
How Peter Jackson’s Long-Awaited ‘Halo’ Movie Morphed Into Steven Spielberg Xbox-Only Series

Burning Question: How did that "Halo" movie end up being sliced and diced into a Steven Spielberg Xbox series instead?

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optimus4024d ago

Wow, i didn't know that it was microsoft's own doing that prevented the movie from being made...it doesn't seem like Bill Gates left the company in good hands at all.

Leio4024d ago

It was them all alone, being greedier than the studios

HammadTheBeast4023d ago

Funny thing is, I all be watching the series off of my computer if its good.

SexyGamerDude4024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

Did you read all of those outrageous demands MS wanted?

Talk about greedy.

60 first class tickets? They couldn't pay for their own plane rides?

GusBricker4023d ago

And the studio ok'd them all.

Then cost went up and egos got in the way. Happens all the time, sadly.

KillrateOmega4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

It would end up being MS themselves that prevented such a potentially cool movie from being made, wouldn't it? And through outrageous, greedy demands of the people behind the project no less.

Anyone else seeing a pattern here?

"60 first-class plane tickets for Microsoft personnel and their guests to attend the premiere"

Really? All that money you have and couldn't pay for them yourselves?

optimus4023d ago

I think the deal breaker was the 75 mil BEFORE the movie was even finished along with "creative approval" of the whole thing...

My guess is they reached some kind of compromise with Spielberg since i doubt he would agree to such lunacy when most movie and tv studios today let him do what he wants.

Rainstorm814023d ago

The Show is Xbox only?

That seems dumb......why not a TV channel as well since the XB1 does both?

GusBricker4023d ago

Who knows, that might happen.

Riderz13374023d ago

Who cares if you don't have an Xbox One just pirate it online lol.

optimus4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

Both?? Are you under the impression that xbox one has a tv tuner inside?? All it does is it lets you plug in your tv source to it so that it can add menus and things to it., basically turning your "basic" tv into a smart tv...watching a tv show? Look up info on it without leaving the show, go to it's facebook page and comment as you're watching the show, etc... Microsoft thinks everyone will want to do that which is why they put 3 os's in it, but that subject is on countless other threads and articles...

This exclusive xbox deal IS it's own "channel" essentially. Kind of the same way Netflix is creating their own shows now...

I think the notion of viewing it on youtube or torrents will be few and far between since microsoft will undoubtedly block any kind of youtube uploads like many networks and studios do. And torrents take up space and time on people's hardrive not to mention the countless mislabels and viruses that you have to sift through to get a good one...

This series could help turn things around for microsoft if done right. Similar to the way that mortal kombat series did on youtube...Spielberg doesn't do anything cheap so i'm sure it will be of high quality production... I'm guessing they will show a teaser trailer at e3.

psyxon4023d ago

it's funny cause m$ is using this as incentive to buy into xbl. haha. like the episodes aren't gonna get pirated. hilar.

OrangePowerz4023d ago

Well Xbox only. I will watch the show... On the internet :)

OrangePowerz4023d ago

Or other places, maybe on my PS3 or PS4 :D

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RaidenBlack1470d ago

Halo 3 was the epitome of the Saga.
Followed by Halo Reach, Halo 2, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo 5 and ODST.

crazyCoconuts1470d ago

For the time, I still think the first Halo was the most influential for me. Agreed that 2 & 3 were better games but that first Halo was fresh and new and I still remember getting into my first Warthog. And the Halo LAN parties. Good times...

lifeisgamesok1470d ago

For me it's

Halo 3
Halo 1
Halo Reach
Halo 2
Halo 4
Halo 5

isarai1470d ago (Edited 1470d ago )

For me it was:

Halo 3>Halo 2>Halo CE>>ODST>>>> reach>>>>>>4 /5

BigTrain1469d ago

For me, it will always be Halo 1. Groundbreaking in every way. Graphically, audibly, technically and gameplay wise. Any Halo thereafter never did it for me. They weren't horrible but they did not hold the precious nuggets of consistent "did you see that?!!" moments that 1 held for me. I played Halo for the single player game although the MP was great, the single player is what hit home for me. So when they released part 2 and hyped up the single player game I was severely disappointed when I got it day one and came home and beat the single player in about 3.5-4 hours. I remember being completely let down.

RamRod881469d ago

Halo 2 has the longest campaign of all the Halo games so I'm not sure how you possibly beat it in 4 hours your first playthrough.

BigTrain1468d ago

I think you need to do some research. Halo 2 does not have the longest campaign by any stretch of the imagination. I picked up the game at a midnight launch brought it home at 1am, popped it in and beat it by the time I had to leave for work the next morning which was 5:30am. My employees at the time had also done the same and we were all pissed when that infamous "Finish the Fight" scene played out and we realized the game was over. The length was one gripe but the nerfing of the pistol as well as the plasma pistol was just wrong. The staff I had at the time were all Halo fans and we all played the original SP and MP religiously. The SP was played mostly on Legendary but when we picked up part 2 we all stuck with the normal difficulty which I think might've been our mistake, we blew through the game like I said in roughly 4 hours.

RamRod881468d ago (Edited 1468d ago )

You and your friends truly are the exception because it took me about 9-10 hours my first play through. Also, if you look up the average play time for Halo 2 it's 8-9 1/2 hours. If you speed run it takes about 4 1/2 which seems silly to do especially someones first play through. Did you play Halo 3 or any other Halo games after that because Halo 2 has one of the longer story modes. Of course they nerfed the Halo 1 pistol lol. I loved that gun too, but it was OP af. Go play Halo 1 multiplayer now in MCC and all everyone uses is the pistol and it just doesn't hold up well because of it and other issues. Halo 2/3 multiplayer hold up phenomenally to this day.

2ndhandcorn1469d ago

I prefer H5 for gameplay going back to the old ones is slow and cumbersome , sure the story was better in the old games .

Concertoine1469d ago

I think halo 3 tops it for me. Can't really think of another game that made so many innovations in one installment. With theater mode, forge mode, 4 player co-op campaign. The replayability with the skulls and unlockable armor. It really felt like a next gen game at the time.