
Play3-Live Previews The Getaway 3: Impressions Included

French site Play3-Live.com had the opportunity to move over to England for a special occasion following an invitation by SCEE London Studio.This morning we invite you to read their preview & impression's of the game.Here are some brief thoughts as follows:

-Immediately, the quality of the graphics in(The Getaway 3)is superb 'dazzling' The enviromets are superb, but it's mostly the effects of lights that leave us open-mouthed!

-The Cars (still under license) are superbly modeled, a bit lesser than those of Gran Turismo, but just about the level comparable to a Colin McRae DiRT Racing car model.

-A slight blur effect has been added to give an impression of greater speed which clearly fits well during driving!

-Car damage has been improved and we would often compared it (The Getaway 3 )to Codemasters Rally simulation.

-The Getaway 3 will have no online modes, because according to the development team, it has no place in a game of this sort.

-About 40 hours of gameplay in total, not counting side missions and special vehicles to locate in the various large cities or towns, as the scenario of The Getaway is taking place in London but also in Amsterdam.

-Other information include, the team expects to link up the 3 games story wise (The Getaway, The Getaway Black Monday and Gangs of London) since the adventure takes place a few years before the first Game.

-Over 3 years in development have been necessary for such graphics rendering.The game has been in development since late 2004 & beginning of 2005.

-The music will be more varied than before.The game will also be more mature than it's predecessors, and 18 + will be recommended.

-There will be (for each playable character) his small home where you can store weapons, cars, and bank notes in a small trunk. No planes or helicopters are playable, but boats yes! The game is taking place (around the end of the story) in the winter, snow! Also, if you are caught, it will be Game Over, and it will resume from the last checkpoint.

-Finally, your atrocities will be identified(taken into notice) and if you are too violent, you will see your face on posters or TV (WANTED).In other words, must refine your crimes and avoid leaving traces.

So much for the "essentials" information on the too discreet game(The Getaway 3), which should be available by December.we were impressed by the hands on presentation and suggest that this series of Sony may well be greater than GTA IV in terms of graphics rendering and technology, especially as the characters are supremely modeled with real time climate conditions change.

See you soon for images and videos. Many thanks to Sony for that nice presentation.

Please note:I left out impressions of the storyline which takes place just after the E3 2006 trailer.Follow link to read more on that

See you soon for images and videos. Many thanks to Sony for that nice introduction.

Read the article, which I take with a grain of salt myself,and advise everyone to follow suit since it's 1st of April , It's from a reliable and well respected site hence it's degree of authenticity.

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slapsta725907d ago

bout time we got info on this game

been far too long

cellypower5907d ago (Edited 5907d ago )

No online modes What! If Sony no what I know online is very important nowadays.There still in development hopefully they will add it later.

SRuN45907d ago

Why must a game have online these days? Did it hurt Bioshock? No.

I just laugh when I hear people say games like God of War, Uncharted, Bioshock, etc. should have online play just to have it.

sonarus5907d ago

i don't think online should be there just to have it but if naught dog focused a reasonable amount of time into their online mode, i think they can make something pretty decent out of it.

Online mode effectively separates certain games from being rentals so it is really a question of sales, Its very rare to find a sp only game selling upwards of 2 million

SRuN45907d ago

So take away time and resources from making an excellent single player game to make an average single player game, with an average online game? Yeah sounds like a real winner in my eyes. How does a average game with both sp/mp become a better buy than a excellent single player game?

stuntman_mike5907d ago

completley agree with sRuN4 no single player game should be under done for the sake off multiplayer. i still see multiplayer as an add on in most cases unless the game is geared towards multiplayer, but uncharted, the getaway and such games dont need it, multiplayer would add nothing to these types of games.

sonarus5907d ago

look at sales. Bioshock, mass effect all great games but fell to lack of online. I personally don't even try online on a lot of games after i am done with SP. But there are ppl who make great online and great sp. I expect Getaway to come away with online especially now this has been confirmed as fake

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5907d ago
sonarus5907d ago

well doesn't sound too bad. Actually sounds pretty good. No online may be a mistake though after ppl see gta4 but since they aren't going to be in direct competition considering the time between both releases, maybe getaway may have a spot on my shelf

fenderputty5907d ago

launches at about the time that GTA4 DLC content will hit XBL. If eigjht Days (protector or whatever) is also released around then, it's rather apparent why Sony doesn't care about the extra GTA4 content. It looks like they're hoping new games will pull a larger number of users then the DLC will.

Exhaust5907d ago (Edited 5907d ago )

Atleast not me. I'll be playing The Getaway but I'm not expecting it to be close to GTA IV. The previous The Getaway games were pretty graphics and horrible gameplay when compared to GTA.

People should just let The Getaway stand on its own and leave GTA IV out of it.

Mentioning GTA IV and hyping it as the GTA killer like they always have will mean disgrace for The Getaway. It can't match GTA IV features for feature. Graphics are great but don't trump everything.

While I agree online mode SHOULDN'T be seen as a requirement if you're comparing GTA IV to The Getaway thats just another feature it can't make up with better graphics.

sonarus5907d ago

no one is comparing getaway with GTA4. Personally i havn't played any of the games i never fell for the hype. However maybe team soho has finally gotten their game together. I like pretty graphics just as much as the next guy but if the game isn't fun then that is just too bad. Considering GTA4 and The getaway are the same type of game, it will show what a standard hard drive and blu ray can do for an open world game. That is pretty much all i am waiting to see.

Fishy Fingers5907d ago

This and 8 Days (or what ever its called now (Protector?)) are reasons why GTA IV's DLC is going to be wasted on me.

Cant wait, will be a welcome change to have a great game set in my old home town rather than the states.

Harry1905907d ago

not every game needs online.

sonarus5907d ago

Not every game needs online but sony needs to be showing their online powers more than msoft. If GTA4 and saints row can pull off online, so should getaway

Tesla5907d ago

Not every game should have forced online. There are plenty others with online. I prefer single player games, anyway.

Fishy Fingers5907d ago

"If GTA4 and saints row can pull off online, so should getaway"

Why? I'm actually interested.

RiseOfMonster5907d ago

but haven't they always been more story driven than GTA?

If the story is good and the single play experience is great; games don't need a tacked on multiplayer. I'd rather they've put all effort into single player.

Most recent example I can think of is Bioshock.

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The story of Eight Days, one of Sony’s canceled big bets

Polygon: "We look back at Sony London’s dropped PlayStation 3 buddy-themed action game."

Kiwi661656d ago (Edited 1656d ago )

So Sony cancelled Eight Days but didn't know that it was them who cancelled The Getaway 3

neutralgamer19921656d ago

Getaway series should be brought back especially now that Sony has more diverse developers. Getaway 1-2 HD remakes by bluepoint


What Happened To The Once-Anticipated PlayStation Exclusive Eight Days?

What went wrong for the co-op action title?

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isarai1727d ago

I thought It was well known that it was canceled because they felt it was competing with too many other cover based TPSs including their own Uncharted. Wish they would've brought it back, but by now I'm sure Londin Studios isn't interested in making it anymore.

ApocalypseShadow1727d ago

Yup. Pretty much. Sony thought it was redundant when they were downsizing to streamline the company. I wanted this game so bad. It was right up my alley. Action, action, action. Still think Ving Rhames would have been the black guy and used his likeness. Maybe Sony could also have paid Jason Statham to be the white guy.

Would be cool if brought back and rebooted for PS5 with all its destructive backgrounds.

After Blood and Truth's high octane action elements, I'd even take a full PS5 PSVR game. The car shooting from the helicopter, driving in the streets gunplay, shooting set pieces with glass and things flying around like in the gas station in the video above. That's Blood and Truth gameplay right there.

Give me 8 Days VR. Lol! Wonder what Sony's VR Studio Manchester(formerly North West Studio) is doing or making? They haven't announced anything yet.

SkatterBrain1726d ago

More Like 8 Years Amirite?

-Foxtrot1726d ago

Considering Uncharted is kind of over and done with as a main priority maybe they should bring this game back.

However I'm not sure if they should keep the heavy co-op or stick to being a pure single player game. Just seems like playing with an AI if you are by yourself might get annoying in a game like this.

CaptainCook1727d ago

What happened to PlayStation exclusive, Agent?

Greatness Awais.....

milohighclub1726d ago

It never made it past concept and rockstar shut it down.

Research before mocking cos u look like a fool.

Brave_Losers_Unite1726d ago (Edited 1726d ago )

Its funny that you make fun of PS4 when we literally have the better games

OldGuyStillGaming1726d ago

This is a question for last gen

Everyone knows it was canceled

Profchaos1726d ago

The trailer was completely faked and they didn't have anything actually working according to a Eurogamer video

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Eight most promising looking games that were cancelled

In this article, we try to list eight cancelled games that looked the most promising. Before we start, if you haven’t already, be sure to read this list over cancelled games, too.

Phil322934d ago

Mega Man Legends 3 is the one cancelled game that sucked the most for me. Blaming it on the fans was a real jerkish move, too.

TGG_overlord2934d ago

Well, ain´t that the truth of the day...

2934d ago Replies(1)
The 10th Rider2934d ago (Edited 2934d ago )

Promising? Maybe they sounded good, but, for instance, Redwood Falls and Shadow Realms never saw the light of day because they weren't anything exceptional. The tragic ones are the ones like Star Wars 1313, which was cancelled because of Disney's buyout of Star Wars, or Insane, which was cancelled because THQ was going out of business. I can only guess that Agent, Eight Days, and Starcraft Ghosts never made it anywhere because they didn't live up to expectations. Maybe they weren't any good, maybe they were too ambitious, maybe the tech at the time couldn't support them . . . we simply don't know.

I was once excited for the Pirates of the Caribbean game, Armada of the Damned, but chances are it was cancelled because it wasn't living up to expectations, so there's really no point in being letdown by it.

quent2934d ago


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