
Ryse Reviews Embargoed A Day Before Xbox One Launches

If you were hoping to get in some early thoughts of Ryse: Son of Rome before the game actually launched, think again. Other than the extremely polar hands-on previews out there praising and lamenting the game like critics and average users fighting over whether Pacific Rim was a good movie, you won't find any reviews of Ryse: Son of Rome rolling out with the rest of the Xbox One games that have been reviewed.

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Snookies123848d ago (Edited 3848d ago )

That could be a bad sign. Then again, it could be nothing. Though from what I've heard, I expect this game to have divided reviews. It never really looked fun to me personally, though I'm sure there are those that it'll appeal to.

Gazondaily3848d ago

Yeah I expect quite a few mixed reviews. Some people will get swayed by the visuals maybe a bit too much and rate it high accordexpectations

The gameplay mechanics just simply don't look like they'll cut it. However, they can always deliver on Story, variety etc.

My expectation? More 7's and some 8's.

NewMonday3848d ago (Edited 3848d ago )

My expectation? 6's

but I will be really happy when people enjoy this game like they say they enjoy Killer Instinct and DR3, games that are averaging 7's, because maybe it will stop some form attacking games on other consoles that get the same score but people like, it is certain these scores will be brought up whenever some start trolling.

I myself played many "7" and even "6" games and enjoyed them, let this be the end of obsession with 9's and 10's.

BBBirdistheWord3848d ago (Edited 3848d ago )

after the aggregate of 74% on metacritic for KZSf and the disappointing 57% for Knack on ps4, I am hoping for at least 8/10 Ryse on the xbo.

At the very least, Ryse trumps the launch games on other platforms in graphical fidelity and sheer art direction.

Let's hope Ryse delivers on launch of the XBO where the ps4 could not do so.

Mr-Dude3847d ago


So in this new generation of gaming, we are gonna have new standards? A game with a 7 is not good aymore? So the games need at least an 8 or a 8.5 to be good? I mean, that's what you implying..

abzdine3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

i wonder why!!!
MS did it again, and sheep will still go crazy on it.
all previews of it say that it's a damn boring game. good looking but BORING. in other words it's a CRYTEK game

DragonKnight3847d ago

You don't know anything about PS4 launch games though TTTrollistheWord.

"At the very least, Ryse trumps the launch games on other platforms in graphical fidelity and sheer art direction."

No it doesn't. It really doesn't. Ryse' only accomplishment in graphics are all in the character model, which is why it's an on-rails game where you only get to see what Crytek wants you to see.

Ezz20133847d ago


and xbox exclusives are not doing well too
both consoles launch exclusives are having very mixed reviews
like i said before both launch titles from MS and Sony are not really something you would kill to play them
but next year we gonna see tons of AAA exclusives from sony though

Gazondaily3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )


"MS did it again, and sheep will still go crazy on it.
all previews of it say that it's a damn boring game. good looking but BORING. in other words it's a CRYTEK game"

All previews said its boring? That's false.

I could say the same about Knack though. People were clamoring for it but unlike Ryse, it didn't even look impressive, gameplay or visually.


"Ryse' only accomplishment in graphics are all in the character model, which is why it's an on-rails game where you only get to see what Crytek wants you to see."

So will you apply the same standards to God of war and its developers?

I make the comparison because I don't think the so-called 'on-rails' nature of it doesn't really take away from the visuals of it. That's like saying Uncharted only looks good because its linear.

Mike134nl3847d ago

People don't seem to have high expectations of the game next to the graphics. Hope we will be pleasantly surprised.

MRMagoo1233847d ago


LMAO graphical fidelity ??? its 900p need i say more??

Game-ur3847d ago


Killzone is a sight to behold, even if reviews complain about the story and some gameplay design the graphics are consistently praised, nothing we have seen from Ryes actual gameplay footage can beat it.

abzdine3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

don't know why you keep giving Knack as example?? it's not the subject here
it's a fun PSone like platformer with pixar graphics, all that does so i'm interested in it and there are people who enjoyed it.

but going back to Ryse: son of QTE, it's a boring game just to look at.. if people will enjoy it it's fine but again that's not the subject.

what i'm complaining about is that MS are doing so the game reviews are held before people can do anything to change the game or cancel the pre-orders, which is what makes me hate this company. why not man up and let people review the games as they want to, some people might still go buy it and try it for themselves like i'm going to do with Knack.

my expectations are 5s and 6s as max

whitefang19883847d ago

@dragonknight so I'm guessing you don't like uncharted or the last of us either?
Too many young people on here who think they know it all.
If you're not going to play it
1. What are you doing looking at news about it?
2. Why do you negatively comment about it, to justify your choice?
3. I think if it didn't appeal to you in some way you wouldn't try to justify not buying it.
Just enjoy your ps4 and shut up.

Gazondaily3847d ago


Hold on, you criticise Ryse for its supposed poor previews but then describe Knack which has received mixed REVIEWS as "a fun PSone like platformer with pixar graphics"

And then you describe Ryse fans as 'sheep' but when describing Knack you say "i'm interested in it and there are people who "enjoyed it. "

So people who are interested in Ryse are sheep but Knack, with its mediocre reviews is a justified purchase? Hmm...hypocrisy my friend.

"but going back to Ryse: son of QTE, it's a boring game just to look at.. if people will enjoy it it's fine but again that's not the subject. "

Son of QTE? Have you even seen the new gameplay? Also, Ryse IS the subject of discussion here.

Double standards are rife it seems.

Thehyph3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

Game critics are becoming less and less valid since you can view entire games for free on YouTube. Directly on the ps4 right now you can see loads of people playing any game you want see.

I wouldn't buy Ryse. I don't know or care what the reviews will say. Those types of games are pretty worn out to me. It's the same for God of War. I've owned all of those and then they crossed a line and made too many of them.

On the note of not caring about reviews, Knack is boss. I predicted that I would be spending all of my time with Resogun, but aside from 10 minutes of gameplay, it's not feeling the love, yet. It will, but I'm hooked on Knack for now. (Knack is arse-backwards. All of the appearances are of a game for kids, except the gameplay is extremely hardcore)

Don't be a follower. Simple as that. Figure things out for yourself. You'll be the wiser for doing it.

Edit: I just gave my opinion of how I feel about a couple of games, and then I told you to disregard them. It's how I (me, not you) feel about them.

Last_Boss3847d ago

This is why, I said let these games breathe. Who the Hell cares about the other side of the fence. Launch games typically aren't supposed to be the greatest representation of an infant Gen. If you liked the way it looks, then play it.

It's not rocket science

frostypants3847d ago

@BBBirdistheWord, so you want Ryse to get good scores based on good graphics, despite bad gameplay, even while KZ:SF got somewhat low scores despite having good graphics and deeper gameplay than Ryse? In other words, you're hoping for bias?

MysticStrummer3847d ago

"At the very least, Ryse trumps the launch games on other platforms in graphical fidelity and sheer art direction."

Highly debatable opinion.

XboxFun3847d ago


"Ryse' only accomplishment in graphics are all in the character model, which is why it's an on-rails game where you only get to see what Crytek wants you to see."

Awesome Sony defense mode response that makes little to no sense. Especially considering TLoU, God of War and Uncharted played the exact same way you described Ryse.

Funny how Ryse's game mechanics come into question when other games of the same genre have been doing it for a lot longer.

All of a sudden it's linear and a QTE fest...explain God of War? No one was on here complaining then but now it's a problem for Ryse?

Once again the hypocrisy comes shining through like Christ on a Harley.

DragonKnight3847d ago

@Septic: "So will you apply the same standards to God of war and its developers? I make the comparison because I don't think the so-called 'on-rails' nature of it doesn't really take away from the visuals of it. That's like saying Uncharted only looks good because its linear."

Why would I? Have you played God of War 3? Did you play the opening battle against Poseidon? That scene alone is more impressive than the entirety of Ryse when you consider that that the effort was put in to make more than Kratos look good. Ryse's accomplishment in graphics is focused entirely on the character models. Hell, you're talking about a game that was originally for the Kinect and you're trying to say that it's linearity wouldn't affect graphics? Do you know what would happen to Ryse if it was more open? 720p, lower polygon count on the character models, the Ryse game that it truly is.

@whitefang1988: Did you play either of those games? If you had, you wouldn't even be making that argument in the first place. Also, this is a gaming news site where people are free to look at, or comment on, whatever news they want. If you don't like that fact, nor like dissenting opinions, you have the option to leave.

@XboxFun: I know you didn't play either of those games so I don't even have to acknowledge what you said.

Everything we've been shown about Ryse points to a game that looks very good in one aspect of graphics design and does so for a reason. That reason is because the game is limited. Not solely in linearity, which alone would have no bearing on the graphics, but its entire design. Ryse is more like a video game version of 300 and probably would have been better if it were an interactive game drama than an action game attempt.

gaffyh3847d ago

Ryse looks really good, but early impressions seem to be quite bad. I honestly think this will get very low scores, but probably not as low as Knack.

Mainsqueeze3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

I agree with gaffy, I doubt Ryse will be anything special but it would be really hard to top the linearity and sheer boredom that is Knack.

XboxFun3847d ago

"That scene alone is more impressive than the entirety of Ryse"

Oh? So you played Ryse then? Because I just read your inane comment (that answered nothing by the way) and saw how you accused me, Septic and Whitefang of not actually playing TLoU or GoW3 but then you sit there and say one scene is more impressive than ALL of Ryse.

This means you have played Ryse right? Hmmm, I doubt it, but I guess you can make this assumption because you have seen the clips and the like on the net, then turn around and accuse others of not playing the games you mentioned.

I love how we all just pointed out your complete hypocrite tool like comment in regards to Ryse's gameplay and linearity compared to other games of the same nature and all you could respond with is:

"Have you played it."

Yes Dragon, I have played TLoU and God of War, both games are good but did nothing different than Silent Hill or Devil May Cry. Both had great graphics and both put you on a linear path and guided you exactly where Naughty Dog and Capcom wanted you to go.

Funny you accuse a lot on here about not knowing any of the games or PS4 launch when you have zero experience with any Xbox One launch game too and for that matter in 360 game.

DragonKnight3847d ago

@XboxFun: "Yes Dragon, I have played TLoU and God of War, both games are good but did nothing different than Silent Hill or Devil May Cry."

This is proof enough that you didn't play the games and I still completely reject considering anything you have to say about them.

Gazondaily3847d ago

And yet, his post had more credence than yours Dragon.

Can you not just put your agenda to one side? Just once?

DragonKnight3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

@Septic: His post has no credence at all. It lost all credibility the moment he compared God of War and The Last of Us to Devil May Cry and Silent Hill. There's no point in having a discussion about anything with someone that ignorant.

There's no agenda behind my statement, only fact. You know that Ryse's graphical abilities are limited to the character models alone and that the game is designed around maximizing the amount of time you see said character models. Compared to games like Killzone, of even God of War 3 (not in the way you're thinking, only as a point of design choices) who are beautiful beyond simply the character models and actually output great graphics throughout all the game world, while also NOT being limited the way Ryse is, it's no contest.

You're literally saying that a game where you're forced to look at the one thing that had the most work put into it to look good, looks better than any other game that has had the most work put into it to make EVERYTHING look good.

That's a ridiculous thing to say.

Welcome2Die3847d ago


"Yes Dragon, I have played TLoU and God of War, both games are good but did nothing different than Silent Hill or Devil May Cry."

Silent Hill or Devil May Cry......

Are you freaking kidding me dude??
This really is proof that you never played those games, if youre gonna be a troll at least mean SOME of what you say, you cant even compare TLOU to Silent Hill or GOW to DMC.
Thats like me saying yeah I played Halo and Gears and they did nothing different than COD or Max Payne.

OT: Ryse is just a prettied up Kinect game that took the kinect out of it. It looks like a 7.5 game.

BBBirdistheWord3846d ago (Edited 3846d ago )


just not sure what the heck i did wrong?
I get labelled a TTTroll just for speaking my mind?
Honestly, the response borders on religious fundamentalist fanaticism on here...

All i did was point out that KZsf got 74% on Metacritic.
And then I pointed out that the much hyped Knack, which was co developed by Mark Cerny (the replacement for Ken Kutaragi) got 57%.

I mean, 74% for KZSF is solid. No doubt. It ain't 90+ like for Halo or TLOU, that's for sure, but it's reasonably solid for a PS4 launch title. It even has pretty graphics almost on par with the Ryse trailers at 900p.
That is an astounding achievement for a next gen design which has been squeezed into such a tiny hot case.

As for Knack, well, I am guessing that will be forgotten and buried soon. Let's face it, 57% is not cool. I feel a bit sorry for the gamers who spent money on the PS4 launch promises that are going to be inevitably disappointed by the experience.

All I am saying is that I am hoping the next gen can do much better. Ryse looks like a contender for all gamers, fanboyism aside. Hopefully it delivers where others have failed.

What's wrong with that sentiment?

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ruefrak3847d ago

I don't think it will matter one way or the other. The people planning on buying the XB1 day one have made up their minds already and the review score for Ryse isn't going to sway them.

frostypants3847d ago

If I was getting a One I'd be looking at Forza. I wouldn't go near Ryse.

Shinox3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

Its a Shadow of Rome Clone , What are you guys expecting from it , Shadow of Rome is underrated hidden gem .

JeffGUNZ3847d ago

I thought MS made a statement that they were staggering their reviews so they all don't come out in one day. I don't mind it, I think the system and Forza come out today, right?

Games_R_Us3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

I still think the game will be fun and fine, sure it's no 10/10 but I am sure it will score mid 7's to an 8 tops.

JackISbacK3847d ago

yeah it doubts to me also ,but who knows it can be also a surprise ,i never hoped bad for any game ,i also hoped better for killzone sf and knack ,but kzsf got 8 or 7 because of its graphics and multiplayer but,the franchise was made to focus more on single player and little on multiplyer like farcry 3 or halo and unlike cod or bf who barely focuses on sp but more on mp and yeah i was dissapointed and whn dr3 reviews landed i was having no words to say becuse dead rising was focusing only gameplay and have no focus on story and graphics but on bringng more zombies to screen ,but still reviews said game is fun to play unlike kz where you only use to look amazing graphics but still i was not satisfied and now i'am expecting something great from ryse this franchise is having potential to get famous and it can if the game may be executed well.i'am having hopes for this game to be great i dont want to be disspointed with the game.

BallsEye3847d ago

Or it could be because game get's patched day before release.

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colt-of-tipton3848d ago

Don't care what the haters think i believe it looks like a lot of fun , in a few days i will judge for myself.

MazzingerZ3847d ago

Blowing soap bubbles it's also lots of fun and doesn't cost as much...there are better games to get, why everybody feels like they must purchase and support exclusives even if they are average games? all of them started development on X360...that says all

Veneno3847d ago

dude let the guy buy what he wants to buy. at least he's not being a fanboy about it.

And also, you really think the Last Guardian is still coming to PS3? It's being moved to pS4. Just like the Original Ico was supposed to be a Playstation 1 game but got moved to PS2. Just because games move platforms doesn't mean they will be crap eventhough that does happen alot.

Mr-Dude3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

Indeed, for example I can remember Enslaved: Oddessy To The West like yesterday. A lot of people hated it, bad reviews, but the game was actually very good

Last_Boss3847d ago

Enslaved was devoid of life, beautiful by more dry than hardtack!

But I didn't disagree with you.

Thehyph3847d ago

"I will judge for myself"

You probably just said the most objective thing that I've read here.

Good on ya.

Z_-_D_-_33847d ago

Definitely a red flag, no doubt.

Lulz_Boat3847d ago

ALL the previews weren't good at all. so, this is more than expected.

JeffGUNZ3847d ago

Really? All positive reviews below.





Dude, stop following the lead of fanboys who just say "ryse is awful" without doing research. Yes, it's not a groundbreaking game or AAA material, but everything I am reading says it is a good game and a fun experience. Wait for the reviews or better yet, give it a real try before you make up your mind.

Z_-_D_-_33847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

*Optimistic pre-views

JeffGUNZ3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

I didn't say all of them were positive, I just posted some of them since you stated "all the previews" which is just false. Also, I added OXM since I added thesixthaxis, which is a known sony site. Only fair, right?

InTheLab3847d ago

Gonna go ahead and say Ryse will tank on metacritic as hard as knack but it will be criminal when Forza 5 gets the great reviews it most certainly will despite being, literally half the game Forza 4 is.

InTheLab3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

Does that not apply to Forza 4 as well?


No Nurburgring dude....come on.

You wouldn't be talking this quality over quantity crap if you were a real racing fan...

xHeavYx3847d ago

Everyone talks about how good Forza looks, but when I mention that the lightning is pre-baked, there is no day/night cycle and there are static backgrounds, all of the sudden I'm a troll.
Just watch any gameplay video, under the car there is a square shadow, even if the sun is hitting from the side

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anast10h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics9h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX9h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon7h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie4h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


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RhinoGamer8812h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!