
The GTA V Hype Train Destroys Other Games With Animated GIFs

Kotaku - In anticipation of Grand Theft Auto V, members of the GTA Forums amused themselves with animated GIFs in an ongoing thread, poking fun at similar games like Saints Row IV, Watch Dogs and The Last of Us.

naBs3934d ago

Lmfao, some of them are actually pretty funny ^^

StraightPath3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

This game will eat everything alive. Could very well be game of the generation. Got to wait and see. Even next gen consoles will take a hit.

ZBlacktt3934d ago

Yeah, that's why the PS4 is doing SO well. Trust me, people are going to see Next Gen games and just drop their jaws. No doubt GTAV will be fun, goofing around, trolling the town. Yeah we all like that. But step up to the 10 times more powerful console ( PS4 ). It's game WAY over when it comes to graphic details, features and experience. As expected of course.

Majin-vegeta3934d ago

Lol GOTG goes to TLOU.While GTAV looks like a beast.Its nothing new that hasn't been done before.

Gigaguy7773934d ago

You act as if The Last of Us was original in anyway.

Maninja3934d ago

Don't go down that path man. Don't put the last of us down

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3934d ago
3934d ago
ape0073934d ago

it even overshadowed nextgen

ZBlacktt3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

Not a chance in hell, lol. People buy into the hype. Just like they did GTA IV and man that makes my top 5 all time worst games I've ever tried to play. And I tried 4 different times and just fell asleep/got bored. You couldn't even trade that game in at GameStop. Why? Because they had to many on hand, very true story. So here we are once again on the GTA hype train.

Which I will add. I AM getting GTAV of course. I've been playing it since the very first one. This one looks MUCH better then the last one!

But when I want to play games that are truly mind blowing in graphics and features. I'll be over here on the 10 times more powerful PS4 thank you! That is why I bought a damn nice TV for in the first place!

ape0073934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

it's your opinion and i respect it, GTA IV is one of the greatest games in this gen, no top games list is complete without it, im still playing even today

i hope for a GTA V nextgen btw with 1080p, 60FPS and tessellation


GrandTheftZamboni3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

Agreed about GTA IV being overhyped. Great atmosphere, great music, so-so story and gameplay that sucks. Driving, fighting, shooting in that game was just terrible. I guess it was great for someone who just wanted to be a bad-ass.

Besides, animated gifs are a Kaz thing.

Kryptix3934d ago

I agree, GTA IV was a step back from the greatness San Andreas was. That's why I'm really glad they brought everything back in GTA V. I didn't like GTA IV for it's simplicity, nothing to do other than cruise around and do A to B missions that got boring quick. Also the online in GTA IV's free roam felt barebones, the only thing you could do was drive around and kill other players or throw explosives at them and that was funny for a while. It felt like it was just there, you know...nothing special. GTA V's online will really change that, so many things to do. And the money you get will actually matter, because GTA IV lacked many things that you can buy. It was more of 8/10 if I'm giving it an honest score. And the gameplay, sluggish cover mechanic... Can't wait for GTA V to bring me back to the older GTAs from last gen, those were masterpieces.

ZBlacktt3934d ago

Same to you as well on your opinion. But I use the GTAIV game disc as a coaster for my drinks now.

kidding, lol. But I do think it is the #1 most traded in game to game stop. In 2011, RDR was... another Rockstar game. Which I loved to death and will never trade/sell.

3934d ago Replies(2)
BLAKHOODe3934d ago

Saints Row IV is in no way, shape or form similar to GTA V. Trust me on this.

ZBlacktt3934d ago

So this, I've been playing this the last couple days. They are not even close at all. Either is Watch Dogs. Maybe any game in the city is somehow GTA??? lol..ok.

Hazmat133934d ago

GTAV is its own thing, but if need be. compare watch dogs to GTA5? watch dogs wins hands down.

Snookies123934d ago

Uhhh, neither of those games have released yet. You cannot make that claim. You can say you like the look of Watch Dogs better from videos, but without playing both of them you can't compare.

PersonMan3934d ago

I still play GTA IV every day. It's really fun and it entertains me.

I don't like all the goofy crap in Saints Row. I'm older now and that sort of stuff doesn't amuse me.


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gold_drake10d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX9d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos9d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville9d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes9d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long9d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff21839d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion9d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage9d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody9d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

9d ago
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