
4players Farcry 3 review: 66%

Farcry 3 is the ultimate "open sandbox" - the word "World" has no place in it.

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Manthiran4202d ago

I like the open world and exploring new and varied areas. This games seems repetitive from this review. Also, Far cry 2 was repetitive. So i hesitate to buy this. I like to have meaningful reasons to spent the money i make. I dont want it to be too easy to make money and nothign to spend it on. This was the problem i had with the assasin's creed series and gta4. I really wanted to buy the game cuz of soo many good reviews. But this review seems to hit the points i was actually looking for. Now i dont feel like buying it :(

Brandon_25354202d ago

Every other review score for this game has been very high, yet you're listening to the one random review that gives it a poor score? Well, good luck with that.

ethan4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

That's what I was thinking. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but 66% seems a little too harsh on such a great game.

Manthiran4202d ago

Yes lots of good reviews. Guild Wars 2 had really good review. I Bought it. Played it for one day. I hated it. I just dont like the way it controls. The graphics bored me. There were tooo many things going on all very close to each other. Maybe thats just how MMO is and i guess MMO is just now my cup of tea. So i hesitate to buy this game just cuz lots of ppl gave it a good score. The score means nothign if they dont touch upon the things that matter to me!

PPl give good score to Call of duty (for a lack of better example) but i dont like that game. But its still a good game to people that like to do fast pace shooting. Arma 2 did not get a good review, but i thoroughly enjoyed the game. Infact i pirated the game first, but i loved it so much i bought it. same goes for XCOM and Reckoning.

I played far cry 2 and really did not like it. It was just repetitive and not really an open world as i expected it would be. So im not saying this may not be a good game....Iam just wondering if this is a game id enjoy.

modesign4202d ago

someone had to create the troll review and give it a low score.

bronxsta4202d ago

So side missions are not integrated that well into the story, some locales are weirdly placed, and some aspects can get repetitive.

Doesn't seem to really justify a 66%

Manthiran4202d ago

Also they said the world is not diverse enough. Looks the same almost everywhere. Too easy to make money and not really anythign to spend it on. if you compare this to just a regular fps then this deserves the high score i guess. But if you (by you i mean me) expect it to be an rpg shooter like fallout or something then yea i understand the low score...

bronxsta4202d ago

But this is not a RPG shooter. This is an open world FPS with some RPG elements. There's a big difference. If you expecting something like Fallout with dialogue trees, moral choice, putting skill points into melee or stamina or speech, then you may be disappointed

And this isn't Just Cause 2, with jungles, deserts, snowy mountains all on a supposedly tropical island. It's a realistic South Pacific island

How's this for diverse:
(From another review)...
Signs of attempted industry litter the landscape - a sawmill here, a small oil refinery there. Clearly, some have tried to establish honest businesses here in preceding decades, but they have never stuck around.

Before that, Japanese forces used the island as a base during World War II, with the most obvious signs of their occupation being the many hillsides forts and land-to-sea cannons that dot the landscape. Here and there are crashed Japanese fighter planes as well, and if you look hard enough you can find letters from the troops to their superiors and loved ones, letters never delivered. The story revealed when you read them is a heartbreaking tale of madness and obsession, and I hunted down every letter to learn how it all ended for the doomed soldiers.

There are signs of exploration and habitation even further back. The coast is full of shipwrecks, most of them modern steel, though now rusted hulks, but a few are tall-masted wooden vessels from longer ago, and some still hold valuable cargo if you're willing to brave the deep water and the ravenous bull sharks. The native people have left their own mark on the land, from small hilltop shrines to extensive temple and palace complexes, all built from carved stone.

dkeat4202d ago

Nah, I wouldn't call Far Cry an RPG shooter. The amount of NPCs you interact with, duration of conversations, scavenging for items & managing inventory are not found in Far Cry 2, which I prefer. But Far Cry 2 got repetitive w/ like 50 enemy lookout points you had to take over, all pretty much the exact same and a lot of driving in a slow jeep on the same looking dirt road in the jungle.
I don't think one or the other (FPS vs RPG FPS) deserves higher praise over the other. It just depends on your preference. I thought I would love Mass Effect but I'm just not into the genre I guess, it's still a quality game to a lot of people.

1nsomniac4202d ago

I'm playing it & it's awesome, this is a BS review. I also hate it when people argue about other people's personal opinions/reviews but with my hypocrisy in mind I have to say this doesn't deserve that low a score at all. Judge for yourself from the amount of other high scoring reviews.

AAWELLS094202d ago

This site needing some traffic?


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masterfox446d ago

Farcry 3 and literally thats it! lol

GamingSinceForever444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

I recently tried 3 for the first time but the frame rate was a turnoff.

I liked 5 and 6 though.

banger88444d ago

If you have a Series X or S, the Xbox 360 version runs at 60 fps with fps boost. It's a shame the remaster doesn't.

isarai445d ago

2 and 3, pretty much the only ones i really enjoyed. 1 was amazing for the time but aged quite poorly. 4 has the elephant gun, all i can praise from any entry after 3 lol

cooperdnizzle444d ago

Ummmm 3 than stop.

Okay maybe two as well. But yeah probably 3 and then move on.

JEECE444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

Far Cry 2. People constantly rant about games now being too easy, holding your hand, having too many unnecessary RPG-lite leveling features, etc. People specifically complain about open world games being too focused on tons of collectibles and "checkmarks" that just waste time.

Far Cry 2 is an answer to all of those complaints. It was made by Ubisoft before they fell into all the traps discussed above (and before they started inserting towers into their games to defog the map). It has respawning enemies, weapons that degrade, and the collectible diamonds are very useful in the game (which you find in a similar way to the way you find shrines in BOTW with a radar system). The map you have is an in game item you pull out while playing, not a pause menu that is unnecessarily detailed. Also the enemy AI and physics are much better than later entries in the series.

It has a mixed reputation because people at the time said it was too hard, the weapon degradation was annoying, and then respawning enemies were annoying. FC2 came out in 2008, so this was before games like Dark Souls and BOTW had come out and made it cool to like these types of features.

XbladeTeddy443d ago

Far Cry 2, the one with the AI that find you through walls and trees, can one shot you from a mile away and have 100% accuracy? That was frustrating not fun because cheap AI.

JEECE443d ago (Edited 443d ago )

Uhh, I mean, it isn't one of these games where once the enemies have detected you they will magically forget you exist because you walked behind a wall or went into a bush. And yeah the AI isn't stormtrooper level accuracy. Again, these are positives, not negatives to me.

To be fair, I'm really directing this at the people most critical of "Modern Ubisoft" or "Modern Open World" design elements. Like the type of people who fawned all over Elden Ring because it had a clean UI because they are so burnt out by the "checkbox" type of open world design.

If you like those types of games, then a later FC game like 3 and especially 4-5 would be more your style.

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Far Cry 3 Is One Of The Most Important Games Of Our Time

TheGamer Writes "Far Cry 3 is a time capsule of what game design was like in the early '00s"

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Knushwood Butt528d ago

Beat it twice; once on PS3, and once a couple of months ago on PS5.

Doesn't Far Cry 2 have some of the things they are talking about here? Diamond hunting, healing, malaria medication?

shinoff2183528d ago (Edited 528d ago )

I believe 2 did. I highly doubt it was the only game like that though. I imagine the writer isn't old enough to have played part 2 but I also feel it wasn't the first game to introduce stuff like that

They bring up mass effect 2. I felt mass effect 1 was better. It just seem cut down. The citadel was a joke in part 2 compared to 1. How do you cut back on that.

Profchaos527d ago

Having just replayed the entire me trilogy yeah I think 1 was my favourite I think 2 had better cover and shooting mechanics but everything else in 1 was better

jznrpg527d ago (Edited 527d ago )

Mass Effect 1 was the best . It played like an RPG . The other games were more shooter and lost the feel the first game had unfortunately

gurp527d ago (Edited 527d ago )

I played it on PC when it came out, might play it again some time
Far Cry 3 is the best of the series, it was ahead of it's time

Palitera527d ago

It seems the blogger didn’t even play RDR1 if he thinks FC3 brought these elements to the AAA table. Tiktokers always have a new surprise. Smh

Sgt_Slaughter527d ago

"Far Cry 3 is a time capsule of what game design was like in the early '00s"

>Came out in 2012

Okay then

BrainSyphoned527d ago

If we are going to talk early 2000's game design how about start in the year 2000 with games that are a far cry better than something released 12 years later.
"Chrono Cross, Baldur's Gate II, Diablo II, Dragon Quest VII, Final Fantasy IX, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, along with new intellectual properties such as Deus Ex, Jet Set Radio, Perfect Dark, The Sims and Vagrant Story."
The article names things Ubisoft has shoved into games to dumb them down and then claims we should rush off to play it. Maybe instead look back at it as the death of originality from Ubisoft and gaming in general.

glennhkboy527d ago

Far Cry 3 & Assassin's Creed VI: Black Flag are 2 of the very best games from Ubisoft. All Ubisoft games since then are all just copying these 2 games.

ChubbyBlade527d ago

This isn’t an early 2000s game…you’re about a decade to early on that one.

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