
This is what a Pokemon game would look like in Unreal Engine 3

DSOGaming writes: "We seriously can’t believe there is noone taking advantage of Unreal Engine 3 (and CryEngine 3). Okay, there are plenty of UE3 games but when was the last time you saw something unique? Something out of the ordinary? Something besides another brown-ish shooter game? Something like Mirror’s Edge perhaps? Well, time for a slight change."

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user54670074299d ago


Think of the possibilities...

This is why Nintendo needs to get a little bit creative instead of relying on the same games all the time...this would be amazing on the Wii U. A full 3D Pokemon advenure...the map as big as Skyrim to explore in third/first person

NYC_Gamer4299d ago

Would be cool to play a real Pokemon console game instead of that snap garbage

PygmelionHunter4299d ago (Edited 4299d ago )

Oh no, you didn't.

Lol, in all seriousness, taking the nostalgia goggles off and all, I reeeaaaally enjoyed that game, what can I say, I needed to catch 'em all at the time! But if I were to play it again today, I would agree that it's actually pretty boring.

CaJuaLFeatPuFF4299d ago

I wanna see Gary's Sister Ass On Unreal engine :D

Sono4214299d ago

Exactly! What I think they need to do is make a Pokemon game that is a hybrid between Pokemon stadium and the handheld versions. But don't use the newest generation of Pokemon because to put it simple... they're just getting pathetic... id say go up to generation 3 but no further! (On the Wii U of course with graphics hopefully this nice and an open world)

perdie4299d ago

Pokemon snap was actually quite fun. I cant explain why but it just was.

A-Glorious-Dawn4299d ago

Pokemon snap is the best first person shooter ever made.....

Irishguy954298d ago

Third person open world Action Rpg

sikbeta4298d ago

With those graphics!?... I'd buy it a high price... damn, what a tease, never gonna be like that :(

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4298d ago
-Mika-4299d ago ShowReplies(5)
Summons754299d ago

I wouldn't complain one bit if they made a Pokemon game like the Gameboy/DS ones but on the WiiU looking like that. I don't care for the Unreal Engine but this looks so much better than the hideously rendered 3D Pokemon games now.

mike1up4299d ago

Agreed, I totally want this.

Jadedz4299d ago

"Creativity" is Skyward Sword having motion plus based gameplay.

What you want is Nintendo franchises with HD visuals, and the Wii U will provide that.

Davoh4299d ago

Now imagine how the pokemon trainers would be in Unreal. They'll all be top heavy, muscle-bound men like in GeOW

ABizzel14298d ago

Bioshock Infinite is using UE3, and there aren't any Gears looking characters in that. Not every UE3 game looks like Gears, it all comes down to art-style and design choice.

All these games are prime examples that UE3 doesn't = Gears

Bioshock Infinite
Batman Arkham games
Borderlands 1 & 2
Enslaved Odyssey of the West
Fable the Journey
Infinity Blade
Lost Planet 3
Mass Effect series

NonApplicable4298d ago


He was kidding...

ABizzel14298d ago

All is taking word for word unless there is an /s

mafiahajeri4299d ago

I would buy a nintendo console if they did that right!

irokster4299d ago

So would I. if they had something like the turn-based games with the exploration and stuff like that on the WiiU, I would buy a Wiiu.

Anderson84298d ago

me too but apparently they dont want to make trucks of money so i dont ever see it happening..

theyd have to keep it to the earlier pokemon generations also myb 1-3

Awesome_Gamer4299d ago

I'm not a fan of pokemon games (only like the cartoon) but man i would buy a game like this in a heartbeat, wow!

doogiebear4299d ago

Imagine the possibility if more japanese game studios embraced 3rd party tools like unreal engine more often. Quicker, faster, pretty games that can come out more often. Not saying they mever use unreal, it just seems as of they rely on making their own in-house tools a lot more (andit takes YEARS to make an engine and a tool kit that's organized ).

Imagine if we had more jrpg's and more experimental games from Japan being pumped out at a rapid pace just like in the PS One, Saturn, Dreamcast days. That would be awesome. And toolkits like unreal, havok physics engine, and other middle ware can help speed things up at a relatively modest price for the japanese market.

M_Prime4298d ago

they could also build their own engine that could do that..

also Nintendo leans towards CARTOONY way too much for pokemon games, and thats what kills a lot of the action for me. if they made the environments look REAL with pokemon i would so play this

doogiebear4298d ago (Edited 4298d ago )

Yeah but are u slow or something? It takes a long time to make an engine (obviously u never read my original comment). Thats why it takes years after a new console launch to get some good hardcore games since this generation started. Plus it takes more time to make a decent level editor and customizable tool kit for actually turning the engine into a game. So established 3rd party tools like Maya, unreal, havoc, cry engine can get results as good as any in-house engine (when combined and with enough creativity) and at a very cheap price in a fraction of the time. So it's a better option. The only thing is that Americans and Europe are used to using Unreal Scripts since the early 90's (and have been taught to use it in college) so thats why we know how to use it more than the Japanese. All they have to do is jump on board and they'll be on board. So next time, read my original post, be enlightened, and think before u open your mouth again and make me have to embarrass u again. Clown.

PS: Unreal is capable of looking cartoony too. It's appearance is easily modified by 3rd party Animation software like 3d maya. It can look like anything, from Sly cooper style of cell shaded games to Batman Arkham City. The only limit is a lazy artist, and a limited imagination. Kind of like your lack of imagination.

Lord_Sloth4298d ago

And all those texture pop ins. I love me sum texture pop ins.

linkratos4298d ago

Nintendo only owns the publishing rights, talk to GameFreak.

GameFreak has even said they want to keep the main series on handhelds. Probably because it's easier to make.

On a side note, Nintendo actually changes up their franchises like this all the time, I thought people's complaint was getting new IPs? This wouldn't be a new IP.

Perjoss4298d ago

The same can be said for the Monster Hunter series! is it so much to ask for a 360 or PS3 version? even if its just Tri with updated visuals and tweaked controls. I would be so all over this.

360ICE4298d ago

Yup. I think Nintendo needs to realize that the whole world unanymously wants this. In fact, a game like that could bring peace to the middle east.

Get off your asses, Nintendo, you otherwise opportunistic people.

nbsmatambo4298d ago

They should make a Pokemon Colosseum type game with this engine. I'd buy a Wii U instantly

DCUOpodcast4298d ago

but thats the problem, they wont cuz they can just release a new pekemon on the Pokemon Yellow engine and it still sells like crazy

ThanatosDMC4298d ago (Edited 4298d ago )

Hope you know UE3 is limited and cant have open world. They even had to change UE3 to a bit to try open world but it still required zone loading like in Borderlands.

They should check the Pokemon mod on Garry's Mod.

Christopher4298d ago

Why put this much effort into a game when people buy the easy to develop versions they put out now? This would only cause them to lose money by increasing development costs.

AWBrawler4298d ago

first person pokemon? no sir!

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4298d ago

They have time for this! Nintendo land is coming! /s

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Relientk774299d ago (Edited 4299d ago )

I would love to see a Pokemon game with the Unreal Engine 3

Reverent4299d ago

Or Unreal Engine 4 o_O

A man can dream *-*

SlavisH24299d ago

keep dreaming UE4 wont work on a Nintendo product, lmao

Samus HD4299d ago

That's unclear if it can run it or not..!

Genmu4298d ago (Edited 4298d ago )

wii u no u4 support

i couldnt pass the link cause this site recon it as a spam lolololol

type google " wii u won't support next gen unreal 4"

its the first article

ThanatosDMC4298d ago

I doubt nintendo will put resources to make a UE4 game. They'll just churn out the least effort to make the most $$$.

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MidnytRain4298d ago (Edited 4298d ago )

Imagine what Pokémon would look like with CryENGINE 3.

HmongAmerican4299d ago

Dream on this won't happen. Knowing Nintendo if it ain't broke don't fix it.

gamerben4299d ago

I hate that saying. Everything needs improvement.

SpiralTear4299d ago

I have no clue why Nintendo is so hesitant to try a fully 3D console-based RPG with Pokemon. The fans want it; that's an absolute given. I know that the developers have said that the game belongs on handheld systems exclusively, but really?

And if it looked like the screenshots? Man...talk about amazing.

If Nintendo did something on Wii U that was even remotely close to this framework, consider me an instant believer.

doogiebear4299d ago (Edited 4299d ago )

I'd love to see a pokemon mmo, even if just as a spin off series. It would feel like the tv show or the very premise of the background story of games in the previous series...a world where many unknowns roam the world on order to make a name for themselves as Pokemon trainers. I mean, it fits the theme of the series, and isnt too far fetched considering tbe other bizarre spin offa like pokemon snap and pokemon pinball.

THAT would make me want to get a wii U immediately upon announcement and would show the world how Serious Nintendo is in making Nintendo Network a potentially dominant force to be reckoned with.

Sidewinder-4298d ago

Pokémon Colosseum and XD were decent.

ABizzel14298d ago

LMAO. You put a smile on my face. To be a kid again :)

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Temtem is actually really good as a single player experience or as a co-op game. Played the shit out of it when it released


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ChasterMies123d ago

Fortunately for Nintendo, the legal team is separate from Game Freak’s development team.

NotoriousWhiz122d ago

Unfortunately for us, as their legal team seems to be more competent than Game Freak's development team.

gold_drake123d ago (Edited 123d ago )

they do tho .. IF there is something to sue for. IP infringement is such a delicate thing.

but absolutely agree on the change

GoodGuy09123d ago

That, have longer dev time, and absolutely get rid of Nintendo as the exclusive platform. Imagine a AAA pkmn game on current consoles or next generation.

But money, they'll make billions with little effort.

badz149122d ago

you know that's never gonna happen

FinalFantasyFanatic122d ago

Gamer Freak, Creatures and Nintendo all have a stake in the Pokemon franchise, Nintendo especially will never let them go, I don't know how Creatures or Game Freak feels about it. Plus, the other two don't have a financial incentive to ditch Nintendo, they make mega bucks regardless. Although I think Nintendo should help Game Freak out more since they're clearly struggling, other they'll all just have to accept longer dev times and bigger gaps between games, or maybe just make some cheaper low-tier games in-between.

shinoff2183123d ago

Idk yall. I'd take a Pokémon jrpg over a Pokémon with guns, online play etc. Plus wasn't Pokémon mobile pretty fking big like 4 years ago then covid hit.

--Onilink--122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

Even Scarlet/Violet had sold 24million as of early November (and undoubtedly sold even more during the Holidays), its not like they are currently suffering.

Yes, there are plenty of things I would like Gamefreak to do better, and yes I happened to like Palworld, but not because its a Pokemon clone, because its not, but because its a good survival game, something that I have zero interest for the mainline Pokemon games to become.

Most publications keep bringing up these topic ls just for clicks, because clearly the game is your typical survival game (most who do well on PC) with some Pokemon sprinkled in and not a Pokemon competitor, the core gameplay loop is clearly just Ark with dinosaurs swapped for Pokemon like creatures

And again, while I’m enjoying the game itself, I hope it doesnt set a new precedent for what we expect from game devs these days because, based on their other games, this developer really seems to basically just try to go as close as possible to ripping off other games without getting into trouble and then not really following up on those projects as promised (Craftopia players seem particularly angry).

I doubt they ever expected the discourse around this game to reach this level of popularity to push those insane sales numbers, and they actually take the opportunity to increase the quality of their work

FinalFantasyFanatic122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

I'm going to say something somewhat controversial, the last set of Pokemon games weren't that bad, it wasn't a great game, but a good game if we ignore the performance issues (and I personally didn't have many bugs).

They just need more interesting towns and NPCs (give them interesting dialogue, there's literally no reasons to talk to NPCs), interesting areas/locations (like the sunken ship and Bellsprout Tower), and some decent side quest, there isn't really any interesting side quests in those games, and fix the barely there lore for the game (Idk even know what was going on with those 4 "legendary Pokemon"). And maybe add less new Pokemon into the next game so they can transition more of the older Pokemon into 3D.

I think Scarlet/Violet had the potential to go from a good game to a great game if they implemented most of those ideas, but they also needed more development time to optimise the game as well.

Profchaos122d ago

Yeah agree id take a remake of red in the style of the links awakening remake any day of the week

Profchaos122d ago

No they don't I don't want any of the gameplay anywhere near Pokemon the only link between them is the idea of Pokemon except there's guns you enslave humans and Pokemon and there's a survival aspect.

Pokemon is fairly family friendly can't see Nintendo going ok let's give them m16s and slaughter each other

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