
Diablo III Fans Are Not Reacting Well To The Game’s PS4 Announcement

One of the surprises at tonight's PlayStation 4 reveal was the announcement that Blizzard's previously PC-only Diablo III will be coming to both PS4 and PS3.

This has led plenty of disgruntled Diablo III players to make themselves heard on Blizzard's official forums. While many simply voice disappointment about seeing a PC-exclusive ported to console, user SmashCrunch articulates a broader, more astute gripe: That it's entirely possible that Diablo III was built for consoles from the start.

Trenta274130d ago

It being made for consoles was all I thought of when I played D3 launch day. It made me sad.

piroh4129d ago

more platforms = bigger profits. in the end, money talks

Korix4129d ago

Is it a good thing that Blizzard earns more money to make more games just like D3, that everyone hates?
Blizzard needs to lose money to become more humble - to make games, not because of a greed for money, but because of a passion for games. Something they haven't had in many years now, because of successful they've been economically.

cyborg474129d ago

With the kind of fanbase they have, Blizzard doesn't even need to go multiplatform to survive, not that they shouldn't but they're doing fine as a PC exclusive developer.

Christopher4129d ago

Actually, I'm unhappy abut D3 coming to consoles. That means they will sell more and give Blizzard more reason to create similar games built on the same basic gameplay concepts and using the same 'market' system.

Two things I really didn't like about D3 was the change in skills to be 'dumbed down' and their focus on a market system wherein they controlled what dropped so as to encourage people to use the market to use real money to buy what they didn't have.

Muerte24944129d ago

this in a previous article. PC developers eventually head to consoles. there is just way more money to be had. PC games tend to cost around 30-40 bucks. If you come over to consoles, games are costing 60 bucks with a fraction of piracy that pc has.

OT: The Watch Dogs demo may have been running on a PC, but it was a ps4 devkit

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4129d ago

I play on pc also and meh. I like torchlight better.

piroh4129d ago

"...Blizzard doesn't even need to go multiplatform to survive, not that they shouldn't but they're doing fine as a PC exclusive developer"

well, if you don´t mind of diablo 10-year development period

Mariusmssj4129d ago

I would normally agree but Blizzard and Diablo are well known and among the best selling PC games.
Diablo 3 sold more than 3.5 million copies in its first 24 hours which makes it the fastest-selling PC game of all time. And in November last year it topped 10 million PC sales.

They compromised Diablio 3 every Diablio fan knows it

da_2pacalypse4129d ago

It's quite obvious that D3's streamlined game design was made for consoles. These design choice ultimately led to the game having a shallow gameplay for me.

But maybe console players will like it better.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4129d ago
Information Minister4129d ago

LIAR!!! No one played Diablo III on launch day! /s

MRMagoo1234129d ago

Lol the thing is they didnt so there was no need for the /s cos noone could log on for days. I dont think blizz cares much about what the pc fans want considering it doesnt matter what blizz do the "fans" complain about it, take wow for example.

Guwapo774129d ago

TBH, who gives a damn? That game sucks and won't survive on a console...

ThatXboxGuy4130d ago ShowReplies(5)
Narutone664130d ago ShowReplies(4)
smashcrashbash4130d ago ShowReplies(2)
Blackdeath_6634129d ago

i understand all the people who were bitching about diablo3 at launch and the problems the game had and i think in some cases its justified but bitching about a game going to another platform i don't quite understand.

SonyNGP4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

Fanboy mentality. One camp loses an exclusive, the other gloats/brags/trolls to fuel the fire, which leads to senseless bickering and pathetic children crying and insulting one another over video games. It's really sad.

As for Diablo 3, I really don't think this game is worth crying over.

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Activision Blizzard Faces $23.4M Fine for Patent Infringement

Activision Blizzard ordered to pay $23.4M for patent infringement involving popular games.

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Skuletor33d ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead33d ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo33d ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow133d ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.


An Update on This Year’s BlizzCon and Blizzard’s 2024 Live Events

Blizzard writes: "After careful consideration over the last year, we at Blizzard have made the decision not to hold BlizzCon in 2024. This decision was not made lightly as BlizzCon remains a very special event for all of us, and we know many of you look forward to it. While we’re approaching this year differently and as we have explored different event formats in the past, rest assured that we are just as excited as ever to bring BlizzCon back in future years."

Read Full Story >>

How about you not hold Blizzcon anymore period. You fucking POS company. I really hope Blizzard would just die.


Microsoft has ‘let Blizzard be Blizzard’ following its acquisition, studio says

Microsoft has 'let Blizzard be Blizzard' following the acquisition of the veteran developer according to World of Warcraft's executive producer.

Read Full Story >>
Kaii56d ago

Diablo 4 storefront being a cash grabbing shitshow does unironically attest to that, kudos.

kythlyn55d ago

Microsoft needs to be guiding Blizzard to be what it USED to be, not allowing it to continue to be the greedy bastardization of itself that it has become.

XiNatsuDragnel56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Okay i will be interested if they become old Blizzard but might as well be dead.

Rynxie55d ago

They will never be old blizzard. Most of all the OG's left from developers to those on the top (even some decision making folks left).

Vits56d ago

Shame most of the people that made Blizzard what they were, have already left a while ago.

ApocalypseShadow56d ago

I was about to say this. How can they be blizzard when they're no longer blizzard from yesteryear?

blacktiger55d ago

Rare was the thing I lost heart

victorMaje55d ago

Exactly. Blizzard hasn’t been Blizzard for a long time.
Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Knightofelemia56d ago

Blizzard is not the same Blizzard like it use to be.

PassNextquestion55d ago

Were you expecting Microsoft to hire everyone that had left Blizzard long before they purchased the company...

Microsoft has let the Blizzard company they purchased continue to be the Blizzard company they purchased.

thesoftware73055d ago

Wow, PassNextquestion,

You fully understand what that saying means, unlike some people on here who just have to say negative garbage talk.

When someone says, "Just let *blank* be *blank*, "they are just letting them operate how they operate.

It's pretty much how Sony "let Bungie be Bungie."

This comment section is full of outright haters, but you have to "let N4G be N4G"

GamerRN55d ago

This site leans so heavily in one direction...


I don't think people commenting are necessarily blaming MS for anything here, this is just collective longing for what Blizzard/Vivendi was before Activision's meddling.

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