
CRank: 5Score: 250

User Review : The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Wow, Just Wow...

Unbelievable. This game is outstanding in absolutely every category that I (as a reviewer) must analyze games by. It is a video game of the highest order because all of its elements converge to create a pseudo world that is remarkably captivating. What’s significant about this convergence of audio, graphics, and gameplay is that you are COMPLETELY IMMERSED in Zelda’s world. Why? Because everything is meticulously thought out. Each character and event plays a role in a storyline that sprawls like a J.R. Tolkien masterpiece. I couldn’t help but feel I was living the life of Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings as I played my Golden copy of Ocarina of Time. Every time I turned on Zelda64 was like stepping into a living myth.
Those of you who’ve played the game already know the praise that I'm going to devote to this review. But why not listen to me so you can nod your head and enjoy the peak of the greatest console ever built. Don't worry, I'll be brief so that you can immediately run to the store and grab this game (or continue playing it)!
The first and most incredible graphical feature of Zelda 64 is the number of movies in the game. After playing Metal Gear Solid I felt like I was actually in an action flick. However, the sensation after beating Zelda was so much more. After beating Zelda I felt like Charleton Heston in the Ten Commandments or Ben Hur! It's like immersing yourself in an epic film (Gone with the Wind), not a movie. The game’s intricate storyline is propelled by an unprecedented amount of in-game cinematics. Once again, Miyamoto’s EAD crew has demonstrated to third and even first-party developers what the cartridge is capable of. Granted the cart is 32 meg in size but hey there is a load of audio, video, characters, environments, and effects at work in this puppy that makes CDs seem obsolete as a gaming medium.

Fun Factor
AuraAbjure1500d ago

Yeah it was great. I appreciated the fact Link actually grew up to have a masculine physique. Now he runs like a girl and is scrawny as hell 😖


Zelda: Ocarina of Time - A Legend 25 Years in the Making

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time debuted 25 years ago, forever changing the face of video games and becoming a legend of its own.

Number1TailzFan194d ago

I used a guide to beat part of it but some of the rest myself, still enjoyed it regardless. Too bad they didn't stick with this kind of gameplay for the rest of the series as I would prefer it over what they're doing now.

TheBrainZ194d ago

A definitive moment in video game history. Played it countless times, and Zelda was the best reason to own an N64.

FinalFantasyFanatic194d ago

I played through OoT so many times on the 64, then I bought it on the 3DS before the Eshop shut down. I wish we could have a Zelda collection like we did for Mario, I still can't believe that never happened.

Azanar194d ago Show
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Ninver405d ago

Never understood what 64 meant. Can anyone enlighten me? All I know is my neighborhood friends and I used to play the crap out of it. Favorite games were Cool Boarders, Mario kart 64, WCW vs NWO just to name a few. Man life was simple and good.


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