
E3 2012: Unreal Engine 4 Exclusive Elemental Demo Showcase HD

See the Unreal Engine 4 in action in this beautifully compiled trailer featuring full in-engine cinematic glory!

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PLASTICA-MAN4378d ago (Edited 4378d ago )

People let's be honest, it looks impressive, ok there are tons of artefacts, some pixalated textures on close ups on the monster (the mark of each unreal engine :p) and some aliasing , apart from that this look a bigger jump than it was from UE2 to UE3: a really true next-gen engine.
Still not as impressive as Luminous Engine.

Hisiru4378d ago

Nothing really impressive.

Can't wait for my disagrees! :D

But seriously... I was expecting more. Maybe it is not the right demo to show the engine?

TheFinalEpisode4378d ago (Edited 4378d ago )

Looks great but Square Enix's Agni's philosophy engine looks better IMO, either way next gen graphics are gonna look awesome!

Pandamobile4378d ago (Edited 4378d ago )

Honestly, Samaritan was a more impressive demo other than the particles :\

Pandamobile4378d ago (Edited 4378d ago )

More than that. Samaritan had so much more in terms of overall quality. Maybe it's just a crap quality stream I watched, but Samaritan had sub-surface scattering, amazing specular reflections, and awesome looking character models.

The Unreal 4 demo less than that, with the addition of really awesome particle effects...

That's not to say this doesn't look great, it's just not as big of a jump from Unreal 3 as I was expecting.

PLASTICA-MAN4378d ago (Edited 4378d ago )

"but Samaritan had sub-surface scattering, amazing specular reflections"

Then watch this:


Edit: at below, you answered me in less than 4 minutes while the video lasts more than 10 minutes, you probably didn't even reach the part of your acclaimed "sub-surface scattering, amazing specular reflection". Take your time and take it easy!

Pandamobile4378d ago (Edited 4378d ago )

Well, that eases some of my concerns, but still, the demo itself didn't represent the technology as well as it could have in my opinion.

@Your edit, didn't have the time to watch the entirety of the 10 minute clip right now, so I skipped through bits of it. Will watch thoroughly tomorrow.

EcoSos34378d ago

Amazing loving the UE 4, I bet this 2 min videos cost more then 50k to make imagine a 8-20 hour game will cost.

Godmars2904378d ago

Better to imagine $120 games. With a 1/3 of the actual game being additional DLC at added costs.

For those reasons, that something like this adds nothing to the overall quality of a game, its actual content and only makes reduced resources look better, I really have to wonder why most other posts are going to be about creaming in your pants.

Pandamobile4378d ago (Edited 4378d ago )

Look at the 10 minute tech demonstration video :)

Everything can be changed and modified in real time which cuts down on iteration time by a huge amount. When gameplay designers can jump in and test what they've created with zero delay, it makes for a much higher quality of game (much better debugging process as well)

I don't think the cost of production will increase with this generational gap as it did with the last one.

The on the fly changes to source code is pretty amazing too.

Eyesoftheraven4378d ago

Right, with more complex graphics comes more efficient workflow.

Similar to what happens when a new die size is released for hardware: e.g., 32nm to 22nm — it dramatically reduces heat and power requirements, which is then countered by more transistors and faster clock speeds, thus improving actual performance. Same logic with the next gen engines and the development process.

The money comes in actually developing the new tech; not necessarily implementing it.

shackdaddy4378d ago (Edited 4378d ago )

I'm a little bit bugged how they advertised this as the start of next gen kinda. Other engines like Cryengine have shown next gen graphics for a long time now....

GamingTruth4378d ago

im a big ps3 fan and even i say for the first time of ALL the graphics i have ever seen of pc that this makes all the gloating you pc fans do about pc seem like its about true for once, dont know about a generation above but definitely impressive

GamingTruth4378d ago

you all disagree with me even though me a non pc gamer applauded something from your platform for once, and some of your own fellow pc gamers are bashing it in favor of other games and engines that i would say dont come near unreal engine 4 and disagree with me? thats n4g for you, you can only get that here

Dispy4378d ago

yep that's N4G. No logic. Ever.

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Check out this Incredible Batman 1989 Fan Project

Tim Burton’s vision of Gotham brought to life by passionate fans.

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Gridknac1126d ago

Wow! That is badass. WB needs to make this happen now.

WoodsRatesGames1125d ago

Right? Thanks for checking it out!

Minute Man 7211124d ago

Fans??? This is done by one person

WoodsRatesGames1124d ago

Someone else was commissioned to do the music and another person modelled the batmobile. Links to all involved are included in the article.

Gaming4Life19811124d ago

They should have been made a batman game for the best batman movie. This looks amazing and now I must watch the movie.

1124d ago Replies(2)

Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight Unreal Engine 4 Remake recreates Rimmer's Rest

YouTube's 'ackehallgren' has recreated the Rimmer's Rest from Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight in Unreal Engine 4.

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Unreal Engine 4 RTX Tech Demo available for download

NVIDIA and Epic Games have released an official Unreal Engine 4 RTX Tech Demo.

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Magog1145d ago

Am I crazy or is there an Unreal Engine 5 now? Why promote old tech?

1145d ago Replies(2)
waverider1145d ago

I really dont understand either? isnt the Unreal Engine 5 already available for studios? arent they already working with it?

masterfox1144d ago

UE5 Is for PS5 only, deal with it! :D

***runs away from this thread with pride!**

Tacoboto1144d ago

UE5 is not released yet and developers for years will still make UE4 games because that's where their tools and customizations are.

Mortal Kombat still uses UE3. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is also still UE3.

Magog1144d ago

That more of an embarrassing indictment of those devs than a reason to promote old software.

Tacoboto1144d ago

Embarrassing indictment? You know nothing of software development then.

Spenok1144d ago (Edited 1144d ago )

Because a ridiculous amount of the industry still uses 4, and because no, 5 is not out yet. They said it would launch later this year.

AuraAbjure1144d ago

Companies still use Unreal Engine 3.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1144d ago
Tghood851144d ago

Really impressive tech but I don’t even notice all of these benefits in real life, never mind being chased by zombies in a video game. Rather devote resources to resolution and frame rate.

Magog1144d ago

If you suddenly stopped casting reflections in a mirror I think you would notice.

Amplitude1144d ago (Edited 1144d ago )

Edit: i misread this.
N4G really needs a delete comment button lol

Einhander19711143d ago

Yes after seeing the Unreal 5 ps5 reveal, I thought that's where we were heading. But saying that I have read various articles that suggest its easy for developers to still work on Unreal 4 and carry everything over to Unreal 5 when needed, we shall see.