
5 Video Game Design Decisions That Need To Vanish Next Gen

GP writer Jared discusses five game design elements that may be a bit outdated in the current generation and need to change.

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TrendyGamers4270d ago

I completely agree with the first point. Like Conan pointed out in the Resident Evil 6 review, how can a chair completely block you from passing by?

pixelsword4269d ago

Chairs were made of studier stuff in the olden days...

Wood and Steel, and Good ol' American craftsmanship.

But mostly, it's stupid game mechanics.

Krimmson4269d ago

Mahogany will do you wonders.

Kevin ButIer4269d ago

What about almost infinite checkpoints?, who cares if you die you will respawn a meter behind, this trend is making games sooo easy.., this is one of the reasons I loved demon souls...

SilentNegotiator4269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )


How about 'NO'?

I don't want to play through the exact same part of the game a dozen times before beating a level. That unfortunate design decision used as a means of artificially lengthening a game has luckily nearly been dead since the 5th generation.

SolidStoner4269d ago

You have to agree that "near" 2 steps behind respawns in online games are very bad this generation.

I agree that its boring to do same stuff for offline gameplay. But online have to be more professionally made next gen., with smarter respawns, something like battlefield 3 it has huge base where enemies cant enter, but still you can spawn behind squad and randomly in objective, still behind or in front the enemy...

what I wanted to say is that different games and game modes request different approach, and 2 step behind game style cant be used for everything....

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Gaming1014269d ago

Yeah, thing is they need to have some sort of limits to the environment. Game engines are sometimes tailored to open world games like Read Dead and Fallout, other games are tailored towards linear gameplay like most of what gets released these days.

Having every single door lead to another room isn't practical if your engine can't handle it. No game is 100% open where every single door leads to something, and there are no limits to anything you actually see. There will always bee a limit to the map you're in. Quite frankly it doesn't bother me, I don't need to explore every single room I see and every door must open. The game becomes less streamlined when you spend 90% of your time opening every door that exists, plus believe it or not it can get extremely disorienting and easy to get lost with so many doors in certain areas, and a player getting lost kills the enjoyment. There is a method to the madness believe it or not.

As for Red Dead, you don't need to keep tapping x, they made it so you can just aim your gun and the horse would keep to whatever pace you were at before you started aiming.

SilentNegotiator4269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )

SMARTER level design is the key.

Fine, don't make all the doors open. But perhaps rooms you can't access are collapsed or something instead.

Fine, you design in linear fashion. But perhaps instead of a CHAIR blocking your path, just design the hallways so that a sinister chair doesn't need to block open hallways (eliminate open dead hallways instead).

Fine, make certain paths undo-able in New Vegas for certain setups and scenerios. But instead of invisible walls half-way up the mountain, you could ACTUALLY make the mountain unscalable without ruining immersion and getting my hopes up when I'm almost at the top.

The game industry deserves a better caliber of designer and that will soon be ME.

neogeo4269d ago

A few games like Skyrim you can open just about every door but then they blend it all so the inside starts to look the same after a while. Memory and programming is the problem. All these games must fit on a DVD for 360 also it's more work for the programmers. I still hate it.

beerkeg4269d ago

'The game industry deserves a better caliber of designer and that will soon be ME. '

This is SilentNegotiator, and he's the best game designer in his whole bedroom.

SilentNegotiator4269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )

....said beerkeg from his bedroom, self-projecting.

Not like I said "soon" or anything. I'm still in College, Mr. Judgmental.

I offered 3 obvious solutions that industry leaders overlooked. Game design could obviously be better and I think the next generation of designers could provide that.

beerkeg4269d ago

Well, along with learning game design at college, maybe you could learn how to take a joke.

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Reibooi4269d ago

The blocked path thing always gets to me. The fallout picture made me laugh. I remember playing the game when I came across a door I could not get through and thought to myself why the hell they even used that model for a "Locked" door when logically the character would be able to reach through and open it seeing as the entire top half of the door was gone. I mean I get the lock door but it's lazy when the devs put a door that looks like that and then label it locked...

Ducky4269d ago

That door was pretty much put there as a joke. Nothing important behind it from what I recall.

neogeo4269d ago

Also they give you huge bombs and a mini nuke gun in Fallout but an old pre war 200+ year old door can stop anything you toss at it.

MobyRoyale4269d ago


Yeah I love his perspective. It shows how used to, as gamers, we are to having crap like chairs thwart us.

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strangelove4270d ago

I feel like the Red Dead section was a bit more of a personal peeve, but seriously I don't have twelve fingers Rockstar!

Outside_ofthe_Box4269d ago

Yeah, like the author pointed it out, it was very frustrating to have shootouts while riding a horse. You needed the right stick to aim but you needed the x button to ride the horse. We only have one thumb R*!

Blankman854269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )

Yeah. . .I don't know bout the rest of you, but I have TWO thumbs. Not one. . .unles of course yours was cut off or something, in which case I apologise.

Outside_ofthe_Box4269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )


You know what I meant. I only have ONE thumb on my RIGHT HAND R*!

Happy Ndivhu? I don't get why everything must be spelled out in order for people's imaginations not to run wild. Unless of course you have two thumbs on your right hand or something, in which case I apologies...

TheRealSpy4269d ago

i'm pretty sure that while you were aiming, the horse would sort of go into a cruise control of sorts. it's been a while since i played, but i think i'm remembering that correctly.

there are definitely things i'd include in place of that. for example, throwing in the 6-axis just for the sake of saying you make use of the 6-axis. like when planting a bomb in killzone. they did it in a few places in the first uncharted, thankfully ND learned their lesson and got rid of that stuff.

Outside_ofthe_Box4269d ago


***"i'm pretty sure that while you were aiming, the horse would sort of go into a cruise control of sorts."***

That is true, but only for a short amount of time. Once you let get go of the x button the horse will continue to run for a bit, but then will eventually come to a stop. The most effective way for me to deal with shootouts while riding on a horse was to use dead eye.

***"there are definitely things i'd include in place of that. for example, throwing in the 6-axis just for the sake of saying you make use of the 6-axis."***

I agree. Like strangelove said it's a personal pet peeve, but I was able to tolerate it at the end of the day. I'd definitely say tacking on things like sixaxis for the sake of tacking it on is far worse.

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Godmars2904270d ago

I totally want to smack a dev with a wet fish because of #1.

S-T-F-U4269d ago

Better yet, why not a shark with lazer beams coming out of it's head? Or Danny DeVito left breast?

Godmars2904269d ago

Not just a wet fish: a reeking, slimy wet fish. The smell of which once it comes into contact with human flesh and hair will linger for weeks despite numerous baths, showers and tomato sause treatments. A vittim of such will have to shave themselves bald.

Its the only fitting punishment for someone so lazy they use an overturned chair to block a corridor.

Kingnichendrix4269d ago

Better yet grand theft auto style dildo baton

Legion214269d ago

@Kingnichendrix that's saints row the 3rd

gobluesamg4269d ago

I never played saints row but I know for sure that I was beatin people's asses with a dildo in San Andreas. It was from the sex shop on the Vegas strip.

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attilayavuzer4269d ago

My personal policy is that if I can do something in real life easier than my superhero grade character can, something's wrong.

In regards to #1 I think all games should have a button akin to the free running button in AC...not that allows you to free run per say, but is a general "get past shit like a regular human" button that at least allows you to clamber over tables and kick chairs out of the way.

Blastoise4269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )

lol Guy carrying an Axe, a steel pipe, a screwdriver and a handgun...Goes up to a door..."the lock is broken"

Oh no, now what?

PS3Freak4269d ago

I'm so glad that they fixed this by at least letting you try in Skyrim.

PS3Freak4269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )

So the people who disagreed like to be locked out of places without being able to try?

Fallout 3/NV only say: "you need level 100 lockpick to pick this lock"

This doesn't make any sense as you should definitely be able to still try a la Skyrim.

Canthar4269d ago

Please lose QTE's least in the amount of volume. QTE to open a fricking gate. Ugh...

ChocolateGiddyUp4269d ago

THIS! Check out how pathetic quick time events made Spiderman look...

pixelsword4269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )

QTEs are like being violated by a cactus:

even if you love it, it's still a very, very painful thing to endure.

HammadTheBeast4269d ago

OK, I wouldn't mind those, they're pretty funny.

rCrysis4269d ago

Dude. 0:40 is the greatest.

BitbyDeath4269d ago

If you got rid of QTE's then how would you perform moves like ripping the head off Helios?

This is an actual question, what would be a better way of doing it?

Jazz41084269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )

If you get rid of qtes you will have to get rid of game movies like heavy rain and beyond two souls. Wow and getting rid of cutscenes that look much better than in game just eliminates most of sonys first party ps3 titles.

kma2k4269d ago

Virtual Reality Visor & Gloves :)

BitbyDeath4269d ago (Edited 4269d ago )

@Jazz, Halo and Gears would also be gone, the only games that would really be safe would be Nintendos franchises. ^_^

@kma2k, too true. I will be waiting for that time.

P_Bomb4269d ago

God of War does QTE's right. Simple yet rewarding. The RE6 demo does it wrong imo. From slider counters to that car scene, counter-intuitive. Even the button prompt foot stomps missed half the time.

Ricdog4269d ago

There are no good QTE. I've always hated them since the beginning, seem rather pointless. I guess its a matter of personal opinion. I've played RE4 and God of War, loved the games but not the QTE.

I agree, get rid of them.

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Meep4269d ago

I agree. I don't really mind QTE's if they are presented in the right moment. The ripping of Helios head while spamming the buttons makes it more tense to some degree, but I absolutely hate when I have to open some regular gate/door by spamming the button. I just want to get through the damn door, not fight with it.

Slayer_xXx4269d ago

yh i agree the QTE's to open doors in GOW was stupid & pointless bt those during combat wit bosses etc i didn't mind much...i thought d QTE's 4 RE4 especially d krauser fight 2 be fun tho i didn't press 4 each scene jus 2 c d different ways leon died XD

Canthar4269d ago

I'm not trying to say get rid of them entirely. Just stop over using them. There is no need to tap to open a door and crap like that. Keep them impactful.

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gold_drake10d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX9d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos9d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville9d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes9d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long9d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff21839d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion9d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage9d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody9d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

9d ago
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