
Xbox One is Becoming a Great Ad for the PS4

Techradar - In the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers, something terrible happens to an entire town: aliens invade, replacing every human with a doppelgänger.

I think something similar is happening right now, but instead of space aliens the culprit is Sony - and instead of a Californian town, it's replaced everybody involved in selling the Xbox One

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dedicatedtogamers3981d ago


We'll see what happens but based on the pre-order numbers, Microsoft has a long road ahead.

Odoylerules0003981d ago

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he thinks so.

NatureOfLogic3981d ago

Sony gains points everytime MS speaks about the Xbox One.

abzdine3981d ago Show
NewMonday3981d ago

"Your console will use Kinect to work out who's in the room and your Xbox LIVE account to mine your demographic information, and it'll use that data to more precisely target advertising. That advertising will be more intrusive than before, too, because we're too good at ignoring ads"

this is why XB1 still has a big problem, take Kinect away and you solve this problem and also cut the price by $100, 2 birds with one stone

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3981d ago

If you think so...

cool story brah

TRGMatt3981d ago

Preorders are NOTORIOUSLY accurate for predicting sales, almost in direct correlation. EVERYBODY thinks so lol

3981d ago
koston36473981d ago

I mean....he did type it and then press submit.

pretty sure he thought it too...

nm973981d ago

Trust me, and everyone else in the world, he knows so.

pompombrum3981d ago

"TLoU 2... i just jizzed!"

To flag that line as immature shows that Microsoft shills around operating on here.. some bitter jealously there no doubt and I'd agree with the guy but been thinking of it for the last few weeks and ran out of tissue.

RumbleFish3981d ago

M$ have made big mistakes and even if they remove kinect and cut the price of the console, would you buy the thing from a company that wanted to do those DRM things to gaming?

Even if they cut the price, the PS4 will be more powerful and will have the better exclusives.

If gamers vote with their wallets and don't buy the XB1, this will set asign for years to come. Neither SONY nor Nintendo nor any future console manufacturer will try to do such things to gamers if this really has massive consequences on sales of the M$ console.

If too many gamers give in after the DRM was removed and buy this thing, then companies will know how quickly gamers forget.

zeee3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

"Your console will use Kinect to work out who's in the room and your Xbox LIVE account to mine your demographic information, and it'll use that data to more precisely target advertising. That advertising will be more intrusive than before, too, because we're too good at ignoring ads."

This is my biggest concern with Xbox One. Kinect is the creepiest form of privacy invasion that one could imagine and that's exactly why I won't be supporting MS next-gen.

It's one thing to read our emails, facebook posts and twitter account but it's totally another to observe people in their living/bedrooms!

I want to see Nintendo, Sony and MS competing for our dollars and make some profit out of it. I want to see a healthy gaming industry but Nintendo with their disappointing hardware AND software and MS with their policies are making this extremely hard. How do they expect us to support them with our wallets if they can't respect our privacy? Why show me ads on a gaming device? Why see who is in the living room, their gender? Why mine demographics using my GAMING console?

Those (and some more) are the reasons I will NOT be supporting MS console come next-gen. It was their abysmal pre-order sales that forced MS to reverse the DRM policies they had. If we unite against this mandatory intrusive device then who knows perhaps MS will let go of this too? Long shot but worth trying!

Gekko363980d ago

@newmonday The kinect, cloud computing, cool games, and xbox live are the reasons why I'm buying xbox one.

I have sky telly so hdmi in for me will be cool once I get to control it and search by voice, I keep losing my remotes.

Personally I couldn't give a fuck about MS's bad press, all corporations are cunts, even Sony.

Sony's PR is doing well but it doesn't mean they like gamers any more that Microsoft.

So I ignored all the twats on here and put my pre-order in at Game and paid it off.

Roll on November...

nypifisel3980d ago

Then I feel sorry for you, especially due to the fact that Cloud computing is nothing but a PR ruse from MS at this point. It does not work the way they want you to believe. The cloud won't make your Xbox more powerful, these are just facts - you can find them yourself.

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PunisherRevenge3981d ago

Pre-orders are just pre-orders. Yes the X1 is behind according to pre-orders, but that doesn't mean all of the PS4 pre-orders will translate into sales and the same goes for the X1. On top of that its still too early to call.

malokevi3981d ago

Apparently, according to one guy, you are wrong!

"its too early to call".... DISAGREE! lol. Oi, vey!

It is definitely to early to call, friend. At least some people understand that. You can hold pre-order numbers and online polls as the be-all-end-all... but at the end of the day, it will have no relevance to sales.

And, more importantly, it will have no relevance to which console offers a better experience. Something that has yet to be determined.

People are trying to justify their purchasing decision by saying "I WIN! YAY! HIGH 5!", little realizing that the puck hasn't even dropped.

NatureOfLogic3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

Even when the Xbox One gets smoked, we'll still here more excuses from Xbox fanboys. PS4 is set to demolish the competition next gen. If Xbox One had more pre-orders and was in PS4's position, we wouldn't hear the end of it. So why don't most of you just deal with till the consoles release if you feel different.

OC_MurphysLaw3981d ago

@NatureOfLogic...if things were reversed I am sure we would hear the same things just reversed...Sony Defenders saying it doesn't matter and Xbox Defenders saying "doom to Sony" ....

War it never changes...

sobekflakmonkey3981d ago

I just remember the PS3's start, it got destroyed by the 360, but later came back and is now beating the 360...and is considered the superior console, so who knows, we'll see what happens, I already pre-ordered my PS4 though, so thats all the matters to me :/

MysticStrummer3981d ago

@Diacy - I can only speak for myself, but if the roles were reversed I'd be saying Sony is in trouble.

All over? No.

In trouble? Yes.

The bright side for MS is that Sony was the one with negative reaction last time and they made a big comeback. Sony certainly can't coast to a win.

Groo3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

have you ever heard of the old tale the tortoises vs the hare? well.. the Sony rabbit isn't going to slow down to poke fun at MS.. MS can't even figure out which way to run the race at this point..

ShinMaster3981d ago

That is assuming that they pre-ordered from places like GameStop, one of the pre-order leads next to Amazon.

Red_Devilz3981d ago

LMAO....keep up the optimism dude!

mcstorm3980d ago

This site is really becoming a joke with the comments on here. The PS4 and Xbox one are not even out yet so no one knows how many each will sell. I am getting an xbox one but im yet to pre order it and I know a few people who are doing the same. I also know some people who have yet to pre order there PS4.

Also people on here seem to think that what is said on here is what the rest of the world think to and they are so wrong. Lets look back at the 3DS and PSV and on here they were saying that the PSV was going to walk all over the 3DS and it will be the end for Nintendo but then Nintendo changed the way they advised the 3DS and sales picked up. Its the same with Apple products if you speak to prople on sites like this they hate Iphones but the market Apple is after dose not come on sites like this and they know how to sell there product and make it look cool.

If Microsoft do this with the Xbox one then it could be this console that comes out on top and the same if Sony or Nintendo change the way they show off there console.

As for people saying all they need to do is drop Kinect from there console are wrong and are also people who were not looking to get an xbox any way. Kinect is what makes the One different to the WiiU and PS4.

As marcelliuss1 said pre orders are just pre orders and not sales we need to wait until the consoles are out before we can say what is a success and what is not but one thing I am expecting is both the PS4 and Xbox One sales not to be as high as the fan boys are making out because there are still big name games coming out for the 360 and PS3 including COD, BF4 and GT6.

3980d ago
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Cmk01213981d ago

surely being outsold, but xbox day one addition is number one item on amazon, console race hasnt even begun. lets not forget the wii had a horrible e3 and in general is and was a crap console and is ahead by 22 million units sold in this gen over xbox 360 and ps3...

kneon3981d ago

That's only on the hourly chart. For the year to date the PS4 is #3 while the XB1 is #6. And that's with the PS4 being listed as "currently unavailable" for quite some time now.

And it only get's worse when you look at the ranking in other countries.

devwan3981d ago

@kneon Exactly. The fact that the ps4 launch edition sold out so quickly yet the xbox one still sits 3 places behind and not sold out after a month or more - that speaks volumes.

Two other ps4 SKUs are up into the low 80s in the same chart now.

DJMarty3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

@Cmk0121 - lol, X1 day one edt has'nt sold out thats why.

PS4 has sold out many times over.


3-4-53981d ago

There are actually a few games that looked really good for XB1....and I love the controller, however I'm not too pleased with almost all of Microsoft's decisions and their arrogant attitude towards us.

At some point...enough is enough, you need to stand up for what you believe is right.

I've never owned Sony...used to hate on it because of the Dual shock controller and it's floaty analogs...

I don't even care anymore if I miss out on 5 of the best games ever made for XB1. I'm not putting up with their BS.

I will happily keep my 360, which I love, buy a PS4 and eventualy a Wii U, because regardless of Nintendo's faultsm they make some truly fun and memorable games that I enjoy even when I think I wouldn't.

I'm hoping Microsoft got the memo that we don't like nearly everything they do.....hopefully they actually try and be creative like they did with the original xbox.

^ That thing had so many good exclusives....not as many as PS2...but enough to satisfy.

ratchet4263981d ago

FWIW, those who have gotten their hands on the Dualshock 4 have confirmed Sony's claims that the 'floaty' analog sticks are a thing of the past. The DS4's sticks are allegedly much 'stiffer' with a much smaller dead zone.

memots3981d ago

this exactly.
You summed up pretty much everything i feel.

I want a Xb1, But not that way. ]
I Want Halo , I want that gamepad but i don't want the rest and unfortunately the rest is too big to overlook.

shadyiswin3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

people are so whiney over the former DRM polices and im shocked no one saw the big picture,everyone feels so betrayed by microsoft. Microsoft was moving forward and taking the power frm gamestop that is killing the industry with there buy sell trade scheme,this is why games are up to $59.99.
Im hoping micrsoft rewards those who want to go digital over time by doing new releases over xbox live for $49 to push more people to avid gamestop. I am tried of every time i go to my flipboard and under gaming its nothing but lay offs,200 here 400 here,studios shut down especially in the EA divisions,developers deserve money on every used games,the fee would of been payed for by gamestop further more enabling more balance,like i said ill keep shopping at walmart,most new titles drop $10-15 after a month just cause there inventory room is limited,i hardly ever trade in games,i hardly ever buy pre-owned,only thing stoing me from going total digital is my employee discount i get at certain places -___- ,which i may use to get microsoft cards,i like having my games on the system,maybe if i was in highs chool the whole sharing thing would be an issue,im a grown man,you want to play a game you buy it.

i left out the point of my post lol

if the drm went through over time you'd see cheaper games,a more healthy industry and also more exclusives to the xbox one being it would be the system that offered residual income to developers,you sony fan boys should be very happy the DRM was reversed other wise the xbox one would have much more exclusives,i'm thinking thats how they got insomniac on board,you factor in the extra money they make off games and it ill be ok to sell less systems it would be a nice trade off and developers get the much better xbox live system as far as selling content and the resell money,was a great idea and i hope they bring it to the digital downloads.
people freak out like ,"i want to own my games! what happens when you guys close the servers" wahhhh,like realy? microsoft just today closed down the webtv service,a service that has been nothing but an utter failure for a decade,just closed today. The xbox one servers would of likely closed in 2 generations and most likely implemented some type of offline mode play enabled,just didnt see the big deal at all,the good thing to come from it is no region locking,i'd hate to have to wait months for anything new.

moparful993980d ago

@ShadyIsWIn How old are you? I'm almost 29 and have been gaming since the age of 4.. A quarter of a century I have been gaming and the last decade pricing has improved.. Nintendo was the proprietary owner of carts that were used to make games and they charged a premium for third party studios to use those carts.. The result was prices ranging from $20 all the way to $100... Sony saved us from that fate by introducing a cd based format that was easy to mass produce, cheap, and readily accessible.. Microsoft wasn't doing anyone a favor but themselves. They are essentially trying to make their platform closed like the IOS devices so they can control everything and increase their bottom line.. If you honestly think that Microsoft would drive down the cost of games if successful with their DRM policies then you are only kidding yourself..

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DragonKnight3981d ago

Becoming? It's been Sony's best ad for months.

CyberSentinel3981d ago

Well I guess when you don't make your own games, you need to supplement your revenue from other sources.

Shadowstar3981d ago

Do we actually know pre-order numbers? The only thing I have really seen is an Amazon page that only has the Xbox One two places behind the PS4 in total preorders, while the current page (not the YTD one) says it's beating the PS4...

shadyiswin3981d ago

most sales will not come from amazon which is the funny thing,most sales from come from best buy,walmart,target,gamestop and toys r us,the fact that amazon is being taken as some sort of holy grail to who will out sell who is ridiculous. I know for a fact it both will be sold out till early febuary,that's just how new consoles are. The fact that xbox one is not doing japen till next year bolds well for the states cause that just means a more direct focus on the U.S and Europe,sony allotment will be less in the states but either way they are printing money,also most of friends ordered there xbox one right off the xbox 360

moparful993980d ago

Which is why GameStop has stopped taking pre orders on the PS4 after being told by Sony to open the floodgates.. It's is clearly evident that demand is outstripping supply in the case of the PS4.. GameStop and Amazon will stop taking pre order whenever they cannot guarantee a unit for someone who pre-orders. Walmart, Best Buy, Target and other big box retailers do not...

showtimefolks3981d ago

even though MS backed out on many of their policies i think for now the damage has been done, and every time a MS executive opens his or her mouth its more crap

they need to hire some genuine people who can speak to their consumers like jack tretton did at E3

many of sony long time executives are really nice people and that's not my words, many gaming media members who have dealt with them for a decade say so

shadyiswin3981d ago

90% of people never even heard of the policies to begin with,once again you guys think "we" as people who frequent sites and articles are the majority,we we are not,we have a picture for the xbox one and ps4 pre-order online picture at the front register and most people have no clue they are even coming out,if you have an xbox you are obviously aware cause its on the dashboard,a lot of customers told me they only seen the ps4 controller,so for people to be that clueless on the new systems and you expect me to believe them changing policies will effect anything when most were unaware to that in the first place AND the few younger people who were aware like myself were all for it,familiar with how steam works,the xbox would of got there eventually.

basically,we the gaming community are not longer the majority in our own community which is cool cause i've grown and i'm generally causal unless its a new release.

showtimefolks3981d ago


well lets' see most late night show hosts showed ps4 and xbox one and in their opinions ps4 was a better option so there goes your argument that only us the gaming community knew

news media outlets reported on the news

us navy weekly/monthly bashed the heck out of xbox one because don matrick said people without net should buy a xbox360 and shouldn't worry about xbox one

so MS had a lot of pressure from us the gaming community but they had just as much if not more from casual crowd

also gamestop,redbox,gamefly were emailing their consumers letting them know which next gen console will allow used/rental games

so it wasn't just us, as much as i want the gaming community to get 100% of the credit but that's not accurate

madpuppy3981d ago

Sony was simply smarter than Microsoft this time around, they are an old hand in the gaming console market and knew it's customer better than MS, whereas MS has lived in a monopoly bubble for 30+ years with a captive consumer base that accepted any policy that MS dictated, mainly because that particular consumer was other businesses that have long been locked into the MS environment, changing was not something that could be easily implemented without a considerable expense including training and a completely different way of running their business. As for the gaming consumer, there are choices, and changing or choosing a different product that caters better to them is not a life changing challenge. MS hubris got the better of them and Sony took advantage of that, that was a good business strategy and it is now paying off in skyrocketing preorder numbers. But, to be honest Microsoft has probably done us the greatest of favours, They taught the industry that if you poke a sleeping bear (the consumer) with a stick you will not make it out of it's cave unscathed. It is a good lesson for people like Bobby Kotick, that has openly spoke of bilking the consumer because he feels that we don't pay enough. what if he raised the price of Activision games to a minimum of 70-75.00? like Mr. Kotick has posed in the past, will the gaming consumer be able to stick together and simply not buy any Activision games in protest? I certainly hope so, because who will protect us from the arrogant hubris of businesses in the future if not ourselves?

strifeblade3981d ago

sony had a long road ahead when ps3 came out (they definetely have a long road with vita), i mean only this year supposedly ps3 surpassed 360 in sales- not by much i might add (78-77 million i think).

So what makes people think that msoft is absolutlely destroyed? as of right now they have stronger exclusive lineup for the first year of x1- but i know thats not enough to beat sony sales wise, so sony does not even need to push exclusives in its first year- they can take their time because sony fanboys will eat it up. msoft on the other hand will try very hard on securing exlusives to boost their platform sales and it shows. they secured numerous third party exclusives opened up numerous studios (msoft has around 19 studios while sony has 13 according to ign)- and at e3 for exclusives- they beat sony in the games department when talking about ps4.

jairusmonillas3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

360 lost when it stopped supporting games halfway to 360's life. wanna know what happen? oh right. KINECT GAMES, and guess what? they are continuing kinect FULL SUPPORT ALL THE WAY.

it's over for Xbox unless they realize Kinect is a big joke and just another disadvantage to PS4 cause of that additional -$100

dsDoan3980d ago

"only this year supposedly ps3 surpassed 360 in sales"

The PS3 was released an entire year after the Xbox 360. The PS3 should be nowhere near the same sales as the Xbox 360, yet they are neck-and-neck in sales. This tells you the PS3 is selling much better than the Xbox 360.

strifeblade3980d ago

@dsdoan a full year later? big deal, going by sony previous generation ps3 should have raped in sales- i mean ps2 has 150 million install base while the original xbox had 25 million. you act as if though xbox and sony were on even ground- now however they are on even ground. Its amazing what xbox and nintendo did- they defeated the juggernaut known as playstation business wise- and no im not going to nitpick a one million sales difference.

I agree that since the release of alan wake in 2010 you have not seen much from microsoft- but do you remember the first year and a half of playstation was terrible? absolute horrible ports of games- exclusives were balls (lair??) until mgs4 came a year and a half later it became decent (ports were still a problem though), by mgs4 however xbox 360 was enjoying a plethoras of awesome exclusives and timed exclusives for 2 and half years. so ya ps3 sucked in the beggining just like 360 started to suck near the end- you seem to forget that. Then forza did the unthinkable and took the race sim throne from gran turismo (who could have thought?). So yeah xbox accomplished a lot this gen, and i expect them to accomplish a lot for nexgen. fyi everyone knows the first year of nexgen gaming belongs on xbox one- as of right now x1 exclusives were better and more numerous than ps4 exclusives since e3- lets see what happens at gamescom- when it comes to games you cant hide behind your pre order numbers lmao!

madpuppy3980d ago

no one has said that Microsoft is "absolutely destroyed" all everybody have been saying is that MS effed up and now they are paying for it. to some, even the backpedal has made their position weaker. They will recover, but with more respect for their customers. I don't know why saying that pisses people off, a company being put in it's place by the consumer is a good thing, for the customer AND the company. keeps them healthy and focused on the most important aspect of the business...profit, and where does this so called "profit" come from?? oh, yeah! THE CUSTOMER! so if you want to be a profitable company you have to keep your customers happy and satisfied with your product and services. what happened is a win in every conceivable way, for the customer and for Microsoft.

As for having a better exclusive line up for the first year of the new generation is all up to opinion. I think Ryse looked boring, Titan fall looked ok, project spark looked interesting but, I like my worlds already made for me personally, sunset overdrive looks kinda' cool. but nothing that has me sad that I will miss. But, that is all personal opinion, the PS4 games that will be available at launch appeal to me more but I am not dancing in the streets about a few of them either. once again, opinion.

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3981d ago
3980d ago
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pedrof933981d ago

Microsoft don't want people to buy Xbox One.

KillrateOmega3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

It was all a ruse! We all thought their policies were put in place in an effort to rake in maximum profit, but nay!! Come hither children and let me inform you of their true endgame: the pursuit of....MINIMUM PROFIT!

*dun dun dunnnn*

Well played, MS. Well played indeed.

ginsunuva3981d ago

No not minimum profit, negative.

goldwyncq3981d ago

Or their plan all along was to create the most hated console in existence and bring about the second video game crash, in an attempt to make an example of how not to release a console and prevent other console makers from doing the same, thus saving the video game industry by teaching them a valuable lesson.

Jaqen_Hghar3981d ago

So they can say consoles are going away so everyone should buy Surface tablets! Mwahahahaha!

WolfOfDarknesss3981d ago

Microsoft didn't know how yo market Xbox one .

Groo3981d ago

I think Microsoft is trying to use the Cartmanland strategy but it doesn't seem to be doing them much good...

clrlite3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

Either that or they will just have their "marketing" team get people to think it is the coolest product OF ALL TIME EVER!

.... and such a good deal, just think about it.

new car = $25,000?

well xbone = $500

J/k obviously.

and PS4 is its own best ad campaign in MY opinion :]

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3979d ago
cleft53981d ago

Here is a question, what happens when key third party titles, like Battlefield 4 and CoD sell better on the PS4 then the Xbox One? If Microsoft lets that happen, then they will have completely shot themselves in the foot.

Software_Lover3981d ago

Multiplats are gonna always sell better on one console. Things are never gonna be equal. It's been that way always.

Cmk01213981d ago

OHHHH the word "IF", if sony psn can catch up with the rest of the world maybe it will take off in online gaming. downloads on psn take far longer than on xbox live, if the competitive gamers take to the controller like they did for the xbox 360. I think a lot of people are just forgetting about xbox live superior service as a system that is already established. PSN gives away free games because it couldn't compete as a service in terms of operation to xbox live. cross game chat just now coming to ps4, its still not set up to handle 50 million as xbl is. a lot of "ifs" ya know and i dont mean to be negative. Gaming is just one of those cultures that is vocal minority driven.people are literally caught up in this big brother argument and fanboyism its just silly. INSTANT example everyone is bragging Sony is giving away drive club with psn service. BUt they are not acknowledging that its not the full game or access to the full game but limited access. now xbox is giving away killer instinct with only one free character but full access to the game and option to buy all content separately or pay 60 bucks for everything. Sony fans say MS is nickle and diming for killer instinct meanwhile praise drive club limited access as totally free and pro consumer. Its all about perspective.MS just like Sony is out to make money, they are not our friends, Sony just has so far marketed the ps4 way better than MS has the xbox one...

NatureOfLogic3981d ago

@ Cmk0121, See this is reason Xbox fanboys are the worst. They get so butthurt over the smallest things. If cleft said something that hurts your feeling, then you might need mental evaluation. He said nothing fanboyish and you reply with a wall of text about how bad PSN is and how Sony sucks compared to MS. All of that was simply not necessary.

T23981d ago

same old tired arguments. you do know that ps3 already downloads patches while you sleep right? and lol at "psn gives away free games because they couldn't compete"...
Classic justification language from someone just realizing that their xbl fees were a huge ripoff.

fsfsxii3981d ago

Here we go with the misinformation about PSN
Is that your only scapegoat???

Jaqen_Hghar3981d ago

A man connects to online games just fine on PSN. A man doesn't see how much more Live has to offer other than x-game chat which a man doesn't see himself using very often considering he normally chats with his friends only when they're playing the same game on gaming consoles. A man would also remind that it's a free service so it's only going to get better now and with better architecture the downloads coupled with that the download times and stability will be improved 10 fold. After seeing what Sony does with free a man is biting at the bit to see what they can do with a system designed for online gaming from the ground up with a paywall.

badz1493981d ago

I'm not going to nitpick you too much but comparing KI with Driveclub? I don't recall Driveclub PS+ Edition coming with just 1 car! It just have less cars and tracks but ill still have tons of contents compared to KI!

F2P but only 1 free character lol!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3981d ago
Maddens Raiders3981d ago

"Microsoft's goal of playing "a significant role in TV advertising" wasn't really possible until the launch of the New Xbox Experience in 2011, and this time around it's thinking about advertising from the get-go....

Your console will use Kinect to work out who's in the room and your Xbox LIVE account to mine your demographic information, and it'll use that data to more precisely target advertising. That advertising will be more intrusive than before, too, because we're too good at ignoring ads.."

No thanks, all I want to do is game on my gaming console and not be spied on whilst doing it.

Hello_World3981d ago

I personally gave up on Xbox when I saw the policies they were trying to push on to consumers and started thinking about how few good core games were released after the first few years on Xbox in comparison with the ps3 and how they treated their hardcore fan base. Then I looked at the hardware, price and quality of studios for each firs party and it became set in stone. Seeing them do the 180 only confirmed my choice.

-From a former 360 gamer

Campy da Camper3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

I didn't jump ship til my 360 rrod for the second time. It was literally on the day the infamous/kill zone ps3 bundle released. Never looked back. Ever. Sony 1st party makes awesome games. With what they learned this gen, and taking devs advice the ps4 should be one hell of a system. With the whole kinect debacle, Sony would literally have to slap me around and call me Susan for me to not buy their new console.

Also picked up a Wii u last month. Ps4 in living room on 55" led and sennheiser 280hd pro headphones and Wii u in bedroom on 43 inch plasma. I'm set up for winter!

Bachelor ftw!

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This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

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Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

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1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon5h ago

We are on the same team brother!

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I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


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The full version of "TIEBREAK" is coming to PC and consoles on August 22nd, 2024

"NACON and Big Ant Studios are today very proud and pleased to announce that "TIEBREAK: Official game of the ATP and WTA" will be released on 22 August 2024 for PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC (Steam). The Nintendo Switch™ version will be launched at a later date." - NACON and Big Ant Studios.

RhinoGamer889h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!