I want the old N4G back.
CRank: 5Score: 56380

User Review : Resident Evil Vll: Biohazard

  • Classic gameplay elements
  • Sound and atmosphere
  • VR- Immersive beyond words
  • Bland textures
  • Plot/Characters
  • VR- Motion sickness/award controls make it moot

The RE-turn of Resident Evil?

It has been a long while since we had a proper console Resident Evil game. After the fourth entry to the series Capcom quickly turned it into an action paced game with little horror elements that made the previous games a gem. One could argue the downfall started with Resident Evil 4 despite it being one of the best RE games to date but it was the one that introduced weird creatures, more action and a movie style experience. Resident Evil VII: Biohazard takes a step back in the right direction to deliver what fans have been asking for, for years.

I was a bit worried when RE7 was first reviled. It looked to be like an Outlast type game than an actual RE game. I was thinking to myself this is just another trend Capcom is jumping on. But to my surprise after little teasers started surfacing, the game might not be that way after all, and it wasn't. Sure in the first portion of the game it was hide and seek, but it quickly got on track to what I was hoping to expect. The traditional gameplay elements were there like key specific rooms, item chests, plenty of weapons and puzzle solving. One thing that I wish was that I the option to change the saving method. The game frequently auto saves and infinite amount of saves but in Madhouse difficulty, autosaves are scaled back and you must save using cassettes.

Capcom did a great job creating tension (although the level of pure fear never quite reached its potential) through nicely crafted areas with tight, dimly lit hallways and the ambient sounds throughout the mansion. I did have an issue with the graphics as edges weren't smoothed out and being very flat and lacking sharpness. It occasionally broke the immersion as it was something I kept noticing but it wasn't a big enough issue to have me lose my focus on what really mattered. On a quick note, I did spend some time with VR and while the experience was completely awesome, the fact that it was hard to control and gave me motion sickness was too much to overcome to truly enjoy it.

The plot was also another aspect that had its issues. Whether it be poorly written dialog, or poorly explained events, the game didn't really develop a good pace to properly tell a story. Maybe I am out of the loop since I have not played the handheld RE's and haven't played RE6 but from my understanding, this is mostly a new experience. I think the ending may have some connections because I have no idea what it means. Also the basic premise attached too many familiar elements from other forms of media making it pretty cliche and overused. I also didn't care for the characters. Mia and Ethan never had you believe they were an item, at least from Ethan's standpoint. During the games conclusion his monotonous tone couldn't convey an ounce of emotion.

Despite those gripes, I thought Resident Evil VII was a big step in the right direction and I thoroughly enjoyed my 9 hours experience. It has high replay ability, a challenging new difficulty and some free DLC coming in the spring Capcom adds some more incentives to keep coming back for more.

*2017 Game of the Year nominee*

RE7 is not home to the best visuals out on the market but effectively builds tension through solid level design to create a creepy atmosphere
The ambient sounds and the music from the cassette room brings back memories of yesteryear. The dialog is subpar (yet somehow fitting).
The biggest change is the perspective as you now play in first person but other than that, this truly plays like an older style RE game.
Fun Factor
You'll be coming back for seconds after you finish your first rodeo.
*Story* It wasn't engaging enough as some aspects aren't explained enough. It is a little cliche.
2662d ago
2657d ago

Resident Evil Fans Discuss Whether They Prefer First Or Third Person

Players have long debated the merits of third-person as opposed to first-person perspective in games and the topic has recently resurfaced on Reddit, this time concerning the long running Resident Evil series. The discussion so far has generated somewhat heated opinions from users on both sides of the argument.

Resident Evil has a long history of using both perspectives, with some entries in the series like Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 offering players a third-person view, while others like Resident Evil 7 provided players with a first-person perspective. Some fans believe third-person allows for better visibility and control over the character, while others believe that first-person immerses you more deeply into the game's atmosphere.

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-Foxtrot404d ago

Third always

It's what it's always been and how it's meant to be played whether it's fixed camera angles or over the shoulder.

Rockstar403d ago

There was a time when I would have agreed but if you've got a vr setup the 1st person RE's are on another level.

That being said, they can both exist because they're both fantastic.

Babadook7389d ago (Edited 389d ago )

Exactly. If there was no VR version available or possible I’d say 3rd person. But because of the extreme heightened immersion, VR trounces the flat screen version, so 1st person please.

Sonic1881403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

They should have the option to have both going forward imo. But I do prefer third person view

Levii_92403d ago

I love both and the new mainline RE games should stay in first person for at lest one more game that’s why i hated that Capcom for some reason added third person in RE8 .. like why ? What was the point ? It just lost what made the new games unique and different. Re7 is a gem and already such a classic, it’s RE1 of this generation or well the prevous generation i guess i should say and RE8 is bonkers and so fun. Such great games.

Goozex403d ago

First person. It just ramps up the intensity for me

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VGChartz's Evan Norris: "With Resident Evil Village out imminently, it seems like an ideal time to revisit its immediate predecessor, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, a game that steered the franchise back to its roots. After replaying the game this past week, I can say with confidence it remains one of my favorites in the long-running series, due to its scary and disturbing atmosphere, challenging boss battles, twisting narrative, breathless action, and old-school survival-horror gameplay. It's certainly not perfect — there isn't much enemy variety and the final boss is a letdown — but overall it's a great game worthy of the name Resident Evil."

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Orchard1180d ago

Birkin is clearly a better villain than the Baker family.

Rebel_Scum1179d ago

Wesker in the first game only. In my playthrough he used Barry, killed him and his reveal as being on of the researchers in the mansion was brilliantly done.

They dont make em like they used to.

To add, every RE game should’ve been its own standalone story with a different “evil” each time. Without the mystery the horror has nothing.