
Diablo 3 on PS3 and PS4 will allow offline play

Diablo 3 will not require a constant internet connection for local multiplayer on the PS3 or PS4, Blizzard production director John Hight has confirmed. "You can have four people on the same screen - no split-screen, we just zoom the camera out. Or if you're offline,"

v0rt3x4113d ago

Too little too late. Nice to see Blizz screwing about with its oldest (PC) fan base.

jujubee884113d ago

I sure do hope this has remote play for play on my vita. SELL YOUR SOUL COMPLETELY TO CONSOLE MINDED GAMERS, BLIZZARD!

Muhahahahaha!!!! ~cough cough cough~


miyamoto4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

dude, what are you saying?
Diablo was offline on PS One too 16 years ago


great interview!

and I wonder what that surprise game they said at PS meeting...WoW?

ab5olut10n4113d ago

Hahaha, too right. My roomie and I played Diablo 1 on my fat ps3 before it died, hella good game, withstood the test of time.

TheGamerDood4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

Too late for what? PC users are the ones that have issue with Blizzard, console users don't have beef and will probably eat this isht up when it comes out.

By the way if anyone was wondering if the PS4 will allow users to play offline, here's your answer. ha!

EmperorDalek4113d ago

You talk as though people who game on one don't game on the other. To think there are 70+ million PS3s and none of their owners game on PC...wow....really?

RememberThe3574113d ago

FYI, John Hight used to be a producer for Sony. Now that I see that he went to Blizzard, this all makes a little more sense. I wonder if Sony will try to get Blizzard exclusivity the way MS has Activation exclusivity.

Coach_McGuirk4112d ago

got 120hz? didn't think so

Blackdeath_6634113d ago

soz i can't relate to that since i'm not a blizzard fan nor have i been a pc gamer for too long. i can understand that your pissed off if they messed up diablo3 on pc i can understand if your still pissed of about that. i don't however understand the people who are pissed off that consoles are getting these features wouldn't it just mean that the next blizzard pc game will also have these features too? isn't that a good thing to see they've learnt from their mistakes? anyhow i'm happy you don't have to always be online that should never be compulsory especially if you have to pay for it (if the xbox rumours hold true)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4112d ago
animegamingnerd4113d ago

now patch to play offline play in the PC version

TheGamerDood4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

Only if you guys promise not to steal it. heh

papashango4113d ago

Meh it sold more than any ps3 exclusive on pc...lol

iamgoatman4113d ago

Well the game sold at least 12 million copies in 2012 (who says PC games don't sell?) so I doubt piracy is that much of a concern to them now. Maybe it's time they gave something back to their original fan base that should have been there from the beginning.

Skips4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )


And like 12 million more people pirated it. XD

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4113d ago
RyuCloudStrife4113d ago

PC isn't powerful enough to handle offline play on Diablo 3.

torchic4113d ago

lol this was a good troll, 10/10 bravo.

Virtual_Reality4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

I think Diablo 3 will put in the shadow Warrior's Lair.

Warrior's Lair will offer PS3/PS Vita cross play features, if you buy PS3 version you have free the PS Vita version, and hopefully they can implement D3 with PS3/PS4 cross play.

DaThreats4113d ago

Think it will shine on the Vita

SamPao4113d ago

Warriors lair... Yeah that game was once cool. not where is it... it would have been killer at launch, or half year later.. but now...? I dont care about it

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Activision Blizzard Faces $23.4M Fine for Patent Infringement

Activision Blizzard ordered to pay $23.4M for patent infringement involving popular games.

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Skuletor21d ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead21d ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo21d ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow121d ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.


An Update on This Year’s BlizzCon and Blizzard’s 2024 Live Events

Blizzard writes: "After careful consideration over the last year, we at Blizzard have made the decision not to hold BlizzCon in 2024. This decision was not made lightly as BlizzCon remains a very special event for all of us, and we know many of you look forward to it. While we’re approaching this year differently and as we have explored different event formats in the past, rest assured that we are just as excited as ever to bring BlizzCon back in future years."

Read Full Story >>

How about you not hold Blizzcon anymore period. You fucking POS company. I really hope Blizzard would just die.


Microsoft has ‘let Blizzard be Blizzard’ following its acquisition, studio says

Microsoft has 'let Blizzard be Blizzard' following the acquisition of the veteran developer according to World of Warcraft's executive producer.

Read Full Story >>
Kaii44d ago

Diablo 4 storefront being a cash grabbing shitshow does unironically attest to that, kudos.

kythlyn43d ago

Microsoft needs to be guiding Blizzard to be what it USED to be, not allowing it to continue to be the greedy bastardization of itself that it has become.

XiNatsuDragnel44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Okay i will be interested if they become old Blizzard but might as well be dead.

Rynxie43d ago

They will never be old blizzard. Most of all the OG's left from developers to those on the top (even some decision making folks left).

Vits44d ago

Shame most of the people that made Blizzard what they were, have already left a while ago.

ApocalypseShadow44d ago

I was about to say this. How can they be blizzard when they're no longer blizzard from yesteryear?

blacktiger44d ago

Rare was the thing I lost heart

victorMaje43d ago

Exactly. Blizzard hasn’t been Blizzard for a long time.
Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Knightofelemia44d ago

Blizzard is not the same Blizzard like it use to be.

PassNextquestion44d ago

Were you expecting Microsoft to hire everyone that had left Blizzard long before they purchased the company...

Microsoft has let the Blizzard company they purchased continue to be the Blizzard company they purchased.

thesoftware73043d ago

Wow, PassNextquestion,

You fully understand what that saying means, unlike some people on here who just have to say negative garbage talk.

When someone says, "Just let *blank* be *blank*, "they are just letting them operate how they operate.

It's pretty much how Sony "let Bungie be Bungie."

This comment section is full of outright haters, but you have to "let N4G be N4G"

GamerRN43d ago

This site leans so heavily in one direction...


I don't think people commenting are necessarily blaming MS for anything here, this is just collective longing for what Blizzard/Vivendi was before Activision's meddling.

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