but I still feel it was a pointless comparison.

geddesmond3791d ago

Lol and hes also comparing graphics from 12 years ago even though he's playing the HD version of MGS2 lol. This is just a stupid thing to do.

Gazondaily3792d ago

Up next; Vib Ribbon vs Killzone: Shadowfall.

Lord_Sloth3791d ago

You sir have made me laugh. Thank you, I needed it.

GentlemenRUs3791d ago

That game needs to be remade and put as a PSN title! I could get back into that game again!

jackanderson19853792d ago

why not compare it to battlefield 1942 that's 12 years old

ThatCanadianGuy5143792d ago

Because that would make sense.

We can't be having no sense round' deese parts.

guitarded773792d ago

My initial thought... right after thinking that this is the dumbest comparison ever.

Murad3791d ago

I was thinking the same, or even games like IDK, GoW? I mean, MGS 2 did reach a new graphical fidelity within gaming, but so did games like Persona 3, and many others.

tigertron3792d ago

Wouldn't it have been better to have compared MGS2 to MGSV?

RaidensRising3792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

It's not a bad comparison if you actually watch the video and get over the fact they are different genres.

ziggurcat3792d ago

... and different POVs...

it's a lousy comparison.

Kiddcarter3792d ago

exactly what ziggurcat said POV is very important when you compare graphics, so just because both games have water and corridors in them doesn't make this a good comparison. whats next crash bandicoot vs next gen nba 2k, just because they both have jumping in them?

MysticStrummer3792d ago

It's a meaningless comparison.

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Rebel_Scum210d ago

I'd put Street Fighter 2 over 3. 2 and all its different versions dominated the arcade scene back in the day in a way that 3 never did.

Abear21210d ago

Agreed, Same with Metal Gear Solid imo. Came for Bioshock and was not disappointed. Would easily put Burger Time or Space Taxi over tempest. Also, OG Sim City and Oregon Trail. Mario 64 as well. Just too many!

Abear21210d ago

Never played it I gotta get on this one

Double_O_Revan210d ago

Me too. I didn't have a GC until way later and never played it. I've been waiting on Nintendo to release the HD edition on the Switch for forever, but they just won't!

FinalFantasyFanatic209d ago

I never bought a Gamecube, I've always had an urge to play this game, maybe it'll get a remaster in the future.

LoveSpuds209d ago

I played it on WiiU for the first time and it remains my fave Zelda game to date. So much character and a real sense of exploration without the open world bloat.

Petebloodyonion209d ago

Ms Pacman?
SSF2 Turbo over 3 simply by the 10000000000's ports of the game we're still having
Castlevania SOTN?
Zelda Link to the Past over Wind Waker
Super Mario Bros 3?
Chrono Trigger?
Resident evil4?
COD MW2 (the original)?
Uncharted 2
Metal Gear Solid?

Here's my reasoning for all of them versus the list proposed in the article.
They are still quite enjoyable from start to finish on their original platform, unlike some Wind Waker or Okami that are fun when you play the remastered version (unless you call: forced to watch a 20-minute cutscene or have to blow for wind chance constantly fun).
Some of them are the pinnacle of what the console could do (MGS, Chrono, MGS)
Lots of them are still considered the go-to-go game for their genre.

Shane Kim209d ago

Said it before but Heart of Darkness is truly a timeless gem.

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mskaline317d ago

alot of great memories here : )