
Racism row over Nicki Minaj Nintendo gaming ad

The commercial for the Wii release Just Dance 2014, which appears to include the N-word, has shocked scores of telly viewers.

Tracks by acts including One Direction and Lady Gaga are on the game, which is aimed at the teen market.

But marketing execs picked Nicki Minaj’s track Starships for the publicity campaign, which has been running for almost a fortnight and is shown in slots before the 9pm watershed.

The short clip includes the lyric “My name is Onika, you can call me Nicki” which is said quickly.

When rapped by the singer, she appears to say the word “n****r”.

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majiebeast3886d ago

Pretty big oversight by Nintendo and Ubisoft if its even true.

Kingthrash3603886d ago

imma say this being a black person...this annoys me when people dont understand what we say so imma let yall know

1. she would never say [email protected] never, no. thats dumb to assume.
2. no rapper say nig@er in their songs...thats just wrong and also dumb to assume.
3. what we say is nig@a, notice the "a" at the end.
4 nig@a is acually spelled n.i.g.g.a each letter has a meaning. it truly means
this is something that is in the black culture so if you dont understand thats fine, just think how you dont understand koreans when they talk. its similar...a better example jamaicans speak english just in a really deep accent that unless your are jamaican you wouldnt understand unless you really listen.
so thats my public service and 1 of many black culture secrets you may not know....also btw let me clear this up too.....rodney king had nothing to do with the L.A. riots. the police beat up blacks all the time... it was over a korean store owner killing a innocent 15 year old girl the same day as the rodney king beating...that why all thos stores got burned down (we are very over protective of black woman)..that riot was a imbarassment imo but the media misled people on the "n" word and the riots.
...your welcome

Peekayboo3886d ago

Never Ignorant?

That's ironic, LOL

Kingthrash3603886d ago

lol see, its people like you who hide behing a computer screen and mumble things...what so ironic? are you saying blacks as a race are ignorant? if so do you feel your are not ignorant for beliving such a thing? ive told you what nig@a means...can you tell me what nig@er means originally and why blacks were tagged with such a ugly word? i can, im sure you can too ,you know because your so smart.

Sitdown3886d ago

Going to go out on a limb and say you are not black.....and if so, please stop.

Kingthrash3603886d ago

lol man whatevs this is a gaming site but to see so many disagrees on this topic is saddening..trust me im black or dont whatever man. but to tell me not to try to have people understand my race more is something i would never do. i got nothing to prove i was just trying to stop the confusion of blacks saying the "n" word and the differance of the two similar words...just so saddening to see peekayboo below me have less disagrees than my comment...my comment was fact and not disrespectful to anyone while his disrepected millions of people...smh. im done.

snipab8t3886d ago

Um no matter what the spelling is, it means 'nigger' which was a derogatory term used for negros by white man. Personally, I dislike how people continue to use this word in ordinary language and in music, especially as their ancestors may have been called 'nigger' in a racist and demeaning context.

zeal0us3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Sorry but the n-word ending with "a" instead of "er" does not means that.

Some see the term "n*gga" as a way of taking the word n*gger back and making it something of our own.

While others(Oprah for ex) view the word no different from the word n*gger.


I personally find it stupid someone would call their friends and or family a derogatory term that was used to label slaves. There are several others words one could use instead.

Eyeco3886d ago

I'm going to tell YOU something as an educated black man, I don't advocate the use of tthe "n" word in any shape or form, it was a derogatory term used to demean an entire race. It's an ugly relic of our past and serves no purpose in today's modern society whatsoever, usage of the word is another form of self hate, it's shameful, embarrassing and an insult to our ancestors.

And how did you end up with the L.A riots of 92 ?

BX813886d ago

@ kingthrash360 step into my office.... Because you're f@cking fired! No this is not a black culture psa. It amazes me that you verbally oppress your self and others and think its normal. No worries I'll call dr. Phil for u.

Letros3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Or maybe they mean the same thing it's just that some people choose to not pronounce the "er" at the end of all their words. The word should never be spoken by anyone, that's when it will go away.

1nsomniac3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

@Kingthrash360 That's the stupidest thing I've ever read... Did you get this from Wikipedia??

You sir are an embarrassment to the black community if indeed you are black or just a poor attempt at a troll..

HellaWasted3886d ago

Saying Nig**r or Nigga are not the same thing. I've known this since middle school back in the late 90s, and I'm not black nor white. Come on people!!

refocusedman3886d ago

Its sad an its says alot for the state of affairs in the black community when you have people trying to justify the N word. No its not okay, and many people who died to give blacks a better life are rolling over in their grave because of the overwhelming ignorance. So please dont justify ignorance with a lame acronyom. The statement abt the LA riots......... No disrespect but sometimes its good to just keep your internal thoughts internal. People did not burn down store because of Rodney king or a innocent child, people rioted because they were ignorant and saw opportunity (yeah I little girl was murdered and a black man was almost beaten to death....... so im gonna get me a brand new tv). Not to mention, the jamaican language is a derivative of the english langauge due to it being a colony of Britian until 1962 and the langauge isnt only an accent but, has words, terminology, and phrases that are authentic to the jamaican culture.

nypifisel3886d ago

That's the most absurd and stupidest thing I've heard in a long while lol.

FragMnTagM3886d ago


Dictionary.com definition of nigger: Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

That is why Never, IGNORANT, Getting, Goals, Accomplished, is ironic.

No offense to any black people.

Blacksand13886d ago Show
DragonKnight3886d ago

You know what I hate? I hate that a stupid 6 letter word (or 5 depending on how you say it) is being censored by so many people because words rule their lives. Geez.

mochachino3886d ago

I'm black and totally disagree.

I think everyone should just stop using it, especially black people. A racial slur is a slur no matter who says it. And it's never an acronym.

nveenio3886d ago

I think there's some confusion here over the difference between black culture and just plain ol' inner city culture. It's an insult to millions of blacks to pretend that the "n-word" in any form is part of the culture. What a joke. That would be like saying racism is a part of white culture. It's not. There are just some racist whites. And there are some blacks who think they're cool. Quit drawing a line between black culture and white culture. There's no such thing anymore unless the groups choose to segregate themselves.

Heisenburger3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

So... I can say n!@@a then, correct?

You keep calling yourselves racial slurs, but pretend that it's something else. Nobody throws around the slur for Chinese people now do they?

Oh no we changed a letter to an a, because English hasn't been butchered enough(All of us have attributed to that specific part. Didn't want that to sound like I meant that only BLACK people screwed up the language)

And now a terrible hateful word is now magically okay to use. But only if you have darker skin.

It doesn't sound like you want the world to be equals, you simply want the benefits whilst simultaneously getting special treatment.

Just like some of the feminist out there. There is nothing *wrong with seeking women's rights, or equal rights. It's the blatant hypocrisy surrounding all of it that is counterproductive.

MagnusX3886d ago

Im addressing this article first "oniki" doesn't seem to me racist or a big deal. Addressing "thrash" umm you just set black people back at least 50 years lol

hankmoody3886d ago

Let someone who isn't black say the word "nigga" around a bunch of black people and see what happens.

Bimkoblerutso3886d ago

I'm going to be honest here...I hear the "n" word muttered, in one form or another, on a daily basis at my work.

...I work at a High School.

And now Nintendo and Ubisoft are going to get crucified for releasing a commercial containing a word that KIND OF sounds like it?

Yeah, this certainly hasn't gotten out of hand. /s

venom063886d ago

man... this is the DUMBEST P.O.S response/explaination i've have EVER seen on N4G... dude, IM A BLACK MAN AS WELL... and it's pathetic that us blacks folks feel its ok to say that say that STUPID a@#$ word, but get made when non-blacks say that same thing. THAT'S PURE IDIOTIC IGNORANCE ON OUR PART..... PERIOD.... if others can't say it, NO ONE SHOULD SAY IT... PERIOD... this is why the majority of our people are jail and having kids out of wedlock, because so many of us are too stupid to realize our culture is corrupted from the acceptance to us using that horrible, disgusting word on ourselves... GTFO with your lame explanation..

Hicken3886d ago

Okay, so here's the thing, and it may shock you:

Different words have different meanings to different people or groups of people. And, over time, words gain new meanings and lose old ones.

Nigger will never go away. Deal with it. There will always be some ignorant fools who look at my skin color and have that word pop into my head. Frankly, I consider it sad more than offensive, as using it as an insult denotes a small-minded individual.

But you're all rather close-minded, yourselves, if you think there isn't a difference in how people use the word. I'm seriously sick of people trying to tell others "You can't change the definition of this word to something positive. It HAS to be negative."

To hell with that. "Shit" was a negative word for... centuries? Excrement, regardless of the term, has never had a positive connotation... until now. Now it has both positive and negative definitions.

If you wanna be offended, then do so, but be offended for yourself, not for anybody else. As for me? I intend to own the word, to give it a definition I prefer; it's hard for somebody to insult you with a positive word, isn't it?

Kingthrash has his own definition of what the word means, and it's in direct contrast with what it was originally used for.

Isn't that fine? Isn't there enough negativity in the world? Can we not change some of it into something positive?

It's almost as if people want us to react and feel a certain way. "No, damn that. You WILL be offended when somebody calls you a nigger. You will not rise above the ignorance. You WILL be upset, want to fight, do whatever. But you WILL NOT change things."


Dirkster_Dude3886d ago

A derogatory word used by black people to retain (and exploit) their ancestors past as slaves. Many blacks claim it's a term of endearment (akin to brother, homie, etc), but in no way can it be as its root meaning is ignorance. It's another double standard of racism in our current time.

xHeavYx3886d ago

My question to Nintendo is, if they want to show diversity, why not hire a black person who is not a self centered B who has no talent other than showing her "guns"?

Underworld3886d ago

Accidentally clicked agree. Meant to disagree.

GraveLord3886d ago

Why did you get so any disagrees? What you said is true. You forgot to mention how "nig*a" is used as an alternative to "bro" in hip hop culture. It's not used as an insult.

Lord_Sloth3886d ago

Actually it didn't start as an acronym so you're wrong. It started as a misspronunciation of the big N word just like "Sista", "Brotha", and "Gangsta" and what-not. No it doesn't stand for anything, it's just a mispronounced word. Tell yourself what you will but do not parade your falsehoods as facts.

edwick3886d ago

but yet, if a white dude said that in a subway, he'd still end up in the hospital.

Realplaya3886d ago

As a black person if you do not realize that no matter if it's a a or a r at the end the it stills means the same thing your crazy. I understand that it's just music but please don't try to justify the use of such a discriminatory word.

Kingthrash3603886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

wow..such a large crowd...most still dont understand what im saying...smh.
look up nig@er...
now look up [email protected] find nigga anywhere? yeah i know, and thats why i put up the true definition.
to really think rappers call each other nig@er is just baffling.
most of you dont know and just want nig@a to mean [email protected] just trying to stop the confusion.... OR YOU CAN REMAIN CONFUSED idc.

btw ALMOST EVERYONE SAYS [email protected] SAYS NIGG@R. that word was eliminated and reduced to the few racial cowards who use it in this country.
im not offended by people who say nig@a or nig@er because both are words thats all. its 2013 people! my president is black and nobody is getting hurt over this topic. times have changed for the better i take offence to none of the opinions above because we couldnt have this kind of debate 60 years ago.
hats off to nikkie too GET IT!

wishingW3L3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

between latino friends we often use the word "cabron" to denote each other like "yo cabron what are you doing today" and stuff like that but this is not a word you would use to call someone else you're not friends with or that you don't even know (it's a derogatory word). Well, the same happens with the word "nigga", a word you only use between friends and people you know.

Why is this concept so hard to understand to some people? I don't know, maybe they are too closeminded and fixated on traditional thinking based on a black & white world. But then again, of-course you could get beat up by latinos if you call them "cabron" without even knowing them/him too because they are gonna take it as an insult.

There's a place and a time for everything.

Kingthrash3603886d ago

i would like to shake your hand man....awsome comment.

solid_snake36563886d ago

So if "nigga" and "nigger" are two different things, are we as white people allowed to call black people "niggas"?

KwietStorm_BLM3886d ago

As a black man myself, you make me sick. In 2013 a you're still trying to justify the use of the word, and you get upset when other "races" use it. Of course they're going to because the way you all throw it around like it's nothing, young and old, you're telling everyone it's ok to use it, that it's completely non offensive. Never ignorant getting goals accomplished. How old are you? I've never heard something so stupid in my life. Making up acronyms for something like that is something young teenagers do because it's cool. So what, you call yourself a nigga because you're getting goals accomplished? That's the best you could come up with? Christ man.

Deltaguy3886d ago

lol dude wrong place for these kinda comments...

Lord_Sloth3885d ago

Actually you CAN find "Nigga" via search. It brings you to a page on Wiki which tells you it's an offshoot of "Nigger". See for yourself...


NarooN3885d ago

Well I happen to be black...But that acronym is incredibly stupid (and also blatantly incorrect if that's what the rappers nowadays actually mean when they say it, LOL!)


Bullshit.......nigga and nigg@r needs to be deleted from the english language and done with.

NewAgeisHere3885d ago

White man in America invents a racial slur that only he uses....black man makes his own version of this word.....white man forbids black man from using it....gotta love America.....home of freedom and democracy....

cleft53885d ago

I am Black as well, you only speak for yourself. Stop trying to assume you can speak for all other Black people one way or the other.

Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, etc it doesn't matter, people can only speak for themselves not others. You have one way of seeing thing, that doesn't make your way correct or wrong, it is just your one way of seeing things. Do try to remember that.

Ritsujun3885d ago

Tell me the definition of nippa, teacher.

FamilyGuy3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Wtf, are people retarded? She doesn't say the n word during that part of the song in either the clean or explicit versions. I don't care what people "think it sounds like", that's not what she says in any situation.

What's wrong with peoples ears? There's nothing wrong with the ad aside from the warping sound they use during transitions to make the commercial more dynamic.
the ad:

You guys are so focused on the topic of "the N-word" that you don't realize how pointless this whole discussion is. On that topic:

1. I'm black
2. I almost never use the word nigga, not because I'm against it but rather because it just doesn't fit in my manner of speaking.
3. When I do say it it's describing some one acting wild or stupid, not "endearing" by any means. I don't "my niggas", I say "those niggas", as in people I don't like or associate with cuz they're acting immature/like idiots
5. I don't care who uses the word "nigga" as long as it fits with they way they talk in general. People that use a lot of slang or consider themselves "hood".
6. If someone calls me "nigga" it does not effect me but if a white guy (yes, white in particular) called me "nigger" I'd try my best to hospitalize the guy. None have though, only over the internet.

kornbeaner3885d ago

Dude don't bother, I grew up in Long Beach, CA and let just say that I grew up with the word begin thrown around by everyone. Black, Brown, Islander even a few select white folk, HA!.

It's a culture thing, you either understand it or you don't. Nigg@ is not the same as nigg3r, but people outside of the culture would not understand. Even if the history of the word started as a racial slur the meaning of racial origins have been so heavily diluted that the word Nigg@ basically means Homie, Homeboy or friend in today's day of age.

And if this sounds stupid to some people, which I know it must. Remember the word Gay used to mean Happy. Now it is used to describe someone who loves a person of the same gender.

IceKoldKilla3885d ago

I literally just showed this to my black friends and they just laughed at your comment. How can you be so stupid? You really think black people think of each letter and their significance when they say nigga? You just made that up. People also need to stop crying over a word. It's just a word. The meaning you give it in certain situations is what makes it good, bad or neutral. Like I just used it to explain what I explained. Did I try insult or offend someone? NO! If you felt offended I'm sorry but you need to open your eyes to more important things than stupid people using the word. Here: "The word originated as a neutral term referring to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger ("color black"). Often used slightingly, by the mid 20th century, particularly in the United States, it suggested that its target is extremely unsophisticated. Its usage had become unambiguously pejorative, a common ethnic slur usually directed at blacks of Sub-Saharan African descent." Like me getting offended when called Brown. Just silly. America has gave it a horrible meaning and the people getting offended only help keeping it alive as an insult. If everyone calmed down and didn't give a shit then it wouldn't be a big deal.

DoggyBiscuit3885d ago

I'm from the Bronx and everybody says Ni99a even Spanish and white dudes and nobody gets beat up for saying it

Pushagree3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

This comment is probably going to get lost in the sea of text, but whatever.

First off, I am white, but I am not going to use that to justify any sort of position. Being one race or another doesn't give you any more right to speak on a subject. That in itself implies that there is something "different" about me that excludes me from this, which is not true. There are no inherent differences between races, and saying that there are is ultimately the true definition of racism. What really gives someone a more valid opinion over another is their use of logic and facts to back up their views and that knows no racial boundaries.

Anyway, on the GER/GA thing being two different words, that is just not true. The reason for the supposed "a" or "er" sound heard at the end is because of accents, just like how someone might hear someone say "somethin'" insead of "something", the "g" sound is missing because of an accent, but no one says those are two different words. It is one word used with different accents.

When it comes to trying to take a slur and turn it into a term of endearment, that too has ultimately failed. Notice that the only kind of black people that are called "n***a" by other black people are those who are perceived to fall into negative black sterotypes, mostly economic or legal. Black people that choose to make something out of their lives (and there are a alot of them) are never referred to in this way because they have lost that "blackness" somehow by staying out of jail and making something out of their lives. See the problem here? The word, despite the attempts to take the negative out of it, has been turned around again to insult the "lower class" of black people by other black people within their own community. It's a subtle, but still very effective way of placing suggestions into a black person's mind that all he will never be is a "n***a" and never a "black person". There is nothing empowering about that whatsoever.

The only thing that the GER/GA distinction has ultimately done is desenitize a word that should never have been densenitized. People wouldn't argue over whether this word is offensive today if it wasn't for the rap communities ludicrous attempt to "take back the word" in the 90s. There should be no controversy of whether a racial slur is offensive or not. The word is rooted in way too much history to ever change and it's best to just label the word as offensive no matter what context it is used in or what person is using it.

Of course, you could go the other way, say the word is no longer offensive because it has been densitized so much and just allow everyone to use it, but I don't see that as the best way to go. Either way, we have one word. Decide whether it is offensive or not. It can't be both.

Outside_ofthe_Box3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

It's not simple as a lot of people are making it seem.

People of all races (in the US at least) use the word nigga. Black people aren't the only ones that use it. I've seen White, Spanish, Asian, Indian, etc. use the word nigga among themselves and in the presence of other black people. No blood was shed.

Whether or not someone is offended by the n word depends on the individual. There are black people that will be offended if you say nigga no matter if it ends with an 'a' or 'er', no matter if you are black or not, and no matter if you are saying it directly to them or not.

Most people that use nigga use it among people they are familiar with. Some people use it to refer to a male so anywhere someone would normally say 'guy' or 'dude', nigga would be used instead. People that live in "the hood"/projects, the word nigga is part of their everyday vocabulary. There is really a lot situational, context, tone, location etc. sh!t that goes on in the use and meaning of the word nigga. That's the thing people really need to understand. You can't look at it from one perspective.

Also that:


acronym is from 2Pac's song N.I.G.G.A http://rapgenius.com/2pac-n... . That is where Kingthrash360 got that from. He didn't make up out of thin air, but that isn't the "true" meaning.

nosferatuzodd3885d ago

I'm black and what you say is bullshit sir and I'm Jamaican has well..

koloco93885d ago

"what so ironic?"

the definition of ni**er is ignorant, so misspelling it is supposed to mean some acronym that most people(black or otherwise) have never heard before? I am a black man in my 30s, my father was a Black Panther in the Bay Area in the 70s. Your defence of the word and excuses for "why its not the same" is embarrassing.

bviperz3885d ago


You claim to be a black person, yet you say in #2 that no rapper has put the n-word in their songs. You clearly have not heard of N.W.A. You my friend, should turn in your black card.

InTheLab3885d ago

What is this s***? I'm Black and I can tell you there is no difference between Nigger and NIgga. NOne. It's 2013 and the word needs to die.

You listen to too many of these ignorant rappers and comedians telling you the word is something positive and it isn't.

When someone steals your car, what do you say? Them Niggas stole my car. They're not your boys or your friends.

It's an ignorant word for ignorant people and no one I know uses the word.

Ask yourself this. If Doctor ML King were alive today and you got a chance to sit down and talk to him, would you call him a Nigga? No you wouldn't and it will kill him to know his struggles were basically in vein because our people continue to use a word that proves how backward our people are.

BobBelcher3885d ago

dumbest sh*t I ever heard. People can put a spin on 'nigga' all day long, but kids don't know sh*t about our history or they just don't care. It's a negative connotation turned positive through jesture and now- now it's something that's just said JUST BECAUSE. Why the word's still relevant is beyond me, blame it on the media, pop-culture, or whatever else- It really doesn't matter. All I know is- N.I.G.G.A. might mean something to you, but I can guarantee that the N.A.A.C.P. doesn't confirm or officialize this.

thejigisup3885d ago

Racism is so worthless. Words only have meaning is you give them meaning. Minaj uses the word nigga in a song or Miley Cyrus New twerk dlc in just dance... which is worse?

UltimateMaster3885d ago

Well, at least it's nice that Nintendo and Ubisoft actually tried to clean up most of the explicit lyrics in all the songs, nonetheless.

Why they didn't block the N word, I don't know.
Most black people use the N word to refer people among themselves, but a white person can't use it.

It is still? If a white person were to say "you're a good N*word" would it still be offensive today?
If so, please tell me as a reply.

Because I don't really think people Should be racist by today's standards.
I mean, we have a black President, it just shows how people aren't racist.
Now if only we could get a woman president...

IaMs123885d ago

The N word is a derogatory word no matter who says it, white, Mexican, Asian, even black. I don't understand why the black culture says it to each other its just a bad word... The main reason racism is still very prevalent is the fact that a lot of black people make it an issue. I look at someone wrong im racist or say anything wrong regarding the color of that persons skin... Its happened i live in a majority black neighborhood.

BoNeSaW233885d ago

I think the G key on your keyboard is messed up. You should get it checked.

SITH3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

I'm black and I disagree with you. The word is stupid and when fellow black people say it to me I tell them, "that is not my name, learn my name, or shut the FK up talking to me." Other races do not say it to me. My response would probably be little more physical than just verbal. And regardless, she never used the N-word in any format in the song anyways.

UltimateMaster3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Yeah, tough so.

It's just black people use it among themselves sometimes.

I don't think we are racist as a society, or at least we shouldn't be.

I don't judge someone by the color of their skin, just by their actions they take.

denero13885d ago

hello sir and props to you :) its hard for us black males -_-

2pacalypsenow3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )



When blacks stop calling white people crackers , have BET , black singles dating site, having all black cast movies then you can bitch about racism , IM sick of all these people who think cuz they are black they cant be racist all of that is racist

GoldenRimz3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Tupac didn't make up the word 'nigga,' and even if it's in black culture it doesn't make it right to say, nor does should it be on the advert. She never even said the word in the song anyway, so this article is pointless.

"My name is ONIKA, you can call me Nicki."

I believe people are trying to turning this into a context thing. It's not. Stop it. It's her name, obviously.

HAC5223884d ago

if "that" is actually an acronym, then, quite honestly, probably less than 5% of the words users are aware of it.

maddfoxx3883d ago

I'm black, and I never use any version of the N word. Its all the same no matter how you spell. . . a word used to put black people down. Only the ignorant use it.

+ Show (64) more repliesLast reply 3883d ago
Eonjay3886d ago

Believe it or not, context is way more important than the language itself.

chazjamie3885d ago


Heres the link. most racist shit i ever seen. wtf is wrong with this world.

JustInTlME3885d ago



ATi_Elite3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )


skip to the 2:23 mark to hear what this STUPID article is referring to

BUT you're gonna miss some serious FAP material if you do skip, Nicki Minaj is ULTRA Settings @60fps in IMAX. Talk about fully loaded.

Anyway this story is really reaching for webhits. It doesn't sound like the N word. Anyway Nintendo should be more concerned about the B F S MF words used before hand but i'm sure they are using the Censored version that was played on the radio too DEATH.

anyway much ado about nothing. Nintendo gets free press, Nicki Minaj gets more free press, and the N word was not being used although it's NOT like half this country doesn't already use the N word in hate or as a friendly pronoun.

Heck using the N word is a requirement on Xbox Live!

Asians, Latinos, Blacks, Whites, all call each other the N word. I live in a big city and I hang out with all races and have heard so many non Blacks call each other N words that I don't even understand why Black people still use it because it's OBVIOUSLY PLAYED out.

Blaze9293886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

I thought Boondocks was just cracking jokes, but I've noticed white people truly don't know the difference between the ga and ger versions of that word. Lmao, you all invented it ffs. They don't know why Paula Deem caught so much flack. They don't get why they can't say it.

No, just simply research lol. These are two completely different words. If you really think a word, that had lost all meaning in the culture it was for, is being used freely as igger - your an idiot. But that's okay because one of my closest white friends also was unaware and I had to REALLY explain it to him.

That's all it took. Just go make some black friends and learn about them instead of stereotypes lol. And vise verse. I was truly shocked at how uninformed white people are about this word.

But that's just another topic. This is a stupid ass issue. If the problem of Onika, or Nicki is it sounding like *igga, which is another white name, then that's your problem. Nintendo shouldn't have to change a thing here nor is any party at fault for straight up consumers ignorance. That's literally ALL this is right here.

FunAndGun3886d ago


'ger' is not really used by blacks.
'ga' is acceptable for blacks to say.
'ga' is not acceptable for whites to say.

A black person uses 'ga' it is positive.
A white person uses 'ga' it is negative.

If it is a different word with a different meaning, why does the color of ones skin change the meaning when it is spoken?

"Just go make some black friends and learn about them instead of stereotypes lol."

So ALL black people think 'ga' is acceptable, or were you just stereotyping there? What if the black friends I do have don't think it is acceptable?

Blaze9293885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )


What are you talking about? "a word, that had lost all meaning in the culture it was for," - i said that. Black people arent the only people using that word anymore bro. I know you and me know that very well that it really doesnt matter the skin color.

I'm talking about just the relation of ger and /ga which there isn't.

"So ALL black people think 'ga' is acceptable, or were you just stereotyping there? What if the black friends I do have don't think it is acceptable?"

Again, WHAT are you talking about? "Just go make some black friends and learn about them instead of stereotypes lol."

LEARN ABOUT THEM - period. Why are you talking about the n word still? I'm talking about learning about THEM and not through TV and music.

kparks3886d ago

Wait peoole think she raps now...? Shes a pop artist not a rapper im tired of all these hio-pop artist Fn up the music i love the shit u here on the radio these days get it straight THATS NOT RAP!

Blaze9293886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Let's not pretend she can't rap circles around your ass... she may not do it as much as she used to, but you can't take that away from her. The girl can spit.

BoriboyShoGUN3885d ago

Wow Blaze youy believe she comes up with half that shit she spits out. And even then the shit is wack " IM a Star Sheriff Badge" fucking terrible!!!!!!

kparks3885d ago

Are u kidding me she cant spit worth shit her and the whole young money crew is garbage!

bryam19823886d ago

Only in the USA black people get mad when someone use the N word in my country we still call them negros and they just laugh and call us back indios or white trash Black americans are too fragile lol

zpoc3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

*AS IT SAYS IN THE ARTICLE*: she says her name, not the n word. so there's no 'oversight'. i'm amazed you successfully typed out that comment with your apparently complete lack of reading skills.

blackmanone3885d ago

Congrats king trash on setting your people back even further. Yes, we understand you take out an er and add an a... Do you understand that it's still the same word with the same connotations, regardless of how you interpret them?

lizard812883885d ago

But She never says it:

"The short clip includes the lyric “My name is Onika, you can call me Nicki” which is said quickly.

When rapped by the singer, she appears to say the word “n****r”."

So she just says “My name is Onika, you can call me Nicki”, NOT THE N word. People are making mountains out of molehills.

CraigandDayDay3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

If you don't want the word said, stop putting it your songs, people. Geez. lol Double standards help no one.

And there is no difference in nigga or nigger. It's the SAME word.

NO one should use the word, not even us.

BoriboyShoGUN3885d ago

@Kingthrash no form of the word is acceptable!!Being from NY I know its in the culture and a lot of people use it. Hell I use it entirely too much! But dont sit here and try to validate it. Expand your vocab!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3883d ago
Lord_Sloth3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

And it's the only White Console on the market this gen. lol

-Mika-3886d ago

The n word is not really offensive anymore so i don't see what the big deal is.

zeal0us3886d ago

Its not offensive to some minorities who call each other that. However that's not the case when someone who's not an African American/black who uses the term.

For instance Paula Dean lost tons of endorsements and got an bad rep for using the word and poor treatment of her employees.

Eonjay3886d ago

"Minorities" don't call each other nigger.

Swiggins3886d ago

^ 10 minutes on the LA Bus system says you're full of shit.

xReDeMpTiOnx3886d ago

Don't speak for everyone man.

I'm black but more so one of the light skinned light brights :P but I still get treated differently here and there.

Can't say how many times I'll be walking with my homies and people are afraid for no reason wheter we are doing anything or nothin at all. The biggest one being a lot of people lock their car doors when we walk by.

It's just people will be people.

No reason to be so uptight about this.

If you aren't living the sheltered life then u most likely have heard the n word in an almost everyday occurance.

-Gespenst-3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Um, no, the n word is still offensive. Slavery still happened, so the n word is still offensive. Simple as that. It's usage by white people pretty much recreates the power relations of the past. That's nothing to joke about.

If black people want to appropriate it they can, so long as they don't internalise its historical definition of objectification and subservience. It's a powerful thing to turn white words against whites like that; it denies them the privilege of being meaning-creators and definers. However, the connotations of the word ultimately can't really be ignored, and this is manifest when a white person tries to use the word. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with it, but because of history, there is.

The n word is just a word, but at the end of the day words are more than just the letters that make them up. They're linked intimately (particularly so in this case) with history and real lived historical experience. In an alternate universe maybe it's conceivable that the n word is just as inconsequential as the word brick, but not here. To deny this is to deny history and the evils that have attended it.

iceman063885d ago

Someone who gets it...as it seems you always do. Words hold power by virtue of the situation in which they are or have been used. This is the reason why the word still exists and is used. (as you said... recreating the power relations of the past) It would be easy, as you said in an alternate universe, to ignore the word without the history, repeated use, and ultimately the treatment that comes with the connotation of the word.
As for the appropriation of the word, well, that's a personal decision. But, also remember that ingratiation of words takes time and understanding. I guess there's hope since the word NICE used to mean silly or foolish!

SoulSercher6203886d ago

If a white person uses it around a group of blacks they will whoop his ass. The "repercussions" of slavery and racism still exist in the year 2013 and will probably exist till the end of time. So yeah it is still offensive. Otherwise people would not have rose up against this.

Dante813886d ago

So all black people are emotional and violent?

SoulSercher6203886d ago


I don't recall saying ALL blacks are emotional and violent. How did you get that out of my comment?

Dante813886d ago

That first sentence of yours, you should change it to "might whoop his ass".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3885d ago
iamnsuperman3886d ago

I have never understood the (N) term. I know its derogative origins but I don't understand why it is still accepted in popular culture within the black community when it isn't widely accepted with other communities (even by the black community when other communities use it) . People can't have it both ways. I don't say it (being white) because it is an insult. Same with saying "that is gay" (being straight). It isn't right.

telekineticmantis3886d ago

The N word is a negative term regardless of how it is used, because it is shrouded in negativity, and the black/ hispanic people who use it, know it is. But Black People themselves(Using a generality to enforce my point) is shrouded in negativity due to their history in this country(No not just slavery, alot of negativity post slavery).

Blacks have ACTUALLY embodied and absorbed the negativity in order to deal with it. So you are actually right, it should'nt be so easily accepted by the Black/Hispanic community, but it is a verbal representation of the pessimistic/downtrodden mindset of many Bs/Hs, small in the big scheme of things, but definitely telling.

xXxSeTTriPxXx3886d ago

Because they try to front on predominate white web sites all the while droping n bombs like cary lol.

I'm black and I don't care if you don't understsnd why blacks use the word (I don't understand why in some cultures grown man kiss each other on the lips but I respect their costume) nor do I need you to understsnd period.

The word means nothing to me but a social norm in the black community and its not coming from a place of ignorance and hate (again I don't need for you to understand nor do I care if you understand)

Whites use it as a (most of the time) out of ignorance and hate so yes we get offended.

Animal Mutha 763886d ago

I must have heard the word 'Nigga' in GTA V over 100 times.

How is that ok and acceptable based on the general theme of comments here?

For me as a white British guy I kinda get annoyed at the double standard of its use. If its offensive then it shouldn't be outlawed for all bar one section of the community, it should not be appropriate for anyone to use it.

xXxSeTTriPxXx3885d ago

A british guy annoyed with american problems lol enough said.

pixelsword3885d ago

Well, it kinda like when Americans call Brits "European"; Brits tend to hate that, but when Brits use that with each other, it's okay.

Or when you call a Scott or an Irishman a Brit.

Think of it like that.

telekineticmantis3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )


I dont get what you're saying, I am black also, but I'm not purposely ignorant on my culture, therefore through studying my culture, I understand why they do the things they do, and say the things they say. You can gain understanding of any culture and their customs if you 1st care about them, 2nd have knowledge of self, your and their environments, and 3rd incorporate said knowledge in your study of them.

So you don't HAVE TO see 2 men kiss and say "duhhhh! Does not compute", and walk off mouth breathing somewhere else.

xXxSeTTriPxXx3885d ago

I can study all I want I still don't see a reason for two grown ass man to touch lips but I respect them all the same.

But i souldn't have touched this article in the first place seeing as most ppl on this site are on the outside looking in trying to apply their logic to something they'd never truly understand.

Just like losing a child and the thought of losing a child, you apply logic to it (both experences are painful) but you can never truly know until your in their shoes

You ever heard the saying it is what it is?...it doesn't need yourr understanding we do it and that's that.

Truly understanding is need not your, I've study this logic.

iceman063885d ago

What I don't understand is why it is such a big deal to USE the word!?!? Seriously, you have laid out the history, the bilious nature of the word, and the understanding of why the word is traditionally used. Yet, still there is a want to use the word. (Not you personally Iamnsuperman...just a general you) It's no mystery as to why people get upset when you call them that word. I don't believe that you would call people on the street half of the things that you call your friends in private. Well, that's pretty much how this word goes as well. It's not about having your cake and eating it too. (stupid saying by the way...what else would I do with my cake) It's really about respecting someone enough to know whether or not they would be offended...which basically means KNOWING them first.

telekineticmantis3885d ago


My fault for even trying, Ignorance is bliss, intelligence is my burden.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3885d ago
dazzrazz3886d ago Show
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98xpresent3541d ago (Edited 3541d ago )

he or she used a playstation video lol

UltimateMaster3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Sunset Overdrive is going to be this game that Xbox Gamers feels it's below average because they used to make exclusive games for PlayStation.

I'm not saying it's going to be below average, but all the Xbox fanboys kept saying that Resistance sucks and that it was mediocre and the same thing with the Ratchet and Clanks and the Spyros when it was owned by Sony.

They're not going to change their story because they'll look like complete hypocrites; because Sunset Overdrive is Resistance (Aliens and Boss battles with guns) mixed in with Ratchet and Clank Gameplay Mechanix and Bizarre Weaponry and Cartoony look with a pinch of rebel attitude.

gamerfan09093540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

I don't see one bit of resemblance between Resistance and Sunset Overdrive. You're using this weird circumstantial evidence to prove a non point.

Trekster_Gamer3540d ago

You are the onev who sounds like a fanboy troll. Who the F are you to tell us if we like the game. You made one correct point, resistance sucked.

OpieWinston3540d ago

Sunset Overdrive fits the Xbox core demographic pretty well.

Dead Rising 3 sold well on X1 (1.4 Million units in first 6 months)
Titanfall sold well on X1 (Rumored to be 2 Million units in 4 months)
Jet Set Radio was an OG Xbox title

Sunset Overdrive takes parkour elements(Titanfall) and mixes them with wacky grinding in this wacky artsy world(Jet Set Radio) filled with multiple creatures that are trying to kill you and tons of cool weapons(Dead Rising)to slay them with.

I don't know how you think Resistence is like Sunset Overdrive. Only thing that bares any resemblance is the Mutant designs.

But like I said...Titanfall(Parkour/Fast paced) meets Dead Rising(Mass units/Wacky Weapons) meets Jet Set Radio(Grinding/City Design)...and you get Sunset Overdrive.

Bare in mind I'm not saying that Insomniac is ripping off these games, I'm saying that this game FITS the demographic and will sell well with MS marketing behind it and a console bundle.

GodGinrai3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

"I'm not saying it's going to be below average, but all the Xbox fanboys kept saying that Resistance sucks and that it was mediocre and the same thing with the Ratchet and Clanks and the Spyros when it was owned by Sony."

Well..resistance DID suck..and spryo is great if you were 8 years old at the time..Rachet and clank...well..I liked those games anyway.

SSO is different from those games, for all the right reasons. Its multiplayer centric nature for a start. And for some not so obvious reasons, like its colour pallette and art style. More of that is needed on XB1.

"They're not going to change their story because they'll look like complete hypocrites"

I dont think they are going to care what N4G thinks of them while they are having fun on SSO...Do you? honestly? Eating your own words never tasted so good if that be the case.

Charybdis3540d ago

so far the previews for sunset are better than expected.

BlackTar1873540d ago

Wow Ultimate

That was some of the most ridiculous stuff I've ever read.

DLConspiracy3540d ago

Way to generalize everyone into a category. Not everyone feels that way. Just a few loud (and mostly annoying) minority online.

Highlife3540d ago

I agree sunset overdrive looks average at best. Looks extremely repetitive.

christocolus3540d ago

Lmao...what are you talking about? SO is going to be great. Stop trying to downplay it dude.

user3672723540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

Man..I think a special kind of repellent is needed for fanboy comment like that. Don't hate on a game because you can't play it.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3540d ago
ShowanW3540d ago

This is the dumbest article in in recent days.

About 70% of the games in the article are Multi-Plats...

smh...People will ride the Xbox hate train for they're 15minutes of fame...

gamerfan09093540d ago ShowReplies(4)
ArtificiallyYours3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

Okay we get it you want nothing to do with a platform you end up fucking advertising anyways, N4G.

Let the obvious truth sink in, War Whales, you are free advertisement drones for every platform you "rise against".

Revolt133540d ago

Rise Against is my favorite band

ArtificiallyYours3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

Kudos to you. :)

EDIT: Yeah I came off as an ass in my post, but really when you vocally dismiss a product at the end of the day you are a free advertisement.

jnemesh3540d ago

Mediocre platform + mediocre games. The only people who buy Xbox are those who are buying out of some misguided loyalty...and Halo fanbois. Everyone else buys a PS4 or games on PC.

christocolus3540d ago

And you are here once more trolling shamelessly. Smh.

bumnut3540d ago

Not me, I have an Xbox One and PC. I will pick up a PS4 eventually but just bought an Oculus Rift so I need to hold off for a while.

People buy what THEY like, not what you want them to like.

jackanderson19853540d ago

my god that is an awful article... their justifications are shocking

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