
Xbox One Exclusive Quantum Break: In-Game GIF Show Amazing Graphics, Character Models and More

Quantum Break is an Xbox One exclusive game from The Creator of Alan Wake series, Remedy Entertainment. With Quantum Break, Remedy wants to blur the line between television and gameplay, integrating the two into one seamless, uniquely immersive experience.

vishmarx3880d ago

holy mother...
even a sony fan can't deny this looks gorgeous
alan wake had one of the best narratives in gaming
can't wait for this to come out.
xb1 seems to have more than enough exclusives for now.
What's worth seeing is how long it stays that way.
rest assured you can count on the ps4 for excellent exclusives anyways.

NatureOfLogic3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

You make it sound like no one is expecting Xbox One to have good graphics. That's not true. Xbox fans are in denial that PS4 can and will have better graphics due to better hardware. No one is saying Xbone graphics are bad. They're just not the best for next gen compared to PS4.

shivvy243879d ago

Graphics are looking great but at e3 all the x1 exclusives were running on high end pcs, Im not trying to bash the x1 but im not expecting the graphics too look like that , I hope im proved wrong when it comes out cause it did look amazing.

ape0073879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

hey nature, look man u can do damage control and twist all u want

but if u are really "nature of logic", then u should be convinced that both systems are essentially the same because a legendary software engineer called john carmack said both systems are almost equal but of course you'll deny it

if you are really "nature of logic" then amazing looking ryse and quantum break easily tell that both systems are on the same level with each other

and finally if you are really "nature of logic" then the identical MGS V gameplay on both systems at TGS should convince you of that

just change your name to "nature of denial"

conclusion : the difference is minimal whether you like it or not

AngelicIceDiamond3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

@Nature "Xbox fans are in denial that PS4 can and will have better graphics due to better hardware."

I would like to know who these Xbox fans are, and who is denying the power of the PS4?

Sounds like to me your trying to start an argument out of nothing. Causing unwarranted fights among gamers.

We need to get you banned from this site, since you contribute nothing but arguments and fanboy trash.

As for Quantum Break looks like its gonna be one of those high fidelty graphical games. I hope to see this game get officially shown off next year with full gameplay at around E3 or so.

NatureOfLogic3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

@ ape007 Graphics, this is where the Xbone fanboys denial come in. This is no Xbox 360 versus PS3 type difference. The PS4 and Xbone difference is even bigger(50% difference), that's huge. PS4 can no doubt look better and perform better than any Xbone game you guys praise. I think the real kicker is, you're paying more for less with Xbone, and if you look at MS track record that doesn't help at all. Seriously, the only ones I see paying more for less is Xbox loyalist or uninformed casuals. I think WiiU will end up selling more than Xbone. I laugh every time some Xbox fanboy say they are equal.

3879d ago
NewMonday3879d ago

in-game =/= realtime gameplay

AngelicIceDiamond3879d ago

@No logic

"The PS4 and Xbone difference is even bigger(50% difference), that's huge."

Source please. Send me a link of devs stating this.

"the only ones I see paying more for less is Xbox loyalist or uninformed casuals."

One of the most stupidest and idiotic statements of the month.

I guess telling you another alternative to why someone would want X1 is for some of the none gaming services wouldn't get through to you.

Or get this. A owner of an 360 who really liked the online services including party chat will opt to X1 because MS is enhancing there favorite features with X1.

Kinect owners, those 24 million with roughly 10 to 5 million people who actually used it and who really enjoyed Kinect 1.0

Quit making it sound like nobody once it besides Xbox fans and some casuals. Maybe in your little fanboy world sure.

None of this is getting to you of course because of your insane love obsession with PS4. And your extreme hate obsession with X1.

But nature guess what these are machines, objects. There not your GF or ex GF or lover, but maybe... to you they are? Yikes

NewMonday3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )


you know your talking about yourself, just sit back and think about it for a second.

while you think your writing a "smart" reply, but in the normal world people are just shaking their heads.


AngelicIceDiamond3879d ago

@Monday I don't wanna hear it your just as bad as Nature. In fact you two are one of the worse Sony fan kiddies here.

Wow, ere I am way off topic and arguing with no life Sony fans instead of talking about the game.

Like I said the game looks great hopefully it plays just as well. Remedy are talented devs and I'm sure Quantum Break will be great.


NewMonday3879d ago


NatureOfLogic was responding directly to vishmarx and he wasn't even being negative, my first comment was directly about the article, you are the one who spouted personal fanboy drivel.

BallsEye3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )


Start expecting it, because Ryse running on XO has already this quality of graphics or even better. I think you've missed the last trailer.


To remind you , they've confirmed (you can read on official website) everything on e3 was in-game running real time.

quote from official site "Xbox One @ E3 event and introduced new material from Quantum Break, running real time"

Judging by your bubbles you are a die hard sony fan, you're just in denial that XO can pull this off.

mhunterjr3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

I haven't seen any xbox fans denying the ps4 has more raw power... just fans claiming (rightfully) that graphical potential isn't everything. Yet also claiming (rightfully) that on day one, there are more graphically intensive games on Xbox One.

lifeisgamesok3879d ago

@Nature of Logic sorry buddy but seeing Ryse, Quantum Break, Forza

There is no 50% more power

NewMonday3879d ago


the same thing they say about the Order and Dark Sorcerer, I give the same response, wait for a playable demo.


look in this very comment section

Freedomland3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

New trailer of Ryse.
This Gif of QB.

Yeah like watching Avatar on Blu-ray without gameplay.

Microsoft just wants to pass time till Nov 22 and they need some positive advertisement and some fanboys to be their mouthpiece.
Remember, fanboys were yapping about some NDA and some secret graphic sauce but what happened, nothing.
Reality will bite on Nov 22 and it will haunt for the rest of the coming years.

black0o3879d ago

not gameply .. move along ppl

VENOMACR12273879d ago

Thankfully you ran out of bubbles because I can only read so much from Sony fanboys. Everyone that keeps using the "Xbone" word, stop trying to act cool, it's old and just makes you sound stupid. The PS4 can easily be nicknamed the POS4. Nothing yells fanboy like "Xbone."

Since when do graphics = better games? PS3 has better hardware then the 360 yet if you compare BF or COD on both system, look identical. And the exclusives on each system both look fantastic. It's not all about graphics and frankly, the exclusives so far on both systems look awesome. Ryse, Forza, KZ, all look great. It's not like the X1 has 360 graphics. Get over the specs already.

SilentNegotiator3879d ago

Let's wait to see actual gameplay, with certainty that it's running on an Xbox One, before judging the graphics.

P0werVR3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

Is this GIF from new trailer?! Never payed attention to this game.


Oh, I see what this is. nvm

Mystogan3879d ago

PS4 graphics will not look miles and miles better like you PSfanboys like to believe. The truth is, the difference will be minimal at best.

CC-Tron3879d ago

Denial? No. The burden of proof in terms of graphics power at this point rests on the shoulders of Sony's PS4. From E3 to the present, X1 has been in the lead for graphics between the 2 consoles.

I said it 3 months ago and I'll say it again. Prove me wrong Sony. I'm still waiting.

black0o3879d ago

Numbers don't lie
1.85 >> 1.31 (1.12 acutal)

what's their to not get .. using cute-scene can simply be called in game footage
Ryse trailer and this gif

u see those so called Sony fans never made gifs out of dark sorcerer or Driveclub intro ... etc

ShinMaster3879d ago

Looks more like a cutscene than in-game or gameplay running on XBO...

H0RSE3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

Sony enthusiasts can quote spec sheets all day long, but it really isn't enough. See, the argument isn't about whether or not PS4 has more powerful hardware than X1, the argument is what does that amount to? If the PS4 is boasting 50% more power, is that going to amount to 50% more graphically impressive and better performing games? Likely not.

Sony fans love to post spec comparisons, because the numbers paint PS4 as the clear winner, but it doesn't factor in a lot of other variables, like the extreme amount customization MS has put into the X1's hardware, or the potential that Azure has, making flat out "numbers games" not really that accurate. There's also the fact that the skills and competence of developers is going to have a much larger effect on how well the hardware is used and the quality of games that gets released, than just hardware specs.

And save me the "powa of teh clowdz" remarks. Azure is an impressive technology, much more so than Gaikai, and it's already been shown to be able to help alleviate processes off the X1's hardware or help devs dedicate tasks to the cloud, resulting in some sort of improvement(s) to games, perhaps even if it is extra content.

The bottom line is this - there has been zero games that have been shown on PS4, that make it seem as though it is clearly the more powerful system. Until you can compare a game side by side to a run-of-the-mill consumer, and they can pick out the PS4 version due to a substantial improvement in quality, your "better hardware" arguments mean little. As it is now, *any* sort of improvement, regardless how negligible, is enough for them to stroke their epeen.

black0o3879d ago

^^ haha at less we are not using some cut-s gifs to show off :P

isn't that just pathetic!

scott1823879d ago

This looks like a cinematic game like heavy rain and others... Of course the character models will look great, as to be expected for next gen. This does look very good to me.

scott1823879d ago

You may want to read what the need for speed devs recently wrote in that case... Obviously PS4 has graphical advantages for devs to take advantage of, with need for speed being a good example. Not saying I care, I still play chrono trigger from the PS1....

P.S. the cloud compute is to be used in multiplayer games, for some small CPU calculations, not GPU calculations. Which means graphics in multiplayer games will not be affected, but how they run could see very minor improvements. And this is years down the line they say.

NewMonday3879d ago


people in the real world already see PS4 games as the most impressive graphically

but the personal distortion field XBone fans have set up around themselves is proving impenetrable by logic, it is like a console war version of "Good Bye Lenin"

FANTA11803879d ago

youre talking nonsense about stuff you have zero solid knowledge about , you dont work nor do you even own either console , youre just assuming and reading into internet stories that hype up eachothers consoles ...period.

enjoy whatever console youre getting and stfu.

you just sound like the biggest fanboy on earth otherwise.

games are games ..omg your game isnt native 1080p .. who the hell cares , a badass game is a badass game regardless of the slight difference in resolution ..

JokesOnYou3879d ago

hmmmm specs, OK but proofs in the pudding I see KZ SF and Ryse both launch games, both look great but Ryse looks better. I see Driveclub struggle to hit 60 fps with less impressive graphics and features than Forza5 @60fps. I see Knack which honestly looks no better than Kameo launch game on 360. I see micro out showing and giving more details on the console than the competition who releades earlier and supposedly is easier to dev for.

X1 is walking the walk.

NewMonday3879d ago


the MS "talk" is nothing but spin, if they give straight honest answers they wouldn't need to constantly explain themselves to the gaming community.

as for your opinions on graphics quality excuse me for calling the honesty of your judgment into question, non of the XB1 games are setting standards, and most are merely 720p, the games setting the benchmark for consoles are KZ:SF, inFamous and BF4, Ryse could have made it if they improved it instead of downgrading it, to bad the XBone couldn't handle it. I like how you try to put a brave face and repeat what you say day after day in a failing attempt at making it catch on but the real world doesn't work that way i'm afraid.

ShinMaster3879d ago

""Specs don't matter""

Of course they don't when you're using a gif from a cutscene to pretend that it's in-game graphics.

kickerz3879d ago

My iPhone can't handle this gif. Too much awesomeness

MorePowerOfGreen3879d ago

"You make it sound like no one is expecting Xbox One to have good graphics"

No... People are saying XB1 is capable of graphically unmatched games when it was supposedly weaker! according to certain people. People are saying the PS4 spec rhetoric isn't the whole picture and leaves things out like XB'1 supercharged faster CPU, more Ram bandwidth, custom chips and Direct3D 11.2 etc.

JokesOnYou3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

lol, newmonday "spin" really? nah, you can find all the spin you want in a "Driveclub Delayed bu bu bu.." thread....I'm not hating on the game, I'd prefer not even getting into that but lets be real everybody knows if it were the other way around we'd have tons of news with you guys flooding X1 threads saying the console was rushed. Although I really do think there are some early issues for ps4 its normal and eventually sony/devs will get everything ironed out, micro are also NOT without some issues so it happens early on still I'm sure both will be helluva consoles but the reason I point out the great tangible things I'm seeing with X1 and that's why its actually walking the walk instead of just talking in terms of delivering the goods at launch is because despite all the BS we hear daily from sony fans and even like we see this awesome gif of Qauntum Break you guys still come here to hate, no matter what, you would think it would be more beneficial/logical if you sony folks focused a lot more on whats going on with ps4.

Meanwhile its sony who already had a weak launch lineup, they've been lacking in details about the console, theres news of Kiosks in sony stores but the demos are of non AAA games, their UI vids all seem like off screen fan stuff where nothing really is shown or it glitches and now less than a month from launch their lineup gets even weaker with DC's delay, lol yet you sony folks have the nerve to come to a X1 thread and talk shiii, man its just embarrassing, really salty sounding comments too. lmfao

UltimateMaster3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

"Ah man, I hate Cinematic games!"
-Goes off playing Beyond 2 Souls or Heavy Rain.


It could also be vice-versa.

: )

Either way, you can't deny that it looks good.

Facts > Your Opinion

If only you'd look how many PS4 games are native 1080p compared to the games like Killer Instinct being 720p, Ryse being 900, and other games struggling to get that 1080. I really would just stop talking as you're just spewing nonsense.
So far the ONLY X1 exclusive that has 1080p IS Forza 5 and nothing else.

4Sh0w3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

Actually UltimateMaster your case is weak, X1 has more 1080p launch games than you think:

Crimson Dragon is 108Op
Zoo Tycoon is 1080p
Lococycle is 1080p
Forza 5 is 1080p

PS4 only has knack and KZ SF launch exclusive games at 1080p, and knack isnt impressive at all.

But 1080p is only one piece the puzzle because Lococyle has nothing on this:


If the only measuring stick for graphics is res, then wii u should be awesome for you or hell I guess micro could have played it safe and launched with a bunch of games like knack running at 1080p= Hell no, KI, DR3, definitely Forza 5 and especially Ryse crush knack graphically and only Forza5 does it with 1080p so go ahead keep talking spec sheets, I prefer the games do the talking:


+ Show (34) more repliesLast reply 3878d ago
snitch_puck3879d ago

Can you people just shut the hell up with comparing exclusives or what's the best next-gen console to play on for now?? What's important is this Quantum Break game looks promising and beautiful and no doubt Remedy will maintain the strong narrative and gameplay it gave Alan Wake. God knows how I loved that game. And this is coming from a fan of good classic horror novel reads from stephen king to anne rice. MORE PLEASE REMEDY!!

NewMonday3879d ago

Alan Wake was a nice try but spread to thing, keeping interest throughout the game was difficult, hope Remedy listen to constructive criticism on that front.

IRetrouk3879d ago

Alan wake was a good game but a wee bit overhyped, hopefully this expands the mix of a good story and intresting gameplay that alan wake had, looking forward to this game, looks promising.

WitWolfy3879d ago

Interesting fact.. Did you know Alan Wake was originally planned to be open world then later made more linear?

Alan Wake could've been a lot more than what we we got in the end.

Beastforlifenoob3879d ago

WHy is everyone hating this game because its on XBOXONE im buying PS4 but seriously lets stop hating the XBOXONE so much. The graphics are very impressive and please dont try to deny it, its definately not the best weve seen but still very,very nice.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3879d ago
Thatguy-3103879d ago

let's judge when we see the game running on a stage presentation or something.

Beastforlifenoob3879d ago

LEt me guess because its on xbox one if it was on PS4 people would go apeshit nuts insane saying its amazing.

black0o3879d ago

^^ u sound as PS4 camp said the dark S. is gameply footage

Deathdeliverer3879d ago

I agree DB. The game looks good but let's wait till we see some actual gameplay interfaces or how it works. I like when people come up with new art styles like auto moddelista did on ps2 back in the day. This looks like live Acton motion captured and cell shaded with realistic tones vs the cartoony style that's usually used with cell. Thing is unlike alot of you guys I haven't figured out how to play graphics. The game is definitely on my watch list but God I won't go arguing about it when, without a clue how you interact with it. For all I know it could be a great looking game that has GAMEPLAY that looks boring as hell. Hopefully the gameplay matches the graphics and until we see more... .. calm the hell down.

Hellsvacancy3879d ago

"alan wake had one of the best narratives in gaming"

Your probably the only one who thinks that

Dread3879d ago

I also think that Alan Wake had one of the best naratives in video games, so your wrong.


Mystogan3879d ago

Judging by your disagrees. You're wrong.

Jazz41083879d ago

Alan Wake was awesome easily one of my favorite 360 games next to lost oddesey.

BallsEye3879d ago

First new Ryse trailer which blown everyone away, now this...I'm stunned. I refuse to believe XO is such a weak console as everyone in here claim. It's just impossible...look at those games!!

black0o3879d ago

we already saw this lvls on ps3 nothing to be waaaowed about

take a look http://i387.photobucket.com...

Magicite3879d ago

any news about release date? Im sure closer to release we will see real graphics, Im not saying X1 isnt capable of this, but so far nothing has proved it is.

CrossingEden3879d ago

Evidently you haven't seen the new Ryse trailer.

Deathdeliverer3879d ago

Ryse always did look good graphic wise. The gameplay is what looks weak in my humble opinion. I'm still going to wait for demos or reviews. Until then I'll stick with dead rising and KI at launch.

assdan3879d ago

You think Sony people think the x1 is incapable of having good graphics. When what we're saying is the ps4 simply has better. If quantum break were on ps4, it would probably look even better. I'll just get QB on PC when that inevitably happens. And I would say Alan wake was average in almost every way tbh.

Hercules1893879d ago

This game right here looks just about equal to deep down, maybe even better. If this was exclusive on ps4 it would look the same.

assdan3879d ago

You have to consider how much it's processing as well. It's not really known how strong the AI is or how much physics is running. Some games are easier to run than others. Beyond two souls looked really good, but there's also not very much ai either. And who knows if this is even running on Xbox one at this point. Microsoft has given me no reason to believe any of their demos are legit.

Ashby_JC3879d ago

I usually dont get into this whole back and forth my game for my preferred system looks better but I just SMH when I read...

"If quantum break were on ps4, it would probably look even better." AssDan

That takes the cake on things I have read. No matter what the XB1 puts out...your answer is....BUT it would be better on the PS4. Why are you even in this article commenting?

I bet when the PS4 and XB1 are out and this so called plus 50% power never happens...no matter what you will all be in denial.

assdan3879d ago

The reason I say that is because the ps4 and xbox one literally work on the same architecture, and the ps4 simply works on faster architecture. The ps3 was theoretically stronger than the 360, but the 360 was so much easier to use that it made almost no difference. But the fact that they work almost the same way means that the one that's faster in almost every single way means that it should be it almost 100% of the time in a direct port.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3879d ago
humbleopinion3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

This is indeed the best looking next-gen title I've seen so far. The Division is also an excellent runner-up, but the visuals and amount of details in Quantum Break are simply astonishing.
And knowing Remedy from both Alan Wake and Max Payne, we're also expected a huge treat gameplay wise.

And the best news? next gen is just getting started.

Ausbo3879d ago

can we just ban newmonday already??????

EVERY FREAKIN ARTICLE he just trolls. Go to the sony articles and praise the graphics there.

H0RSE3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

His biggest downfall, like many of the more "extreme" fans, is he is more concerned with being anti xbox than being pro PS4. Being a fan of something is fine, but when you spend more of your time criticizing the competition than showing excitement for what you love, it does a lot to tarnish your image and credibility - This goes for all fanboys.

Ashby_JC3879d ago

It makes me wonder really....why do you care so much about what your NOT getting?

I own a HONDA sportbike...but I dont go into the BMW forums or similar bashing them saying HONDA is better.

Its just scary and entertaining this ..what are they called....fanboys!

Salooh3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

This game always got my attention . Any one with a good taste won't deny how good is this when he play alan wake :P . I am looking forward to play it on pc XD . We all know it will release in pc eventually .

X1 is forbidden in my house because of kinect . Even if they remove it i still won't buy it , why ?. Because MS are a lot more greedy then sony + they have bad history with exclusives + No excuse for the people who say xbox have better multiplatform versions ( even though i never cared about that )

DoubleM703879d ago


They are both companies the object is to make a profit. If you don't make a profit your company will go under.... OMG! You guys take this way to personal. My PS3 RROD a few months ago and Sony wanted to charge me $150 bucks to get it fixed. My Xbox360 RROD it twice Microsoft fixed it free of charge. Hell they even through in a free game. Even though Sony didn't fix my PS3, which they should have. It's not stopping me from buying a PS4.

Salooh3879d ago

I got RROD on 360 and microsoft didn't replace it to me. So i had a different experience then you. When i bought another 360 they started focusing on kinect . So i sold it with lost again.

I'm not like you , i don't handle losts like that. I don't care if their goal is money . I care about what i get. What i get from microsoft does not worth the money i spent on their product.

So yes , i take it personal when they fool me .

Donnyskillz3879d ago

I hope to god nothing happens to your ps4 and and sony doesn't fix it because then you wont have anyone to run to for a titty to suck....oh maybe Nintendo, but the way you talk if your done wrong by a company you wont buy their product anymore.....people are so funny lol

Salooh3879d ago

My ps3's are still alive , same goes for my vita , ps1's and ps2's . Sony products stay until the end for me . So i trust sony.

H0RSE3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

"forbidden in your house?" Really?! So nobody in your house can buy or play xbox, regardless if it includes you or not? Little extreme there, don't you think? Would hate to see what would happen if your kids came home and told you something like they were gay, or an atheist, or a gay atheist, or even worse, one of them got a job at Mircrosoft...in the xbox PR department.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3879d ago
DoubleM703879d ago


I'm looking at your post with 72 Disagree that in itself shows denial that this game is looking beautiful. Pfft...these guys on here called themselves so called gamers. Buy both and you want have to worry about pledging alegance to one.

noctis_lumia3879d ago

looks ok but shadow fall and the order 1886 look way better than this sry xbox fans

BBBirdistheWord3879d ago

sorry, that sounds like a unjustified Sony fanboy statement.

I had a good look at KZsf and it looks great. So does QB though. Essentially we are comparing the difference between a Porsche and a Ferrari. Which is better?

Differences at this level are somewhat subjective and difficult to quantify.

filipakos3879d ago

Noone said xbox1 graphics would be awefull.The fact that there is some difference in power between those two consoles doesnt mean that xbox1 will have 360 graphics.And yeah graphics are good but i liked the animation more (was realistic).Alan wake was an interesting game but also was a little boring(i mostly played it for the graphics and poets of the fall).Also why you thing that only sony fans hate xbox1,really now why in every article there is this word "fanboy",just stop that already.Also most of x1 exclusives are games from 360 that moved on to x1 thats why there are so many exclusives

Godmars2903879d ago

Can say there's no idea what gameplay's like. Whether or not that's suppose to be an in-game cutscene.

FunkMacNasty3879d ago

oh my god.. NEWMONDAY, will you please SHUT UP!?

I'm sorry, having an opinion is fine, but what is your point in being a complete asshole?

This game looks great! Still going with ps4 day one, mostly due to the cheaper price point, but my plan is to grab an XboxOne once they have a price drop (prolly 2 years or so).. then I can catch up on games like this and Forza 5! (By the way, I LOVE Forza Motorsports... even better than Gran Turismo--I hope that made you cry, Newmonday)

I'm sorry, but with Sony and MS both bringing a LOT of great stuff to the table, the fanboy bitches who refuse to open their minds are REALLY the only ones who are gonna miss out.

finbars753879d ago

This is pre-rendered.My god you guys are wacked.Just like Ryse.The character models look great agreed but its another boring 5 hour SP that Crytek will put out only to show off improvemnets in there engine and nothing more.I think Quantum Break will be the far more superior game compared to Ryse.Im not bashing Quantum but I only bring up Ryse because I know its going to be brought up because of the graphics.Personally Ryse looks like a shit boring game where Quantum will have a great story with great cut scenes but i feel as thought you guys are way a head of yourselves.Until I see actual gameplay it will be another game that im not hyped for until its close to release.

DialgaMarine3879d ago

As a PS fan, noone is expecting to look bad per se. XBone is clearly a next gen console; there's no doubt about that. How long it will hold up against the PS4, especially when we start seeing the projects from all of Sony Worldwide Studios, like ND and SSM. It's kindof established that PS4 will have the superior graphics, especially down the road, but XBone will games will still look fantastic in their own right.

PS3n3603878d ago

my thoughts exactly and I am an xb fan. This is torture for me as I am not rich. Having a hard time deciding between consoles. I am kind of a graphics whore so while i like what i am initially seeing from xb1 I know full well that PS4 will show more visually impressive titles than xb a couple years into the life cycle. Deer in the headlights right here.

thisismyaccount3879d ago

Sure.... nice CGi with the game engine (cutscene). Somehow the character models looks "dated" to me, especially the one from the good guy? (without the pistol)...

A third person shooter, with up to 45! min cutscenes and there´s a lot of them according to the devs. Well see how good or bad this one is...


turgore3879d ago

Only a Microsoft fan can deny that this is probably pre-rendered.

BBBirdistheWord3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

So please help me to understand.

You claim it looks so good it is probably pre-rendered.

Yet we have some fanboys above saying that ps4 games look even better?
(please note this comment is pertaining to the same thread, same game and got a 'well said')

How is it possible for a game to look sooo good you claim it is pre-rendered, yet at the same time PS4 fans claim their games look even better?

This situation makes absolutely no sense at all.

Bobby Kotex3879d ago

What do you mean sony fan? Seriously STFU troll.

Anzil3879d ago

looks good but wait for gameplay!!!

trancefreak3879d ago

The future looks beautiful for gaming and I don't get all the bickering over this beautiful GIF. Each console will have its own epic showcases to display, and I am ready to experience it.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3878d ago
JustPlay43880d ago

Hopefully the game looks like that would be good and is not boring, if so this could be the first must have X1 games

Trekster_Gamer3879d ago

Well one of many.. but certainly not the first. Ryse will most likely take that honor.

IRetrouk3879d ago

To be fair it would be between forza 5 and this for the game that makes me pick up a one, ryse looks seriously repetitive and boring, looks lovely but a pretty game aint always a good one.

Salooh3879d ago

Ryse is a boring indie game compared to this game to ME.

BlackTar1873879d ago

I honestly believe RYSE would be lost int he mix had it released a year from now on any system.

It's getting extra hype for being launch.

ape0073880d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

this looks truly phenomenal as well Ryse today and DAT NBA 2k14 trailer, all looked true nextgen

also new KZ footage coming soon will blow our socks off

games on both consoles will look beyond gorgeous, the bad wave that hit both consoles this past month is all fake(downgrades, weak, underpowered etc...)

HECK, even super mario 3D world's latest build look insane

what a wonderful time to be a gamer ladies and gentlemen

and this is only just the beginning

ape0073879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

OMG 10+ disagrees for my beautiful apy comment

damn so many butthurt people, literally

i even said KZ will look amazing but that doesn't satisfy them, I must hate on xbox 100%

@christocolus, don't worry man, im having good time, just having fun picking on fanboys, it's real fun, im "pretending" to be pissed

christocolus3879d ago

dude i totally agree with you..next gen is going to be awesome..ignore the fanboys

Gazondaily3879d ago

Ape, its a sad state of affairs I know. But the disagrees say a lot more about the insecurities of those fanboys than it does about you. Its pathetic really. Let them fester in their ignorance.

GodGinrai3879d ago


I think that is a bit sad they you HAD to even mention that a PS4 game looks good just to say your looking forward to games that are on other platforms....Its really come to THIS, N4G?

I like playstion. But I hate PS fans! I dont even want go go into a KZ/drive club thread and compliment those games because some of the things the fanboys come out with are cringe worthy to say the least! lol

Golden_Mud3879d ago

I gave an agree , you shouldn't have your bubbles taken out of your hand

Jazz41083879d ago

couldn't agree more myself ape.

PS3n3603878d ago

i remember when pong came out over 30 years ago and I thought what a wonderful time to be a gamer. Truth is is it is always a great time to be a gamer. The dawn of each new generation is like the first snowfall of the season if you ski/snowboard or first winter swell if you surf.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3878d ago
MadLad3879d ago

The Sony flock really needs to stop hating. If this is indeed in engine... the game looks phenomenal. With the backing of a team as talented as Remedy, it will have both looks and the content to deliver something truly amazing.

Riderz13373879d ago

I'm a Sony fan and I think this looks fantastic. Is there something wrong with me?

MadLad3879d ago

If you aren't one participating in all those stealth disagrees, then no.

thereapersson3879d ago

A new IP for next gen that isn't an FPS? That's a formula for potential success in my book.

robotgargoyle3879d ago

Nope. You still will get great Sony exclusives like the Order and Infamous. Of course there is more on both sides to come. Everybody wins:)

awesomeperson3879d ago

Nope. I have to agree with you. For the foreseeable future I will only be owning a PS4 next-gen, but I love looking at games from both sides.

Quantum Break and the new Ryse trailer both seem to showcase exceptional graphics. Quantum Break especially is one of the games I wish I had an Xbox for, Ryse less so (despite the amazing graphics, the gameplay is lacklustre in my eyes).

This is going to be a great generation.


I didn't really see any of the "Sony flock" hating. I know there are a few trolls, but there are trolls on both side of the fence. Stop with the whole persecution complex. Games will be respected by an true gamer regardless of their allegiances.

Dread3879d ago


dude seriously...this is a sony dedicated site.

there are way more sony trolls than pc, ms, and nintendo trolls combined. You are either new here, or are just in denial.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3879d ago
Shinox3879d ago

I swear to you i didn't dislike any comment here but i fxxxing hate M$ , So much that i wish they didn't exist in gaming and i hate the fact that they got good developers like RARE and others only to please themselves and ruin the entire gaming industry with unaccepted stuff and decisions

robotgargoyle3879d ago

Well, I feel sorry for you.

No, wait, I don't. Stop being an angry crybaby. You'll get plenty of great exclusives on your choice of a "non MS" gaming device.

Beastforlifenoob3879d ago

So if only SONY existed in gaming they wouldnt abuse it, hahah yeah right, more competition=greatness weather the competition is competitive/non-competitive/am azing or shit it forces other companies to use reasonable pricing and ideas, thats the only reason microsoft canceled DRM because of the competitive pressure of SONY and the PS4 on their backs, learn to understand companies dont give a fucking shit about their customers and only give when it comes down to how many wads of 100's they have in their hands to smell.

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15 Xbox Games That Should Make the Multiplatform Jump

While there’s likely already a list behind closed doors, one can still speculate and offer logical suggestions for titles new and old that should find their way into the PlayStation and Switch libraries.

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GamerRN77d ago

Single A games and live service games. Those make sense

S2Killinit77d ago

None of it makes sense. But its happening.

Ps5conehead77d ago

That’s up to Microsoft they want return on there investment. From buying up those publishers. That’s what there in business for. And they made a mistake putting day one exclusive on game pass. So now Microsoft wants to profit any way they can.its called buisness . Just like Sony putting games on pc a year are two after ps5 launch.
So if they can make money off PlayStation and Nintendo. They will do that. And I bet soon real soon they will release some aaa exclusives .and I bet one day it will be same day release

TheEroica76d ago

Sony gamers begging for Xbox games.... Who would've thunk it?


Yeah, because random site off the internet represents all Sony gamers, they have the letter of attorney and all...

S2Killinit76d ago

Lol what a spin. You dizzy?

AsunaYuukiTheFlash76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

We don’t care about shovelwares. Get that junk out of PS5

StormSnooper76d ago

More like MS begging to put their games on PlayStation.

TheEroica75d ago

Keep begging Sony gamers!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 75d ago
Friendlygamer77d ago

Some of these seem to be exclusive for lack of enthusiasm of the publisher rather than because of deals. A lot of cool indies skip ps for some reason like katana zero, el paso, elsewhere and gunbrela

S2Killinit77d ago

Even more indies skip xbox. We know that right?

Friendlygamer77d ago

Quality over quantity, Microsoft got some really interesting and curated niche games on their machines, maybe in part because of gamepass

S2Killinit76d ago

Quality and MS are not things you bring up in same sentence.

shinoff218377d ago (Edited 77d ago )

Alot of indies skip xbox to. It goes round and round. Personally I think your off base on that but no need to have the argument.

Friendlygamer76d ago

Between katana zero, valheim, Battletech, el passo... I don't feel off base. maybe ps got a million of light novel games that will never release on Xbox but like I've said, I'm talking about niche games highlights, the 10%.

  Heck, it's probably thanks to Microsoft that the s.t.a.l.k.e.r games came to console ps included, meanwhile Sony backwards compatibility continues to be extremely anemic.

And I'm sure most ps5 users are happy to ignore these games and just play wathever new 3rd person action game is trending but it's cool that Microsoft gives some love to smaller audiences and software preservation

shinoff218376d ago

Again your off base just to be snide. All it's showing though is your ignorance.

One light novels wtf is that even. Ps has plenty of pretty damn good indies.

Speaking of indies and ms being responsible. You know F.I.S.T. of course you do alot of you guys just support gamepass. Well here's a history of Sony being responsible for helping indies. Look up the China project from Sony.

Lastly lol your ignorance showing again. Sony has plenty of games. Personally third person is better then first anyway but that's besides the point. Sony gets so many games that xbox doesn't get because yall don't support the games. Jrpgs being a great example. I personally am not into every Sony first party game. Alot of us aren't. On the other side you don't get to eat often so you gobble up everything. Me personally God of War not my cup, etc. For me I'm into jrpgs and ms just can't touch Sony on those. Again because the Xbox base doesn't support it. Devs dont wanna waste their time or money. Hit me up when falcom develops a game over there.

Speaking of third person narrative games. Aren't yall drooling over hellblade 2. The first one was Sony exclusive at one point. Another not my cup game. Showing we don't have to fall in line and agree we love everything Sony puts out. The facts are they sell though unlike elsewhere(not nintendo)

StormSnooper76d ago

You are same person as GamerRN, yes?

Abnor_Mal77d ago

They really think PlayStation fans would want to play Redfall? Pfft.

Personally nothing on that list would be any game I’d want to play.

TwoPicklesGood77d ago

I’d absolutely love Hellblade 2, Palworld, and Quantum Break on ps5 as I’m sure tons of others would too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting games from another console and its sad that people try to act like they aren’t interested in them.

shinoff218376d ago

While indont agree with the games. I agree with the point. Your not wrong.

DarXyde77d ago

Sunset Overdrive makes very good sense. Palworld might.

Don't know about the others. Hellblade II does make sense given the original launched on PS4 first. Quantum Break was a massive letdown for me. I absolutely hated the whole TV show thing and I don't think anyone should have to relive that on modern hardware.

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Now that Remedy owns Control, it’s time to reclaim Quantum Break

Alan Wake 2 studio Remedy Entertainment has reclaimed the rights to Control, and now sci-fi hit Quantum Break deserves the same treatment.

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Petebloodyonion93d ago

Totally agree with that especially when Quantum Break has several references to Alan Wake and Alan Wake make allusions to QB.
I do believe that MS and Remedy can work things out and MS has usually been nice to devs and publishers regarding IP.

Obscure_Observer93d ago

They can't "reclaim" what was never theirs.

Petebloodyonion93d ago

I’m sure we can settle for purchase from MS the IP.

Lightning7793d ago

MS is not doin anything with it. Plus they're doing a multiverse of their own so Remedy needs the IP.

If MS wants to have exclusive let it be timed for 6 months then go to other platforms. MS seems to be, let's say, generous with some if their games as of late.

Or have QB2 be multiplat from the jump, put it on GP. Keeping QB2 as an exclusive is kinda weird these days.

Obscure_Observer92d ago (Edited 92d ago )


"I’m sure we can settle for purchase from MS the IP."

Good luck


"MS is not doin anything with it."

Japan Studio is dead nd Sony isn´t doing anything with Bloodborne either! Yet I can 100% guarantee that there´s a far bigger demand for a sequel, remake or even a remaster for that game from both PS5 and PC gamers.

That been said, why don´t you ask Sony tol sell the IP to Fromsoftware now that according to rumors, they bought Elden Ring from Bandai?

ZwVw93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Reclaim? That would mean that they actually owned the ip at one point, which they never did (MS always has). Apples & oranges. Remedy always owned the Control ip (just not the publishing), as they have with Alan Wake.

About as likely as them getting the Max Payne rights from Rockstar.

mastershredder93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Sending you game to a publisher does not mean they get "rights to own it " unless that was part of the contract (monetary/ strategic reasons). 505 was the publisher they worked with to publish and distribute it, it dos not mean that 505 flat out "owned" anything, clearly they did have a special arrangement that made them open to limit their publishing rights. and so here we are and big whoop

Jingsing93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Yeah get Quantum Break PS5, only if you put it on disc with all the associated movie material.

isarai93d ago

I mean they got the Alan Wake IP back from MS, so I feel like they could get QB back as well

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Remedy Takes Full Control of Control Franchise From 505 Games

Remedy Entertainment has announced that they've purchased the full rights to the Control franchise from 505 Games.

isarai94d ago

Oh nice, I wonder if they'll try to do the same with Max Payne 🤔

-Foxtrot94d ago

I hope so, Rockstar ain't doing shit with it sadly.

I loved the gameplay in Max Payne 3, it was fantastic but it just didn't feel like Max Payne at its core, it felt like they were doing a new IP or experimenting with one and reshaped it into Max Payne

The Noire, the atmosphere, the dark grittiness, the graphic novel cutscenes, Mona Saxx were all missing.

I'm hoping if they ever get the rights back they do their own version of Max Payne 3, off the secret ending from MP2 where Mona survives.

Max was finally starting to heal thanks to Mona in MP2 and in MP3 they just put his character back to square one, all that development gone.

isarai94d ago

Kinda what I'm thinking too, like as much as I'd love for R* to give it their unmatched magic touch, they're not doing anything with it.

I loved MP3, only gripe was that the story had very little to do with Max personally but it was still great. The Mona ending would be amazing and honestly not entirely out of the realm since MP is kinda considered part of the control universe, though I would like that to stay out of MP as much as possible and be it's own thing.

The fact that we haven't gotten a MP3 remaster is crazy imo

JL293093d ago

Why would you need a Max Payne 3 remaster? You must be on console.

isarai93d ago

I'm on both, still want a remaster

GamerRN93d ago

I think Control was a great game that deserves a sequel

Machina93d ago

A sequel is in the works - they announced it a couple of years ago.