CRank: 5Score: 4850

User Review : Resident Evil 5

  • Gorgeous graphics and eye candy{Coop mode{PS3 best version, 360 version suffers from screen tearing issues
  • Last gen controls and gameplay{Incredibly stupid story and bad dialog{Poor character design and lack of character development

Resident Evil 5 review for the PS3 and the 360.

Resident evil 5 is the latest of the resident evil series and the first of the series to appear in the current gen high definition console wars.

Part 5 continues its trademark eye popping visuals and graphics for the series. Unfortunately, thats about all there is to it.

The series may have moved to the current gen but the game itself seems stuck in last gen. Its gameplay, controls, dialog, and story are truly horrible.

Let's begin with the gameplay and controls. They are the same as the previous Resident Evils. And fans will have little trouble picking it up. For those who haven't played Resident Evil series for quite a while, the controls are easy to pick up and master. However, while its true that it remains true to the series's controls, it is also equally true that those controls don't work in the current generation anymore. Not being able to move while shooting in a reflex game, is just silly. And standing still while aiming is equally silly. In this current generation, gamers want freedom. The freedom to move while shooting and avoiding monsters. Resident Evil does not provide freedom and flexible controls.

The gameplay has changed from the previous resident evil games. While the old Resident Evils 1, 2, 3 and veronica and zero are all about survival horror at its finest, Resident Evil 5 continues part 4's scripted action. No longer will you have to bath in suspense and anxiety while trying to figure out if there are enemies up ahead in the room. No, the action is scripted and given. You walk in an area and you trigger a mob of stupid AI's who run screaming at you. So you will always know what to expect. Its a bad joke and a bad taste of "survival horror". This isn't survival horror. This is lame scripted action. And speaking about the AI, they are horrible. The enemies are often stupid and run towards you, only to slow down so you can aim and shoot.

The enemy variations are getting old. The bosses don't look incredibly original or scary and more often than not, you will be fighting the same boss, twice. The only difference is a different color palette. Even Uroboros is a lame joke. You will be fighting the same kind of enemies, braindead half zombies or you will be fighting the same bosses. Resident Evil used to be packed with memorable bosses. Unfortunately, those days seem like a thing of the past.

The dialog and story are jokes. I mean that literally. The story resembles that of a C action movie game. One you would not even watch on a boring night. It's absolutely tasteless and makes no sense at all. You arrive as Chris Redfield, once a STARS member, now a superhero apparently. When I started the game, I thought I was playing Resident Evil. But apparently, Im reading a Marvell comic book. With his bulking muscles and his hourly steroid injections, he manages to schedule some time for an African trip in search of Irving. Now I'm not going to spoil anything about the story but let me provide a quick summary and show you just how stupid the story really is.

So Chris and his team arrives in a village and things soon get ugly. Irving has been traced to this village but apparently Irving and a mysterious woman knows this as well and they set up an ambush. So before you know it, your team gets wiped out, and Irving escapes to the mines. So you follow him to the mines where you learn that he escaped to the Oil refinery. And when you follow him there, he blows the place up. No other reason but just for the fun of it apparently. And btw Irving escapes, yet again.

The next time you meet up with him, he is apparently tired of running away from you and he confronts you in battle. So do you get why he was running away from you before and the point of him blowing up the refinery? 'Cos I sure don't.

And then this mysterious woman, whom Sheva apparently knows, turns out to be someone you know too. And before you know what has happened, she transform into Nina Williams and proceeds to kick your ass. All those steroid muscles now prove to be a burden as you are too slow to even do anything about Nina Williams. She didn't do her trademark "time to die" pose though.

You also meet up with former STARS leader, Wesker, who got killed by the Tyrant in Resident Evil 1. Apparently, he didn't die and apparently during that moment, his soul was transferred back to the real world outside the Matrix where he learned that he is the one. The one and only who can control the Matrix and dodge bullets. So Wesker returns back to the Matrix where he becomes an unstoppable force, having mastered 15 different martial arts styles and can jump 15 feet in the air. Bullets can't touch him!

Hmm bad movie script?

That's just a taste of the stupidity that's going on in Resident Evil 5.
Jeez, what the hell happened to STARS leader, Wesker. He was supposed to be just a regular tough guy?

The story is just stupid and has turned stupider with the time. It seems to me that they are running out of ideas. The side characters are a pain in the ass and do we actually get to know any of the sidekicks. Who the hell is Josh and who the hell is Sheva. Has Chris learned anything useful in his trip or did his latest adventure convince him to pump more iron? Stay tuned for more Chris in resident evil 7.

The amount of unlockables within the game will provide for some nice replay value. And the addition of the coop mode will breathe new life in the game. Don't expect any groundbreaking stuff in the game. The game does not provide any.

The versus mode is another major turn off. You actually have to buy this just to play an additional mode they have already wrote. I kid you not, when the hell did all this BS start anyway. It started when people think paying for online is normal. I'm not going to name names here but we all know who to blame. Seriously that company is making 14 million times 50 bucks a year, thats 700 million gross revenues. You don't think any of the other developers want a PIECE OF THAT MEALTICKET? Well Capcom sure as hell does.

All in all, the game is still pretty fun especially during coop mode. But you can only replay the chapters so often before it becomes boring.

The gameplay is horribly last gen and the story is just bad taste and one you will want to forget about immediately.
Gorgeous eye candy.
Sound is ok. Nothing groundbreaking. The ending song is good for the ears.
Fun Factor
Fun coop mode and plenty of unlockables will keep you fixed behind your PS3 for hours.
The coop mode is a plus but the versus mode is a turn off as it should have been included within the game.
Snatcher5546d ago

This review is wrong on many ways. Nice job.

Montreafart5545d ago

You seem to miss the fact that my review score is right on par with 90% of all the reviews out there, so I would say, my reviewing was SPOT ON.


TheColbertinator5546d ago

Thank you Nasim for your review

Snatcher5546d ago

''PS3 best version, 360 version suffers from screen tearing issues''.

I thought this was a review of the game, not a comparison or which version is better -.- And between, did he forget that PS3 version has some issues to? Like the framerate drops? This review is full of fail. Thanks Nasim.

Reshun5544d ago

They are well-explained in the library section of the game. Regarding the information involving why Irving took those actions but then again, not everyone would like to read those documents.

onomix5543d ago

hahahahaha. This review = Failure.


Resident Evil 5 - 15 Years of Being the Most Misunderstood Resident Evil

Resident Evil 5 launched 15 years ago today - and it continues to stand as a stepping stone from the good to the bad.

TheBrainZ87d ago

One of my favourites because of the co-op. Then Resi 6 arrived and the series nosedived further.

Knightofelemia87d ago

I enjoyed the game co-oping with a friend I know the game in solo the AI can be an idiot but RE5 is way better then RE6. I played RE6 with a friend if it wasn't cheap when I got I would have avoided RE6.

thesoftware73087d ago (Edited 87d ago )

5 was excellent, still play Mercs with my brother.
I would love a fully remastered RE:5, with some added, reworked content. The DLC for 5 was also excellent.

6 was awful.

CrimsonWing6987d ago

I never understood why the game was misunderstood. It was a fantastic game at launch and is still fun today to play. It’s as action packed as Resident Evil 4 was, yet that’s regarded a masterpiece 🤷‍♂️

chobit_A5HL3Y87d ago

it was "misunderstood" because they introduced co-op into the franchise at a time when people loved to have fake rage about co-op. like, you could play the game as a solo experience, but people chose to have their bandwagon rage because it was cool at the time lol

-Foxtrot87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

What the hell are you talking about? Fake Rage? Bandwagon? Come on.

You can play it solo but you are forced to carry around a shitty AI partner you have to micro manage. It wasn't as fun solo.

Co-op sucked all the horror, tension and suspense from the game because having a partner covering you was like a safety net. Enemy trying to sneak up on you? No sweat the AI will just automatically lock on, alert you while they shoot first telling you where they are basically.

It was the start of Capcoms fall with the Resident Evil series where it basically become an over the top generic action game which betrayed it's own survival horror roots. Least RE4 had a good blend of both but Capcom just went the wrong way with RE5, especially going off what they were going to do during the RE4.5 beta phase before co-op was added.

franwex87d ago

At least the game was a ton of fun tho. If the game was bad, the outrage would’ve been justified. They simply pivoted for a couple of games. At this point it’s bad because it’s called Resident evil 5? But if was called something else it would’ve been good? Please.

chobit_A5HL3Y86d ago

like i said: fake baby rage and bandwagon hate. res4 wasn't really that scary, either, and was already taking the series into more of an action-oriented direction at the time. 5 was a good game that people fake-hated because of co-op that you didn't even have to play lol hence the fake rage and bandwagon hate. i mean, it obviously did well enough for capcom to go ahead and make 6 the way they did, right? if 5 was so bad, they would have changed what 6 was during development. the difference is that 6 was actually just bad.

people "hate" 5 because res4 was so good, and 5 was just unfortunate enough to be its successor. like i said, 4 wasn't scary, either, and relied more on tension than horror, but it was already more of an action game. if you don't wanna like 5 because it's not scary or whatever- that's fine, but it wasn't meant to be strictly a horror game anymore at that point anyways. the gameplay was a lot faster-paced than 4, so saying that the ai helping you by potentially shooting someone that was sneaking up behind you is a moot point. there were more enemies that were more aggressive, along with newer threats.

5 isn't as good as 4, but it's not a bad game by any stretch.

RNTody61d ago (Edited 61d ago )

What? I always thought RE5 had fake controversy because it was set in South Africa and you shot a bunch of black zombies. I live in South Africa and thought the game was absolutely awesome, played the whole thing co-op with my brother.

@Foxtrot I think you're confusing the garbage Dead Space 3 with Resident Evil 5. Resident Evil 4 was already a hyper action game and had zero fear factor other than the grotesque appearance of some enemies.

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Complete Global Saturation! Is Resident Evil 5 Really the Best Choice for the Next Remake?

An exploration of whether RE5 is truly the most logical next step for a remake, or whether there are others in line who deserve their day in the sun.

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ocelot07246d ago

Remake of Resident evil outbreak as well as file 2. Same gameplay as the recent remakes. Choose what ever character you want to play as. With online co op.

DarXyde246d ago

I've been dying to see Outbreak come back for years.

Even RE Zero and Code Veronica would be excellent.

But for the love of God, not RE5 or RE6.

One they get around to the aforementioned games, why not remake the original Devil May Cry trilogy? That would be a much better use of time. At the very least, the first two games.

justsomeoffdude246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

code veronica should be the nest remake

neutralgamer1992246d ago

CV is good candidate for a remake but requires way more work for today’s standard. People look at CV through their tinted glasses. I think capcom wants to remake every game up till 6 and fix the plot holes so they can continue the series in one straight story path

Also not sure why only RE have to get remade when there are other capcom games that would be better suited for remakes like oninusha

DVAcme246d ago

That's PRECISELY the reason Code Veronica needs a remake. All the other RE games aged pretty well, considering the limitations of the time, but Code Veronica is the game that would be served the best bybremaking it because it feels so archaic these days.

neutralgamer1992246d ago


But it depends if capcom wants a big project or a quick remake. CV will require a lot more work than RE5

IMO they should remake other games before doing RE5

TheEnigma313246d ago

how many times do we have to say CV is the next best one?

CrimsonWing69246d ago

Nooooo! Why the hell can’t they do Code Veronica? I just don’t understand.

1Victor246d ago

RE5 is the closest to the bottom of the pot(a little smoky flavor but passable in a emergency) before we get to the burned crust that is 6 that not even the pigs would eat

CrimsonWing69246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Unpopular opinion here, but I enjoyed 5 and 6. I just think, in terms of Remakes, the classics are the one that should get the treatment above the modern takes of the franchise.

Don’t get wrong, RE4 definitely was an outstanding Remake, but RE5… I just get less excited about a Remake for that over something like Code Veronica.

RaidenBlack246d ago

Rather remake other past Capcom & non-mainline RE games ... IF they have to continue churning out Remakes.
I'd rather want a new 3rd person RE spin-off
Dino Crisis and Onimusha Reboot
New IPs after Pragmata ships

jeromeface245d ago

show this man the door... he overserved himself.

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Forget the PS5 For a Sec ! Let's Remember the Best Co-Op Games on the PS3

If you've come looking for great games, you are in the right place. Here are the best Co-Op Games you can play on the PS3

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Immagaiden371d ago

Why mention PS5 when talking about PS3

370d ago
Magog370d ago

The load times in retrospect are unbearable but I did have hella fun playing couch co-op with my gf on the PS3 and PS2.

anast370d ago

Couch co-op is the best alternative.

Rynxie370d ago

Resistance 2 co-op was amazing! I wish they would remaster resistance 1-3 and killzone 1-3 for the PS5.

1Victor246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Let me save you the time to scroll down no Warhawk or Starhawk, 2 of the best co-op games on PS3

mastershredder87d ago

Ricardo Irving is one of the best-worst bad guys / mini-bosses ever.