
Flower On PS3 Vs PS4

Kotaku au: Flower is often cited as an example of how beautiful games can be. Part something about flower petals instead of guns, but it’s also to do with how beautifully the environment moved and responded to you. So, as a PS4 launch title, it’s a good example of how visuals have improved since Sony’s last generation of consoles.

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Snookies123853d ago

Is there supposed to be a real difference...? I certainly don't see one.

FamilyGuy3853d ago (Edited 3853d ago )

Yeah, I'm not able to see the difference here either lol. It looked slightly more vibrant at first glance but the longer the video went on the more similar they looked. First thought was probably based on the videos not being perfectly in sync.
PS4 version seems to be clearer when you look at the distance hills, like they're more in-focus, but that's about it.

Personally I'd have preferred Journey but I think they already (recently) said it wasn't going to happen because the devs were already too busy with their next title.

Nitrowolf23853d ago

from what i can see
PS4 clear/sharper
better coloring
lights around flowers glow better
and more particiles by the looks of it

M-M3853d ago (Edited 3853d ago )

Depth of Field and draw distances look better on the PS4 as well.

AgentSmithPS43853d ago

The PS4 version definitely looks better on my LG PC monitor (I want to buy this now).

The biggest difference was the wind through the grass, there was a lot more movement from near to far (I hear the weather simulation is best on the PS4 version of AC Black Flag).
2nd, the lighting was more detailed, the moving grass into the distance looked beautiful as the 'waves of light' moved over them.
It looked more realistic, the textures and blending in the distance, the sky more rich at some points with better blues etc.
Crisper world, greener greens, not washed out, more natural 'edges' making it seem more real, more 'weeds' in the distance, etc.

I'm glad there's so much variety on the PS4, this will be a nice change of pace from the various 'action' games I play.

The_KELRaTH3853d ago (Edited 3853d ago )

I don't think this video shows off the differences as it's in 720p while PS4 version run at 1080p.

And I can't believe PS4 version won't be using anti aliasing either.

MartinB1053853d ago

Correct. Also, the PS4 version is 60 FPS, which isn't possible to show in a Youtube video because Youtube is limited to 30.

Raven7223853d ago

There were a lot more particles in the PS4 version and the depth of field was slightly more pronounced but other than that not much of a difference. Not one of those games that could do much more with the added power compared to what it was.

DeathOfTheFanBoy3853d ago

PS4 is sharper, worth a purchase on either console.

isarai3852d ago

well higher res for one, but if you look at the ground you can notice the PS4 version has more grass. on ps4 the grass is so dense you can't see the ground where on PS3 you see it quite clearly through the thinner grass. and i read it's supposed t have improved/increased particle effects

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yewles13853d ago

Naw, this wasn't really a leap. Keep in mind though that Flower PS3 was already impressive at 1440x810.

Godmars2903853d ago

Guessing you could really spot a difference if they were using something other then Youtube.

As is my TV show Flower way better.

theXtReMe13853d ago (Edited 3853d ago )

Lighting and resolution seem to be the differences. It looks like there may be more particles, also.

This game already looked phenomenal on the PS3, so the leap in visuals isnt going to be as pronounced as in something like Killzone. Though the difference is there, its very subtle.

90Supra3853d ago

very subtle improvements...

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This is greatly appreciated right now. Gotta fight this cabin fever ;b

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Great recommendations, I love all the games listed that I've played so far. Going a bit stir-crazy with the constant WFH during this time. Thanks!!


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