
Rumor: Secret Ubisoft IP Uncovered, Osiris, From the Makers of Assassin's Creed

It looks like Ubisoft Montreal’s next IP is codenamed “Osiris”, judging from this rough cut-demo video commissioned last year.

TryMe4142d ago

hyped. not next consoles considering it's already been in development for a bit, and should probably be released in 2014.

showtimefolks4142d ago

i think for next 2 years all next gen games will also get a release on ps3,xbox360. both systems are still selling well and have huge install bases so it makes sense to port those next gen titles and make easy money

also the graphics difference between a ps4 title to a ps3 port won't be as big as ps2-ps3

Red_Orange_Juice4142d ago (Edited 4142d ago )

There will be more next gen exclusive games than you think. Most multigen games will be sports games.

Nimblest-Assassin4142d ago

Im kinda hoping this game is called


josephayal4141d ago

It will most likely just be able to run 4k graphics

classic2004142d ago (Edited 4142d ago )

Why is the main character in the picture black??

Also in the video at the end their were some black peoples picture their. For crying out loud the ancient egyptians were never black.

Once again ubisoft as freaking manage to piss off my race!

pr0t0typeknuckles4142d ago

ever heard of dark skinned egyprians,and technically egypt is apart of africa.

torchic4142d ago

dumbest comment you'll read on n4g today.

grassyknoll4142d ago

You need to play less games & read a whole lot more.

iamnsuperman4142d ago (Edited 4142d ago )

Just look at it logically. Okay Egyptians tend not to be fully black and more middle eastern looking (@pr0t0typeknuckles you are thinking of modern day Egypt which is to do with what I am about to mention and immigration over thousands of years). But thinking of the time period wars happened and people stolen other people for slavery. Since Africa is a massive landmass this type of thing wasn't uncommon. You would start getting black people in the population. Also people would flock to big cities for a chance at fortune. He may not be Egyptian

Lord_Sloth4142d ago

Why do you find dark skinned fellas in your country so offensive? Fun fact: There were black people in Egypt and there are dark skinned Egyptians.

urwifeminder4142d ago (Edited 4142d ago )

Never heard of Nubians then hey look it up, i cant stand ass creed but i cant pass up any egypt action POWERSLAVE style. I have the eye of horus tatt love the art great to see an period game with no dragons.

aliengmr4141d ago

Read a history book sometime. It seriously shouldn't be possible for one to be so stupid.

Do humanity a favor, don't procreate, please. I beg you, do not add more stupid to the gene-pool.

Google Nubian, ass.

solidt124141d ago

How hard could it be to just do a google search before you posted this dumb comment.

dafegamer4141d ago

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my brain hurts

Non_sequitur4141d ago

The main character should be black if he is Osiris. Osiris was sometimes referred to as the black god. You are correct about the native north Africans being much lighter than Africans south of the sahara, but it wouldn't be unusual for darker Africans to have immigrated to Egypt.

pixelsword4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

@ Classic:

Your statement is just about as stupid as if some guy whining about why aren't Native Americans in a game Blonde-Haired and Blue-eyed: You're basing your false assumption of history upon the current population.

Egyptians were always dark skinned; lighter skinned people immigrated to Egypt throughout the centuries, not the other way around. Your people aren't even as dark as the Egyptians in the ancient drawings, and they had rainforests to help shield them from the sun: you got nothing now but sand and sun, and your people aren't even as dark as the drawings...!

What you need to do is look up Ivan Van Sertima and Alexander Von Wuthenau, after that, attempt to digest just about everything they have on video, PDF, and book because you're looking every bit the uneducated person that I'm afraid you really are.

Your people are the actual invaders, The walls, statues, and all ancient history books make reference to Kemet as being black in reference of the origin of the people; the name Kemet means the black lands, The Bible verifies Egyptian lineage to Kem (Mizraim via Kem/Ham), and Roman, Greek, Arab, and other scholars wrote that Egyptians were Black-skinned.

Heck, the reason the Greeks called Kemet Egypt because Egypt means "The place of the soul" (Hi-Gi-Ptos) because back then some peoples in the areas surrounding Egypt thought the soul was black.

Just like North African used to be primarily Black-skinned Christians until Islamic raiders slaughtered the people and took over the cities: if you don't know what I'm talking about, look up the history of the city of Fez, and why the hat called the "Fez" is red.

That's the sad part of History: it's written by not only the victor, but the bigot and the ignoramus.

jjank114141d ago

Dang, good job Classic200 for being completely ignorant. Ancient Egypt, that of the ruling dynastic part, was pretty much a crossroads of the world back then, so therefore had many various skin colors (bablylonians, libyans, nubians, asiatics....etc). There is a debate about this very thing with a whole gamut of theories. Many other societies like the Nubians and Western African empires were black. Whereas the Eastern and Nile Valley africans were more of a brownish skin color.

BlackWolf4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

Just kill yourself, please... At least investigate some more before posting this... comment.

This is some nice piece of information you've brougth. Worth reading to expand your knowledge.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4141d ago
4141d ago
Wingsfan244142d ago

Interesting, always wanted to play a game like Assassin's Creed in Egypt.

Snookies124142d ago

Soooo... Now we're getting trailers of mo-cap production going on? Lol! Regardless, this sounds pretty interesting and I shall keep an eye on it.

UnholyLight4142d ago

I thought the mo cap was cool...

pr0t0typeknuckles4142d ago

at least its not prince of persia, but instead its a new ip, i may check it out egypt is a very intersting setting for videogames, and hasnt used to death like WW2, modern war, or ancient greece.

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