
Indie developer Tiffany Nickel immerses herself in the world of video gaming

The first two boom periods for the video game industry referred to the games as a fad or trends. Today, entire generations have grown up in a world that never knew life without them. Among them is 21-year old Tiffany Nickel of Tinley Park, Illinois.

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KingKelloggTheWH4050d ago (Edited 4050d ago )

Why is it whenever I see these indie interviews it's always women and they always have cleavage in view in the pictures?

MilkMan4050d ago (Edited 4050d ago )

Cause sex sells. She could be a deaf/mute and shed still get hits on her web site. Shes versed in Facebookitist, you can tell by the slight shift in ones head when they take pictures.

Heisenburger4050d ago

Are deaf/mute people unattractive?

I didn't realize having that disability made you undesirable.

You learn something new everyday.


MilkMan4050d ago

Your reply reminded me of the scene in the new 21 Jump Street movie with Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.
The scene when they arrive at the high school parking lot trying to fit it, and in the confusion they hit the African-American young man...and all kinds of "sensitivity" ensues.

Hilarious stuff.

Heisenburger4050d ago

Wait. So now being born deaf and/or mute is somehow the equivalent of a black man being struck by an automobile in this day and age?

I kid, I kid. ;)

joab7774050d ago

Or v uz she is a female and has breasts. Anyway its cool what she is doing. I used to write too when I was younger. I still write now but not so much about video games. I would hav loved to see them fully realized.

adorie4050d ago

So you're saying female don't use their breasts to sell products? GASP! ! Didn't know this. I guess morals are taking over! *runs*

FlyingFoxy4050d ago

Because it appears many girls like showing off, and most of the time the ones who do this are extremely shallow and try to get attention from guys who are rich, and are just as bad as the guys who act tough going around showing muscle etc..

in case you didn't notice that's a negative view, but how many times have you seen girls that hang around with assholes?. Yeah its pretty much right.

SilentNegotiator4050d ago (Edited 4050d ago )

This wouldn't even remotely get attention if not for that picture.

A game developer "immersing" their self in video games?!? OMG HOLY CRAP TOTALLY NEWS

In other "news" a female meteorologist immerses herself in weather. Coupled with close up pictures that center on her chest.

OriginalPSP4050d ago (Edited 4050d ago )

Who said it was "news"?

That's your choice of looking at it. A few looks around my site and you'd see where I feature people in video gaming all the time. So far, almost 100 of them (and mostly men, before you "go there"). I don't post them as "news"

Sad that people are so hung up on a photo that they are missing a fun, positive little feature on a human being.

SilentNegotiator4050d ago

You already got your cheap hits. No need to explain anything to me.

OriginalPSP4050d ago

Maybe you should actually read her story and the other featured people on my site.... both men AND women... rather than stare at her chest.

Apparently that's as far as you managed to go.

Klonopin4050d ago

...and don't forget the classic chic who is into Japanese and Korean culture.

Qrphe4050d ago

Because she's being oppressed by the patriarchy. Every time you look at her sensual pose that she's forced to make you're supporting the rape of all women and should feel ashamed for that.

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OriginalPSP4050d ago

That's odd, Kellogg... considering the last feature I did on a woman indie dev didn't show anything of the sort - http://www.patrickscottpatt...

Hell, a simple click or two extra on my site would have uncovered for you an entire section of women in gaming, none of which use the "sex sells" BS.

I simply used Tiffany's current Facebook pic in this case. Perhaps you should/could try to read the words and even understand why this section exists on my website in the first place.

All of it only takes a couple of clicks here and there... just as much effort as your remark did.



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