
PlayStation Employee 'Blown Away By Something Being Shown at E3'

Push Square: "The coming days will play host to a number of big PlayStation announcements and demonstrations – and it looks like former EGM editor Shane Bettenhausen has already been privy to one."

Majin-vegeta4013d ago

M.A.G 2?Hey i can dream right??It'll be something like this.

JoGam4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

MAG would be awesome.

Divine4013d ago

i have sooo much anxiety

abzdine4013d ago


Now bring it on Sony! That's all what gamers want

abzdine4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

for me nothing can be more amazing than an exclusive Shenmue 3 on PS4:

some of you might have forgotten about it but Shenmue 3 and PS4 design could crush everything at E3

ABizzel14013d ago

I want a PS3 Warhawk MMO.

LiberatedAnimal4012d ago


guitarded774012d ago

If not, at least Planetside 2 is confirmed as F2P for PS4.

1nsomniac4012d ago

@abzdine..... You sir have just blown my mind!

millgate14012d ago

MAG would be sexy! Only reason I sold it was because the community seemed to have died out :(
However, a Warhawk sequel... http://i.imgur.com/IKolnIT....

Highly unlikely though, considering the failure that Starhawk was (in terms of sales, loved the game).

Sitdown4012d ago

I am always a sucker for Hot Shots Golf.....but I know that is not the case here. Battle Arena Toshinden?

Panthers4012d ago

Well Zipper is gone, so it could only be a million times better. But Im not too interested in MAG 2 (Destiny seems much more interesting to me)

Socom done right would be sick. But I think this might be something new. Or an exclusive FF game.

starchild4012d ago

Oh come on, can't you guys think of something better than MAG?

I think it is something new and unique. I can't wait for E3.

Chris_GTR14012d ago

LOL!!! so Shane Bettenhausen is working for sony now? lol was the biggest sony fanboy ever guess its a perfect fit him working at sony.

NumOnePS3FanBoy4012d ago

I would totally jump in for another MAG. ONE and A Half more DAYS!!! OH MY F&#%&^!%*#

Syntax-Error4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

Not only is your comment dumb, but it is also IMPOSSIBLE. Shenmue 3 can NEVER be a PS4 exclusive because it is the property of SEGA. Your fanboy colors are showing BIG TIME. Secondly, the game was NEVER on Playstation so why would it be an exclusive on that system? It was on Dreamcast which operated on the Windows CE OS making it more than likely to be a MS game if any. If you know anything about Shenmue then you would know that SEGA is not making the game unless it receives some financial backing from another publisher. With that in mind, they would never make this game an exclusive. It would be multiplatform considering Playstations track record with exclusive sales. There's a reason why Metal Gear Solid is now on both consoles.

MAG? Whoever said MAG is an idiot. In case you didnt know...Zipper Interactive was shut down by Sony! I know Sony owns the IP, but so what. The game is done

justastranger104012d ago

I think he saw something at the X1 conference that blew him away.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4012d ago
Brazz4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

My hopes go for "destiny of spirits" From Software Ps4 Exclusive and Sucessor of Demon's Souls! Hell, Dark souls on ps3 and Destiny of spirits( as a Demon's souls 2)is more them Epic!

Edit: why the hell you only have 1 bubble Majin-Vegeta?
PM me, i know you can't respond here!

LonDonE4012d ago

its UNCHARTED 4, but it wont be called uncharted 4, it will just be uncharted and then with a sub heading,and it runs at 60fps and is going to BLOW EVERYONE AWAY! obviously it wont launch for a while yet, may be even some time next year, but the footage they do show is amazing! remember the cruise ship stage in uncharted 3? or how about the train levels in uncharted 2 with the helicopter fight, and then as you fight on the moving train and go through lush jungles, all the way to the ice capped mountains? was awesome right, we aint seen NOTHING YET!! naughty dog are easily one of the if not THE BEST DEVELOPERS around today! one can dream right? its inevitable, but when? sooner or later?

AliTheSnake14012d ago

60 FPS ? Why, you want to play a soap ?
45 is good.
60 is too much for third person.

Brazz4012d ago

30 to 45 is almost pointless!
Whit all respect man, a real diference only comes if you put things at 50-60 (aiming for 60 Fps, but whit some downs, something like 60 and 52 in some areas). that is the real deal!

ZBlacktt4013d ago

MAG 2 would be the best ever! Because think of it on the PS4 now. When the first MAG ran awesome with 256 players on the PS3

HammadTheBeast4013d ago

Well Planetside 2 has 2000 players. I bet MAG 2 could pull off the same seeing as they'd be on the same console.

kneon4013d ago

And according to a recent tweet planetside 2 is coming to the PS4.

Gran Touring4013d ago

@kneon there's already been a trailer from SOE confirming this yt: /watch?v=Swy0_w8SnxA

grailly4012d ago

@ gran touring
how the hell did I miss that? that really went under everyone's radar.

cool to see free2plays going to ps4, I'll be playing quite a few of them once I'm done with the launch AAA games.

Novistador4012d ago

But MAG was a godawful game... why would we want a sequel?

LonDonE4012d ago

i doubt it, with planetside 2 laucnhing on PS4, i dont think they will want to have another massive fps online game at the same time

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4012d ago
EazyC4013d ago

I thought MAG was simply ahead of its time, next-gen would provide an ideal platform for this kind of game.

JoGam4013d ago

It was. I'll be honest. I hated MAG at first. I believe its because i didn't understand how to play it but once I learned you couldn't keep me off the game. Got the Platinum trophy too.

ZBlacktt4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

Yep, I'm sitting at 98% with the Plat myself. Just one of the DLC games wouldn't load often towards the end. So getting that last bronze hasn't happened.

It's one of the Plats I'm most proud of too. Because its all effort on your part with a great deal of time invested.

cell9894012d ago

pLatinum trophy for MAG is no easy task gentlemen

LoveSpuds4012d ago

Would love MAG too. I stopped playing because there was a real lack of variety with the maps but for the 8 months or so I played it I was hooked.

Hats of to you guys with the Platinum - holy shit!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4012d ago
RavageX4013d ago

Someone suggested Planetside 2 as being like MAG, so I gave it a download and I have to say they were somewhat right.

I ended up getting rid of it only cause' I didn't feel like getting the hang of it(LAZY) but it did seem decent.

I would like to see a MAG sequel, a PROPER Warhawk sequel, not that Starhawk nonsense, a DETAILED boxing game for the PSEye thing, not one of those kid-friendly boxing games like on Sports Champions 2. Something like The Fight, only better.

And...while it would be cool I don't think it would happen...

A next gen Rock Band. With the PSeye you could record your performances with your friends, let people rate your performance. Use real or fake instruments, even play your own songs.

That...that would cost a fortune by the time it was all said and done, lol. Plus I think Activision really did kill music gaming...for now.

Novistador4012d ago

You mean MAG was like Planetside...

Novistador4012d ago

Microsoft Dev- "Something new and exciting is coming"
N4G community Response- "hur hur hur Doritos Doritos, no hype deserved.
Sony worker- "Something new and excting blew my socks right of my dick"

Smoovekid4013d ago

Maybe 512 players instead of 256.

GrandTheftZamboni4013d ago

1024! What are you? Amish?

SecondSon4012d ago

If 512mb or RAM had 256 players.
8GB will have 4000! 0.0

Smoovekid4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

@GrandTheftZamboni 2048 players!


Please be Uncharted 4!

I can dream too lol

trancefreak4012d ago

I hate Mondays but i would skip my weekend for it to be 6pm PST June 10th 2013 :)

zeddy4012d ago

mag would be terrible, i find it hard how anyone could be blown away by mag 2.

Psn8004012d ago

He seen the Ps4 in all it's splendid glory and he his so overwhelmed he cried with joy .

cannon88004012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )


"now with 1024 players on the same map!" lol

-MD-4012d ago

Let's hope we get a good game instead.

showtimefolks4012d ago

Shenmue 3

And he collection for first 2

What I do know is both ms and Sony will have few world exclusive shockers, this is the first time 2 giant console makers are going at it so we should see some great products

Dannycr4012d ago

I REALLY hope it is not MAG 2. I hope it is something way better and unique. Less shooters, more adventures.

Plus, MAG sucked :P

bohemian 234012d ago

That would be so awesome, mag was a great game.

wastedcells4012d ago

MAG or socom would be nice on next gen hardware but I'm hoping in something from naughty dog, gorilla games, the GOW team at sana Monica or SCEE.

Crazay4012d ago

That would be unfortunate on so many levels

nosferatuzodd4012d ago

Napa this topic is over 10,000

isarai4012d ago

Well there's Planetside 2? coming to PS4 free to play and is VERY good with a shit tons of players

oof464012d ago

I believe Planetside 2 will fill that gap.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 4012d ago
Minato-Namikaze4013d ago

Is this the samething doritos pope was blown away by?

greenpowerz4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

No this came after and gamers are trying to paint this as the same thing.

Doritos Pope made that statement in the contest of the DRM drama. Sony is getting a free ride right now, there is no PS4 DRM drama(yet).

Doritos Pope was talking about the MSFT DRM announcement and the drama it has caused but knows about something that will ease the pain(for Some)

This is the Tweet LOL

I bet you agreed with Dayz

This Tweet is just a Sony camp PR response to geoff, most likely..

Some pro Sony media already tried to spin what Geoff said in Sony's favor and a N4G member already tried to post it on N4G where it failed.

Why do you think PS3 fans reacted so badly to the Geoff's tweet article posted here on N4G? it's because they knew what he way implying.

OrangePowerz4013d ago

It could also mean that is something that will make everybody talk about and nobody will talk about MS and it`s DRM.

On the other hand Doritos Pope is usually more on the MS side of hype so it might be something else.

SexyGamerDude4013d ago


Nope, mandatory online checks are not going to PS4. Sony already told us that internet will not be a required feature. We can play offline as long as we want.

SniperControl4013d ago

Where can I land a job like yours Greenpowerz? Man, MS must be paying the PR firm you are working for a wad of bucks to say the stuff you do. I am so jealous of you right now...........

Bluepowerzz4012d ago

@oraange our brother be spining for ms faster than a bayblade.

Pillsbury14012d ago

So, let me get this straight, you bash Sony and praise Microsoft? If I've ever seen a stealth Microsoft employee forum troll, it's greenpowerz.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4012d ago
porkChop4012d ago

Doritos Pope. Shit, that's perfect.

talocaca4013d ago

Giant enemy crabs?


zebramocha4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Giant enemy cheddar biscuit.

Walker4013d ago

Please be Naughty Dog's Next-Gen Game !

Enemy4013d ago

Doubt it. My guess is Sony Santa Monica's next work. Or maybe Knack gameplay. Or Quantic Dream's new game. Or The Last Guardian's rebirth. Man I don't even know, lol. So many possibilities. New IP?

Pintheshadows4012d ago

If it turns out to be Shen Mue 3 then...

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A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.