
Metal Gear Rising-Revengeance Comes Hard

Metal Gear Rising-Revengeance Comes Hard Raiden is on another stealth mission before Rose calls him again.

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Short documentary talks about the cancelled Metal Gear Solid games and concepts

Youtube channel GVMERS has released an interesting video chronicling the various Metal gear concepts and ideas that were cancelled or scrapped during production. In the 17 minute documentary they talk about the Metal Gear Solid port for Game.Com, the cancelled Metal Gear Solid: Rising concept, and ideas that were cut from Metal Gear Solid 2, among other things.

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ccgr2434d ago

Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

Nyxus2434d ago

No problem! Yeah it's a well made video.

TheVetOfGaming2434d ago

Interesting, although, I already knew most of what was on here. I just wish Kojima had the rights to the franchise. The saga has left with a whimper instead of a bang.


Top 5 Politicians in Video Games That Are Worse Than Donald Trump | Goomba Stomp

President Trump took office around a week ago and in that time a new global trend has emerged - doing a quick search on Google News for "Donald Trump" a couple of times a day just to see what the massive, bejowelled, orange-faced troglodyte has done this time.

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skydragoonityx2679d ago

i doubt any game character can be worse than this man.

IAmLoki2679d ago

Oh come on he really isn't half as bad as the haters claim. He is actually the best president for USA in decades.

Gazondaily2679d ago

"He is actually the best president for USA in decades."


kneon2679d ago

You forgot the /s at the end, people might think you're serious and then worry about your mental well being.

_-EDMIX-_2679d ago (Edited 2679d ago )

forgot the /s

BizarroUltraman62679d ago

I know Im gonna get disagrees but Ive lived thru 7 presidents. Trump is the worst and he just started. Lol..

Paytaa2679d ago

He makes GWB seem like a saint. That's a hard feat. Bravo Trump.

Erik73572679d ago

People use to have more support for Donald on here, was almost half and half...not anymore lol...people we're like "Ohh he wont do that he just said that in his camapign, he wont actually go through with building a wall and banning muslims noooo"

Utalkin2me2678d ago


Obama banned mulsims too? So whats you point. It all of the sudden tpeople have a opinion on it due to not liking trump. But didn't care when Obama did it in 2011. Liberal Hypocrites.

ravinash2678d ago

He's been in barely a week, and all he does is create policies that give the appearance that he's doing something to please the people that voted for him. Nothing that is actually effective mind you.
He promises to build a wall, says Mexico has to pay for it - Mexico says it won't pay for it = no wall.
Even if the wall was built, if people are determined to get in, they will either climb or tunnel through, so the wall is completely pointless.

Then the ban on people from 6 Muslim countries. Basically creates a lot of hardship for innocent people (a lot of whom are american) because it's stopping families from being together.
And again it's ineffective because if someone really wants to get in (fake passport or go through one of those tunnels under the wall), then they will.
Even if they didn't, most of the attacks these days have been brainwashed people who were already living in America.

This just shows a president who is more concerned with the appearance they give rather than creating an actual thought out action plan to make the world a better place.

JunMei2678d ago

I'm not sure if he's serious or not. Needless to say, any time a country tries to make things overwhelmingly in its favor, making things unfair for everyone else, that's when countries stop doing business with that country. Which then causes exports from that country to falter, since it loses out on trade.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2678d ago
2679d ago Replies(6)
crazychris41242679d ago

Do we really need Buzzfeed like articles now?? This site is supposed to be an escape from the US presidential fighting of the past 2 years. This is not the n4g I know and love.

The n4g I know is us fighting over review scores, consoles, handhelds, exclusives and PC.

Bathyj2679d ago

Agreed. I wonder where all these people complaining about Trump were on voting day.

81BX2679d ago

I was voting for hillary

zidane13412678d ago

Probably sitting at home thinking that there was no way trump had a chance in hell?

Themba762678d ago

My area stayed blue the dc area it's those red stated you should worry about

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2678d ago
Paytaa2679d ago

Is Xbox irrelevant? Will Playstation fail? Is Nintendo DOOMED? Find out tomorrow on N4G.

REDDURT2679d ago

Kinda easy to say right now till we as gamers start seeing import taxes on top of consoles. In the States

ravinash2678d ago

I want to hear about the PC master race again!

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Number-Nine2679d ago

Just what I want to see. N4G and political articles

Gazondaily2678d ago

The perfect recipe for productive debate and discussion 😆

sher123win1232679d ago

Who ever post this sh!t should be band, political articles should not be allowed in the gaming websites...

GOODKylePS2679d ago

what if they don't know how to play a musical instrument?

sliggio322679d ago (Edited 2679d ago )

No one is worse than that mother fucker.

zidane13412678d ago

Because Hillary is a racist, sexist asshole with 0 experience and constantly shits on her own country over twitter. Oh wait

2678d ago
JohnathanACE2678d ago


No, she's just a criminal which is totally fine.
Oh wait

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Four of the Best Games in the Metal Gear Solid Franchise

Bidness Etc presents the four best Metal Gear Solid games you should play before you die!

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