
Playstation 4 is Looking Far Better than the next-gen Xbox

"As much as I hate to admit it, it is true. As an Xbox fan, let me explain why. " - Shanklish, At7addak.com

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Godmars2904130d ago

Articles such as this are worthless until hard facts are known about the systems. A waste of time.

classic2004130d ago (Edited 4130d ago )

Well all I know is i have never seen any xbox this or last gen looking better than a playstation console.

mr_kubrick4130d ago

so u think the super slim ps3 looks better than the xbox slim? i bet EVERY product designer on this planet will disagree...

Hands Up For Games4130d ago

Really. The original Xbox was more powerful than the PS2.

OT, how can we possibly say which is the best when all we have is rumour and specualtion?

Irishguy954130d ago

Blah, the slim Xbox is the nicest looking console to date, closing followed by the Phat Ps3 imo

I'm not bothering to read the article but i'm sure he's not talking about how it looks haha

GalacticEmpire4130d ago (Edited 4130d ago )

I could be wrong but wasn't the original Xbox slighty better, hardware-wise, than PS2?

Built in HDD, reliable, great performance. Not sure how MS ended up going so wrong with 360, guess it paid off for them though.

Edit: Damn someone beat me to it.

zebramocha4130d ago

@hand the original xbox came out one year after the ps2 and the ps4 specs don't seem so out there that it can't possible be true.

classic2004130d ago

LOOL look at all the fanboys thinking I am talking about looks in the sense of design.

I was speaking gaming content boys and girls the one thing that makes consoles look good or bad LOl.

greenpowerz4130d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

You're talking about those static, QTE type linear games with fixed camera angles with a lack of social features. Gotcha ya!

On topic

Should I even read which rumored specs and made up propaganda the author is talking about in his opionion. Wonder if he's talking about the leaked 720 docs of old internal plans or the ones made up with lesser specs to spin the doc specs.

Perhaps he's quoting the same source that revealed 120fps, 1080p, 4D, 10x moer powerful than a super computer for PS3? No wait those were not random rumors that came from Sony themselves.

Skips4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

"You're talking about those static, QTE type linear games with fixed camera angles with a lack of social features. Gotcha ya!"

Gears and Halo are still linear. -_-

BattleAxe4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

The Xbox 720 is looking to get stomped in the next round of consoles.

- Sources say, the PS4 is going to be a more powerful machine

- Sony has far more exclusive games than Microsoft, and this time around they are all well known games, not new IPs

- PS Plus is a hit and gives phenomenal value for money, while Live is a rip-off

- Sources say that the Xbox 720 won't be able to play used games, which is going to be disastrous for Microsoft

SilentNegotiator4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

Oh yeah? Well Apple Pippin 2 will destroy all of them!

Not that we have details on any of them, but so what? IT'S PIPPIN, MAN.

OniXRuleZ4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

Wake up kid, the first XBOX was 3 times more powerfull than ps2, stop troling! https://www.youtube.com/wat...

andibandit4129d ago


"Sources say........"

and we all know how reliable that is.

darthv724129d ago

were so close to each other from technical specs that i dont think we will see it that close again. If anything, there had never been a console generation where the biggest combatants were so evenly matched that the line between them blurred many times.

I mean looking at previous systems, genesis vs snes, there were obvious graphical advantages the snes had but yet the genesis was able to hold its own and beat nintendo a few times at their own game.

Ms really wanted to make a name for themselves and they did with the 360. sony certainly had to rethink their strategy when it looked as if their market dominance was being threatened. It reminds me of those old days of sega vs nintendo.

this time around, im sure both will deliver a suitable successor to their existing platform. It will be more about substance rather than specifications. They are looking to outsmart one another where it counts. That would be content and content delivery.

I have a strong feeling this new gen will be more about taking on the competition of not only each other but of the ever increasing world of "smart" devices around us. Finding more ways of bridging those gaps and offering more conveniences from these platforms than before.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34129d ago

Sonic, your comments are--I think a parrot could come up with something more intelligent, I think you've been drinking Sony kool-aid all your life and nothing but that.

4129d ago
INehalemEXI4129d ago

ima have to go with 555 on this one.

4129d ago
Skips4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

@WrAiTh Sp3cTr3

"I think a parrot could come up with something more intelligent"

Uh, what does my comment have to do anything you just said?? I was was just merely stating a fact in reply to greenpowerz. And if you want to talk about drinking a specific company's "kool-aid". Maybe you should look at his comments first...

Coming from a guy who's name looks typed by a kid with Dyslexia bashing his head on a keyboard. LMAO

i'M sURpRIZEd U Ddon'Ts Tyypezz yOOR zEntenSEs LYKe THEEEEEES!

DOMination-4129d ago

Only on N4G can you gain a bubble for "well said" despite having 109 disagrees.

As many have said its impossible to come to any conclusion yet. Even with the rumoured specs it seems both consoles are pretty identical anyway so its hard to agree with the article.

Lets just wait and see.

Psn8004129d ago

We will now very soon so hold tight for good news very soon !

FunkMacNasty4129d ago

The fact that classic200 gets a "well said" bubble for his trolling says everything we need to know about most of the N4G community.
He comes in and trolls against Xbox, gets applauded, then several comments below CALLS OUT FANBOYS!? What!? WTF is wrong with you people!?

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 4129d ago
Kalowest4130d ago

IDK about these types of articles since I'm getting both.

Kalowest4130d ago (Edited 4130d ago )

"IDK about these types of articles since I'm getting both"

I meant "I don't care about these types of articles since I'm getting both."

fermcr4130d ago

This articles are a joke.

Why not wait for the systems to be announced or released with their games... then make a article. It would make sense and would make the article writer look smart.

Gaming journalism is going down the drain.

MikeMyers4130d ago

Because that doesn't draw attention and sadly that seems to be the main theme in gaming journalism these days.

nukeitall4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )


"Gaming journalism is going down the drain."

This doesn't qualify as journalism at all, and is really an opinion piece on a blog site.


Well, I'll be damned! Well said and like taken right out of my mouth.

There is nothing to discuss until the consoles are revealed, and in fact, you won't even know until the console is released for sometime to see the strategy and value pan out.

I will most likely get both consoles anyhow, and eventually the Wii U when it drops in price. One of them will get the most use, and that depends on what they are offering all around.

OC_MurphysLaw4130d ago

well said @Godmars290 +bubble

DOMination-4129d ago

Nice to see a sensible comment up top for a change.

-Superman-4130d ago

more powerful, more classic controller = winner(games ofcasue made better with classic controller)

HaMM4R4130d ago

More classic = better? I don't think so, and as far as specs are concerned, everything is only speculation. Only time will tell.

joab7774130d ago

I agree. But i think the writing is on the wall. All the article is saying is that each console will maintain the trajectory they are currently on. Playstation has invested in games. They have many studios that produce high quality games just for the playstation. It does alot more too but its focus even at the end of a generation remains on games.

Microsoft has made it quite clear that they want to create an entertainment device, or an extension of the pc on your TV. They created a new OS that works better on xbox and tablets. This is key because thats where the majority of their money is made and they must stay ahead of the curve before pcs become obsolete. I think they can do both but they have chosen to keep their gaming alive by buying timed exclusives. It wont work forever and they are learning that momentum can change quite rapidly. I just think that multitasking isnt the answer, hence the extra RAM.

Only time will tell.

GalacticEmpire4130d ago


Let's face it, the people queing at midnight for new consoles are the gamers and tech nuts. Multimedia apps won't impress them as much as MS seem to think, greats games will. If MS can muster up something new and exciting in gaming then the core crowd that bought into 360 at the beginning of this generation will be less inlclined to abandon ship.

So far we have little to no clue as what they have in store but rumors would suggest a focus on multimedia over games, which I think is a mistake as a gamer.

givemeshelter4130d ago

@Godmars...You nailed it. So many of these articles are trash. "Our UNKNOWN SOURCES INFORM US..."
Until it's confirmed, not a single one of us knows the final specifications of either system

JoGam4130d ago

This is why I stay away from opinion pieces.

sobekflakmonkey4130d ago

I'm glad people aren't disagreeing with you, I'm a Sony/PC fanboy, and even I agree, there's no sense in saying what is or isnt better at this point, even after they reveal the PS4 I'm reserving judgement until they reveal the the next xbox.

GraveLord4129d ago

XBox fanboy I presume? It's even more worthless to complain. I don't think anyone disagrees with the article. AT THIS POINT, WITH THE CURRENT INFORMATION WE HAVE, PS4 LOOKS MUCH BETTER.

hduce4129d ago

Just as the PS3 specs looked better on paper than the Xbox360? We saw how that turned out. Unless the PS4 blows the Xbox720 out of the water I see the same thing happening next generation as this generation. I see multiplatform games being designed on the Xbox720 as the lead platform. The PS4 true potential will be shown when the Sony exclusives hit. I want all 3 major companies to succeed as I have no allegiance to the companies but to gaming. I see Microsoft pulling ahead this generation because of its cash reserves and its relationships with the most successful games publishers.

user39158004129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

Rehashed articles from more rumours and the fanboys in a war of thrones. Lets be clear, if the PS4 turns out to be a dud and people not buy it as expected, it will be sonys nail in the coffin and chapter 11. MS will suceed in USA this gen cause people care for garbage achievement and knows the 360 its whats cooking here. MS will survive the war on the upcoming gen war, no doubt, but Wii-u its in trouble shares are falling fast, not to mention sonys stock are clasifeid as garbage now. 1 healthy platform as in a business perspective it's the 720 for sure, lets hope that both wiiu and ps4 become sucesfull, cause the way I see it, they might need a voodoo doll to stay away from bankruptcy (PS4) and the wiiu hope for the DS to keep them alive. Here's my prediction: WII-U will be the console to sale the least, PS4 AND 720 will be equally powerfull only minor areas of improvements, 720 will conquer USA again, while Sony conquers the rest. Ps4 will have better ground worldwide, and WII-U will be dead last on all territory, loosing ground to both MS AND Sony. Its going to be a battle royale this gen, were loyalty brand and persuation becomes the fad to get the next console.

AngelicIceDiamond4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

Right, People need to take a stroll down memory lane. Around this time in 05 next gen Sony rumors were leaked before the Xbox 360. Sony machine wants again sound better on paper. Writers were saying the exact same thing with this article.

Thus fanboys were going psycho.

MS as usual are very quiet on their next gen offerings. MS stays focused until they are absolutely ready to announce something

I will say the February 20th Sony Press conference is something new and Sony could very well have the leg up on this one.

Offtopic: Didn't Sony say they'll let MS make the fisrt move or unveil? Lol guess not.

4129d ago
3-4-54129d ago

Yet the scale shows Xbox winning ?

Article is bogus.

Celeras4129d ago

Article/rumors aside: If the PS4 was looking better, why is the scale tilted in favor of XBOX? I don't think he understands how a scale works, and put the PS4 in the higher position.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4129d ago
RamsesNum14130d ago

Its an opinion piece dude. It's pretty clear that they're rumors he's talking about and not actual facts.

To quote "if any of these rumors prove to be true, I will most definitely be purchasing the Playstation 4..."

-Alpha4129d ago

We don't need every damn opinion clogging up N4G though. Anyone with an access to the internet can run a website and push stuff like this for hits, it just boils down to senseless blabbering. This is the problem with the approval process, as tons of opinion pieces like this that are clearly lacking quality or uniqueness get put through the system.

pompombrum4130d ago

An opinion piece based on pure speculation with an added provocative baseless headline.. what an absolute waste of time and energy.

RamsesNum14130d ago

It's one from the thousands of reactions to the rumors. A lot people have their different opinions and whether you like it or not, these early rumors, true or not, help sway people's opinion one way or another.

GribbleGrunger4130d ago (Edited 4130d ago )

One of the sources of these rumours also rumoured the PS4 would be shown on the 20th of February. Several of the rumours have been very similar, which suggests that at least some of the people who let it leak, do actually know something. It might not be completely accurate because ALL the rumours are based on leaked information of the DEV kit, but it gives an indication of what we're likely to see in the finished product.

I personally think there will be very little difference between the two consoles in terms of power. The difference will be what the companies choose to channel that power into. At the moment it appears that MS are channelling it towards the OS and Kinect2, while Sony are channelling it towards games.

MadLad4130d ago

We'll see what's what when the systems finally hit store shelves.
Until then, it's nothing more than speculation in the hopes of sparking the anger in fanboys.

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Ninjamonkey822h ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.


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Skuletor4h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.