
FuturLab Explains What it Takes for a Downloadable PSN Game to Get a Platinum Trophy From Sony

To help get some fan feedback on Velocity 2X, FuturLab asked their followers on Twitter if they want the PS4/PS Vita Cross Buy to have two separate trophy lists, or if a shared trophy list was a better idea. - PSLS

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Hakoom3799d ago

i disagree with the "large game" part :p
there are many many small games with plats
and many large games without lol

admiralvic3799d ago

"Platinum trophies are part of a ‘large game’ trophy set. Games need to have a significantly ‘large’ amount of content to qualify."

I see statements like this and then I see games like Hotline Miami, Sound Shapes, and Guacamelee! get a platinum. No offense to any of these games, but I wouldn't say call them were 'large games', nor would I say they have a large amount of content either (when compared to other games). I mean, Spelunky has enough content to match (probably surpass) Hotline Miami, yet the PlayStation version actually had less trophies than the Xbox version had Achievements.

iamnsuperman3799d ago

To get a platinum on sound shapes does require a lot though. Sure the game isn't large but it is extremely difficult to achieve

admiralvic3799d ago

1) No. Sound Shapes does not require a lot, nor is it that difficult to achieve. You just need to beat the game (not that hard) and then beat death levels (more luck than skill). I personally did all the death levels in 4 or so hours and roughly 40% of the people on PSN Profiles have the platinum
2) There are a lot of games that are harder and require more to platinum and or 100%. As I mentioned above, Spelunky is a game you can spend 100+ hours playing and still not 100%. The complete journal trophy alone requires a bit of luck (rare spawns, killing certain enemies, beating the FULL game, etc) and you will need to play the game countless times looking for very precise things.

Hakoom3799d ago

there are even smaller games than those you mentioned like wonderebook and walking dead.
the old trophy theory was like this
a game on disc = plat
a game on psn = 100% only

but now it changed ;x

admiralvic3799d ago (Edited 3799d ago )

"The old trophy theory was like this..."

That hasn't been true since 2008. Remember, the PlayStation 3 got trophies in July of 2008 and Minna de Spelunker (Spelunker HD) was the first (I believe, does it really matter?) digital only game to get trophies and that released in March of 2009.

The oldest theory I recall ever seeing, was disc games always have a platinum and $20+ digital games do too (Spelunker HD was originally like $35 in Japan). This changed when Call of Duty Classic got a platinum, since that game was only $15. This then changed again, when destruction derby or something like that released, since it had a platinum and cost like $6. This also changed yet again when Kung Fu Rider came out, as it had a retail release, but didn't have a platinum. The theory then changed to Move games don't get a platinum, but that was also disproven over time. We then had Touch My Katamari, which was a Vita retail game that didn't have a platinum either. I think this made people worried the Vita wouldn't have many games with platinums, though that was thrown out the window shortly after.

The only thing that has remained consistent, is that there is no consistency. During some stuff I can't talk about, I was told that all the trophies have to be obtainable for a game to pass Sony testing. As we already know, games like Hotline Miami had impossible to obtain trophies, yet was still released on the PlayStation Network. I was also told that the platinum must be obtainable without any additional content, yet Army of Two the 40th Day had a trophy that required free DLC, so that is another rule that doesn't seem that iron clad either.

In the end it really doesn't matter, but I would prefer knowing what XYZ happens as opposed to being completely confused by some games getting a platinum and others not.

Hakoom3799d ago

but at that time we had very less psn games with a plat..
but now they are lots

imo every game has to have a plat.. no matter how big or small it is..
i finish 100% it has to pop a plat..

in the end i could tell you sony doesnt really care about trophies..
many games are unplatable atm.. (closed servers/glitches)
i just wish sony payed more attention to trophies.. :(

Mr Pumblechook3799d ago (Edited 3799d ago )

@admiralvic. Just to correct you, the first PS3 game to get trophies was Super Stardust, a digital download game. The first blu-ray game to get trophies was Uncharted: Drake's Fortune via a post launch patch. I know because I played the hell out of both of them!

admiralvic3798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )

@ Mr Pumblechook

Just to correct you, I wrote this at like 6 am in the morning and I meant to say a platinum. Considering this is the subject, it was in reply to his theory and a number of other things, it was obvious I made an error. I would have fixed it, but you have to catch errors within 15 minutes or you can't edit them on N4G.

@ Hakoom

A lot of achievement lists are the same way. The only way to prevent it is to ban online trophies, but I don't think Sony would do that.

Mr Pumblechook3798d ago

@admiralvic I completely understand that you made a minor error and were unable to correct it because of the time limit on the website editing system. It wasn't obvious to me what you 'meant' to say, I just commented on what you did say. No harm done! :)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3798d ago
isa_scout3799d ago

I completely agree. I got the plat for Resogun in two days , and even though the game was awesome, it was short and there wasn't much content to be had.

Necro_5593799d ago

Resogun has a Plat. Thats not a "large game". Its an arcade game, not different then Dont Starve. So, i dont know about this.

ruefrak3799d ago

If Book of Spells and The Walking Dead can both have platinums just for finishing the game, then other games with much more difficult to achieve trophies should have them as well.


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Skuletor2h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.