
Xbox One: the state of play, according to Microsoft

As part of that feature,edge spoke to Ken Lobb, Microsoft Studios’ partner creative director, to get a sense of what the platform holder’s policy reversals mean for developers and Microsoft’s position in the next gen race. Here’s what he said.

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GamerXD3897d ago

Good guy MS Studio creative director, getting a PS4 despite being a MS staff.

meatysausage3897d ago

I would expect all execs from each company to have all consoles, I know that Albert penello has a Wii U and PS3. Im sure yoshida and the like play other consoles when their not in the office

Cueil3897d ago

most of them are gamers and own all the systems including the Wii... Major Nelson talks about all kinds of games even PS3 games he and the crew have been playing on his podcast

Goku7813897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

In his position why wouldn't anyone do the same thing especially if you do love games (as far as buying a PS4). It's just IMO I expected MS to go all out and be the end all be all system, but they just took a completely different approach this time out. I felt Sony would be Sony, but didn't expect Nintendo to fall so hard.

mcstorm3897d ago

No this is the kind of stuff the fan boys should be reading and taking not of as if you only get one console because you hate another company for what every reason its you that's missing out on some amazing games.

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Chaostar3897d ago

This might be the first bit of Xb One PR I've heard that doesn't leave me feeling lied to, patronised or suspicious. Well done.

jessupj3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

I donno.... Read it again, I'm sure you could find something.

jk, jk.


Chaostar3897d ago

I chose to ignore the stuff about the cloud :)

2cents3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

Good job!

Straight talking interview, hardly any PR tag lines and lots of relatable answers.

7 more weeks! Bring it on!


"Do you think the comparisons with PS4 have hurt you in the long run? And did they hurt you in the short term?"

I would have answered... Well you prats didn't help us much with your obnoxious cover, assholes.


from the beach3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

Great to see him fly the 'for all games' flag.

It's perfectly natural to prefer one format but really, anyone who's so into games that they check the forums etc. is only losing out by ignoring the rest..

MilkMan3897d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Microsoft's Ken Lobb will buy a PS4 - "I love all of my toys equally," says Xbox One man

"Bickering" about Xbox One vs PS4 doesn't get us anywhere, suggests GoldenEye designer.

dirigiblebill3897d ago

Good on him. More of this sort of thing, less of all that cloud talk and "we have the best gamez" sniping.

PoSTedUP3897d ago

bickering about xboxone vs ps4 doesnt get MICROSOFT anywhere... >: )~

goldeneye raised me.

guitarded773897d ago

Yeah, it's a new gen, and everyone has to prove themselves all over again. I do like the competition though. It means more games... more content... more features.

Bigpappy3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

Are you crazy?! You think M$ should not talk about the Cloud? Just be cause Sony ain't got none? You have any idea how much money and effort went into developing that massive cloud? You guy talk some retarded crap at times.

Blackdeath_6633897d ago

MS are making stuff up like "the cloud will improve the graphics of your games" and nonsense like that they haven't shown a single working example of the cloud they are selling you dreams. (the idea of drivatar has already been implement in games ages ago). they should have focused more on the functionalities that are actually working in practice like the cloud storage,cloud game saves,settings remembered in the cloud,cloud streaming services (like gaikai),massive multiplayer online game world that are synched via the cloud they should have had an MMO cloud launch game etc... trying to makes games look/perform better in the cloud is not logical because that game won't be able to run without internet or without their servers working 24/7, it is technically challenging and would mean they would have to have processors for every XBone they sell

bigboirock3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

@blackdeath seams like you and alot of other people didn't understand how they said how it was going to work..the cloud is not going to improve graphic by its self its going to take off alot of little task off the gpu and cpu that will free up space so those can work harder on graphics. it wont boost it by much tho

edit#"cloud streaming services (like gaikai)"

you didn't read the article about Microsoft streaming halo 4 to a windows phone

ape0073897d ago

Ken Lobb, the Rare veteran, the goldeney/perfect dark enemy model is a legend

FinalomegaS3897d ago

don't hear to much about him anymore..

ape0073897d ago

yes rare is dead and buried, the new rare is Retro Studios, they can do a goldeneye/perfect dark sequel

DKCR was like a dream come true to me

marloc_x3896d ago

Ahh...Perfect Dark on my Jungle Green 64..

Mikelarry3897d ago

Now if we can get the fanboys thinking the same way we would all be in gaming nirvana

Nykamari3897d ago

That will never happen! But I wish it will! Hate is a MuthaF__ka!

Bluepowerzz3897d ago

shut up really who is a fanboy ? ive supported sony for 15 years and they didnt make me leave them forgive me for doing this forgive me for being a bad person

IcicleTrepan3897d ago

lol you're the same as some redneck that 'only drives ford trucks' all his life.

LoveOfTheGame3897d ago

You are a fanboy, see simple answer. Also, you are forgiven by all.

Bluepowerzz3897d ago

but what are you ? a "neutral" gamer on the internet and a xbox fanboy in real life dig a hole and bury yourself in it your the scum of the gaming community

Bathyj3897d ago

Good for him. Seriously, given the last three generations I don't know how anyone can call themselves a gamer and not want Sony's next console.

jackanderson19853897d ago

people that didn't have a preference for sony's exclusives?

Blackdeath_6633897d ago

why would any gamer miss out on some of the greatest games of the generation?

jackanderson19853897d ago

@black.... greatest is in the eye of the beholder... don't get me wrong Sony did have some fantasticly great games but unchartered was revered as amazing, i didn't like it... gran turismo same thing although that's more a general hate for racers... TLOU and God of War were great for me... infamous is good (only getting around to the first game now)... also didn't like KZ.

so it all depends on personal preference.

Hicken3897d ago

If there wasn't ONE PS exclusive that didn't catch your interest, you're not a gamer.

Yeah, I said it.

As a gamer, there should have been at least one exclusive on every console that should have caught your eye(unless you're only into shooters, in which case there was nothing for you on the Wii). I'm sitting here with Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, even with no 360. Got Fragile Dreams and The Last Story, but no Wii.

Let's be honest here: on the PS3, there were more exclusives than anywhere else, and there was a larger variety of them than anywhere else. Multiple franchises(and often multiple entries in franchises) in pretty much every genre.

Even you, yourself, go through multiple genres and come up with three very different games as titles or franchises you liked.

Fanboyism aside, it really IS questionable if you found NOTHING on PS3 worth playing.

jackanderson19853897d ago

@hicken.... i dunno if you're talking to me but i'll reply none the less.... i clearly said TLOU, GoW and infamous (although only starting it now) are great games for me... i said KZ, GT and uncharted did nothing for me, banjo, chromehounds, lost odyssey ... similar on the 360 all the racing games did nothing for me but i enjoy Halo, it's GoW, crackdown and fable.

Hicken3897d ago

Yes, I was talking to you.

Your first statement is that some might not have a preference for Sony's exclusives. I address that first, and then go on to how, in your second comment, you prove my point with the varied list you produce.

I'm not saying that there was nothing that interested you; that would be stupid, since you listed at least three such franchises. It wasn't YOU in particular, but "you" in a general sense. And because of that, it makes your first statement harder to swallow.

jackanderson19853897d ago

ah right well some people are extremely picky... like my brother for example he's no real interest in the PS3 or the PS4... only really plays the zombie games from the COD games or sports games which are all multiplats and his mates are all xbox users and will probably continue to be

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Brix903897d ago

After giving us a console like PS2 I don't understand either.

LoveOfTheGame3897d ago

Jack's got a point, anyone who doesn't prefer Sony's exclusives can easily be put off by the PS4, especially in the first year/confirmed games.

I loved GOW, TLOU, Demon Souls, and MGS4 on PS3, but two are no longer exclusive, while the other two have no followup/successor in the near future.

All I really see is Killzone and Infamous being the main offerings to PS4, right now, and I have never really taken a liking to either.

The same could be said about the original Xbox, that thing was beast.

marloc_x3896d ago

Looking forward to my brother's PS4, just as much as he enjoys my Nintendo exclusives. All are fantastic machines with a rich catalog of games!

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Killer Instinct 720p 60fps Gameplay Interview With Ken Lob

IGN - Killer Instinct aficionado Ken Lobb teaches Destin the new Killer Instinct. Learn shadow moves, combo breakers, auto-doubles, and more in 720p at 60 fps.