
Three Franchises Microsoft Should Revive

OnlySP: Platform-exclusive games have been a mainstay of the hardware marketing strategy for some time now. Each company dangles them in front of gamers like a worm on a hook, waiting for us to bite. Technology mega-giant Microsoft is no stranger to this practice and has always been willing to unload the buckets of cash necessary to keep specific titles solely on their Xbox 360. Fortunately for us as gamers, near-infinite amounts of funding and development resources can often translate into some pretty damn good games. In Microsoft’s stable alone, franchises like Halo, Gears of War, and Forza Motorsports stand as some of the most well-received titles in their respective genres. However, not all titles exclusive to the Xbox 360 have managed to stay in the limelight and, as a result, seem to have been all but forgotten. Somewhere, in a back office in Redmond, Washington, some tragically under-appreciated franchises are sitting on a shelf collecting dust.

MultiConsoleGamer4137d ago

1. Crimson Skies
2. Crimson Skies
3. Crimson Skies

user39158004136d ago

Killer instinc
Phantom dust
Perfect dark

FABLE LOST ITS WAY, PROJECT GOTHAM ITS NO LONGER ANY FUN AND viva pinata? well poor choices, they have so many first party or second party that they can use.

Dms20124136d ago

Best air combat game ever for being arcadey.

Bathyj4136d ago (Edited 4136d ago )


This is what pisses me off about MS.
They spit out game after game of some of their series till they lose the magic that made you love them in the first place, but they have a fantastic franchise like Crimson Skies just sitting there doing nothing because theyre not the money making machines that Halo is.

I also wish they'd bring back Brute Force. The first one wasnt all it could have been, but thats why you have sequels to refine it. You dont need to just give up on it right away. The concept was great, it could just use a bit more polish and better design.

3-4-54136d ago


Still the best multiplayer experience ever.

* It had awesome maps, every plane was fun and unique, it was smooth, 16 players in online dog fighting was awesome and it never got old......ever.

This game was released at the Beginning of LAST GEN....and nobody has even touched it or came close.

That is pathetic.

Bathyj4136d ago

The controls. I loved the controls.

The planes were all great and because they were all different each one had their uses.

The game had a great charm to it as well and I loved the universe it was in. Propeller planes with jets and blimps. Awesome.

UnholyLight4136d ago

THE OUTFIT!!!! So much fun. Early Xbox 360 exclusive game

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zerocrossing4137d ago (Edited 4137d ago )

Out of all the franchises MS is letting rot away right now.

Project Gotham Racing
Viva Pinata

Are the best you could choose to revive?...

What about.

Lost Odyssey
Perfect Dark

Im clueless as to why these titles haven't spawned any recent sequels.

Wingsfan244137d ago (Edited 4137d ago )

Lost Odyssey will be getting it's own piece from us, didn't want to include it here.

zerocrossing4137d ago

Oh OK, I'll be looking forward to that :)

A7XEric4137d ago

In all fairness Otogi was published by Sega and developed by From Software. Not really in Microsoft's hands.

Upbeat4137d ago

lost odyssey what a game!

LackTrue4K4137d ago

Killer Instinct and Project Gotham
funny....with Kinetic support, you would thank a game like Viva Pinata would be out.
wait....2 of my list are Rare's games... :/

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4137d ago
Belking4137d ago

Brute Force
Mech Assault
Phantom Dust

Shadow Man4137d ago

i gree mech assault with hd graphics would be the bomb

Cueil4137d ago

Phantom Dust was underappreciated game... what was the one where you had like a super arm and start in some kind of lab some chick comes to get you and you have to fight crazy super powered guys with bear hands

Cueil4136d ago

Breakdown! That game had a ton of promise

Relientk774137d ago (Edited 4137d ago )

Kameo: Elements of Power
Brute Force
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Perfect Dark
Too Human
Mech Assault

edit @ PockeyKing

Well, these are the unique IP's I think are great and/or have potential

also Conker too which ujean69 pointed out

DasTier4137d ago

Midtown Maddness!
Crimson Skies!

A7XEric4137d ago

Now that George Andreas is gone from Rare, I don't see a sequel to Kameo happening, despite the somewhat cliffhanger ending it had.

Wingsfan244137d ago

Kind amazing at how many IP's Microsoft has, and unique ones too, but doesn't do anything with them. No clue what's going through their heads.

Knight_Crawler4137d ago (Edited 4137d ago )

Battle Toads
Black and White
Banjo Kazooie (Done right this time)
Crack Down (Done right this time)
Jet Force Gemini
Killer Instincs vs Tao Feng vs Kakuto Chojin


This game was very unappreciated and has the potential to compete against Fall Out and Final Fantasy.

ZeroX98764136d ago

you got one impressive list there buddy. If all those titles we`re coming to the next xbox, I would buy one for sure, but seeing what microsoft did with conker on the original xbox and banjo on 360, the chances are low for those two.

Battletoad as a XBLA game would be awesome!

r214136d ago

Woah, phantom dust looks awesome! Make a sequel for that please MS!

maniacmayhem4135d ago

That Phantom Dust looks like Psychic Force on steroids. Man I wish an update/reboot of that game would get greenlit. It's perfect for Live now.

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Fable II - A Fantasy Series at Peak Performance

Fable II launched back in 2008 and remains the best the series has offered. Ahead of the series comeback, it's time to look at the classic.

Crows90345d ago

They gotta bring back those gargoyles!

Dudeson345d ago

I'd love to play it again, this time on pc though. Forever waiting on that pc port.

GaboonViper345d ago

Loved this game, oh and i always saved my dog at the end, hope the new Fable has a animal companion.

got_dam345d ago

Fable 2 was the best inthe series. Peter waaaaaaay over promised with fable 1 and it was good but disappointing. He didn't go crazy eith hype for the second game and it was surprisingly awesome. Then he ran his mouth promoting 3 and it was the worst of the 3.

cthulhucultist345d ago

Funny story: Fable 3 had a funny way of keeping the promises you made in the first half of the game and having enough money to defeat the darkness.

You only had to collect enough money to buy 2 stores in a busy market district. You then raise the prices to maximum and you turn xbox 360 internal clock 99 or more years ahead.

The next time you load the game, all the rents from the 99 years are collected immediately.

But yes I agree that 3 was the weakest of the three.

Demetrius344d ago

I only got to play it once 😩 I'm so tempted to buy a Xbox 360 slim but planning on getting the series x soon since I got a PS5 in February Im ready to get saints row 1&2 back, GTA 4, fable 2, but I also want to play infamous 1&2 again Sony screwed us over with the stream only for saints row 2 and other gems smh


Revival rumors swirl as Microsoft renews Viva Piñata trademark

Viva Piñata could well make a come back after Microsoft moved to renew the trademark, along with Blast Corps.

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-Foxtrot698d ago

Rather see Banjo-Threeie

Hell a remake-revamp of Grabbed by the Ghoulies, great concepts, not executed the best but having everything around you as a weapon was great, with new tech they could get more creative

Sciurus_vulgaris698d ago

Microsoft has been gradually rebooting Rare IPs. I wouldn’t be surprised if MS announces another Rare IP reboot after Perfect Dark release in 2023-2024. Based on popularity you would think Banjo, Viva Piñata and Conker would be the next likely candidates for rebooting [or a new release].

maxbeverett697d ago

Agree completely with you but Viva Pinata would be beautiful with modern graphics

AngainorG7X698d ago

Banjo, Conker, Kameo so many great IPs, come on MS..

maxbeverett697d ago

Conker is a particularly great shout

XiNatsuDragnel698d ago

So much rare IPs cmon Microsoft

Fearmonkey697d ago

I loved the first game, id love a new game like the first one.

EazyC696d ago

This game rocked. It was so relaxing making a little garden and getting pinatas to... Dance with each other.

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5 Neglected Rare Franchises That Also Deserve a Comeback

Jared writes: "With the Battletoads having made a triumphant return, let's look at the rest of Rare's back catalog for which series deserves a return to form next."

Read Full Story >>
GaboonViper1376d ago

I want a new Perfect Dark, Banjo and Jet Force Gemini.

Bathyj1376d ago

I actually don't want them. I'm not a big fan of Microsoft rehashing IPs they had nothing to do with creating just because they happen to own them.

Before you call me fanboy tell me a game they did that to that actually lives up the the original?

Just leave our beloved memories alone. You want to bring something back, redo crimson Skies or Brute Force. At least they were your games and they need updates.

gamer78041376d ago

I'm all for The Initiative rebooting perfect dark as a third person though, sounds like its trying something new and not just rehashing with a new coat of paint with this idea. Hope we see a tease of it in the next showcase.

gamer78041376d ago

Rumor is The Initiative is working on rebooting Perfect Dark in third person, normally I wasn't a fan of taking existing IPs but if its something new like this I'm up for it.

jznrpg1376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

Don’t give them the Battletoads treatment .

TravsVoid1376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

Donkey Kong Country is probably my favorite game of all time but I've not connected with much else Rareware has made since other than maybe Killer Instinct. Sea of Thieves has got to be close to my worst $60 purchase I've ever made.

sagapo1376d ago

Viva pinata was kinda fun imo.