
Dark AleX's Time Machine: Install 1.50 kernel on your PSP Slim

Quote qj.net:

"Sony PlayStation Portable homebrew developer Dark AleX has certainly contributed a lot to the handheld homebrew scene, and his latest project is certainly looking to be quite the contribution indeed. Introducing the Time Machine, a handy app that installs the 1.50 kernel onto your PSP Slim. Yes, that's what it does, and there's a video to prove it, too!"

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mighty_douche5966d ago

Yesssss! no more magic memory card!

Dark AleX i salute you sir! Sony need to give this dude a job!!

TheMART5966d ago

Well I think still Magic Memory Card + Jigkick

I guess this Time Machine will be an add-on to install within a already custom firmware 3.xx Slim to switch to 1.50 if nescessary.

GodsHand5965d ago

I thought 1.5 kernel would not work, because of the new PSP Slim's hardware is uncompatable.

But if it is true, good news for PSP Slim users.

jkoz5965d ago

Obviously it's now discovered that it does work, that was the thought before.

Kyrue5965d ago

I'm a little nervous about this. Allowing the 1.50 kernal will probably stop developers from taking advantage of the slim's extra RAM and keep everything at the phat level. Good and bad I guess.

TheMART5965d ago

Nah don't think so. If a developer sees a change to improve the application with the 64MB space of the Slim, they'll do so because of the appreciation they get from the users.

The good thing is, homebrew that hasn't been developed anymore since 1.50 and is great, is now within the hands of the Slim users. More and more Slims are sold and will be sold for a long time, so the number of those out will outdo the Fat PSP's and be the main developing platform.

If you had the choice:

Make a good app on 32MB

or make a great app on 64MB

What would you choose?

Skype seems to be an example of Sony themselves. I am excited though to have a whole bunch of software homebrew that didn't ran on my Slim up till now to test out when Time Machine/1.50 is released by the mighty DAX!

Keyser5965d ago

I'm such a noob. I still don't know how to do all that homebrew stuff. There needs to be a place I can go get this done! LOL!! You can tell I'm an American. :)

TheMART5965d ago

Update just came in:


Time Machine also does 2.70 on Slim with Flash 6. Question is why you would want to use it though I can't figure it out yet. Because 3.xx has Flash 6 also, right?

1.50 is logical, but 2.70? Anyhow, the Time Machine seems magic. My God Dark Alex knows the PSP better then Sony themselves which is pretty funny


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isarai15d ago

Kenka Bancho is such a hidden gem.

Chevalier14d ago

I think I got half the list. Including Junpeis hat

gold_drake14d ago

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