
Surgeon Simulator 2013 goes to space in free DLC

Surgeon Simulator 2013's new content is out of this world... literally. Developer Bossa Studios has added an update allowing player character Nigel to continue his life-saving escapades in space. Finally, you can see what it's like to perform Brain Surgery and Kidney Surgery in zero gravity.

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VR Gaming’s Real Problem Isn’t Price; It’s Diversity

New Normative takes a look at the diversity concerns facing VR gaming, and how inclusiveness can be achieved without hampering design.

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garyanderson2826d ago

I dunno, cost is a big deal! But I can still see the concerns the author has.

PeaSFor2826d ago

"a dark-skinned, Asian player may feel less immersed in the world seeing that the the player character, despite being a no-named blank canvas with which they’re meant to ‘project’ upon, has white hands. And what about female gamers, where the character is addressed by others in the game with male descriptors (dude, guy, man, etc.)? This only results in them feeling ‘hey, this game was not designed with me in mind"

garbage material, dont click on that trash.

gangsta_red2826d ago

Looking at the pic above...VR seems pretty diverse to me.

Aenea2826d ago

What the heck just happened? I clicked agree on a gangsta_red post!


ecchiless2826d ago

Is the end of the world(?)

OC_MurphysLaw2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

FPS games have dealt with this same issue for many many years and guess what....its not really as big an issue as this article would lead you to believe.

The actual big issue for VR right now is the media hype has slowed a ton.... It's still the buzz word right now in gaming but its not nearly on the level it was pre-Oculus launch. Is it running out of steam or just coming back to reality? Likely a bit of both but more just coming back to reality as in, many are starting to look at this as not a viable primary way to game.

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Surgeon Simulator - Inside Donald Trump DLC

New DLC arriving for Surgeon Simulator 2013: In "Inside Donald Trump" you'll be cutting open the presidential candidate. Provide him with a heart of gold or a heart of stone and use your special tool - the Trump Tower.

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Germany72922d ago

Just more liberal propaganda.
This game is using the image of the future POTUS trying to stay relevant.

SoulMikeY2921d ago

Or just laugh at it because it's funny. Don't take stuff so seriously.

Every candidate we have is a sack of shit. No joke. If people don't start growing a brain and being independent, we will lose our independence. Anyone that ever votes strictly one or the other is a plague that I hope will diminish over time. The only time America will truly be great is when we establish a unified party, and R's and D's are gone.

Sorry, I know this a gaming site, but I wish people were not so narrow-minded. I support freedom of speech, art, and people that can make fun of themselves.

lipton1012921d ago

THANKS OBAMA. Very logical objection champ. So the President of the United States, in an effort to stay relevant, personally made it a point to call valve and have them create a hilarious Donald Trump DLC? Go to Costco man, great prices on tin foil!

Germany72920d ago

Buddy, liberalism is getting totally rejected!
Now imagine of this game was using Hillary or Bernie Sanders, liberals would riot.

lipton1012920d ago

Most radical person I've encountered all day

Dee_912920d ago (Edited 2920d ago )

It's incredibly funny and scary at the same time that trump could be the president lol. He reminds of when Lois ran for office on family guy

people find any reason to complain about liberals.

TheUpbringer2921d ago

...Really? Can we not sink this low? The Gaming world is already a cesspool of insecurity, now we got this?

2921d ago
opinionated2921d ago

The double standard is unbelievable. If you're going to a trump rally then bring your gun. Don't take shit from any of these "protesters".

Angerfist2921d ago

These left wingers that demand tolerance from anyone are the most intolerant people out there. They can no longer control the narrative and are losing power and thats their only struggle

opinionated2921d ago

Yup. Freedom of association, assembly and speech only apply to them for some reason. Their outrageous behavior is ok because "it's trump". That mayor of San Jose is a joke. Justifying that lynch mob harassing and gang beating on people leaving the trump rally. Cops in riot gear standing down watching it happen. That's not protest, that's anarchy.

These morons forget we are the most armed nation on the planet. They don't want to wake up that sleeping giant.

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Playing Video Games in Hospital: A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Likely Do Again

Alex from GamersFTW writes:

“I have now seen coloured medical scrubs and tiled walls a very sterile white. I have seen an all-linoleum floor with pine furniture. We’ve all been to a hospital at some point in our lives - if you haven’t already, then good for you. Sometimes, you’re there to visit friends or family, and other times it’s just to get a blood test. Whatever the circumstance, the chances are, you’ve got some waiting to do before that inevitable colonoscopy. Here, I’m discussing some video games that are perfect to play whilst waiting around in those candy-striped waiting rooms.”

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1noobgamer3002d ago

I absolutely love this game... I could play it today and still have as much fun as the first time!

joedom3002d ago

Pro tip: when playing Plague Inc, give your virus a rude name for 10x more fun.

IamTylerDurden13002d ago

I've played my VITA many of times while waiting at a hospital.

c00lvilKid693002d ago

Durden lives!

I use to play PSP a whole lot, but never brought a VITA. It seemed to lack something in a handheld, but I could never put my finger on what it was...

IamTylerDurden13002d ago

Durden lives?

I put tens of hours in on my VITA over the past couple years at the hospital. I put hours into AC Liberation, Sly Cooper TiT, Killzone Mercenary, Dragons Crown, Soul Sac, Sine Mora, Luftrausers, and more.

What exactly is the VITA lacking? It has a dramatically better screen, significantly more processing power, and a more adult oriented lineup than the DS. I just don't understand wanting to play on a weak and outdated handheld unless you are a huge fan of Pokemon or animal crossing. I just prefer Uncharted, KZ, Gravity Rush, LBP, Super Stardust, Freedom Wars ect.

iceman063001d ago

Never played my Vita at the hospital. But, can't say it gets any better than GTA on the PSP at the DMV.