
New 360 exclusive announced

If you're a dyed-in-the-wool 360 fan who's become concerned by the lack of exclusive third-party 360 games of late, then fret not, for there's a new console exclusive heading to Microsoft's machine.
So what is it? Mass Effect 2? BioShock Zero? Well, not quite. In fact, it's nothing less than Alarm für Cobra 11 – Crash Time.

Based on the German TV series of the same name (which revolves around the explosive exploits of a German motorway patrol unit and usually involves plenty of trashed vehicles), Crash Time is an enhanced port of the PC game that was released in Germany last November.

And with no other next-gen console versions announced, it seems that the 360 is going to be the only one of the big three consoles to get it.

sonarus5983d ago

yep 360 owners really need it. lol

GRRiMREEAPeR5983d ago

Howcome this story hasent been Posted yet???....


mikeslemonade5983d ago

This is how it's going to be. Unless Microsoft pays they're really not going to get a major 3rd party exclusive. It's going to be games that no body cares about. The development team is probably so small that it can't even develop for the two systems at the same time if it wanted to.

Dmack795983d ago

they even said not to get too excited.

Hagaf225983d ago

it has, and its tried to be resubmitted about 7 times, look it up, it wont get submitted again theres enough who know what stories are duplicates...

Fototherapist5983d ago

Who cares? Another Stuntman clone?

MADGameR5983d ago

I bet its going to be WAAAAAAAAAAY BETTER THAN MGS4 and FFXIII series!! O_O

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5983d ago
akaFullMetal5983d ago

so its kinda like a stunt man game, well thats cool, wonder if it will be better than them???

LastDance5983d ago


MetalProxy5983d ago

Why the HELL did I buy a 360!! :)

ColdWinter5983d ago

why would u want this crap when u have burnout which is 100x more fun

Dups5983d ago

Because you've played both right?

titntin5983d ago

Errr. forgive me if I don't get too excited!
A port of fairly low key PC title? I sincerlerly doubt this will be any good.

Microsoft must and WILL have some exclusives to announce I'm sure - I worked on one at the end of last year, so unless they trash it there's at least one!:) Expect a few reasonable announcements at the Developers conference...

Nevers5983d ago

M$ needs some exciting news... well, no... I need some exciting news from M$.

mighty_douche5983d ago (Edited 5983d ago )

Couple shots from the PC version here....


Trailer for the PC version here....


Cant find any reviews (english ones anyway).

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Shocking big budget vs low budget videogame comparison

There are quite some differences between current gen games being developed with a seemingly blank cheque, and those on the lower end of the scale.

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vortis4239d ago

Actually costs aren't expected to skyrocket:

And that video basically brings up the common sense question: Graphically the two games weren't worlds apart but budget wise both games are worlds apart. So I'm guessing the money went into licensing, engineering...and more licensing for Forza?

I've been saying for quite some time that a lot of small budget and indie games have been looking really good this gen and the whole thing about good graphics costing a lot of money is BS. The video kind of proves that, though.

FordGTGuy4237d ago (Edited 4237d ago )

They are comparing a PC game to a Xbox 360 game, graphical comparisons are completely moot.

Cobra 11 (Crash Time 5 on X360) looks like complete crap compared to Horizon.....


vortis4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

"They are comparing a PC game to a Xbox 360 game, graphical comparisons are completely moot."

Not really, the comparison stands because they're saying that the games look similar, not how they look on each respective console.

It's not going to cost more to upscale/downscale the resolution, modders do this all the time in a matter of minutes.

The comparison is in the games themselves and how they were designed, that Crash Time 5 looks comparable to Forza Horizon despite the budgetary differences. This stands to reason that with their highest settings, the games are visually similar.

Yes, CT5 on 360 is downscaled, but as showcased in the video, the game looks good running on higher settings and that means that it was already designed for high-end graphics output.

The question still stands, though: why is it so expensive for one game and not the other?

FordGTGuy4236d ago

Vortis that is a completely ignorant argument.


Achievements: Alarm for Cobra 11: Crash Time

There are 44 achievements with a total of 1000 points.

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'Alarm for Cobra 11: Crash Time' (X360) - 4 New Screens

Daring stunts, spectacular crashes, thrilling criminal cases: All fans of the racing genre will easily fall in love with the newest game originating from the original RTL TV-Show "Alarm for Cobra 11." The Xbox 360 version of Alarm for Cobra 11: Crash Time will get four exclusive new trucks that are not in the PC edition.

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