
nDreams Announce PlayStation 4 Exclusive Development

UK development studio nDreams has today announced development on a PlayStation 4 exclusive title. Very few details are available at present though the team promise that more will be revealed in the new year.

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amiga-man3811d ago

with the PS4 set to become the dominant platform I wonder how many other studios will devote their time exclusively to the PS4?

Great times ahead for the PS4

fear883811d ago

This is not surprising. Ndreams are the developers of multiple spaces and games in PS Home.

joab7773811d ago

I want them to bring home over. I always dreamed of turning on my ps(4) & loading straight into my virtual bedroom if its morning or living room at night. From there u can do whatever. U get a shelf that portrays trophies, Games could offer outfits or items for doing things in game. Now with the share capabilities so much is possible too. But I think with the memory increase, it is possible for a seemless load in...could b really cool. Maybe its set up so u can have a group of friends that live in the same neighborhood etc. Its the next step of online social interaction.

fattyuk3810d ago

never understood this need for shelves or "trophy room."

I've got about 1800 trophys and that not a lot compared to some trophy fans, so these teophy rooms would be nothing more than a library - and we already have a library of trophies on our profiles on 3 platforms

MestreRothN4G3810d ago

What if you had 3d models of those Demon's Souls trophies and could highlight chosen trophies on your stand between the thousands?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3810d ago
creatchee3811d ago

I dunno... The PS3 got plenty of support while the Wii and 360 were dominating it early in the generation.

BALLBAGS3811d ago

are the Xbox One or wii u dominating the ps4?

argument null and void

Senzazu3811d ago


I think that he's trying to say that while it seems all great and all atm it might change in the coming years.


All the games they made look like shite, however the tech demo Spacewrecks seems interesting:


360ICE3811d ago

Wii and 360 got more support than PS3 early in the generation. It wasn't before the end of 2007 that PS3 started getting some of its bigger post-launch exclusives, and it really didn't hit the throttle properly before 2008. There was a time when even the JRPG front seemed to belong to 360 with Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean and Blue Dragon.

creatchee3811d ago


I was replying to amiga-man, who stated "with the PS4 set to become the dominant platform I wonder how many other studios will devote their time exclusively to the PS4?"

My point was that even though a console is outsold by another or others, there is still support for it - especially early. My argument is plenty valid.

scott1823811d ago


Actually many devs were outspoken about how much they disliked the PS3 for one reason or another. It didn't get nearly the third party love the 360 did, valve was a good example. It wasn't until the PS3 started gaining ground on the 360 that devs changed their tune greatly. It was interesting to watch, I guess people don't remember how much hate the ps3 got for a quarter of it's life cycle.

DOMination-3810d ago

Yeah umm I really don't think things will change. Ps4 is ahead now and is clear that it will stay that way.

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TheFallenAngel3811d ago (Edited 3811d ago )

It's very popular right now. Developers want to be with the popular console.

Very very true. I reckon MS was telling developers about how the xbone as going to outsell the ps4 just to get them and then they gave them a fat check.

sarcastoid3811d ago

Well, unless MS writes you a fat check.

GribbleGrunger3811d ago (Edited 3811d ago )

The thing is though, it's going to have to be a rather fat cheque, and it's likely to get fatter over the coming months. Are MS shareholders going to like it? We'll see.

sarcastoid3811d ago

Probably not as many as you'd think. It's not like the XB1 is failing. It's selling a lot too, just not as much. If the Xb1 was failing like the Wii U then I think PS4 exclusivity would be more prominent.

Emrage3811d ago

it will once it hits 5m it wont sell

TrueJerseyDevil3811d ago

Microsoft doesn't have the studios that sony has. They can't even compete on the studio exclusive level

MegaRay3811d ago

And I was wondering where that garbage smell comes from

JackISbacK3811d ago

i dont give the damn about these conole wars and your fanboyism of who ever domineates ,continue mocking your shit and what i will be play is games ,companies dont matters to me but both conoles are great and amazing becasue i dont use to play companies ,keep popularising your greatness ,while than i will have fun with greatness and my all in one and will jump ahead which are ps4 and xb1 .

webeblazing3811d ago

i think if they havent notice themselves trolling in the other 1000s of articles on this site, i doubt the will notice theyre fanboys now.

sonic9893811d ago

lets see what we will get from them

hellzsupernova3810d ago

Alright but let's not get too excited here, they make a bunch of playstation home items, a oculus rift falling thing, a handful of mobile games and a tech demo.

They have done nothing worth getting excited for, hopefully this could be their breakout success

Mister_Dawg3810d ago

Set to become the dominant platform?
Both consoles have barely even been out of the starting gates.
Don't get ahead of yourself dude.

stragomccloud3810d ago

Probably only smaller studios that can't afford to spread development out across multiple consoles.

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Mr_cheese3811d ago

Their home content was great, will be interesting to see the talent transfer into a standalone title .also, very nice to see more ps4 support

HammadTheBeast3811d ago

The one with the balloons and cloud was the only one I genuinely explored.

I don't know, Home just feels hollow to me.

Infamous2983811d ago

Hopefully it will be done right this time.

KratosSaveUs3811d ago

Please don't let it he another indie. We are getting too many of those as is.

WeAreLegion3811d ago

Do you understand what "indie" means?

Sevir3811d ago

Insomniac, Quantic Dream, Epic Games, CDPRed, Ninja Theory, Bungie. Indie means independent, without a publisher their are BIG AAA independent studios and then their are small Independent studios.

Yes I understand what you mean when you say indie, but its quite silly to be so broad, Just say you hope its not a small studio title since you want an AAA exclusive.

HammadTheBeast3811d ago

Here's an indie: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Indie just means an independent developer. Has nothing to do with quality, although they generally are smaller games.

KratosSaveUs3811d ago

Well indies like No Mans Sky,Rime, Shadow of the Beast,and Outlast are indies I'm looking forward to.

BitbyDeath3811d ago (Edited 3811d ago )

Resogun is one of the highest rated games of this generation and is indie, Journey won GOTY last year and is indie.

Nothin wrong with indie games

AndrewLB3810d ago

Who gave Journey GOTY? If you're referring to Gamespot... keep in mind this year they gave it to the new Zelda game on 3ds. LoL!

BitbyDeath3810d ago


According to here 6 different places - http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

Including GameSpot, IGN, and Joystiq

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cubehouse3811d ago (Edited 3811d ago )

Original source of the news: http://www.ndreams.com/stak...

(also, press release/letter never mentioned the word "exclusive" anywhere. Not sure where that bit came from)

Mikey322303811d ago

Maybe its implied.

nDreams has been exlcusive to sony all last gen, especially for PS home content.

hellzsupernova3810d ago

Nope. They made several mobile games and an oculus rift game

AndrewLB3810d ago

Who the hell disagreed with hellzsupernova? See... that's one of the things about this site that some people are so blinded by their love for whatever company it may be that they can't see reality.

It clearly says on nDreams (who nVidia should sue trademark infringement) made stuff for iOS, Oculus, Tablet, and PC.

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Ghostbusters VR Studio nDreams Fully Acquired by Aonic

British Ghostbusters VR studio nDreams has been fully acquired by video gaming group Aonic for $110 million.

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Profchaos195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Ndreams also made the really solid game synapse one of my favourite VR games to date. I hope this serves then well


NDreams's first acquisition is Shooty Fruity developer Near Light

Virtual reality developer and publisher NDreams has made its first acquisition, picking up Brighton-based Near Light for an undisclosed sum.

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Next-Gen PSVR2 Announcement from nDreams Incoming

nDreams : Four down, two to go... 👀

2022 has been HUGE for us already but we're not done yet! 😱 We've got two more titles to announce in the coming months, including our first next-gen VR title for PS VR2...

SullysCigar766d ago

These guys have made consistently great VR games, even with the earlier tech. Can't wait to see what they have planned for next gen VR.

766d ago
Azurite766d ago

Current gen is called "next gen" because it's hard to find PS5s at normal prices.

traumadisaster766d ago

I’m not completely opposed to that view, no reason for the down votes. With this being the hardest gen ever to secure hardware there is merit in your thinking.

SullysCigar766d ago

Well, I am opposed to that view and there's a good reason for the down votes. With PSVR being the first gen, PS VR2 - particularly in regards to the massive advancements to the tech - is next-gen VR, which was the point in the title.

If it wasn't clear from the title alone, it was certainly clear in the article description, where it says "next-gen VR title".

Not trying to sound harsh, just having fun riffing on the reply above.

Babadook7765d ago (Edited 765d ago )

‘PS VR2 - particularly in regards to the massive advancements to the tech - is next-gen VR, which was the point in the title.”

Dead on. Even if next gen becomes current Gen at launch. Psvr2 has NOT launched yet.

EvertonFC766d ago (Edited 766d ago )

I'm guessing late June for Sony's event, probably a week or 2 after Xbox event ?
19th June maybe ?

S2Killinit765d ago

Already! Nice. Honestly I can’t wait for this device.