
Steam Machines are here, but who are they for?

Last year at CES in Las Vegas, Valve finally announced its long-rumored Steam Machine platform, designed to bring the PC gaming experience into your living room. At the time, the appeal was obvious: a small PC that fits under your television and lets you play the thousands of games on Steam from the comfort of your couch. It even looked like a unified platform that could help simplify the notoriously complex world of PC gaming, making it accessible to a more casual audience. But one year later, the appeal is less clear.

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decrypt3793d ago (Edited 3793d ago )

PC gamers probably wont touch it not when they already have a PC.

This might interest them if they are looking for HTPCs. Though many of us already have those. Plus with an HTPC we already can play any game we bought on our main rig.

So really this might just be a machine suited to a newer audience looking to gain an entry into PC gaming without having to go through the hassle of building one themselves.

nope1113793d ago

Bingo. I'm clueless with PCs, i'm very interested in PC games, but i have no idea what type of budget i need, parts, optimizations, etc.

dsswoosh3793d ago

Take a look at any Steam Box......

They are $200 - $600 more expensive than the same specced PC.

With that extra money, you would be much better off getting someone to build you a PC.

You would still have enough money left over to spend on a lot of games / booze / sex etc etc.

Steam Box is pointless.

webeblazing3793d ago

but he said it what he looking for obvious he dont have someone to build him one and dont want to build himself, so hes better off buying this. i built myself many pcs and i think i might buy one later on. they are only gonna get cheaper if the price stay down and if it dont the parts will stay relative to the cost. im mostly gonna buy becuase form factor and the idea of it. i would easily buy a nice case that look good at a small console size. i already do that now. we have cases that go all the way from $20 all the wa up @200. it dont seem a big a deal to pay for the design and effort as long as they are not ripping me off. they have to make a profit.

i understand it people who rather build they self and thats the beauty of pcs. but i will support the movement of companies that care about giving customers a fare deal.

nope look at pc gaming websites they will help you good in your first setup. and if you dont feel like get on of the steamboxes and experiment with the components as time goes by.

have fun

FITgamer3793d ago

For those that are too lazy to build their own pc. I'm not hardware guy by any means and it only took me about an hour to figure it out how to put my first pc together. Not only that, but now i know the satisfaction you get the first time you play a game on system you put together.

TheKayle13793d ago (Edited 3793d ago )

console gamers scared by keyboard+mouse, pc rig configurations and os's

and pc gamers..bored of keyboard+mouse, pc configurations and os's

webeblazing3793d ago

i know your a troll but what the point in wasting your time post. im seriously curious.

TheKayle13792d ago

troll about what??! who should be the steammachine users ?!?!? if not gamers...wtf

TheTrooper3793d ago

It's a niche product. I don' tthink they will ever make a very large impact.

Sketchy_Galore3793d ago

Fat kids, skinny kids, kids who climb on rocks. Tough kids, sissy kids. Even kids with chicken pox.

GentlemenRUs3793d ago (Edited 3793d ago )

Snooty people, I'll stick to my DESKTOP PC thanks :)

$6000 for a steam machine wtfhehebbq...

webeblazing3793d ago

you dont have a pc stating that BS proves it

GentlemenRUs3793d ago (Edited 3793d ago )

Windows 8.1 64-bit
Intel i7-3770
GeForce GTX 660

488 Games on STEAM.

Looking mighty stupid now aren't we? :P

My point still stands... SteamMachines will never kill off consoles...

NeoTribe3793d ago

Im lost... what did he say that means he doesnt own a pc? He said theres a steam machine for 6000 bucks which is correct. He stated he will stick to his desktop. Im gonna do the same. Do i not own one now?

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Why the Steam Deck won’t flop like Valve’s Steam Machines

You’re not having deja vu. Six years after launching a line of Linux game consoles that went down as one of the biggest tech flops of the past decade, Valve is trying once again. Only this time, its Steam Machine dreams and unusual touchpads have been rolled into a 7-inch handheld PC that looks and works like a Nintendo Switch.

Here are six reasons why this isn’t Steam Machines all over again — and, a few brand-new reasons to be skeptical.

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Steam Deck looks great, but Valve’s hardware track record doesn’t

Steam Deck comes from a company with a mixed reputation for hardware.

Valve may very well have a hit on its hands — but many fans thought the same thing back in 2014.

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Christopher1047d ago

At least they're trying. They could just keep pulling an EGS. I think this is Valve's answer to cloud gaming, though. I don't think they want gamers streaming from the cloud, they want them on their storefront. So, if that's their reason, they'll likely support this more than they have past endeavors.

VivaChe1047d ago

I actually used the Steam controller and it was alright.

Kryptix11046d ago

Yea, this is a weird article.

It's an impressive piece of technology watching IGN's coverage on it. I want to say that the build quality is similar to Vita with the horsepower of an Xbox Series S and that's very impressive.

The only downside is the battery power. It's not very good and mostly meant to be played to fill in some gaps, but I like the idea of taking your "PC" to a friend's house for some side co-op.

John_McClane1046d ago

Same here, it's a well made controller.

Outlawzz1047d ago

I feel they want to start the new era of portable PC gaming. They said they would offer the customized steam os for free to any companies that want to make their own portable machine.

Somebody had to get the ball rolling is what I took from that statement lol excited for the future with handhelds since I'm a primarily handheld gamer.

TheColbertinator1047d ago

Portable PC gaming is a good direction for the future.

--Onilink--1046d ago (Edited 1046d ago )

While I applaud them for letting SteamOS be free for anyone else to make similar machines, its honestly not even remotely possible to get anywhere close to the pricing of the Steam Deck, which was the same problem that they had with Steam machines.

No other hardware creator has a digital storefront making billions of $ to allow them to sell hardware at a loss and just recoup the money elsewhere, or work directly with AMD to make the APU as custom as necessary.

So yeah, maybe we might see a couple of alternatives from other companies, but they will be even more expensive

Duke191047d ago

The hype around this thing is wild to me. It screams “new toy to use for a few months but then go play steam on my pc”

Ataraxias1047d ago

That's the thing right? As a PC gamer, you have your desk set up to compliment your experience - high end monitors, sound system/headphones, gaming chair, keyboard, mouse, etc. Once I give that part up it's missing a lot of the apeal.

Duke191046d ago (Edited 1046d ago )

For sure, and to people that will get their money's worth - thats awesome. I look at my steam library, and to ditch mouse/KB and play on a small screen... I would much rather go to a cheaper gaming laptop before this type of mobile setup personally

ScootaKuH1046d ago

No because my alienware PC is quite old and isn't really capable any more, I don't want the expense of getting a new PC for gaming but I also don't want to lose access to my Steam library so the Deck is the perfect solution to that.

MadLad1046d ago

I can make a lot of use of this, personally.
My work has me traveling often, so just even those plane rides justify my grabbing one of these.

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Thundercat771047d ago

We will see. The market is unpredictable. You cannot rule out the power of a platform with good exclusive games and even when I don't support Nintendo anymore there is no denying the power of its exclusive games.

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SteamOS Is Not Dead as Valve Focuses on Bringing Vulkan to Every Platform

Valve, the company behind the Steam platform, spoke boldly about its SteamOS plans in the past. It was all about creating an operating system designed from the ground-up for gaming and adding this operating system to hardware known as Steam Machines.

ILostMyMind2243d ago

Vulkan will become standard when the PS5 arrives.