
Wardevil is coming...New Screenshots and Details

All new screenshots of upcoming PS3 exclusive, Wardevil: Unleash the Beast Within.

All the new shots are straight from the 2008 Teaser Trailer, set to release sometime April 30th. The trailer is about 80 seconds long, and will provide a first look at the new visual art style. PSU.com should have the trailer up as soon as it's released.

For those of you who are not up to speed on Wardevil; the game is a PS3 exclusive, developed by the Digi-Guys. This is their first title, however as you can see in the tech demos and screenshots, the technology behind Wardevil is amazing. The game is set to run at 60fps and in 1080p resolution along having other technical features like; Dynamic Motion Blur, Dynamic Depth of Field, Dynamic Particles/Simulation, and more.

TheHater5879d ago

I really hope this game comes out early next year. There is just too many games I am getting this year. I don't want to miss out on this game :(

NoUseMerc5879d ago

I've been told that the trailer will be hitting April 30th, so stay tuned!

TheHater5879d ago

does psu videos play on the PS3 browser? My laptop is currently broken, and I will not get it back in time to watch the trailer. So yeah, do you guys website work on the ps3 browser?

NoUseMerc5879d ago

Yeah, the videos are quicktime...but we are in the process of getting a custom flash player

supahbad5879d ago

haven't read up on this one, should I be looking forward to it?

TheHater5879d ago

you should. It might interest you. I personally am very interested in this game, and cannot wait for the video, and more info on it

supahbad5879d ago

i'll have to look at it tomorrow, i'm plum tuckered. IB sucks!

sonarus5879d ago

Thanks for the updates nousemerc. Have any of you guys seen the trailer?

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CaptainHowdy5879d ago

should be a graphical showpiece

TheHater5879d ago

I am more interested in the gameplay, and story :)

shadow_hearts5879d ago

1080P at 60 FPS

I think Wardevil would be an awesome game

Bonsai12145879d ago

if the ss are any indication, gameplaywise, it looks like a dmc/gow/ng type game (duh). hopefully the controls are tight.

switch-it5879d ago

Dont know about you guys, but im not really hooked on the art style of this game.

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Fux4Bux5879d ago

But I learned a long time ago early screens are completely meaningless.

Doppy5879d ago

This game caught my attention when it was first announced. It's good they keep putting screenshots out to keep us updated other wise I would forget about it.

If you look at the second screenshot, and look to the right of the Wardevil guy you can see a design in the wall (between the door and the dead bodies on the ground) that looks kind of like Kratos. It's right above the sandbags on the ground.

Meus Renaissance5879d ago

PSU FTW. Their forums are fantastic. I'm Apollo there

switch-it5879d ago

Your damn right they are. Love em too.

TruthBTold5879d ago

just got me thinking about what God of War 3 will look like in a similar environment with all the detailed areas and enemies and blood. Sorry if Im off topic but a game of this style just reminds me such of something I am anticipating so much to know more about.

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Five (5) Games Still M.I.A. This Generation

Atomiqon writes, "There are always games that we wait for, sometimes for years, in eager anticipation before they are finally released to the masses. Occasionally, after delays and long periods of media black-outs, some games get lost in the shuffle never to resurface. Below is a collection of games that seemed to have promise and appeal but were ultimately cancelled or have not been heard from in a long time."

More after the break.

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Ezz20134186d ago

the last guardian
i really need any info about this game
all i need is team ico telling us if this game will come out this gen or the next one

Irishguy954186d ago

FF versus was literally the deciding point in me getting a Ps3 back in 07. I expected it year after year at game shows and stuff.

Bah S-E....Bah!

That's all I have to say to them.

Please info in January + finish and release before Xiii-3

SilverBullet1294186d ago (Edited 4186d ago )

That and Final Fantasy 10 for Vita and PS3 and please cross buy and play! I love that game and can't play it anymore since my fatty died:( have been dying to play it again on the go mostly.

Edit: Oh and Kingdom Hearts 3 please! Something to let us know that it's coming!

nveenio4186d ago

Would be cool if Agent was the game Rockstar was making with all GTA cities combined into one game, and that that is why it's taking so long.

Eyeco4186d ago

You know what the tragedy of TLG is ? the fact that when it was announced it was easily the most anticipated game of the show the amount of awards that trailer won and all that pre-release buzz which was and still is astronomical, information on the game would regularly be updated.

But nothing information regarding this game has been so sparse in the 3 years it was announced, no screenshots no gameplay video's, developer diaries nothing, this isn't anything out the norm but for a game as high profile as TLG it's quite tragic.

This list needs to be longer there have been way too many M.I.A of anticipated games this gen.

Omnislash4186d ago

FF13 vs and Last Guardian could very well be the two gen shattering games this gen and they're nowhere to be found and we've gotten nothing but delay news....

SegataShanshiro4186d ago

What makes you think that they will be the best games ever? Last game that took long to release was a piece of crap. Duke nukem forever. These 2 games are going the same path

Omnislash4185d ago

you had hope for an FPS? Really?

stonecold34186d ago

i think we willhear some more news about ffvs 13 in 2013 i think last gurdian will launch on ps4 i think getaway 3 will not come out same goes for eight days eyeidentify i think thats vapoware now unles these games arrive on ps4

onandonandon4186d ago

Still annoys me that Sony pulled the funding on Getaway 3 and Eight Days games for the sake of the Eyetoy and Singstar games!!

TitanUp4186d ago

i was looking forward to agent

dangert124186d ago

If Agent, FF VS XIII and Last Guardian where real and released earlier the ps3 would of been much better off sales wise i bet. Missed opportunities Sony

iamnsuperman4186d ago (Edited 4186d ago )

I struggle to see how it is sony's fault except for last guardian but why release something that isn't ready

Even Sony doesn't know wtf rockstar are doing about Agent

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Ignition Entertainment Leaving L.A.

Ignition Entertainment's U.S. publishing branch is on the move.

A spokesperson confirmed to IGN that the company will be closing its Glendale offices in Los Angeles County, Calif. The staff is re-locating to Austin, Texas effective Jan. 3, 2011.


'WarDevil' gets green light and name changed to 'Project Kane'

UTV Ignition Entertainment today announce the conclusion of its studio review for the third-person action title, War Devil which will now to be called ‘Project Kane’ and is given the green light despite production previously being holted on the very visceral looking title.

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Pedantic914946d ago (Edited 4946d ago )

It's nice to hear they're not giving up.

HammockGames4946d ago (Edited 4946d ago )

I'd given up on this title months ago after the website went black.

I'm curious if they've even done anything development-wise in the past year or two - I can't remember seeing anything at all (not even the occasional screenshot update).

Chubear4946d ago

Oh look, it's the Bret Favre of gaming lol

R2D24946d ago

Legacy of Kane confirmed.

fishd4946d ago

Jesus christ , just let it die already,lol

Kalowest4946d ago

WTF? they're still working on this damn game? Isn't this suppose to be vapor-ware?

labaronx4946d ago

i spit soda on my screen for that comment.... bubbles

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KratosGirI4946d ago

It refused to die even after the developers announced its death!

r0gueZA4946d ago

I was waiting on baited breath for this piece of news!

xtreampro_REVENGE!4946d ago

“We have cherry picked from some of the world’s best teams to build our UK studio which includes personnel whose combined previous development credits include Burnout 3, Crysis, Little BigPlanet, and Heavenly Sword. We are extremely excited to fast-track development of Project Kane.”

This game is going to be amazing!

KotC4946d ago

Vaporware. I wonder if the investors of this game know their being taken for a ride.

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