
Playstation All-Stars Island slaps Vita owners in the face, validates Nintendo too

Gimme Gimme Games writes about their complaints with Sony's new Playstation All-Stars app for iOS/Android saying it isn't a good move in light of the PS Vita's struggles or for the Playstation brand as a whole. They also argue that this shows how Nintendo embracing mobile phones in a similar way would be a bad move too.

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Concertoine3951d ago (Edited 3951d ago )

I doubt nintendo or sony would make an original, built from the ground up game on anything other than their own hardware, for this exact reason. If (big if) anything, nintendo would just throw old mario bros games on the appstore and make loads as well as increase the audience for the new mario games exclusive to their systems. Sony hasnt been around as long so i dont see them selling playstation games outside of psn because theyre too big and complex for phones.

To those that think the vita is being cheated of anything remotely good, this is just a stupid minigame collection promoting Coke starring playstation characters... youre not missing anything.

ritsuka6663951d ago (Edited 3951d ago )

My god what a horrible cash in Sony. So if MS is all about Mtn Dew and doritos, Sony is all about coke Zero and... cheetos? lol

pixelsword3951d ago

For the record, I'm about all of the above.

And pie.

HyFackingDro3950d ago

vita owners slapped themselves in the face! why would you buy a device Sony themselves don't support? This article is stupid! truth is, more people will buy this crap on iOS/Android over vita, stop being ignorant stupid fanboys!

zippycup3949d ago

i am sad you don't like your vita i love mine

granted im jaded because i don't have the income to buy to meany games and even if i did i don't have time to play a lot of different games

and last but not least dam disgaea wont let me play anything else lol

350 hours and counting

oh almost forgot my daughter keeps stealing it to play gravity rush

PrimeGrime3951d ago

Isn't bothering me. I could careless, people will use it and it will give them more money. I am not playing the games, they aren't on PS Vita and they surely aren't slapping anyone with one in the face or me for that matter.

I can almost bet most Vita owners without seeing this article had no idea what this even is or was.

Entire article was so dramatized. I could barely get through it all.

mrbojingles3951d ago

So you're fine with all of the money spent on developing these mini-games and the money Coke gave them for advertising wasn't spent on actual Vita game development or at least Vita marketing? Seems like a waste to me personally.

Unless I'm mistaken, this app doesn't even give real money to Sony in a traditional sense. Coke probably just paid them to slap their logo on everything, probably with a lump sum. Why could the game/games they use that Coke ad money for be for real Playstation games? Seems like it would be a good way to subsidize a new IP for Vita.

nick3093951d ago

Sony gets paid for coca cola slapping their logo on the app. Thats alot of cash they earn no matter how the game is.

miyamoto3951d ago

Really dude?
How low will you go?
You can do better than his crappy article.
Come up with something better than cheap shot at it.

No slap taken here.
No hits for you,too.

zippycup3949d ago

so what your saying is if coke pepsi or any big name company offered you a bag full of cash to make a android/ios game that might take you a week to code you would say no

i salute you

just make sure when you say no to send them my way

Ripsta7th3951d ago

Its not the same game tho, its an ios version of the game. The vita version is the better version with all the content. This is for a 5 minute boring break

Soplox3951d ago

People are underestimating Android.

Highlife3950d ago

No there not. It's the number 1 mobile os.

Soplox3951d ago

You know what could make the Vita sell better? Put Android(Super Customized) on it with 4G.

There's no doubt Android is owning everything in the Portable Market. And only by doing that Sony can kill de 3DS/DS.

Or make it support Android as its second OS. Something like OtherOS on the PS3.

WeAreLegion3951d ago

Why the disagrees? Add full Google Play Store support, 4G, and phone functionality and baby...you got a stew goin'!

I know many people who would immediately buy a Vita and let their phone contract run out. Especially since it plays FREAKIN' PS4 GAMES!

Soplox3951d ago

Exactly man!! The next Xperia Play!!

It would sell like hotcakes!

Minato-Namikaze3951d ago (Edited 3951d ago )

You still need a ps4 and the game that you want to play on the PS4. So its not how you are thinking.

WeAreLegion3951d ago

True, but the functionality is there if you own a PS4.

miyamoto3951d ago

I agree with you, mate.

PlayStation Phone should have made the cut. I will drop my Galaxy S3 in a heart beat for that baby.

Many smartphones nowadays have even bigger screens than 5" OLED display of the PSV so size portability is not a pocket size issue anymore.

And to all disagrees below. You don't have to own a PS4 to play PS4 games on the Vita. Gaikai will take care of that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3951d ago
tubers3951d ago


Plenty of hackers/crackers know their way around Android.

The last thing the VITA needs right now is pirated VITA games and Android OS is a precursor to that.

Now, a FILTERED Google Play Store Access may be a better solution.

dredgewalker3950d ago

I agree, having android on the Vita is basically giving the keys for pirates to hack the Vita. It's actually easy for Sony to put android on the vita given that the hardware is almost the same as smartphones, but the risks are just too great. I like android but I prefer a hardware that is dedicated to gaming for my gaming purposes. There will always be a compromise with android phones when it comes to games.

SonyPS43951d ago

There's nothing special about Android (or any mobile OS for that matter) when it comes to a dedicated games console. If people really wanted Android chances are they already have it or going to get it on a phone or tablet.

clrlite3951d ago (Edited 3951d ago )

As a former developer I agree for the most part. I am happy with the Vita the way it is but wouldn't mind some more software support or being able to boot a real Linux distro. You could use the back/front touch as a mouse for example, along with a virtual keyboard. :]

SpadeX3951d ago

No thanks, I'm satisfied with Vita's LiveArea atm, even though it needs some more updates, I still don't like owning 2 devices running Android OS with the same layout, not even if it was modified/customized and I couldn't care less about Google Play nor phone functionality..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3950d ago
Darkfist3951d ago

isnt that just to promote their franchises? its just free to play mini-games.

mrbojingles3951d ago

It cost Sony real money that could have been better spent on games for Playstation systems or better marketing for their platforms. I don't think this app even suggests to play Playstation hardware, I think it focuses entirely on advertising Coke. It's not like it says "like this Temple Run rip-off with an Uncharted skin? Go buy a Vita/PS3 to play more Uncharted" at all.

Darkfist3951d ago (Edited 3951d ago )

i remember there was a rumor about this i thought it was fake until now, does this means the Playstation all-stars mmo game rumor is true?

Minato-Namikaze3951d ago (Edited 3951d ago )

What did this game cost. 5k? stop acting like it was AAA title.

GraveLord3951d ago

It works both ways. Playstation isn't just promoting Coke, Coke is promoting Playstation.

0pie3951d ago (Edited 3951d ago )

@mrbojingles : what you've just said... Is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Baka-akaB3951d ago (Edited 3951d ago )

"It cost Sony real money that could have been better spent on games for Playstation systems or better marketing for their platforms"

How the hell would you know , how about sources ? From the way they look you wouldnt fund a single proper psp or vita retail game with their cost .

Besides it's cash from Coke in their pocket that they can reinvest . When have Sony ever stopped reinsvesting money in more ips and games ? NEVER .

I'm not a fan of those mini games , so i'm not going to pretend that "yeah it's great , sony can do no wrong" ... but you are going out of your way to paint some bleak picture with no reasons and actual reasoning behind it

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3951d ago
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It’s Time to Stop Making So Many Series for Smartphones

Chris Penwell from BagoGames writes: I get it. The install base is huge on smart phones. In fact, the Entertainment Software Association claims that 53% of American households who own a gaming system play on a smart phone with a 15% increase of smartphone and wireless device use in 2012 alone. It's worrying, and cell phone gaming alongside free-to-play has been behind the likes of micro-transactions and in-game currency within modern games.

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lockedongamer13327d ago

What do you guys think of smart phone gaming?

drizzom3327d ago (Edited 3327d ago )

I don't. The two greatest banes to smartphone games is that they are far too reliant on a freemium/f2p micro transaction model. Its rampant in the market and goes to show the overall intent of the smartphone gaming scene. Its become normal to have that crap in there games and that nonsense is leaking into the console market. I do not like the idea of having a cashier living in my pocket. Once I put money down for that game I NEVER want to see them again until a sequel comes out. Being constantly teased with things in the game locked behind a paywall is immersion breaking and I cant stand that shit.

The second issue is that there are no tactile buttons on the hardware. The device is a phone first and everything else second. I dont want to play games on hardware that sees it as an after thought. If I have to buy an entirely separate peripheral just to play a game properly then that just tells me that they never thought about it seriously from the start.

There are a "handful" of games on smartphones that show good quality. They have pretty cutscenes and high definition 3d models. But their ultimate potential is truncated by being on hardware that isn't specifically made for gaming. Controls just aren't as responsive period. You can never play Ninja Gaiden/DMC/Bayonetta on a Smartphone the way you can on a Vita let alone a ps2/3.

And because of these reasons I don't bother thinking about smartphone games.

SteamPowered3327d ago (Edited 3327d ago )

I love it. I really truly do. I play android games on my Nvidia Shield all the time. The emulators are top notch and there are some quality games out there. Now I say some good games. There are a Lot of garbage apps to soft through, but lots are worth the effort. Some gems that come to mind; half life 2, KOTOR, Gta:SA, bards tale, Reaper, and of course Conduit.
Edit: I should really reiterate how great the psp emulator is. I love monster hunter and ufc on the go.

MasterCornholio3327d ago

Funny how you say the best games come from consoles or PCs.

I think it only proves the level of quality that consoles have versus Android\IOs games.

Hasswell-NeverCold3327d ago

I have a phone which basically just can be used to talk or text.It's quite old and not fancy.

So that's my background on that when I say "I don't like this rise of mobile gaming at all, infact I hate that it has become so popular and makes people stupid with too simple games"

So in a nutshell I hate what I don't really know. =)


Dual Wielding 119: The Wonderful Paper Mario and Luigi, Please

On this week's show, impressions of Papers, Please, The Wonderful 101, Mario and Luigi: Dream Team and Attack of the Friday Monsters. Thoughts on the most recent Nintendo Direct, Xbox One news and Playstation All-Star Island

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Gameblob Reviews: Playstation All-Stars Island

All Stars Island is a series of cut down mini games involving some of Sony’s more recent mascots. Sackboy’s here as well as Drake, Cole, Clank and Kat ( the Gravity Rush girl). After a short introduction that showcases the awful low poly versions of the characters you’re presented with a world map – only one section of which is currently playable. It's not good news.

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Aceman183949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

so people decided to write articles about a mini game for phones just to b**ch fit about i lol.

they are all acting like Sony is just going to start throwing all of their high profile games on phones and tablets.

only the media would overreact to this lol.

Deadpoolio3949d ago

No they'll complain about it to no end and then act like Microsoft has NEVER done anything like that before, conveniently ignoring Halo: Spartan Ops for tablets and windows phones, or the Halo 4 double XP brought to you by Doritos and Mt.Dew.

Kietz3949d ago

Who ever said Microsoft has never done this? You see articles about it here all the time. People bring it up every chance they get.

People here...
Even in an article involving something purely about Sony, they need to make Microsoft the target.
It's comical.

mixelon3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

The halo tablet game is a "real game", and respectable for what it is. Its also for comparatively obscure windows tablets that very few people have, hence less reviews!

WTH does MS have to do with this anyway? Every thing someone says about a piece of software doesn't have to play into your bizarre all-arching platform war narrative.

Personally i don't care as much about MS' ips, so even if they whored them out like this i probably wouldn't be so bothered, or even notice. Also, they wouldn't likely poop on their entire ip backlog at once in one throwaway title would they?

admiralvic3949d ago

People have been complaining about these things for ages and they do it for the views and nothing more.

Not like anyone cares what some guy thinks about a free to play game. Would take the average person less time to merely download and try the game, than read some critics musings on the game.

mixelon3949d ago

Im not "the media" I'm a blogger. I guess you could call that "the media", but im just the same as anyone here, and care about Sony and their IPs.

And i wrote about it because it pissed me off, so of course i would. Its sort of the point to write about stuff you care about?