
Treyarch Posted Up Mysterious Call of Duty Origins Photo

Treyarch, team behind Black Ops has posted an image of Origins. Check it out!

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The_Sneauxman3952d ago

wow.. this reminds me of Resistance Fall of Man. Congrats Treyarch, Congrats

TrevorPhillips3952d ago

I thought I was the only one that thought so too. The cover of the game right

Khajiit863952d ago

At least they will copy something besides COD4 for once

3-4-53952d ago

Please re-make COD 3 and let us play that online in nice new HD graphics.

It's about time we went back to WW2. Such a much more balanced and skillful era for shooters.

You can't just rely on tech in those games.

Salooh3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

I don't think they will go to that atmosphere even with the zombies. COD will stay COD . Even though the art is a little different in BO then Mw , it still feel the same crap call of duty they make not the awesome COD4/WaW/Mw2..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3952d ago
BattleReach3952d ago

Just DLC for Black Ops 2. Misleading title.

sync903952d ago

Treyarch are garbage devs. Greedy and untalented!

Mikeyy3952d ago

and most of us would 100% agree with you, untill MW3 happened, Now its clear Infinity Ward is the "B" team.

I have very low hopes for Ghosts.

sync903952d ago

both dev's suck ass! fact!

Hufandpuf3952d ago

at least they are better than IW at this point. And I don't even like COD, but I'll show them the respect they deserve for making a hugely popular and bestselling game.

sync903952d ago

im showing Treyarch zero respect! GARBAGE!

robotgargoyle3952d ago

I felt like the Black Ops series had an interesting campaign as far as COD goes. Black ops 2 is my favorite because of local multiplayer options ( 4 player split, and ai bots to thicken the matches). Great game when family visits.

My friend hates Treyarch too. He says the online mp sucks compared to CODs done by Infinity Ward.

Mikeyy3952d ago

Single player wise, Black ops 1 and 2 have the best campaigns, end of story.

MP wise, MW2 was probably the best, followed by Black Ops 1. MW3 was a disaster and the start of the Lag compensation nightmares, that plagued the games entire lifespan, my KD/R plummeted to like a 1, I could only trade kills because I just died instantly when the enemy rounded the corner.

Black Ops 2 again has Lag compensation issues, but this time they are on and off, you will have a bad few matches, then a great few matches. The biggest problem everybody has with BO2 is that its really "hard" and thats because the matchmaking is now Skill based, you are always playing against enemies in you skill range, so It can get frustrating.

sync903952d ago

you forgot to mention the op shotguns, pistols that are stronger than primary guns. the one hit kill snipers and the hilariously bad lag comp. one word sums them up....GARBAGE!

robotgargoyle3952d ago

I know that I'm in the minority when it comes to local v.s. online. The online space is by-and-far more robust with options and many games don't even support it anymore. It makes sense when devs are trying to optimize a game, rendering two-four screens i assume taxes your system exponentially.

Moving on to next gen, I fear local play will become even rarer or non-existent.
I hope it doesn't disappear entirely.

Having 12 player Halo deathmatch on Xmas eve with family n friends!

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These Call of Duty games are officially dead as servers go offline

Following the Wii U and 3DS servers being taken offline, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and Ghosts are officially dead.

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Call of Duty players are playing this game for the last time before it's taken offline

Call of Duty players are jumping into Black Ops 2 for the final time before its Wii U servers go offline for good.

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Xbox backwards compatibility sends old Call of Duty games back into the Top Five | UK Monthly Charts

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shadowT294d ago

Xbox $70 billion bet paid out

fr0sty293d ago

Guess that's what happens when there's no good new games to play...

4Sh0w293d ago (Edited 293d ago )

Well regardless of exclusives, or whatever else there is to play on Xbox or ps, CoD has has still been the top selling game on ps platform since forever also.....so no surprise that the most popular game franchise on any console could easily have a revival due to servers coming back online...this is just credit to xbox backwards compatibility & thats good thing for Xbox gamers.

wiz7191293d ago

@Frosty orrrr maybe it’s a breath of fresh air to be able to go back to the peak of the series .. and it’s beem great lol

mkis007293d ago

It's going to take 10 years for xbox to generate that much profit...

Rhythmattic293d ago

Why worry when they have OS, Server and Background Data in their hands...
Gaming is just the small piece, at the top left in a few K piece jigsaw.

EasilyTheBest292d ago

If you buy a house with cash for 1 million dollars you still own the house. Microsoft don't need to make the money back.

Rhythmattic291d ago

But its not money back, its about how it goes missing.

jznrpg293d ago

Shooters is what Xbox people play most of the time and that’s about it by the numbers and sales of games.

shinoff2183293d ago

Atkeast older gamers nostalgia is good. Jeez.

Jin_Sakai293d ago

Mostly because the new CoD games are garbage. The old games were much better.

Rutaprkl293d ago

Agree 100%. Cod 4, WaW, Black ops 1 & 2, those were the days.

Rhythmattic293d ago

For MP, Unreal tournament , QIII Arena (loved the UT mod) FTW!

RaidenBlack292d ago

Unreal Tournament and Quake III were simply amazing ... CoD's and CoD-likes' rise killed the arena shooter popularity ...
Unreal Tournament 2004 is my favorite in the series.
Didn't enjoy Unreal Tournament III, Quake Champions that much.
Too bad Epic cancelled Unreal Tournament 2014 becoz of Fortnite

Rhythmattic292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

I got hooked on the QIII Urban Terror mod (and my work colleagues I introduced them to)... LAN Sessions at the closing of the doors at work, into the night , sinking beers and eating pizza..... Good times.

thesoftware730293d ago

Wow, good games never get old I guess.

CoD will always be a beast of a franchise, and how awesome is it that you can just boot it up or pop it into your Xbox and play, MS BC is really a neat feature.

CrimsonWing69293d ago

Shows you that backwards compatibility is a worthwhile feature.

1Victor293d ago

@crimson:” Shows you that backwards compatibility is a worthwhile feature.”
I agree it’s worthy at the start of the generation when there’s few new generation games but halfway through the generation it’s not a feature.
Now it’s good that this game is finding a renewed life for its fan but it shows a mayor flaw in new games release when a close decade old game is toppling the charts

CrimsonWing69292d ago

I don't know if I understand what you mean. It's a feature regardless of the time into the generation.

Let's take Armored Core 6 for example. Let's say I'm interested in checking out the previous Armored Core games, sure would be nice if I could play them on my current-gen console.

We're about 3 years into current-gen and old games are hitting in the top 5 for sales charts in the month.

I do get where you're coming from with older games possibly being better than the newer games, but the feature stays the feature. I can only speak for myself, but when there's a lull in game releases or nothing great is out, I like to go back to old titles. It's just nice to not have to have a bunch of consoles out to do so.

I think moving forward it'll be less and less of an issue as like with the PS5 you can access most all of the PS4 games, but I like going back to PS1 and PS2. Would be awesome to kind of make backwards compatibility a prioritized feature moving forward. Hell, Sony was the first to implement it.

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