
GameCube games for Nintendo newcomers

Given Wii's remarkable sales figures (and GameCube's relatively disappointing sales,) it seems safe to assume that many Wii owners missed out on GameCube. Fortunately for gamers incognizant of the satisfaction to be found within tiny purple cubes, Wii is compatible with all GameCube software. Landmark GameCube releases from years gone by can be played on Wii and enjoyed by players who may have never had a chance to experience them.

On Saturday's edition of Infendo Radio, Blake and Scott discussed this topic when listener Paul phoned in asking for their GameCube recommendations. Their guidance is included in this list of the best GameCube games for 'Cube-deprived Nintendo newcomers.

OC Shock Value5955d ago (Edited 5955d ago )

This is absolutely true.. ill just tell the tale..

I started off as the biggest N64 Fan in the world.. Live an die by Nintendo in N64 days.. Then when it was time to upgrade to the cube i was Verry happy, and Verry dissapointed..

Smash Bros Mele
Luigis Mansion
Zelda Wind Waker
Resident Evils
Metal Gear Remake
Metroid Prime
Few others but cant remember

Mario Sunshine
Wave Race Blue Storm
Starfox (BOTH)
Metroid Prime 2
Mario Kart
Pilot Wings Sequal MIA
Battletanx MIA
NO Backwards Compatible Option
NO DVD PLAYER (Big Deal back then)

The PS2 took videogames by storm back in those days.. As a Nintendo fan i was forced to abandon ship.. Im glad the tables have turned once again this gen.. In Nintendos favor..

That is the wonderful story on how i missed out on alot of gamecube titles.. By being forced to convert to the best console ever made.. The PS2

Yi-Long5955d ago

... cause for some dumb and never explained reason, Gamecube fans are hardly found in shops anymore, and especially the good titles are extremely rare to come across. (here in Holland)

Which is weird, cause it's not like the Wii has that many must-have titles yet, so you'd think, with the BC, that Nintendo would at least keep some of their best Cube titles on the shelf, maybe give them a new cover with 'Wii-able' on it, or something.

So what use is a must-have Gamecube-games list, if they are all extremely hard to find!?
Nintendo should re-release some of those classics, for a willing and bored Wii-crowd.

DeckUKold5955d ago

Tales was in the top 5 best RPGs of last gen

wiizy5955d ago

i liked the gamecube also..but time to move on to just the wii...great games are coming this year .

desolationstorm5955d ago

Im kinda glad I wasnt able to buy cube games I have picked up almost all that I wanted to pretty damn cheap this last year.


Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Review | Nintendo Switch | NoobFeed

NoobFeed editor Azfar Rayan writes - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door probably has one or two issues that might annoy you, but it's also one of the greatest and wildest role-playing games ever made. The remake adds several renewed concepts that make it stand apart even more and it's undoubtedly one of the finest and most adored role-playing games of all time.

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darthv724d ago

Great remake... it had been so long since I played the GC original that I completely did not notice a difference in fps. This feels very natural as it is and looks great doing it.

shinoff21834d ago

I've actually never played a paper mario game. Idk how the hell that happened but I'm definitely getting this at some point. Looks fun.


UK Charts: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Storms To The Top

Initial sales match Origami King.

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Review: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Hardcore Gamer

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a near-legendary RPG these days, but does it still hold up after all this time?

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