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CRank: 5Score: 147610

User Review : Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty

  • Summer blockbuster fun for a great low price{Great presentation, controls, graphics, sound
  • Pretty short

It's good!

OK, everybody, don't let all the mediocre reviews that came out when this game launched fool you: Ratchet & Clank Future Quest For Booty is a very fun game, and well worth your 15 hard earned dollars. First of all, the game runs on the same engine as Tools of Destruction, which is to say the game is lovely. Beautiful, lively, colorful Pixar-style graphics are animated smoothly and with the utmost attention to detail, and the world is brought to life like you wouldn't believe. Coupled with the great voice acting and humorous tale of adventure, the experience is not unlike a summer blockbuster at the movie theatre, only it's interactive.

When you pay 10 bucks to go the movies, you get a one shot deal: you sit down in the dark and look at a screen for 2 hours, and that's that. With this game, you pay just a little more than that, but you get an experience that lasts twice as long, and you control the action. It's lighthearted, fun, and never frustrating, but packs just enough challange to keep you interested. And you can replay it whenever you want, with three different levels of difficulty to choose from.

The weapon selection is not as robust as a full-fledged Ratchet & Clank game, and the overall experience is obviously not as long or as varied as a full-length game, but for a quarter the price I do believe you're getting more than a quarter of a game, so it's worth it. The controls, graphics, sound, and sense of humor are all there and as good as ever. The gameplay is fun and there are some new puzzles and brain teasers mixed in with the action that have never been seen in a Ratchet & Clank game before.

If you're a fan of the series, it's a must have. If you're not, but like a good clean adventure with rollicking action, light-hearted, and good-natured humor (with a healthy dose of double-entendre and adult innuendos that the kids will never get and therefore can be ignored to retain a kid-appropriate rating), then you will like this game.

I think it would be a dream come true if more games came out with the superior production, presentation, style, graphics, controls, and voicing that this game has for such a low price. Sure it's short, but it's great while it lasts.

Fun Factor
ThatCanadianGuy5690d ago

Good review! I bought the game day one...but never got around to playing it.I think i'll go give it a try now..


Celebrating 20 years of Ratchet & Clank

20th Anniversary Armor Pack arrives today for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart; more games coming to PlayStation Plus Premium November 15.

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darthv72575d ago

Man... what i wouldnt give to have a full PS5 UHD of all the R&C games in one collection. i guess streaming them on PS+ is the next best thing (or naturally a PS3)

Aloymetal575d ago

Rift was a joy to play, absolutely beautiful.

FallenAngel1984575d ago

They couldn’t make PS2 versions of those R&C games like they did with the J&D games?

mkis007575d ago

considering they are ps3 games that never had ps2

CobraKai574d ago

Yeah? You might wanna double check that.

mkis007574d ago

What fan that waited for launch day needs to know? There were 4 ps2 games the rest starting with tools was ps3 only. Quest for booty, a crack in time, nexus, full frontal assault were ps3 games.

FallenAngel1984575d ago

You really saying Ratchet & Clank, Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal and Ratchet: Deadlocked weren’t on PS2? 🤨

theandinator92574d ago

Even Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank had PS2 versions...

mkis007574d ago

Of course I wasn't talking about the actual ps2 games...why would they need to make ps2 versions of ps2 games? That is why I only included the ps3 games in my comment.

FallenAngel1984574d ago

@ no

You must’ve misunderstood what I asked for.

I’m saying they should’ve made PS2 Classic versions of these Ratchet & Clank titles on PS4 so they’d be downloadable just like Jak & Daxter had rather than just streaming the PS3 versions

mkis007573d ago

Ya I realized you meant emulated versions after the fact.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 573d ago
Relientk77575d ago

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is amazing. I really hope Insomniac are working on more. I'm always up for another Ratchet & Clank game.

CobraKai574d ago

I think it’s still the only “Next Gen” game that truly looks next gen.

Levii_92575d ago

Sick ! R&C is still one of my favourite franchises.

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Ranking the Ratchet and Clank Games from Worst to Best

From Xfire: "Insomniac Games first introduced the unlikely duo of Ratchet and Clank back in 2002 on the PlayStation 2. Since then, the series has taken audiences on a journey that has spanned not just an entire galaxy, but multiple dimensions, with its most recent outings."

Levii_921077d ago

Best games of the franchise are Up Your Arsenal, A Crack in Time, 2016 Remake and without a doubt the newest one Rift Apart. You simply can’t go wrong with these.

Man what a glorious game series.

neutralgamer19921077d ago

Only ones I don't like as much are all 4 one and full frontal assault other than that all games are awesome( even these are good games just not up to the standard of other games in the series)

victorMaje1077d ago

Nice article, good list, they're all fun & I love this game!
Rift Apart is spectacular.
Insomniac are wizards, I want their next game to be a new Resistance. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next.

DOMination-1077d ago

Ryan Mccaffrey said last week that Resistance 4 was in development but Sony cancelled it due to the high number of post-apocalyptic games around at the moment.

victorMaje1077d ago

Well that’s a shame. I feel they could do something truly special with today’s technology.

chicken_in_the_corn1077d ago

I'm looking forward to playing Rift Apart then the whole series sometime afterward. Up Your Arsenal is my favourite

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Retro Review - Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty

Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty is typically regarded as one of the worst in the Ratchet & Clank series, and it’s clear why after playing it over the Holiday season. It is only set in one world with little story to be be had, the level design can be frustrating, and the lack of weapons (and anything new) make this short 3-hour entry worth skipping in the series.

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