
New GTA Online Money Making Glitch - $1mil Every 2 Minutes

This GTA 5 Online money making glitch and will make you over $1,000,000 (yes A MILLION) in less than 2 minutes by reselling a fully upgraded Truffade Adder.

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dski10803881d ago

Won't this put you in the cheetah pool?

beer_baron3881d ago

The financial panther recommends you use this glitch.

xHeavYx3881d ago

Title should be changed to "how to get banned from GTA online"

The_Con-Sept3881d ago

Admiral akbar: IT'S A TRAP!

SolidStoner3881d ago

it had so many steps I have to see it 10 times to barely understand it.... :)

I hope R* fix these glitches, I dont want to see 11 year olds having full control of the online...

Lord_Sloth3881d ago


Money doesn't equal control of the online. It equals money. They'll have nice houses and nice vehicles and the rest of us can have the exact same stuff for just a little time and effort. It's hardly game breaking. A s****y aim is still a s****y aim even with millions of dollars.

I'd rather R* concentrate on giving me the heists and UGC so I can have something to do in the GTAO instead of worrying about people who have tons of money.

RedDragan3881d ago

It's a game about underworld crime, this nothing but fraud... surely a legit enterprise in the world of GTA? lol

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Bossman8803881d ago

The best pool is the Cheetah Pool

Abriael3881d ago

More videos to encourage people to cheat (and get banned). Some really have no shame.

Skizelli3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

I find it ironic that people are complaining about a money exploit for a game that promotes criminal activity. It's only fitting. Who is it really hurting besides those who foolishly bought GTA money?

There's no economy in this game. You're not trading items or exchanging money with other players in a way that matters. Everyone is out to level up and get theirs. Let people have their fun. The Good/Bad Sport system will sort it out.

P.S. - No one's getting banned.


Exactly the way I feel Skizelli!

I would usually agree with Abriael on this one, it's usally upsetting when I see videos teaching how to cheat... But frankly, what dishonest advantage these cheaters are getting that those paying for in-game money aren't? That's the problem with micro-transactions, it's borderline paying for the right to "cheat", makes that line much more blury...

And if R* really wants to go down this greed path, I say f*ck'em. They tried to nickel and dime people by putting a higher price in everything online, trying to prevent perfectly legit ways to get money fast and make you loose money over the dumbest ways possible (seriously, you can't even keep your haircuts for god's sake, you have to rebuy stuff all the time, everytime you die you loose more money than what you get from some pretty long missions), just so you may eventually take the plunge and buy in-game money! Some people are finding ways around it? The way I see it serves 'em right.

Now, maybe it's just that Joker speach on Nolan's movie that's too deeply branded on my brain... But dynamite, gunpowder and gasoline are cheap. What's the point to even have millions anyway?

Sure I don't need an expensive car, garage or mansion to have fun... A customized car that you'll get bored of in hours starting a vicious circle of consumerism? Just steal a new car when your tired of your ride... A freaking spawn point? You can go from north most point to extreme south in minutes with an average ride.

Also the cheating accusations on this game had been out of hand for a while now... To even think that at one point we started to label as cheating the fact of replaying a mission should tell how bad it is. And it's leveling, not profitting, that unlock fun stuff to do and weapons in this game anyway. If people would be cheating leveling up I would see a point, but because they want more virtual money to buy a useless virtual mansion? No, that's not cheating, just a dumb waste of time.

Blacktric3881d ago

"Who is it really hurting besides those who foolishly bought GTA money?"

People who worked their asses off to grind money and RP maybe? Why would some moron who can't even play the game properly should be able to buy every single plane, helicopter and car in the game early and get any of the 200k+ dollar apartments while others have to grind tens, if not hundreds, of hours for it? Saying that game has microtransactions does not justify cheating.

Skizelli3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )


I'm 85 and I earned every level of it. I have plenty of money that I earned legitimately. Even if this exploit didn't exist, nothing would stop me from buying a Rhino and griefing the hell out of you. I chose to use the exploit because I've grown bored already. If you want to spend hundreds of hours playing the same jobs/missions in order to "earn" all this crap, by all means, grind away. But with next gen right around the corner, all the ridiculous ways GTAO takes money away from you, and the ability to buy money in the first place, I'm not going to be playing GTAO for much longer.

By the time they sort everything out, a lot of people will have moved on already. Why does it bother you so much? None of it even affects you. If I use my Rhino to grief people (which I don't), I'll only be paired with others like that. Like I said, there's no economy in this game. GTAO is poorly designed. And with no heists, custom gametypes, or any sort of use for JP, I've grown bored of doing the same jobs/missions over and over. Speaking of which, the RP/$ from those need a serious overhaul.

Let's put things into perspective for a moment. R* botches the launch, gives people who've lost their characters the runaround before eventually telling them they're gone for good, then expect a $500k stimulus package to make everything better? I'm sorry, but that's not good enough. I'm totally against cheating, but I don't see this as cheating since you can just buy money to get ahead anyway.

The funny thing is, this exploit wouldn't even work if it weren't for the in-game store.

Blacktric3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

"Even if this exploit didn't exist, nothing would stop me from buying a Rhino and griefing the hell out of you."

Could you get any more egotistical at this point? Just wow.

You being a legit rank 85 player means nothing. If you do not like the game then don't play it. It's as simple as that. Some people don't mind the mechanics and don't mind waiting for the upcoming features like heists. Being impatient or having been grinded to some mid/high level or the game having microtransaction options (which are currently disabled) does not justify using an ingame exploit to get yourself sh*t ton of cash in a matter of minutes. And if you're going to do it, don't act holier than thou or as if you're being a hero that's standing up against a developer that actually did something terrible.

Oh and, can the thinly veiled "lol u mad?" bullshit. We've got enough people here that constantly pulls that to keep their own ego in check already.

Skizelli3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )


"Could you get any more egotistical at this point? Just wow."

Speaking of points, you totally missed mine, but that doesn't surprise me.

"You being a legit rank 85 player means nothing."

Yes it does. My point was that whether I used the exploit or not, it still wouldn't stop me (or anyone for that matter) from legitimately buying a Rhino and shoving it up your ass (and believe me, you're making me want to at this point). Apparently you didn't read the part where I said I don't even do that. But there's plenty of people that do. And the Good/Bad Sport system will sort them out accordingly, meaning you don't have to worry about it, since you're such a GTAO saint and all.

"If you do not like the game then don't play it. It's as simple as that."

How does me being bored with the game already translate to me not liking it? If I didn't like it, I wouldn't be 85. I'm merely trying to extend the life of a $60 game at nobody's expense (certainly not yours) before I move on. It's as simple as that.

"Some people don't mind the mechanics and don't mind waiting for the upcoming features like heists. Being impatient or having been grinded to some mid/high level or the game having microtransaction options (which are currently disabled) does not justify using an ingame exploit to get yourself sh*t ton of cash in a matter of minutes."

Good for those people. Like I said, grind away. Time isn't a luxury for some of us. Who cares if the micro-transactions are disabled? People still bought money before it was taken down. And they won't be down for much longer. Again, none of this affects you at all, yet you're still crying about it for some reason. You sound almost jealous that I'm a better criminal than you.

"And if you're going to do it, don't act holier than thou or as if you're being a hero that's standing up against a developer that actually did something terrible."

I'm simply telling you why I did it in the first place. To reiterate: boredom, lack of activities, next gen around the corner. If anyone is acting holier-than-thou, it's you. We're playing a game about being a CRIMINAL. Isn't being a criminal about cutting corners? So why are you so surprised if people abuse an exploit on a game about being a CRIMINAL? You're sitting there on your throne, all keyboard caper-like, judging me and others for using an exploit that isn't harming anyone nor tampering with a non-existent economy.

"Oh and, can the thinly veiled "lol u mad?" bullshit. We've got enough people here that constantly pulls that to keep their own ego in check already."

Wow, you love to assume things about people, don't you? Sounds like a personal problem.

Blacktric3880d ago

"it still wouldn't stop me (or anyone for that matter) from legitimately buying a Rhino and shoving it up your ass"

Looking at the current situation of the game and then making assumptions about how nothing noteworthy won't be added in the future that you can buy with your money sure does make using exploits to gain tons of money right. Like I said, keep acting holier than thou while insulting and mocking others who don't like the way people like you use sh*t like this to gain easy cash while going as far to try and justify it by saying "it's a game about criminial activity, so this should be fine" and "I had tons of cash anyway, I'm just doing it because I'm bored/want to be a hero in the community and stick it up to Rockstar".

Oh and I really like the buttflustered attitude. Please keep it up. It's really entertaining to read someone who was trying to act all mature losing all his sh*t and ending up at the levels of a 15 year old that can't keep himself from sprinkling insults here and there while trying to conjure up a reply. Which, I'm guessing, must also be a personal problem.

Skizelli3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )


"Looking at the current situation of the game and then making assumptions about how nothing noteworthy won't be added in the future that you can buy with your money sure does make using exploits to gain tons of money right."

I assumed nothing of the sort. Keep reaching.

"Like I said, keep acting holier than thou while insulting and mocking others who don't like the way people like you use sh*t like this to gain easy cash while going as far to try and justify it by saying "it's a game about criminial activity, so this should be fine" and "I had tons of cash anyway, I'm just doing it because I'm bored/want to be a hero in the community and stick it up to Rockstar".

You seem to be a self-proclaimed expert on how people act, eh? Get off your high horse already.

"Oh and I really like the buttflustered attitude. Please keep it up. It's really entertaining to read someone who was trying to act all mature losing all his sh*t and ending up at the levels of a 15 year old that can't keep himself from sprinkling insults here and there while trying to conjure up a reply. Which, I'm guessing, must also be a personal problem."

I can say the exact same thing about you, bud. It was you who threw the first insult.

If this exploit actually affected people or the game's economy (if it had one), I wouldn't have used it. As I already stated above, I don't like cheating. You're talking to someone who earned every achievement on Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. So don't talk to me about earning something in a video game. There's nothing remotely skillful about GTAO. The jobs/missions are incredibly easy and unbalanced, and everyone's running around with aim assist. You can whine and moan about the exploit and the people who decided to use it all you want, but it really makes no difference whether you earn your money legitimately, buy it from the store or use the exploit. Keep telling yourself otherwise, though.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3880d ago
M-M3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

I usually don't like glitches in online games, but since they're trying to push the micro-transaction model I say use every glitch available in this game.

Seraphemz3881d ago

Exactly.. I dont get people being pissed that you can do this.
Cause when the store is open...you are going to be able to BUY the money... I see it as the same thing.

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gold_drake10d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX9d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos9d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville9d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes9d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long9d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff21839d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion9d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage9d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody9d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

9d ago
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