
OMGPOP Team Tried To Buy Back Its Site, But Zynga Killed It Instead

Josh Constine: "Our sources tell us that multiple OMGPOP team members independently tried to buy back the OMGPOP.com site, games, and intellectual property. These team members wanted whatever Zynga was willing to sell, even if that didn’t include the more valuable Draw Something assets or user data. Even more employees offered to work on OMGPOP.com for free. However, Zynga said this would all take too much legal work and wouldn’t agree to sell anything.

Instead, Zynga laid off OMGPOP’s employees, and today said the whole OMGPOP.com site will go dark September 30th."

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Ashlen3954d ago

You know your a huge douche when your too big of a douche to work at Microsoft. That company churns out more douches than Vagisil.

Maddens Raiders3954d ago (Edited 3954d ago )

Just looks at that dude. That is the face of someone that will say/do anything to get what they want. Mattrick should be in Congress with the rest of the douchebags, where he belongs.

zeal0us3953d ago

This is a good reason why independent companies shouldn't jump for joy when bigger companies offer to buy them.

dasbeer883953d ago


THANK GOSH CD Projekt Red is still an independent developer.
I still mourn that BioWare acquired itself to EA. Look at it now. :(

3953d ago
GreenRanger3953d ago

Why were they wasting their money on a site.

They could be buying Xbox 360s with that money!

-Gespenst-3953d ago

It's people like Matrick and Kotick (ha similar names) that are poisoning the industry. Opportunistic, heartless capitalists who live in the moment and care only about profit.

3-4-53952d ago

Not only ruining the gaming industry, but other's as well. All over the world.

It's a screwed up mentality to have but there will always be " That guy", who just doesn't care and will sell is soul for a few dollars.

stage883953d ago

And Dom Mattrick strikes again.

AbyssGravelord3953d ago

Don Mattrick is such a prick, I hope Zynga burns down.

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darthv72872d ago (Edited 872d ago )

I have to give props for the use of Electric Boogaloo reference. I don't think many young folk will even know what that is.

On topic... wasn't that where Don Mattrick went after leaving XB?

Lighter9871d ago

I'm not that young tbh. I only remember the reference from Family Guy.


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