
Indie Dev Locked Out Of ID@Xbox For Opting Out Of Exclusivity In The Past

Witch Beam didn’t want to limit platform availability, and in turn, limited platform availability

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cleft53828d ago

Nice way of supporting the indie developers. No matter what Microsoft seems to do it always has a bunch of strings attached to it and everything has to be on their terms to their advantage. Glad I own a PS4.

Kingthrash3603828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

man this is so true. ms ways are more and more damaging to gaming. trying to strike fear into devs is just wrong. man ..just, god...fu.. can't express words right now. time to play ps4...anybody wanna squad up hit me up.
my psn: kingthrash

nukeitall3828d ago

...or MS is just trying to ensure that gamers on Xbox One get equal treatment like other platforms?

Kayant3828d ago


So you're saying that they should delay the promised finished versions of their game for other platforms because MS were late with their program... In additional you're also saying that if a game has been previously released on another platform they shouldn't be allowed on ID@Xbox.

Why should they need to bend their backs and potential delay their game by a couple of months because MS offered their program late. It's a BS rule that only helps MS and punishes indie devs and is anticompetitive because it kills any advantages other platforms offer just to satisfy MS and their unreadiness with their program.

Charybdis3828d ago

Title of this article is misleading.

This is basicly about the order of releasing games. This is of-course a problem because a dev might not have enough resources to launch simultaneously on multiple platforms, because of this indie devs can and apparently have been locked out.

In the end I believe the choice should be up to developers. Lately Microsoft seems to be listening to complaints so I hope they will do the same this time and adjust their pilot program.

xHeavYx3828d ago

Glad to see that they won't let MS restrictions get in the way.
To show them that they did the right thing, I'll get their game as soon as it is out.
Let's see though if MS goes back to them for a new deal, to avoid bad press

Eonjay3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

No one wants to make everyone wait to comply the whim of a company representing a small minority of entertainment consumers. We already lost Watch Dogs due to release parity. You know, the game that was only ever seen running on a PS4 and was dramatically delayed a week after doctored PS4 footage appeared on a Xbox One ad.

Xbox owners wouldn't like to have to wait on PS4 either.

Neonridr3828d ago

@Kayant - Ubisoft did exactly that to Wii U owners with Rayman.

Not that I agree with this whole ID@Xbox thing.

mewhy323827d ago

Well i'm sure that Sony will welcome this dev with open arms.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3827d ago
come_bom3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

I hate whinny indies. The indies act like they are special that deserve special privileges. Everybody knows how ID@Xbox works. There are rules, so take it or leave it and stop whining.

If Microsoft starts giving in to these whining indies, they are f*****. Indies will start releasing their games on all other platforms before releasing on Microsoft platforms...

Even Sony have rules to release games on their platforms... if released previously on another platform, the developer has to work harder to put extra content on the Sony platform.

I may agree or disagree with Microsoft or Sony... but i see these rules as business decisions. Take them or leave them, but please stop whining.

johndoe112113828d ago

People like you are the reason microsoft thought they could cram that DRM sh!t down our throats and get away with it.

strickers3828d ago Show
Whiskeyjacked873828d ago

Keep letting M$ suck the life out of gaming. Ill keep promotinf ps4 where real gamers play.

nukeitall3828d ago

Personally, I didn't mind the DRM, my console is almost always connected anyhow, and as long as I remember, I have not been without internet for 24=hours.

If I did, I likely would have other problems.

There is nothing wrong with wanting launch parity for us Xbox One gamers. I don't want to be treated as second class citizens.

Why should I have to put up with that? If you are a dev that does that, you can go suck it, because I don't want you game!

LordMaim3828d ago

Sony doesn't have that requirement at all. How did you come up with that?

come_bom3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

Got to love blind fanboys like @johndoe11211, @strickers or @Whiskeyjacked87 ... not worth my time.

@Lord Maim
"Sony doesn't have that requirement at all. How did you come up with that? "

Yes they do... It has been said by developers. Just take a look at games released on the PS3 that were previously released on the X360. They normally come with extra content... specially games on the PSN store.

DragonKnight3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

@nukeitall: All your pro-MS comments are giving my forehead welts due to the incessant facepalms they induce.

"Personally, I didn't mind the DRM, my console is almost always connected anyhow, and as long as I remember, I have not been without internet for 24=hours."

Of course you didn't mind, but I'm going to ask you a question that I asked another fan of Microsoft today. Where does this idea that because something doesn't happen to you, that means it doesn't happen at all come from?

Here's another question. How does the fact that you have a consistent connection, which I doubt due common sense screaming out at that statement, at all matter as a point? The point is that Microsoft tried to make hardware completely dependent on a network. Not in just delivering content, but in functioning at all. Why don't you ask those people who have an Xbox One just how much they could do with it BEFORE updating it that first time. The answer is nothing. How can you justify a console doing absolutely nothing because it isn't connected to the internet? That's like saying you agree that a toaster shouldn't function unless it has a bagel setting on it.

"There is nothing wrong with wanting launch parity for us Xbox One gamers. I don't want to be treated as second class citizens."

To use a cliched saying, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. Xbox One is one platform, there are 4 others besides it (PS4, WiiU, PC, and mobile devices including handhelds). What you're saying is that it's perfectly fine for 4 platforms totaling millions of consumers should be punished to make Microsoft and 1/5th of the users happy. Looking at it from the Indie's side, explain how that's good for them.

"Why should I have to put up with that? If you are a dev that does that, you can go suck it, because I don't want you game!"

You're the one that made the decision to support Microsoft, that's why you have to put up with that. No developer is going to miss your business, and Microsoft is the one that's going to suffer the most for locking out indie devs. They're just making Sony look better.

Mikeyy3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

@nukeitall (cringe)

Seriously dude, why should YOU have to be treated like a second class citizen? Take a look at last gen 3rd parties, lots of PS3 games where admittedly gimped due to Microsofts parity clauses.

So its not okay for this to be done to you, but its all find and dandy to do it to me?

Why dont we just allow developers to do anything they want, and let the consoles do the talking? are you afraid the xbox would lose in a fair fight?

ipach3828d ago

"If Microsoft starts giving in to these whining indies, they are f*****. Indies will start releasing their games on all other platforms before releasing on Microsoft platforms..."

don't tell me this is what Microsoft's developer relations people are thinking, too. scary combination of ignorance and arrogance if you ask me...

christocolus3828d ago

Just went through the comments and its so pathetic..I'm Loving my xbx one experience at the moment(indies or no indies) and I'm looking forward to more aa titles than indies(personally).its always been that way for me and most I know. Even with the ps3 and xbx 360 era, my friends and i hardly played indies

Its crazy all I'm reading now and i couldn't care less about all the trolling from sony fanboys..they come in here like they are bothered about the dev meanwhile its actually about trolling and looking for a way to pour out their bias and hate..let me ask a question. How many of those bashing ms here have an xbx one?or have even used it?most of you are biased. This is an issue that should in quote affect xbx one gamers but its been flooded by trolls upon trolls upon trolls(xbx gamers can't even make their own comments in peace).and that's why I couldnt care any less. You fanboys keep taking panadol for other peoples headaches.you guys don't give a shit about this guy, you just hating..The dev and charla are still going to work on stuff hopefully,he loves the reception from the guys at ms so far,and charla has hinted on improving the policy, so what's with all the crap comments..dudes go play your ps4 or something and stop worrying over something that obviously doesn't concern you guys.you guys just storm into anythn anti xbox and start gushing crap.can't most of you be reasonable for once?.drm, ms is evil?ea is evil? Xbx gamers are a disgrace?..wth...lmao ..damn guys. Grow up.

ravinash3827d ago

"Everybody knows how ID@Xbox works. There are rules, so take it or leave it and stop whining".

It looks like they left it.

ravinash3827d ago

Fact of the matter is if your a small Dev, your not making money until the game goes on sale.
So isn't it better that they focus on one platform, finish and get it to marke. So the money can start coming in to finance the cost of porting the game to the other platforms.
Which platform it starts at and then move across to does not matter.... unless your a fanboy.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3827d ago
Blaze9293828d ago

I don't really see the problem here. MS rules say your game must come out the same time as others and if not, no go - and that's somehow wrong for Microsoft to do? Yeah, which is why none of you own businesses

DragonKnight3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

And it makes business sense not to be rigid and not have the game, than be flexible and have it?

Imalwaysright3828d ago

MS rules? They're only doing this because its an indie dev. If it was Rockstar or Ubisoft they wouldn't have the balls to do this crap.

DragonKnight3828d ago

I should really proofread more than once, I mean to say "And it makes business sense to be rigid and not have the game..."

ipach3828d ago

not wrong. but given that their direct competitors do not make such requirements, it is either arrogant, insecure, or just stupid. there's nothing morally wrong about restrictions. they can do what they want.... but that they wanted to do this, especially in light of the already known policies of their competition, is what's so shocking.

SilentNegotiator3828d ago

"Yeah, which is why none of you own businesses"

By that logic, Sony and Nintendo don't own businesses.

Neonridr3828d ago

@Imalwaysright - they wouldn't pull that, but at the same time, Ubisoft and Rockstar wouldn't miss the opportunity to release their games on as many platforms at the same time. It's not like Rockstar will release GTA VI for the PS4 first and then the Xbox One later. They will launch the same day, fact.

In fact most AAA developers release their games simultaneously.

starfox0793827d ago

And this thing costs £430 wow is all i will say......not getting my money thats for sure...

XboxFun3820d ago

It seems to not benefit Sony users. Which is all I see here in this post complaining about it.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3820d ago
riceking3828d ago Show
thereapersson3828d ago

pretty much BS the way it happened, but, at least there is hope down the line.

wonderfulmonkeyman3828d ago

Wow, that reminds me of what EA did to Nintendo.
Nintendo: "We don't want Origin, it's too limiting in its current form"
EA: "Then I guess you don't want stuff like our upcoming Battlefield 4, either, so here's Mass Effect 3. Oh, and you'll get it at the same time that we release the collection of the series on other consoles. Have fun with that."

Microsoft, don't be an EA. You can be better than an EA.

curtis923828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

If there's one company I trust less than EA, it's Microsoft. But usually I see them as basically the same company.

MightyNoX3828d ago

Who do you think gave them the idea for the always online DRM?

Deadpoolio3828d ago

Yeah Um it's time to get of the stupid lame conspiracy theory that derp derp EA wont derp derp make Nintendo games because Nintendo didn't want Origin....They don't just like MANY other developers because NOBODY is buying the console, because Nintendo has no desire to support the console on their own without taking their sweet time about making anything....Not some dream vendetta that derps like to make up online

wonderfulmonkeyman3828d ago

EA's fiasco was the starting point of a bunch of coat-tail riders.
Like it or not, EA's say has a significant amount of pull with smaller studios, so of course people are going to turn away when they see EA turn away.
And a big part of that was Origin, amongst other things.

nukeitall3828d ago

If you know the history of video games, and how it practically pushed the original Xbox forward, you would know the importance of EA and their (sport) franchises.

Point being, you need AAA developers.


In Nintendo's defense, although they take their sweet time making games, their first party games are almost always universally acknowledged as great games.

SilentNegotiator3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

"Wow, that reminds me of what EA did to Nintendo"

You mean the rumor that Nintendo fanboys treat as fact?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3828d ago
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Assault Android Cactus+ Released On Steam, Price To Rise After Sale

Assault Android Cactus has been upgraded on PC. Assault Android Cactus+ adds a number of features from the recent Switch version.

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Epic Denies an 'Overwhelmingly Positive' Steam Game Release on their Store

From GameWatcher: "Assault Android Cactus is a top-down shooter that's got an 'overwhelmingly positive' review rating on Steam, but as it turns out, this is not nearly enough for the game to get accepted for release on Epic Games Store."

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Blu3_Berry1890d ago

It doesn't even have 1K reviews and it released in 2015. Plus, I never even heard of this game so I'm not all that surprised really.

Casepb1890d ago

It's only just one of the best twin stick shooters ever created. But because you never heard of it I guess it doesn't deserve to be on the all mighty all loved Epic Launcher!

Seriously fuck Epic.

Larrysweet1890d ago

Android assault cactus is garbage

CDbiggen1890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

Now I don't know who to believe.

King_Noctis1890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

I have never heard of this game to be honest. If it is truely one of the best, I think most of us here would have heard of it since 2015.

TiredandRetired1889d ago (Edited 1889d ago )

I mean, Sony even had the game featured in the Vote to Play thing they used to do on Playstation Plus. That's where I remember the name from. Broforce did end up winning that month, but to even be considered for the running, I'd say that's a pretty big honor for a small indie team. Sony never featured an indie of absolute poor quality on these votes. It got an 85 Metacritic on PS4 w 20 review sites, a 79 on PC w 15 reviews.

This wasn't just some random shovelware made to turn a buck. This is a bit too restrictive if Epic just ignores positively received games to their whim. I guess it is their site though, and they're free to tank their business if they want. This particular game won't cause that, but if this becomes a trend, it could really turn off indie developers from even bothering with them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1889d ago
monkey6021890d ago

Nintendo even made it part of their Nindies showcase

AngelicToucH1890d ago

Lmao nintendo has a 0.92 dollars game as top seller

Sharky2311890d ago

Why is this even news worthy??

CDbiggen1890d ago

Because we need to argue on here.

DaDrunkenJester1890d ago

It also came to Ps4 in 2016, Xbox One in 2017 and the Switch will be this year. If you missed this amazing twin stick shooter then that is all on you.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1889d ago
kythlyn1890d ago

It's one thing to filter out pornographic content and worthless cash grabs with exploitative real money transactions, and quite another to turn away a polished and acclaimed indie game. This doesn't add up.

rainslacker1890d ago

Seems Epic is being selective of which game they release for now. I'd hope they don't continue doing that for the long term.

Seafort1890d ago

"worthless cash grabs with exploitative real money transactions" - You just described Epic only successful game for years - Fortnite. Epic doesn't care about older great games already on Steam. All they care about is stopping new Steam marketed games from being released on Steam at launch.

They want to be the only place that sells these paid exclusive 3rd party games and call themselves competition when they are anything but. Epic is toxic for the whole PC platform and marketplace.

Epic is the one becoming the monopoly not Steam and they are stuck so far up their own backside they don't even realise it.

harmny1890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

This game released 4 years ago and it wasn't successful enough to be an epic game store game

RememberThe3571890d ago

So the Epic store is only for the chosen few games that deserve the privilege of being sold to the true elite gamers?

rainslacker1890d ago

Yeah. Kind of like how Steam was way back when. Sucks, and hopefully Epic doesn't do it for the long term.

Hungryalpaca1890d ago

Most stuff in the epic store is unsuccessful. What are you talking about.

mkis0071890d ago

Based on what information?

sander97021890d ago

Who the f*ck wants to play twin stick shooters and sh*t when you got real games wtf?!
I don't support Epic because of Tencent but I agree with them on this being a trash game I wouldn't want cluttering my store page, looks like a GTA mini-game.

Dark_Knightmare21890d ago

Please tell me you’re a 12 year old

KwietStorm_BLM1890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

You really just typed that and actually hit submit.

luckytrouble1890d ago

Fuck Epic. Gamers don't need Epic being an overbearing parent telling people what to play. Just proving more and more why they're an absolute joke.

jeki1890d ago

How is deciding not to sell a 4 year old Steam game equivalent to telling people what to play?

luckytrouble1890d ago

Is that honestly a question? Restricting content is telling people what to play. It's saying "we don't believe this is good enough for our platform". As the article points out, restricting indie exposure is something Steam managed to get past quite awhile ago now. Epic is dead set on keeping their store in the past in every conceivable way though, from store features to how they judge and restrict small developers.

jeki1890d ago


Deciding what games to sell on their own store is not restricting content or telling people what to play. Are you saying you don't think Epic should have the freedom to decide what games are available on their own store?

luckytrouble1890d ago

In Epic's case, they dangle a carrot of increased profits and of being a new and great store, then they sit there and say they'll judge every game through a lens of expected profit and deny anything that doesn't match projections basically no small indie game could reasonably make, unless maybe they pull a Hades and make an exclusivity deal.

I mean, are you going to tell me they denied this one based on quality? Assault Android Cactus is a polished twin stick shooter title that got favorable reviews from critics and players, even if it never hit the big time, so to speak. This is hardly an issue of not meeting quality standards unless Epic aims on being incredibly inconsistent about what indie games they define as being of high enough quality. This is obviously an issue of Epic not seeing enough profit in it for them based likely on how they have all their contracts set up. It doesn't appear to be a matter of just hosting the game, and instead they've opted to over complicate it while punishing small indie devs who's games likely won't see a ton of sales.

Although plenty of people malign Steam a bit for becoming so lax and allowing nearly all games, to the point where some are never actually completed but still exist and are for sale. Arguably they could do some more quality control, but Epic seems to think they know better than gamers what gamers want and that is a critical mistake Steam was smart to fix and that Epic seems to think was never a problem at all.

jeki1890d ago


Epic is a business, if they don't analyze things from a profit/loss perspective they won't be around for long.

I don't know why they denied Android Assault Cactus. I can say that when browsing the Epic store I don't want to see games that have been on Steam for the last four years.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1890d ago
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Assault Android Cactus+ Review | TSA

Miguel Moran:
"When Assault Android Cactus originally came out back in 2015, it totally passed me by. I vaguely remember the lead up to its release, but it just never grabbed my attention. I was a fool for letting that happen, because just a year later I happened upon the game during a sale and decided to pick it up. What I discovered was a gem of a co-op game and my absolute favourite twin-stick shooter of all time. Now, almost 3 years later, one of my favourite indie games is back with an enhanced and upgraded Nintendo Switch port."

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