
Cliffy B. tweets out cryptic message related to Activision

"Any discussion that comes up for now is just speculation, but it's not hard to pull together a message from this tweet. Could Cliffy B. be on his way to Activision?", writes GoNintendo.

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4241d ago Replies(7)
wastedcells4241d ago (Edited 4241d ago )

Following the money? That's why 99% of us work isn't it. Maybe he is just looking for the highest offer.

Knight_Crawler4240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

Well said...people on here do not realize how big Cliffy is in the gaming industry.

In terms of money I can MS outbidding everyone else but they wont get him because Cliffy will probably want any new IP that he makes to belong to him and he will want 100% freedom which I dont see MS agreeing to - I can see Actvision getting him since Bungie signed a deal with Activision with the same terms.

bubblebeam4240d ago


The only down side is that even if Activision let you keep the IP, they will make you drain it of all its worth before you leave.

Aren't Bungie contracted to make like 3 of them in consecutive years? With an a$$ tonne of DLC?

Meh, I'm gonna chill out and watch The Walking Dead now.

rezzah4240d ago

Freedom and Activision doesn't seem to mix, more like milking until dry.

BLAKHOODe4239d ago

Cliffy B should go to the highest bidder. He doesn't just bring experience from working on a major hit, like Gears Of War, but he brings recognition to whoever he works with. Cliffy B is one of the most recognizable people in the game industry and that recognition is worth millions.

SilentNegotiator4240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

Not all of us have "brain drain" [phrase] problems and are weak enough to get harpy'd towards ANYONE that gives the highest bid. Although, I could certainly think of some good word play for brain drain regarding Cliffy.

Burning_Finger4240d ago ShowReplies(1)
FarCryLover1824240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

He also posted pics of Naughty Dog, WB, etc. He's just posting pics lol

spicelicka4240d ago

Lol eaxctly, sooo cryptic omg

bubblebeam4240d ago


You didn't need to correct 'exactly'.

Considering you spelled it *EA*xctly, plus used cryptic in the same sentence, I thought you were hinting at him going to EA lol. Thought you were being tricky for a second. Maybe I over analysed......or not o_0 ???

spicelicka4239d ago

hahaha damn should've just left it, i was being cryptic without even realizing it:p

bubblebeam4240d ago


Lol, imagine if he went to ND and Drake transformed into a big muscular guy with Marcus Fenix's voice.

BlackPrince 424240d ago

Actually if he went to ND it might be a good thing. He'd know how to tighten up the combat controls for the Uncharted games. (Which is basically the worst thing about that franchise, even if relatively speaking it's still better than most games.)

RIPSKATEDESTROY4240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

Yeah i think this is his way of still being talked about within the gaming industry until he moves on to whatevers next for him, and everyone reporting about this is feeding into it. Good job cliffy, btw ask cliffy about jazz jack rabbit, he loves that

Ben_Grimm4240d ago

He was at Zynga headquarters in SF earlier this week.


I reported the story but it was deemed lame, yet this one has just as much info as my story did.

Could he be looking at other places to go work?

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Jin_Sakai3d ago

Cheat providers for competitive games should be illegal.

Rynxie3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

This is what developers and manufacturers should do. I know going after cheat devices/makers is a cat and mouse game, and cost money. However, they can get that money back by sueing these manufacturers of cheat devices. Take a page from Nintendo's playbook.


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Psychonaut8517d ago

They’re not working on Call of Duty? Give it time.


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