
PSU Exclusive: 2 Days 2 Vegas Tech Demo

PSU Writes:

"Now that you have had a look at 2 Days 2 Vegas in still shots, here is the first look at the technology involved behind the title in motion. This is still a very early look, basically alpha or pre-alpha footage.

As you will see in the tech demo, 2 Days 2 Vegas will include such technical features as:

- Dynamic shadows
- Diffuse textures
- Normal mapping
- Gloss
- Fresnel Reflection
- Refraction
- Water Effects (turbid water, sun glint, dynamic light)
- Ambient Occlusion
- Point Light
- Projective spotlight
- Mo-cap and animation blending
Once again, there are still some key visual technology not yet implemented. What you are looking at is about 50% of the final quality."

INehalemEXI5977d ago

Nice, dynamic sky. Looks good for 50%.

NoUseMerc5977d ago

Hopefully these videos will change some of your minds. For some reason a lot of people were unsatisfied with the screenshots. For a game thats at 50%, this looks good.

power of Green 5977d ago (Edited 5977d ago )

I never lost faith in you.

Can't believe the GTA fanboys attacked this.

This game is still very rough looking but its clean edges/ surfaces and charator models are already beating games that are comming out soon.

wildcat5977d ago

All of these sandbox games are coming out this year?

2 Days 2 Vegas
Saint's Row 2

aceman75977d ago

GTA4 was supposed to look like this.

m91058265977d ago

From a technical standpoint this is a very impressive engine. I'll be interested to see what kind of game they can build inside of it. The poly counts were sort of low, but the work they did with diffuse textures was very impressive. Skin is one of the hardest things to mimic in-game. They saved a lot of power by substituting normals for geometry on the buildings, which will increase the overall performance, which is the most important aspect of a sandbox game. I wonder if they'll license out the engine?

Rybnik5977d ago

See, NoUseMerc was right...you guys should trust him a bit, eh??

From seeing the tech demo, it is pretty clear that this is a VERY impressive engine. Add the anti-aliasing, slight improvements in lighting and this game will match targets from 2005...I think the thing that comforts me the most is that I recognized some of those models...meaning the target renders were indeed using the same assets, unlike nearly every other TR i've ever seen.

I think that it will be really interesting to see how Wardevil, Eight Days, the Getaway, and of course MS2 will look knowing the outcome here...I can't wait! This of course has not much to do with gameplay as far as 2D2V..but hopefully it can match.

Jpinter5977d ago (Edited 5977d ago )

I think the Mo-cap trailer is next

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Whatever happened to 2 Days to Vegas?

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kraideral4039d ago

The same thing that happened to the game The Heist.

GavinMannion4039d ago

Yeah this is true.. but I think that was officially cancelled wasn't it?

kraideral4039d ago

Don't know for sure, also there are many "GTA killer" games that never saw the light.

L6RD7BLU34038d ago

Hopefully The Getaway will see the light of day again


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