
Just Cause 3: 'Most Realistic Open World Vehicles Ever', Current & Next-Gen Teased

NowGamer: Avalanche Studios has revealed more about its plans for its next open world game via a new job listing for a vehicle designer.

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Hellsvacancy4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

"Just Cause 3 could be headed to current and next-gen platforms too" PC, PS3, 360 and the Wii U (Wii U being the "next gen" system) in other words

Something tells my comment is going to seen as some sort of hate, im telling you it isnt, JC3 will be out in 2013 at some point, there isnt going to be a PS4/720 in 2013, meaning the new Wii is the next gen system there talking about

It sucks because I want JC3 to be a PS4 launch title, how cool would that be, JC2 was fun on the PS3 but it looked whack (i hate 2d objects that move around as you do), I want it to look as good as it does on the PC, I really thought JC2 was the last for this gen

Hopefully im wrong aye

Gazondaily4276d ago

I'm not sure if Just Cause 2 will benefit from more realism. Its the outrageous physics PLUS the massive scale of the world that really makes this enjoyable.

But that aside, can you imagine the size and scope of a next-gen Just Cause 2?! Even today, I'm in awe at the scale of it.

Qrphe4275d ago

"No, let's give it realistic driving like they did with GTAIV, driving was sooooo much fun in that game"

Hopefully they were talking about realistic-looking when they used that term.

Wenis4275d ago

The original Just Cause came out on Xbox, PS2, and 360. So it wouldn't suprise me if they at least port it over to PS4/720 whenever they come out.

nveenio4275d ago

You can make a game look more realistic without taking away the over-the-top awesomeness. JC2 has the best vehicle explosions ever.

ThanatosDMC4275d ago (Edited 4275d ago )

I hope that realism they're talking about doesnt make the game less fun. I want to be able to ride outside my jet while barely hitting the open waters.

calibann4275d ago

@Qrphe You mad cause you can't turn a corner at 80mph? The weight and physics of the cars in GTA were incredible and remain my favourite car physics to date. You can't say you prefer JC2 car physics!?

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FunAndGun4276d ago

usually I agree with you. For the size and scale of JC2, I thought it looked just fine though.

I hope when they say realistic that the game won't follow the path of GTAIV. Just like JC2, I hope JC3 retains the fun and silliness.

HammadTheBeast4275d ago

I wouldn't call it silliness, but outrageously badass e.g. Skysurfing on a jet.

FunAndGun4275d ago

@ HammadTheOne

Ok, that works too. ;)

tigertron4276d ago

"There isn't going to be a PS4/730 in 2013".

Where is your source? for all we know a fall 2013 release could be on the cards. It's highly probable that we'll see an E3 unveiling.

Ippiki Okami4276d ago

The new xbox was coming in september 2013 but they are having problems with a faulty chip thats affecting production and may delay launch till 2014.


Persistantthug4275d ago

Think about it....it's already the end of 2012....the only show we have left this year is TGS this week...so once that's done 2012 is done...were basically in 2013....basically.

If there's no announcement, acknowledgement, or mention by Sony for a PS4, then its over, and we're looking at holiday 2014...and even that's not guaranteed, but 2014 at the earliest.

Also keep in mind, that regarding PS4 for 2013, whenever Sony officials have been asked, they keep emphatically giving "NO".

Now, is it possible that Sony could announce something this week at TGS....yes it's possible...but it's "Hopes & Dreams" possibility at best.


@ Persistantthug

The 360 was announced in May 2005 and it launched in Nov 2005.

so it's quite possible that the new xbox will launch 2013.

If we go by history and I can't imagine MS will want the wii U having too much of a headstart as it is.

The only console I am not so sure about is the ps4, but the xbox, I think there is every chance it will see 2013 launch.

Persistantthug4275d ago

video game news back in 2003.

Microsoft mentioned and acknowledged an "XBOX 2" as early as 2003...more than 2 years before XBOX 360 actually launched. Yes, it became OFFICIAL (gave it a name) publicly in Summer 2005, but Microsoft spilled the beans on it way before that....here you go.

ATI wins bid for next Xbox

"We selected ATI after reviewing the top graphics technologies in development and determining that ATI's technical vision fits perfectly with the future direction of Xbox," Robbie Bach, senior vice president of Microsoft's home and entertainment division, said in a statement."
Companies always acknowledge said upcoming system with no less than 1 year from launch date (usually it's 1 1/2 years minimum)
Home consoles don't just appear out of thin air.
My point is, is we always know said home console is on it's way....always

tigertron4275d ago

They're working on next-gen consoles, we've known that for a while now. Microsoft announced and released the 360 in 2005, I'm sure they will repeat that.

We've also had claims from EA's boss that he has personally seen both consoles, therefore, they exist and developers have been hiring for next gen games for a while too.

Therefore, it is highly likely that we will see both consoles unveiled at E3. I'd say the next Xbox will be out at the end of next year and probably the spring of 2014 for the PS4.


@ Persistantthug

Wow.... grasping at straws....

I have been gaming for the last 27 years and I was following news on the xbox and 360 before either launched.

it seems you have not been following much of what has happened lately...or you are not too good at reading between the lines.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4275d ago
FarCryLover1824276d ago

If the PS4 and "720" do come Fall 2013, then this is a great possibility. They would be following a trend too because JC1 was last gen/ current gen, then JC2 was just current gen, then hopefully JC3 current and next gen.

subtenko4276d ago

Anyone else think the developers finally saw some light in what they should do from the JC2 Multiplayer mod? I mean come on..I dont know their reasons but to not add at least a 16player online mode was a let down. I hope JC3 and GTA5 competition keeps raising the bar higher. We get more polished games with more content.

Saints Row 4 too if you are into that game as well. I'm just more of a GTA guy though, and now JC3

vortis4275d ago

They didn't multiplayer to JC2 because it would have expanded the budget and pushed back the release date. Plus, they weren't sure how it would have worked in the game.

The mod gave them "direction" on how to approach multiplayer for JC3.

In this regards, Avalanche made the right call. Better to have a polished game than shoddy multiplayer tacked on just because.

yess4275d ago

The reason they didn't ad MP to JC2, was the budget.

JC1 was a new engine to test what they could do with a game, it wasn't supposed to be a game,the game was called Just cause, just cause they could make a game from the test, the game was not a money maker.

JC2 was a new build of the first engine, but as the money wasn't there from the first game, they went for completly single player, the game sold well and continue to sell well, the multiplayer mod will create even more sales as the mod on final release not will work on pirated version.

I just bought the game again on Steam for cheap, and are ready for some fun in MP, Just Cause it's an awesome game with a big fun factor.

subtenko4275d ago

Oh ok I understand. Only thing is about the comment on "how it would work" The JC2 multiplayer mod maker said it nicely. It doesnt have to work in a way that makes sense, just make it free and fun. The name of the game it self is JustCause, as in just do it and have fun while your at it :D

Note to other people wanting it for PS4 & 'Xbox720': Yea I know what you mean...but unless they have the tools now we'd be waiting another year (Which isnt bad since gta5 is coming out,lol)

ChunkyLover534275d ago

I'm not sure about a PS4, but Microsoft had official leaked documents. Their last Xbox 360 game looks like its going to be Gears Of War Judgment, which will launch in March of 2013.

If history repeats itself like with the original Xbox and the Xbox 360 Microsoft will hold their own presser in April and announce the Xbox 720, it'll be shown off at E3 2013 and will go on sale in November of 2013.

They have the oldest hardware and they wont wait two full years to release a new console when Nintendo is releasing a new one this year.

humbleopinion4275d ago

I rather not consider JC3 a next gen title since it's not targetted solely towards next-gen platform. We've seen the first Just Cause which was targeted towards both last gen and this gen, and it wasn't very impressive. Just Cause 2 was the proper game we've been waiting for, and I will gladly wait for Just Cause 4 to properly take advantage of next gen platforms.

Blackdeath_6634271d ago

hopefully i will get a PC by the time JC3 is out so i won't have to worry about all this next gen Bulls**T. my only issue with current gen is limitations like view distance its all good having a massive game but its no use when you can only see a couple hundred meters around you. i think it would be wise for them to go for a massive online free roaming approach.

p.s: also the voice acting is AWFUL in JC2 id like to see that fixed.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4271d ago
skyward4276d ago

Think the next Xbox will launch by November 2013... could be dual-launch like original Just Cause

LiViNgLeGaCY4275d ago

Really? I'm almost sure Sony and MS will release their new consoles Fall of next year.

I kind of feel this gen is on life support. But don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of amazing games coming out, and I'm excited for them. I just feel we're in dire need of that next big leap. Not just in terms of graphics, but what you can even DO in games.

TheF3AR4275d ago

I agree we need more. The things we could do in games if we could do more.

RockmanII74275d ago

The problem with Fall 2013 release is that consoles are rarely announced and released in the same year. The WiiU was announced at E3 2011, the PS3 and the Wii were announced in 2005. Only the 360 was announced/released in the same year but that's because MS was trying to replace the original xbox as soon as possible and they needed the jump on the next gen (which likely lead to the RRoD not being discovered in testing) now that they share the same audience size as Playstation they don't need to rush out their next console. Unless the next Playstation/Xbox are announced at the VGA's I'd bet money on a 2014 release.

t0mmyb0y4275d ago

@LiViNgLeGaCY What are you talking about? You don't work with any company, you don't know what they are doing lol

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Fishy Fingers4276d ago

Can't wait for another JC, the second (with mods) is the most fun I've had in a sandbox game. Been a long time since I last played it, but as soon as the multiplayer mod is opened up, I'll be putting a lot more time back into it.

jd6664276d ago

The controls spoilt JC2 for me, hope JC3 improves them!

M1chl4276d ago

Man best news this day, CAN'T WAIT!

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Sorry George Miller, but you’re wrong about the Mad Max game

George Miller expressed dismay toward the 2015 Mad Max game recently, but Avalanche Studios' take on the lore is still so good to this day.

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lelo2play8d ago

Mad Max is a good game... George Miller should STFU.

Old_Scout7d ago

He didn't say it wasn't good. Maybe you should take your own advice and look past the articles misleading headline. Here's the actual quote. “wasn’t as good as we wanted it to, it wasn’t in our hands.” That is all he said about it.

S2Killinit7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

In my opinion the guy himself Is pretty mediocre, so I dont like how he talks as if he’s something special. I dont think he would know a good game if it hit him in the face.

StormSnooper7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

If George Miller had good taste he wouldn’t be wearing those ridiculous glasses.

-Foxtrot8d ago

I think the funny thing is if Kojima made a Mad Max game it would be so trippy and "out there" I don't think it would feel like Mad Max by the time he's done with it. This is why he's better off with original new IPs.

Kojima seems like a buzz word these film directors use because he's probably the only big name they've heard from the gaming industry.

Wretchedstain8d ago

Article is correct in my opinion, Miller is wrong. That Death Stranding II trailer is bonkers, looking forward to that in itself.

And I agree, unless Mr Kojima wants to change his tune, or laughably, be told what to do, you're right, it wouldn't be Mad Max or close.

porkChop8d ago

Yup, Kojima really doesn't suit Mad Max. Avalanche did a great job though. It looked, felt, and played like what I'd expect from a Mad Max game. I really enjoyed my time with it, and the sand storms were handled incredibly well.

jznrpg7d ago

I think Kojima could definitely make a great Mad Max game.

SubtilizZer7d ago

I disagree… I don’t want to see Kojima do Mad Max or whatever… But I disagree with your take. Kojima is first a huge fan of film. I think saying he wouldn’t be able to stick to the lore of the world that was built is kinda crazy.

I’m sure he would be able to stick to the creative confines of the source material fairly well. Chances are he’s a huge fan.

I’m sure he’s a bit of a”buzzword” sure but I’m willing to bet it’s mutual respect for his work as well.

TheGamingHounds8d ago

I never played it but the recent buzz around Mad Max has piqued my interest. Will check it out this year for sure

maelstromb8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

MM is not a perfect game by any means as it was held back by lots of repetitious, standard open-world copy and paste missions, but the devs SO perfectly captured the world, atmosphere, lore and brutality. It also just so happens to boast one of THE best photo modes out there and some of the most impressive explosions I've ever seen in a game to date. The car combat is of course another impressive standout, both vicious and fun. MM is a game which I have revisited multiple times since its release, and now having just seen Furiosa, I can feel it calling me back again.

There's a ton to love there, but I think you'll pickup on the areas where the devs struggled likely due to reigning in the scope, budget and time constraints, leading to an incredibly fun, albeit uneven experience. Though, as mentioned, it's absolutely a game worth experiencing once, and I truly hope you enjoy it. The game really does deserve a sequel.

victorMaje8d ago

Word for word. Exactly this. A lot of fun to be had in there. A true Mad Max game. Sequel can’t come soon enough.

gigoran87d ago

and the fact that they originally had an American voice actor until everyone kicked up a big stink about it?

maelstromb8d ago

Honestly, Kojima would do the game justice, but given his studio's current workload, it's a bit far flung. I could much rather see Bend Studios (Days Gone dev) doing a Mad Max follow-up. I'm playing through DG right now for the first time and I see lots of similarities between the games to where imo Bend could develop an impressive MM sequel.

jznrpg7d ago

Bend does makes sense. But I’d rather they made Days Gone 2 (no multiplayer of course) as I really like the motorcycle and the hordes of zombies was a lot of fun.

VersusDMC8d ago

While i like the Mad Max game and think it's underrated...i don't know why people are mad at George Miller for not liking the game based on the IP he created. Especially since a lot of people hated it at release as well looking at that 69% metacritic.

-Foxtrot8d ago

I think the issue is the studio was told by higher ups and most likely himself to make something linear yet when they got a first look at it they didn’t like it and wanted something open world

The head guy was basically like “you’ve just hired an open world dev and forced them to do a linear game yet now you want open world which has just wasted a year of development which we could have done from the start”

I think that’s why people are p****** because of the context the lead dev at Avalanche has given us.

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Square Enix Is Going Multiplatform; The Layoffs & Its Past Don't Inspire Confidence

After its latest games didn't meet sales targets, Square Enix is going multiplatform but the company's track record isn't convincing.

Scissorman17d ago

Square Enix been multiplatform for decades, a few exclusively-deals doesn't make them any less multiplatform.

fr0sty17d ago

Nor is selling their games on a console with only 25 million install base going to bring their sales to where they hope they will be... Unless they somehow manage to dumb down FF7 trilogy to work on switch, they aren't going to have much luck. They already released it on PC, after all.

anast17d ago

Where are you getting that number?

SegaSaturn66917d ago

It kind of does, giving preference to a certain platform by timed exclusivity. Console ports generally feel superior. Legend of mana PC port extremely broken

neutralgamer199217d ago


It doesn’t when square themselves didn’t want to fund the development of remake. It’s only after the success of the 1st they realized their mistake but now contract is signed. If it wasn’t for Sony there would be no FF7 remakes. Same goes for silent hill 2 with Konami. They don’t want to fund AAA budget. Companies like PlayStation and Nintendo get blamed when in reality they are saving some of these franchises

Remember sega didn’t want to fund bayonetta and epic games didn’t want to fund another gears of war. It’s easy to blame console makers but they are the ones taking the risk and paying huge upfront costs without seeing the final product. FF7 remake trilogy won’t be coming to Xbox now or in the future. PlayStation and PC is what square signed up for. Sony paid them more than they would make from Xbox sales.

ravens5217d ago

I just wonder when everyone is going to demand that the Square Enix exclusives with Nintendo come to PS and Xbox. Or it's just the PS exclusives that matter lol

phoenixwing17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

I'd love for the nintendo exclusives to come to pc or ps5. They'd actually be playable then.

neutralgamer199217d ago


Exactly and that’s where square enix does more exclusive than any other platform. Gaming is square has always been very unrealistic with their sales expectations. Remember when tomb raider reboot sold 7.5 million and square said it wasn’t enough. They need to spend less on development and have more realistic expectations from sales.

And those thinking games being not on Xbox makes a difference don’t understand we have a decade plus of data showing square enix games having less than 20% of their multiplatform sales on Xbox (final fantasy series) and Nintendo consoles aren’t strong enough to run any current games. Nintendo switch should be as strong as Xbox one x atleast but we all know that’s most likely won’t happen

RoadRacer17d ago


thing is, as neutral said in their comm, the switch isn't strong enough to run flagship SE games
i think what SE does is, it makes unique games for switch only so that it has something for that console too. Thats where all the "underlined sans" rpgs go to mostly

maybe things will change when Swtich 2 drops cuz that's gonna be as strong as ps4 afaik from the rumors flying around

TheGamingHounds17d ago


Your point is valid enough but when the icon of this company is limited to one console in timed-exclusivity, it means the company has crossed the line. By some degree at least

All things aside, Square itself stated "aggressive multiplatform strategies" so we all know what it's talking about

Scissorman17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Then the headline should read "Square To Drop Exclusively Deals in Pursuit of A Sweeping Multiplatform Strategy". I don't recall this argument when Square Enix released Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, and Triangle Strategy on one platform. And even if FF is the icon, not all of its titles have gone to one platform. We're talking about three games, one of which is already on PC. Did Square suddenly go 'multiplatform' after it released subsequent Tomb Raider sequels on more than just the Xbox? It's just a silly way of putting it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 17d ago
TheGamingHounds17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

SE needs to go all in optimization. Broken PC ports won't help its case, especially with big releases like mainline Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix17d ago

It's actually simple. What doesn't inspire confidence is Square allocating their budgets on the wrong projects such as Forspoken, Avengers, Babylons Fall and Foamstars.

Square has always been multiplatform since PS3/360 days which 80 % of their games are. People kick up a fuss over PS exclusivity but not Nintendo which has more exclusive projects console exclusive from Square.

FF16 has done ok but not enough to fix the blunders that the past mistakes Square has made with some of their projects. FF7 Rebirth is unclear we'll see a PC release for sure so it's hard to say so far not as good as they would of liked.

Then again unrealistic expectations. If it weren't for Sony these games would at least had another 2 years development time. So some people need to be realistic in that regard.

Scissorman17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

It's the blunders that set those expectations so high. If you remove those from the equation, I bet the sales numbers would be more than stellar. Square believes it's okay to release a pile of risky, middling, garbage because the big boys will ultimately subsidize the cost. Don't worry if Forspoken sells poorly, FF16 will surely sell 10 million copies to balance that right out. Oh wait, it only sold like 4 million. Well that's a disaster. Meanwhile games that sell 2 million units with comparable budgets are deemed successful.

thorstein17d ago

I would also add that FFXVI, which I loved has a hint to one of their biggest problems: the number 16.

It's a great franchise, but that's all they've become known for. Dragon Quest is my favorite all time series but it's like they don't know what to do outside of those two IPs.

Valve never makes trilogies. The idea is that they don't want to become stagnant. Gabe Newell hates the number 3.

I can't imagine their talent wouldn't want to try a new RPG.

RoadRacer17d ago

Square Enix just really need to revise its expectations. Maybe consider a change in strategy on dev end as well. Multiplat will help for sure but only good games that are marketed well will sell

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Square Enix Preparing for Layoffs in U.S. and Europe Amid Heavy Restructuring

In a town hall that took place on Monday, Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu reportedly confirmed imminent layoffs in the U.S. and Europe.

20d ago
lelo2play20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Square should ask Sony for more money...

Outside_ofthe_Box20d ago

Square should ask Microsoft to buy them out...

FinalFantasyFanatic20d ago

So that Microsoft can close down the studio after doing nothing with them? Right...

Outside_ofthe_Box19d ago


That's exactly my point...

gleepot20d ago

Sad but true. It's the consequence of a shift in player habits, massive overhead, and out of control budgets across the industry.

blackblades20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

What did NA and EU did anyways? Just translate or something? I would say it might help them get back to there roots but DK.

Hofstaderman20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Actually, you are correct they play a hand in localization especially in Europe with the many languages. That and marketing.

nommers19d ago

Marketing for SE has been poor lately so these layoffs make sense if true.

Profchaos20d ago

Yup videogame crash 2024 edition

_Decadent_Descent19d ago

Hope so. Industry needs a good crash to shake it up again.

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