
Japanese newspaper claims PS4 will cost over 40,000 yen, releasing this year

GE: "Asahi, a well-known newspaper in Japan, is reporting that the next PlayStation will cost more than 40,000 yen. The publication also adds to previous speculation that the console will be made available this year."

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matgrowcott4134d ago

That's around $430/£300, although obviously different taxes and local laws will make the price wildly different. I can't imagine it being less than £399 here in the UK.

Which isn't TOO bad a price, considering that the Wii U was £350 for the ZombiU pack. If this turns out to be true and the machine can do a quarter of the things it's supposed to be able to do, this might do surprisingly well.

With that said - people will STILL want a price cut with the first fortnight...

thorstein4134d ago

That is the exchange rate, but if we look at history, the Japanese price is not often the same. I wouldn't be surprised at $349/£299.

matgrowcott4134d ago

There's no way it'l be that cheap in the UK. Sony will pull a Nintendo and let the stores pick their own price.

We'd be selling children to get a PS4 if Amazon had their damn way...

TheGamerDood4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

have the cash and am ready to buy on day 1, lets do this Sony!

$399 would be the perfect price point. They also need to work on pricing for other territories they need to stop gouging these poor people, it's not fair.


because it's a rumor?

HammadTheBeast4134d ago

Remember also though, that the Wii U is ridiculously expensive because of the controller with the screen. Basically a mini-tablet.

pixelsword4134d ago

The only way they can keep the price really low is if they use faster, leaner, meaner, and hopefully more than one Cell processor in the PS4; but this time, hopefully more support for the developers.

That would be good in that by now they should have a sizable library if they use functions from developers under their wings.

KwietStorm_BLM4134d ago

lol surprised isn't the word I would be if it was 349

Divine4134d ago

thats about $430 u.s. but i would want it to be around $4500,600 . because that way you know sony has done everything they can to make sure it is next gen and im pretty sure they will either way. . . its sony. unlike the wii u which was a sorry attempt at a next gen system. next gen starts when ps4 is here.

1upgamer994134d ago

LOL, Not going to happen for $349 US dollars. Hell how much was PS3 a year ago?

Yi-Long4134d ago

... depending on backwards compatibility, launch-games, and some other stuff ('always online' crap and game-activation codes meaning only 1 account can play a game would mean I wouldn't be buying it)

MaxXAttaxX4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

@ $400? Definitely.

Gaming1014134d ago

PS3 in North America will likely be 500 just like before, maybe a 450 option with less perks, maybe smaller hard drive. Sounds like a bargain to me.

Sarcasm4134d ago

If the PS4 is $399, I'll buy it in a heart beat. $499, would have some convincing to do with the wife. $599, no way.

zeee4134d ago

@Sarcasm: LOL! I am in the same boat man! :)

TheLyonKing4134d ago

HAve to remember UK income tax is at such a high level that it makes electronic purchases quite expensive,

Red_Orange_Juice4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

Sony claiming 400USD=400EUR is coming

sackboyhappy4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

@HammadTheOne i read the wii Us controller is old tech and was cheaply made
i hope the ps4 isn't underpowered

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4134d ago
Knight_Crawler4134d ago

"of course, Asahi’s report should only be treated as speculation for now."

How does this crap get approved? No sources just someone making some BS up about the PS4.

Sony and MS please announce your next gen consoles like pronto because this is getting lubricious.

Orokana4134d ago

The Asashi Shinbun is a very well known, reliable newspaper in Japan. Think of it as the Japanese Wall Street Journal.

DarthJay4134d ago

You do realize that when the info is under a non-disclosure agreement and someone leaks you the info, a journalist is probably not going to tell you where they got the info? Since clearly you don't know this, do you need me to tell you why?

It's up to the journalist to figure out if their source is legit, and their reputation lives and dies by whether they run with a story and it turns out to be legit more often then not.

Assumed that was common knowledge, but apparently not.

BitbyDeath4134d ago

Coming from Japan i'd say this rumour is a bit more credible than most. You know how they are over there.

GribbleGrunger4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

Knight_Crawler, you really should check definitions before trying to look smart...


'Offensively displaying or intended to arouse sexual desire.'

If this is giving you a hard on then Sony MUST be doing something right!

It can also mean 'Smooth and slippery' but that wouldn't have been so funny. Check out words in the future mate :)

LOL. Someone's disagreed with a dictionary definition ... incredible. Oh wait, is that you?

G20WLY4134d ago

lmao way to awkwardly shoehorn 'lubricious' into a sentence! Shame it was in the wrong context *facepalm*

The article is listed as a rumor, so maybe just chill out and be patient like the rest of us... :)

Divine4134d ago

to my comment above i did not mean to put that insane number

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4134d ago
araman4134d ago

$400-$450 for a powerful new console is pretty much perfect, that seriously is the sweet spot. Hell, they could sweeten it even more by adding a LTE receiver to the unit and letting people subsidize with a cell plan. People are USED to that and are willing to enter in to those contracts in the blink of an eye.

Kur04134d ago

wait what??? LTE?? So it comes with a battery pack and a built in monitor for on the go play? C'mon man be realistic.

torchic4134d ago

yup, so true. not sure about the LTE thing.

for about 2 years I've been saying the sweet spot for a new PS4 will be $450.

not too cheap to be debated if the console is really powerful, and not too expensive to be considered "another $599"

$450 is the absolute sweet spot.

MasterCornholio4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

Im predicting about the same.

399€ for the standard model with a small harddrive or 499€ for the premium model with a large harddrive.

I expect that the console is going to be subsidized but not as heavily as the PS3 at launch.

araman4134d ago

You guys are thinking in a little box when it comes to LTE. LTE is a viable gaming internet source you can have right in your home, it doesn't have to be relegated to mobile only applications.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4134d ago
showtimefolks4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

i know most expect these systems to be quite expensive, i see both ms and sony going the safer way.

release a system with 2 SKU's one priced at $399 other at $349. also since both companies have seen better days expect both to try to make a profit from day one.

I don't see KAZ as head of sony okaying a system that will loose money, sony just turned its 1st profit in a long time so expect them to make a profit from day one.

people say ps4 will be expensive, well wasn't everyone saying the same about Vita and how the tech will make the system at $399? than price was $249, i think sony understands not to shoot itself in the foot again like they did with ps3.

also from the gen instead of going for 10 years cycle, how about 5-6 than a new system. they can still support the systems after those 5-6 years but new ones should be on the shelf in 5-6 years.

juandren4134d ago

Agree with all, except for the last point. The PS2 still being on the shelves after the PS3's release kept Sony from losing a butt load of money with the PS3

showtimefolks4134d ago


but that's what i also said, they can release a new system to move the tech forward and help the industry stay strong while still supporting their old console for 2-3 more years.

PS2 was just a special system, i mean will we ever see a home console sell 150 million units again? i know DS has done that too i think but that's handheld while still impressive

i myself may not buy any new system till 2014, just because i have a big enough backlog and 2013 has a lot of awesome games coming out. now if sony can deliver few big games at launch than i will have no choice but to buy the system


new game from evolution studios, who also hired a lot of devs who work on PGR series for MS and games like Blur

Killzone 4 or the new Ip from GG

also could it be that beyond 2 souls is actually a next gen title? it has no release date as of now and most think it will be a fall 2013 title. so we will see, i know QD have said its a ps3 game

Root4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

I think it would be more roughly £275/£280 for the UK however knowing what it's like for us who live in the UK we'll probably have to pay £300 because we always pay more.

Anyway since I work at Asda I'll get a nice 10% discount on it either way, plus the money I'll get selling my PS3 and some of the games I don't want anymore :)

Should work out cheap for me this time

plaZeHD4134d ago

You're selling your PlayStation 3 right away? Damn, I thought you liked the PlayStation 3.

JoGam4134d ago

Im never selling my ps3. Its a bluray player.

Root4134d ago

Woah Woah Woah

Where did I say I was selling my PS3 like NOW

I just meant when the PS4 comes out then I can sell it

1upgamer994134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

I don't think I would count on selling your PS3 just yet. There is a chance PS4 may not be backward compatible. Here is the Sony discussion board for that
I for one would not to lose ALL of my PS3 games. Also when PS4 comes out you wont get nearly as much for your PS3 as you would right now let alone the games. The games will go for next to nothing UNLESS you do it on like craigslist or something like that you would get some extra cash that way. Check and see what your local Gamestop is buying PS3s for right now and subtract 35-45% off what you will get around PS4 launch.
For those of you who think it is going to be less than $399 U.S. dollars I am pretty sure your wrong. I mean I could be wrong too, but I very much so doubt it.

sourav934134d ago

It'd be brilliant if it did come priced at £300, but I don't think we'll be that luck. £350 to £400 is more likely.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4134d ago
zeddy4134d ago

ive put away a few quid in anticipation for the ps4 and a few extra for some product replacement. i dont trust these new consoles, there always seems to be a fault with them.

Conzul4134d ago

I bought a PS2 and spilled coffee on it by accident and it still kept going. I've had my PhatPS3 for years and it's still going.

Come to think of it, I've never owned a Sony device that conked out unless I brutalized it ( my Vita wouldn't turn on at first after I put it through the wash)

BrunoM4134d ago

Nice not bad but I'd say the day one price will be 2 sku one at 449 and one at 499 ... Sony wont go losing money on these system and at that price I imagine they would be making a small profit on the system ...

Well when te system for get revel I will go for the higher end sku if that is under 600 lol

GraveLord4134d ago

I'd say more like $399.
$430 is an unusual price and $30 could make all the difference between someone buying a PS4 or not. $399 is marketable, $430 is not

xursz4134d ago

Ahem, the WiiU is 399. If they match Nintendo in price and blow them out the water in games, then... wow.

I don't see this happening, though.

BrunoM4134d ago

Don't see a 399 if anything 2 skus one at 449 and one at 499 .. With Sony making a small profit on the system from day 1 ..

If those are the process il get mine day one 549 is as far as I would go for day one ..

Can't wait for fev20

ahronith4134d ago

Ahem, the Wii U is $299 and $349 , not $399...i dont know where in the hell you people get your info from. Also, Gravelord, shut it already, everyone is sick of you trying so hard to sound intelligent, you have had 1 bubble for 12 years now...Your whole lifespan.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

Sony wins me over!! Xbox 720 buyers have to add $60 (Online) + $60 for game if xbox is same price. I will be spending my $60 on infamous 3 hopefully.

At $399 nintendo would have a price drop and everyone wins!

I am so happy as a sony and pc gamer that the next console will be more like pc! That means less bad ports for all three platforms and maybe faster more streamlined development! Nice..

hazardman4134d ago

I'm pretty sure your gold account will transfer over.

Conzul4134d ago

The future is bright =D

yeahokchief4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

There's no point in worrying about this. Sony learned from the PS3 that they probably shouldn't have released the PS3 for $600. That was like double the price a lot of people were expecting. Although I think they'll finally pass Xbox with their sales this year looking at all the awesome titles they have lined up.

And I really hope the online is free again. That's why I used to love Battlenet. That's why i love PS3. Free online. No required subscription, but an Optional subscription is totally cool.

I hope it's powerful and has the staying power of the PS3 so I won't complain about a price. Whatever they need to do. Just make sure it is reliable and powerful enough to last a long time if it will be expensive so you get value over time. What i mean is please no RROD issues next gen please. Build them to last again like the PS3.

I am wondering if they will tie the VITA to the PS4 and if they will connect the PS3, VITA and PS4 trophy list.

I hope the Feb 20th announcement announces the PS4 for 2014, announces the linkage of PS3/Vita/PS4 trophies, and focuses on new games for the Vita.

I have a feeling if Rockstar makes some Vita games, i'll end up buying one. Soul sacrifice also has me interested now too but i'm very careful how i spend money and have limited time to enjoy stuff. What if Agent was a VITA game or crossplay game all along?! Idk. Excited to see what they will have in store for us.

linkofrs4134d ago

It would be really nice if it was 399$ However it probably would only be 30-50% more powerful then the wiiu at most. That is still a good bit more powerful but it might disappoint a lot of people. Honestly software makes the console so we'll see what comes of this =].

kaozgamer4134d ago

...and in australia they will sell it for like $900 even though our dollar is on parity with the usd

-Superman-4134d ago

Converting between currencies, that would be about $428 in USD and roughly 317 Euros.
So, they wont sell it under 400, it would mean loss.
Its more like 450 us dollars

DeadlyFire4134d ago

$400/$500 retail.

$400 is starting price. Why would second price be less?

Still just a rumor though. I expect no less than $400/$500 at launch.

matgrowcott4134d ago


Two currencies.

tayz4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

$430 USA? I would say no thank you. Didnt they learn from their past mistakes? this should be be no more then $299 and thats a lot too.

kudakadere4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

That is correct here in the EU Ps3's bundles only a few months ago where priced at £250 to £280 on average , new console's usually hit £350 to £399 until about a year for bundle's and £299 and up for the console by it's self . Most people here don't buy console's straight away because the initial high prices are there to capitalize on Christmas pre-order generating more revenue .

IAmLee4134d ago


4133d ago
+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4133d ago
smashcrashbash4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

Ah ha!!!! More evidence.Come Watson.The next gen system mystery is a foot!!!!! But seriously, too many people are talking about this. It is too coincidental that this kind of stuff is being confirmed by reliable sources so close to 'The future of the PlayStation' thing that Sony is inviting the press, investors and steaming live.If it is not a PS4 I will be very surprised.Not disappointed but surprised.

shackdaddy4134d ago

So $400 to $450? That's about my price range so this is good.

Shadow Flare4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

My gut feeling was that Sony had learnt their mistake with the $600 price point, hence the vita's reasonable price. So $400 - $450 would be welcome

nevin14134d ago

But a 32GB memory card cost a $100. And it can only be used on the Vita.

G20WLY4134d ago

nevin1 you would be a fool to pay $100 for one, you should look online and save a bunch of cash :)

LOGICWINS4134d ago

$400-$450 is MORE than acceptable if its backwards compatible. I can sell my PS3 and knock that price down to 280 or 300.

RTheRebel4134d ago

why sell ps3 keep for collection =)

joab7774134d ago

Why sell it. Its like an entertainment box u can put on any tv. Anyway, it wil probably be $450 but $499 wouldnt surprise me at all. So, figure around $600 for a system, controller and a game, about what i paid for the ps3.

PurpHerbison4134d ago

Great idea. Sell the PS3 most definitely if the PS4 is backwards compatible.

Adva4134d ago

My best guess is $399 and $449 as well. I think $499 is out of the question.

LOGICWINS4134d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Sony not only announced a Vita price drop, but also a PS4/Vita bundle for $499. If they did that, I'd get a PS4 Day 1.

smashman984134d ago

If the system by itself is in the 400-450 range I just really can't see them doing a vita bundle for that low

DivineAssault 4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

im in.. $400-$500 is my limit so bring it!

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COD Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Pride Month Freebies Released; Gundam Mobile Suit Collab Launched

Activision has not launched the Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Gundam collab cosmetics, and also freebie skins in celebration of Pride month.

Ninjamonkey825h ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.

3h ago
Elda2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Nice to have inclusivity. Happy Pride Month to the Puerto Rican community & the LGBTQ community here in NYC.

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20m ago

The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor7h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde2h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast2h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows1h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman34m ago(Edited 33m ago)

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast24m ago(Edited 24m ago)

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 24m ago
Abear211h ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.