
PS4 Available at Amazon for January 10th Restocking, Hurry While Supplies Last

If you happened to miss the massive pre-Christmas restocking of the PS4 that kept Sony’s console available in standalone and bundle forms for nearly 24 hours (and skyrocketing to the top of the bestsellers list), you again have the chance to own a shiny new PS4 as Amazon has just kinda restocked their supply of PS4 consoles. - PSLS

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Sev3804d ago

Still a few days to wait before it'd ship, but securing a PS4 is a good thing no matter how you slice it.

I haven't seen ANY in stores. However, I've seen packed shelves of Xbox One consoles at Best Buy, GameStop and Target. That said, I can't say if MS is just doing a better job at staying restocked, or if PS4 demand is really that much higher.

Sevir3804d ago

It's such a difficult situation to assess, because we know both machines are hot items this season, but when you see no PS4s and Stacked XBO boxes it makes you wonder if MS has a better supply chain, or do more people want the PS4 so XBOs are ignored while people wait to purchase a PS4 the second they restock.

Eonjay3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

Good question. I have pondered this myself. Even if Microsoft has a better supply chain, the PS4 has still sold more. Therefore, I think that it is clear that Sony could not have adequately prepared. Remember, they sold more PS4s than Xboxs, so without knowing what Microsoft supplied, it can even be assumed that Sony actually supplied more stock.

Or as Amazon would say:

"Every PS4 every created has been purchased."

mikeslemonade3804d ago

Well it's pretty clear, Sevir.

On Amazon the demand is growing with resell value going up $15 since I last saw it 2 days ago. While Xbox One is in stock for almost 2 weeks straight in a lower ranking with the arrow pointed down.

Furthermore, with the weekly sales updates it only confirms which one is the hot item. With WiiU outselling Xbox One while both systems are in stock. The only thing Microsoft has done well is manufacture the system at a fast rate just like the PS4 is.

mikeslemonade3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

It's gonna be a while before PS4 supply-chain meets demand with the resell value currently at $520. $120 over the the MSRP.

malokevi3804d ago

Probably a happy mix of the two. I imagine it isn't so cut/dry. More supply of X1s, more demand for PS4s. Bound to be X1s on the shelf in that scenario. It's not like nobody is buying them.

Boody-Bandit3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

Sold out already or am I missing something?

Nope. Double checked.
It's sold out already.
The demand for the PS4 is simply insane.

eferreira3804d ago

they're both selling well but I've only seen xbox's in stock at almost every retail store I've been and no PS4's.

This is in Canada btw

Ashunderfire863804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

No PS4 has the better supply chain. Just look how much PS4s sold compared to Xbox one. Those Xbox Ones are in stock from when it first launched. Have you wonder why Microsoft is promoting Xbox One sweeptakes in Mcdonalds, and that 2 minute Doritos sweeptakes? They are desperate to get those Xbox Ones in most households as possible. Face it man Xbox One is too expensive for people. Plus your already paying more than $600 with a Xbox Live, and a game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3804d ago
GraveLord3804d ago

Give it till the middle of January. The holidays are over and Sony should be able to better meet demand now that it is lower.

vigilante_man3804d ago

PS4 demand is just so high. Especially here in the UK.

Top retailers Amazon and ShopTo are out of PS4s (apart from really high priced options) but the XB1 is in stock on most bundles.

They cannot make the PS4 fast enough. Bottom line - if you want a XB1 you will easily find one in stores and online. If you want a PS4 get in there quick when stocks are replenished or wait in line...

Hands up who really thought the PS4 would be so damn popular?

Regis3804d ago

I didn't preorder one but I was able to get knowing that my gamestop will have extras. That night about 120 or so was sold. I was the first person at that GS to walk out with the PS4 and been loving it ever since. Now I need new games to play March can't come quick enough now.

Eonjay3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

"Update: And, moments after being available, it’s sold out. Sorry."

Wow O_O

evilbart3804d ago

No it's amazon UK and it's the bundle which includes killzone it is still available for jan 10th shipping

BitbyDeath3804d ago

I saw one on a shelf at a Big W store yesterday, it was gone when I walked past again 10 mins later.

They don't last long.

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A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.


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dennis6101990leon2h ago

This is very inspiring. Thanks for the sharing this kind of informative post.

gold_drake10m ago

i hate that limitedrungames does it, they always charge double for europe shipping.