
Sony’s Andrew House comments on third-party exclusives for PS4

Andrew House made a few comments about third-party exclusives for the PS4 next-generation system.

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colonel1793820d ago

I wish Sony had third party exclusives again. They had a lot of them in the PS2 era, and even though it's harder to get developers to agree to an exclusive title, I hope Sony can make them happen this generation. Microsoft has tons of money to waste, but maybe if the PS4 sells much better than the Xbox One, they can get deals happen.

pyramidshead3820d ago

If I'm honest I highly doubt we'll see major third party exclusives on PS4. I think Sony would rather sink money into their first party instead.

Sony has the advantage of having a wealth of studios.

Microsoft has the advantage of having wealth to buy exclusives.

tarbis3820d ago

It will like how the PS3 now is being flooded by exclusives from both west and east.

come_bom3820d ago

Are you that selfish ? Will you enjoy the game more if it's a 3rd party exclusive ? Let other people enjoy the game. I'm against 3rd party exclusives.

JunoDivided3820d ago

But if it is exclusive it is best for the developers to make the best game they can make... That is why I believe it is good Titian Fall (at least the first one) is good to be exclusive because they have a small team working on it so it can be a better game.

colonel1793820d ago

It's not about being selfish. It's about taking advantage of the hardware.

LKHGFDSA3820d ago

I think it makes a difference what platform the game is developed for, you can tell when a PS3 game was made on the 360. I can only imagine exclusives for the PS4 would make greater use of exclusive features and capabilities.

TI_213820d ago

If the devs didn't cripple the input to match all those controllers I'd be completely fine with it. However that just isn't the case, just take a look at the PS4 version of BF4.

They didn't make use of the touchpad at all, even though there are a ton of PC exclusive inputs which would have fitted the touchpad control very nicely.

theDivision3820d ago

The only thing I enjoy about an exclusive is the ability for the studio to maximize the games potential. Besides that I agree I don't really like exclusives.

mp12893819d ago

@JunoDivided. Titanfall is different because its not actually exclusive. They still need a team for the pc and 360 version.

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Catoplepas3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

They still have a considerable amount. Hell, this year alone there's been at least 5 I can think of. 2014 is inundated with them.

I'm not trolling, but that's one of the reasons I stick with Sony. A hefty 3rd party exclusive library is just a given. It requires no stipends, coercion, or prodding on their part.

D-riders3820d ago

noooooo MS doesn't have tons of money to waste on video games, this isn't true.
Possibly the biggest lie since xbox induction. MS does not have tons of money to throw at their game division. No matter how much money they have,the games industry doesn't have open access to that.
They have a budget that is underneath,higher executives, stock holders and a whole mess of other people to go through to get access to money.
Xbox isn't in a position to have constant years like n64 and Gamecube for Nintendo. Two consoles that were shit in sales.
Its not like MS can just keep pouring money into their game division. Hell the company division is facing closure if they don't produce.

why do you think you are seeing statements That's say its good for the industry if xbox and ps4 does good. MS wasn't saying that shit when they had a 13 million lead in the US. They were cocky as sh1t.

DigitalRaptor3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Shenmue. That is all.

There's already buzz around PS4 for that, with much deliberation on Sony's part and passionate fans spurring them on to help get that game made.

And that would be one of the biggest megatons of all.

Volkama3820d ago

Shenmue has a tiny insignificant following. They're just very passionate.

If the IP had any real value Sega would have made a platformer and cart racing spin-off for the iPhone by now.

DigitalRaptor3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

That hardly matters much.

Shadow of the Colossus and Ico have been considered masterpieces of gaming for years now by pretty much the entire industry and those games sold roughly the same amount of copies that Shenmue did. The original Shenmue sold over a million copies on the DC, and so it could be said that the series has over a million fans, which is no "insignificant" number.

The true value of Shenmue's following was never fully realised due to bad corporate decisions especially from idiots like Peter Moore who sold the game out to the Xbox, to get a footway into Microsoft when Sega was tanking.

Shenmue III is still one of the most fan-requested sequels of all time. It has one of the most passionate fanbases of all time, so I wouldn't underestimate how an exclusive sequel would go down on PS4.

If Sega wasn't apprehensive about losing any more money on Shenmue, their best efforts wouldn't have been adding Ryo as a DLC character in All-Stars Racing. Shenmue is valuable, or they wouldn't be keeping it rather than selling it on to many interested parties who would snap it up without a second thought.

ShwankyShpanky3819d ago

Can somebody explain the deal with Shenmue? I'm not familiar with it, but I've seen people hyped about it... YouTubed some gameplay and skipped through it... looks like a QTE-fest.

And apparently you could buy Sonic figurines from gumball machines.

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Gratisfaction3820d ago

Every time I see more of Deep Down, I get more excited! With this being a free-to-play game as well!

I hope we see more in the near future and for other exclusives. Sony's E3 2014 conference will be astounding!

dsswoosh3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Deep Down wont end well.

Either the game will be as boring as it looks


The game will be great and it will be buy to win.

Free to play simply doesnt exist in these kinds of games.

robtion3820d ago

I was excited for it but now I'm getting worried. I am yet to find a free to play game on par with a good retail game.

Back-to-Back3820d ago

With capcom making a f2p you better get the lube out. They are the kings of taking advantage of their customers.

Pinkdolphinyfg3820d ago

I can't wait to see the hypocrisy in these comments.

tarbis3820d ago

I'm there will be more to come just give the developers time to play with features of the console.

Gabenbrah3820d ago

I think we'll see Sony securing a megaton of a game as an exclusive like MS did for Titanfall, only time will tell though.

MidnytRain3820d ago

You mean have it launch on PC and eventually come to all the other platforms?

Convas3820d ago

But if it's a deal like Titanfall, then we can all spam EVERY topic saying we'll get it on PC and that's no fun!

For you guys at least.

G20WLY3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

I'll get the best, cheapest version.

ON PC !! ;-D

DigitalRaptor3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

As I said above, I'm expecting something regarding Shenmue.

I know as fans, we often get ahead of ourselves with that, but there's been far too much Shenmue related news recently, with PS4 seeming to get most of the headlines in that regard. Now at GDC 2014, Yu Suzuki is giving a presentation dissecting Shenmue, and Mark Cerny will be there with him. That could be a platform to announce something so many of us have been waiting for.

Let's keep the hope alive, as it's the most realistic chance we've seen, EVER.

This video says it all: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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Ex-PlayStation boss Andrew House: Consoles have a bright future

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Hardiman2245d ago

They sure do and the PS4/Pro and Switch are proof of this!

FallenAngel19842245d ago

I still remember how the misinformed media tried to push a doom and gloom narrative for the future of consoles at the beginning of the decade

Tsar4ever012245d ago

Didn't even notice it earlier but PlayStation already has it's own GAAS as part of it's PSN service model. It's "Free-to-Play" games & "Streaming", ala PSNow as part of it's "Adaptive Monetization ", according to Ex-PlayStation Boss Andrew House.

PhoenixUp2245d ago

Consoles have successfully existed for the past 46 years and they’ll successor exist for the next 46 years.

2245d ago
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Former PlayStation CEO Andrew House's Stirring Farewell: "PlayStation Has Always Been About Games"

Former Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Andrew House gives an uplifting farewell after stepping down from his position at PlayStation.

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Gazondaily2368d ago

And that is it's greatest strength. As it should be.

kayoss2368d ago ShowReplies(4)
2368d ago
Felsager2367d ago

Septic, please just shut up. While you are at it get a PS4.

Zero_Suit_Samus2368d ago

“Former PlayStation CEO Andrew House's Stirring Farewell: "PlayStation Has Always Been About Games"

I’m really going to miss this guy. Thank you for your help bringing PlayStation to where it is today.

NewMonday2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

a most fitting farewell, big thanks and good luck to Mr.Andrew House.

if MS want to save the XBox brand they have the perfect man available. and get rid of the trolls like Greenberg/Penello/Nelson and the guy who only talks the talk Phil Spencer.

morganfell2368d ago

But he isn't stepping down, he is stepping up. He is being promoted.

morganfell2368d ago


Announced on the same day people started blabbing he was leaving.

"John Kodera promoted to President and Chief Executive Officer, Andrew House to be appointed Chairman"

Ashlen2368d ago

"Current President and Global CEO Andrew House will transition from operational management of SIE, but will remain with SIE as Chairman through the year to ensure a smooth transition."

He is ending his time at SIE at the end of the year. He hasn't announced any future plans. It's unfortunate I liked him a lot as well, but the reality is he is leaving Sony either to retire or take up a new career somewhere else.

morganfell2368d ago


Thanks for that clarification. He will certainly be missed. He stayed through a not so pleasant time when others might have bailed. Great guy with a lot of insight.

Zeke682368d ago

Actually he is taking over Sony Pictures at 2019.

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PhoenixUp2368d ago

Never underestimate the power of PlayStation

chrisx2368d ago

That's why PS is and will always remain the king of gaming

2368d ago
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