
Mind Blown: 16 Games in a Different Graphics Engine

GR - "Ever wondered what one game would look like if it were remade in the engine of another? Well, there's a whole lot of possibilities to be had, so we've compiled a few projects that do just that."

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MHenderson4290d ago

I think I heard modders were wanting to do a full Pokemon game in CryEngine, and that was a pic from it? May have just been a rumor, though. Either way, seeing those games in a different engine's pretty jarring...

knowyourstuff4290d ago

It would be nice if these HD remakes that Sony keeps dishing out could be done in a newer, better engine. Imagine if the new Fox engine was used to recreate MGS 1, 2 and 3? Unbefreakingleavable!

b163o14290d ago

The legend of Zelda would top my list.

Xof4290d ago

Remake is a misnomer perpetuated by fans and so-called 'gaming journalists' who have no ****ing clue what they're talking about.

You are referring to the "HD Classics," line. Those are not re-makes. They are porting the game and tweaking the options to display at a higher resolution (usually only 720p)--a process that, I might add, takes roughly 2 seconds to do with 99.99% of all PC games, ever--and adding trophy support.

That's it. The only real, tangible difference between them and the PS2 classics you can donwload off the PSN is that A) they're generally more expenisive, B) they can be bought in bundles, and C) they can be purchased retail.


This generation, this ONLY company who has really worked hard at re-making classic older games has been Square-Enix, with some fantastic, meticulously-crafted re-makes of games like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV (two of them, in fact), Dragon Quest IV, Dragon Quest V and Dragon Quest VI.

The next closest thing to a re-make in the market these days--Nintendo's offerings on the 3DS, Tales of the Abyss, etc--are still mostly just ports of the original game.

cjflora4290d ago


While you are correct that these are not "remakes", updating the resolution and adding trophies are not the only changes with the remasters. Most of them are also fixing any glitches and ensuring the games run at a constant 60 FPS.

It's up to the developers, but others add extra content as well. Not to mention some of them are even getting 3D and/or Move support.

I have heard that not all of the HD remasters are up to snuff though. Supposedly the Capcom ones are pretty lazily done.

kikizoo4290d ago

"Remake is a misnomer perpetuated by fans and so-called 'gaming journalists' who have no ****ing clue what they're talking about. "

only xfanboyz without great hdremakes (and other things, like exclusives) are not calling them "remakes", because like cjflora said, they are most of the time ^^

Dark_Overlord4290d ago


"I have heard that not all of the HD remasters are up to snuff though. Supposedly the Capcom ones are pretty lazily done."

Ubi has made a far bigger mess of their ports :D At times they're barely functional

ChronoJoe4289d ago


Problem with that is pretty much everything would need to be made from scratch for the game. You couldn't just transfer things like the animations over to the entirely new engine very easily at all. Maps, modes, animations etc would need to be crafted from scratch or converted / upscaled in some obscure probably awkward manner to get things working.

It's almost as much trouble as it is to make an entirely new game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4289d ago
JKelloggs4290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )

I think it was in Unreal Engine 3, that's what I saw anyway

EDIT: Forget that, yeah, I heard about the CryEngine one too

MikEyG4290d ago

That final fantasy VII remake is a fu*kin tease I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

Pixel_Enemy4290d ago

I know.. I came to that one and squealed like a girl.

claud34290d ago

A legend of zelda MM was recently converted to the Wii U graphics engine and it looks cool. So modders are after this big time

Welshy4290d ago

How many of you (including me) was drawn to this comment because of the avatar in place of the comment contents xD

OT: Halo 4 reminded me alot of the spaceship segment of KZ3 and Pokemon looked THE SH*T in Unreal, if that gets made, take my damn money right now!

3GenGames4290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )

"Wii U graphic engine"

First off, it's WiiU. Second off, it doesn't have ONE engine, the games all have different engines. They do have a common API, but that's not an "engine" it's just a set of tools basically.I also doubt those tools are easy to find and use as of right now since it just came out and dev kits probably are still locked up and kept track of very tight.

claud34290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )

Dude listen closely, one its one engine and two the engine can be tweaked to get the game at hand to work on the Wii U. Its how the Wii U's processor can handle the new game. I am just saying that a modder is converting Legend of Zelda: MM into the Wii U graphic engine, i know it means more than one engine:)

3GenGames4290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )

Can you figure out how to reply to my comment (3.2) or is that too complicated?

You're a moron. There's one graphics card, but not ONE engine. There is ONE API that you build engines around that Nintendo provides, but every game has it's own engine. You should not be talking about this stuff, you have no clue what you're pounding your keyboard about.

ETA: Still can't figure out how to reply? Somebody must be scared. And I do program the NES, so I know a few things of how Nintendo systems work. I know nearly everything about the NES, a few things bout the SNES, and then I also know that the DS has a very similar hardware-style of the NES and a few thing on programming it. I'm sure that's a lot more than what you know about how Nintendo designs their hardware and how it usually works. And as a game programmer with 1 full fledged NES game done and under my belt, I do know a few things about game design too.

You're the one with the flawed logic. Youre? The correct word was Your. You can't even produce a grammatically correct sentence, how can you understand anything as complex as a game system and programming when you don't even have a grasp of the language you've probably been speaking for over a decade.

Will you have my genius baby?

MiloGarret4290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )

3GenGames = forever alone ultra-nerd CONFIRMED.

...calm down, just because you may be right doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it.

Btw, no one has ever been scared of you for any reason in your entire life, ever ever. No one ever will be either.

Redgehammer4290d ago

So, what I gather from your diatribe is that: you are arrogant, conceited, petty, and intelligent. It is a shame that you used your intelligence, and knowledge, as a weapon to demean, rather than an instrument to instruct. IMO you have 1 more bubble than you deserve.

IRetrouk4290d ago

Damn talk about being up your own arse, get a girlfriend or something man.
Did I spell that right?

REALgamer4290d ago

@claud3 - 3GenGames is actually correct.

There is no 'Wii U graphics engine'. There are many engines that run on the Wii U hardware.

For example, Arkham City (a Wii U launch title) runs on Unreal Engine 3. Rayman Legends runs on the Ubi Framework engine.

I think what you meant is that Zelda MM was recently converted to an engine that can run on Wii U.

Paranoidplayer244290d ago

I would but two wii U's just to play that Mario game. Looked funny as hell

Boysangur4290d ago

Same here. Mario and Luigi are beautiful there. I doubt Nintendo would ever risk attaching such a less-innocent vibe to them though.

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ROCKY28215d ago

The movie was absolutely garbage !!!
BH needs to do better - since Halloween Ends - Exorcist , Freddy is Shyte - STOP IT !!!!

Garethvk215d ago

Didn't the creator write it? It also made a fortune based on the budget so from a business standpoint it is a massive success.


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banger88424d ago

No it doesn't need it. It was remastered in 60 fps last gen and still looks and plays great. Would be a waste of time, money and resources imo. It's games from 3 or 4 gens back that could use the remake treatment.

FallenAngel1984424d ago

There have already been 7th gen remakes of games already

Dead Space in particular already proves that just because a game looks good on original hardware doesn’t mean it cant look and play better

Jin_Sakai424d ago

Agreed although I’m ready for some new groundbreaking IP this generation.

IamTylerDurden1423d ago (Edited 423d ago )

Agreed. Remasters already happened and still look n play fantastic. DS was a different animal. It needed a remake, Bioshock doesn't NEED it. Infinite Remastered for example is extremely viable even today. What we do need is Bioshock 4. Rumors that equated to zip. Where is it? Ken really blew the pooch as well. Left to go do what? He was inspired by Tell Tale or something and went off to become irrelevant. Nice. And Bioshock Vita was scrapped. Fantastic.

toxic-inferno423d ago

Bioshock 4 is definitely still in development. News trickles out about it every couple of months.

And Ken's next game (Judas) looks great from the teaser trailer.

IamTylerDurden1423d ago (Edited 423d ago )

Yeah. Pretty much. I understand why they did it with TLOU to coincide with the show but certainly it didn't NEED a remake desperately. Obviously u are trolling and expect me defend anything Sony but idgaf about all that. I say what i feel is the truth.

Just like TLOU i wouldn't be upset if Bioshock received a remake but it doesn't desperately need it. I'd probably even play it bc like TLOU, i love Bioshock, but in these aren't identical scenarios either. Ppl kill ND for TLOU Remake yet it wasn't even their project originaly. It started as a potential Uncharted remake and passion project via Visual Arts and was passed to Bend i believe? ND took over bc the project obviously wasn't where it needed to be. And yet they still had Factions and possibly TLOU 3 in development as well. Bioshock has been dormant for a decade bar the remaster. Rumors of a sequel haven't materialised. A remake without a sequel would be disappointing. TLOU Remake is more tolerable knowing sequel/spinoffs are in development. Like i said, dif situation.

neutralgamer1992423d ago

It's not all about looks only

Tweaks to story
Tweaks to characters
Improvements to gameplay

Original bioshock have the worst puzzle solving system and can get frustrating quickly

WiiU-Dude422d ago

The last part you said I agree COMPLETELY!!! Game companies need to mine games from the Sega Saturn, PS1 and N64 days and even the Dreamcast, GameCube, and PS2 days to give a full update to. I know those would require more work, but there are PLENTY of gems from those days that people would LOVE to play again or for the first time with a facelift!!! I know I would.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 422d ago
423d ago
Binarycode423d ago

The games that need remaking are.

Resistance fall of man.

PS5 would produce something special.

There's been such an advancement in tech since the PS3 days. It would be awesome. DAY 1 BUY for me.

Storm23423d ago

I would kill for Resistance 1-3 Remake/Remaster. Same with MotorStorm series and Killzone series. Man, I loved my PS3. Can we also get the Metal Gear series and rescue MGS4 off the PS3? There is a rumor of MGS3 getting a remake. One of, if not my number 1, favorite game of all time.

On topic, I played Bioshock like 6 months after release after hearing from everyone and their mother how incredible it was. I know I will be in the minority on this, but I couldn't get into it. I think my expectations were too high. Totally my fault. Maybe I should give it another chance...

IamTylerDurden1423d ago (Edited 423d ago )

Agreed, Killzone as well, but Sony has no interest in the future of those IP. It won't happen. If they cared about Motorstorm they wouldn't have axed Evolution. The last remaster from a dead studio "Wipeout" was exceptional yet nobody supported it. Even with a free VR inclusion. If ppl want these remasters...actually support the ones that release. Medievil same thing. Ppl cried for Demon's Souls Remake, The Last Guardian, Shenmue 3 and the sales didn't match the cries. None of these games sold as u would imagine given the internet pleas for these titles over a decade or more. DeS Remake did alright but given the circumstances it should've sold better. 92 Meta, PS5 launch exclusive, stunning visuals, and the first of the genre in an age where Eldin Ring will push 30 million units. Yes, DeS is only one platform but still.

Binarycode421d ago

I do agree mostly with what you said.

I bought killzone,2,3. Did not like 4 other then it's graphics.

I bought infamous 1,2. Second son never did it for me apart from again the graphics, so parts were good. But world felt too empty. Probably needed a PS5 to do it justice.

Bought all the Resistance and Motorstorms, those games were awesome. They 100% need a remake.

PS3 was just an awesome machine, I know it was a pain to develop for, but it had some many titles that I loved.
I really enjoyed the Bioshock series, the first 2 were best. Very good games.

As for Demon souls.and the souls series in general. They never have had massive sales. I think because they are very hard games. we are talking a million or less. I think the remaster did 1.4million.

Motorstorm pacific rift did 1.4million PS3.I think.

Hopefully some of them will come back.

-Foxtrot423d ago

I would love this

Expand on the lore

Incorporate Bioshock Infinite and Bioshock 2 plot lines

Add room rooms or maybe even an extra area

Maybe new plasmids

Give Jack a personality and add voice acting, it worked for Isaac. Jack did speak at the start of the game so adding onto that and giving him convos between Atlas or Ryan would be great

Aussiesummer423d ago

Man could you imagine what bioshock would look like in ue5 with full raytracing, phwaaarrrhh.

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